// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING // Allow implicit conversion from char16_t* to UnicodeString for this file: // Helpful in toString methods and elsewhere. #define UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT #include "numparse_types.h" #include "number_currencysymbols.h" using namespace icu; using namespace icu::number; using namespace icu::number::impl; CurrencySymbols::CurrencySymbols(CurrencyUnit currency, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) : fCurrency(currency), fLocaleName(locale.getName(), status) { fCurrencySymbol.setToBogus(); fIntlCurrencySymbol.setToBogus(); } CurrencySymbols::CurrencySymbols(CurrencyUnit currency, const Locale& locale, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, UErrorCode& status) : CurrencySymbols(currency, locale, status) { // If either of the overrides is present, save it in the local UnicodeString. if (symbols.isCustomCurrencySymbol()) { fCurrencySymbol = symbols.getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kCurrencySymbol); } if (symbols.isCustomIntlCurrencySymbol()) { fIntlCurrencySymbol = symbols.getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kIntlCurrencySymbol); } } const char16_t* CurrencySymbols::getIsoCode() const { return fCurrency.getISOCurrency(); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getNarrowCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const { // Note: currently no override is available for narrow currency symbol return loadSymbol(UCURR_NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, status); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getFormalCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const { // Note: currently no override is available for formal currency symbol return loadSymbol(UCURR_FORMAL_SYMBOL_NAME, status); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getVariantCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const { // Note: currently no override is available for variant currency symbol return loadSymbol(UCURR_VARIANT_SYMBOL_NAME, status); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const { if (!fCurrencySymbol.isBogus()) { return fCurrencySymbol; } return loadSymbol(UCURR_SYMBOL_NAME, status); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::loadSymbol(UCurrNameStyle selector, UErrorCode& status) const { const char16_t* isoCode = fCurrency.getISOCurrency(); int32_t symbolLen = 0; const char16_t* symbol = ucurr_getName( isoCode, fLocaleName.data(), selector, nullptr /* isChoiceFormat */, &symbolLen, &status); // If given an unknown currency, ucurr_getName returns the input string, which we can't alias safely! // Otherwise, symbol points to a resource bundle, and we can use readonly-aliasing constructor. if (symbol == isoCode) { return UnicodeString(isoCode, 3); } else { return UnicodeString(TRUE, symbol, symbolLen); } } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getIntlCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode&) const { if (!fIntlCurrencySymbol.isBogus()) { return fIntlCurrencySymbol; } // Note: Not safe to use readonly-aliasing constructor here because the buffer belongs to this object, // which could be destructed or moved during the lifetime of the return value. return UnicodeString(fCurrency.getISOCurrency(), 3); } UnicodeString CurrencySymbols::getPluralName(StandardPlural::Form plural, UErrorCode& status) const { const char16_t* isoCode = fCurrency.getISOCurrency(); int32_t symbolLen = 0; const char16_t* symbol = ucurr_getPluralName( isoCode, fLocaleName.data(), nullptr /* isChoiceFormat */, StandardPlural::getKeyword(plural), &symbolLen, &status); // If given an unknown currency, ucurr_getName returns the input string, which we can't alias safely! // Otherwise, symbol points to a resource bundle, and we can use readonly-aliasing constructor. if (symbol == isoCode) { return UnicodeString(isoCode, 3); } else { return UnicodeString(TRUE, symbol, symbolLen); } } CurrencyUnit icu::number::impl::resolveCurrency(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) { if (!properties.currency.isNull()) { return properties.currency.getNoError(); } else { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; char16_t buf[4] = {}; ucurr_forLocale(locale.getName(), buf, 4, &localStatus); if (U_SUCCESS(localStatus)) { return CurrencyUnit(buf, status); } else { // Default currency (XXX) return CurrencyUnit(); } } } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */