// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include #include #include #include #include "unicode/plurrule.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "number_decnum.h" #include "putilimp.h" #include "number_decimalquantity.h" #include "number_roundingutils.h" #include "double-conversion.h" #include "charstr.h" #include "number_utils.h" #include "uassert.h" #include "util.h" using namespace icu; using namespace icu::number; using namespace icu::number::impl; using icu::double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter; using icu::double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter; namespace { int8_t NEGATIVE_FLAG = 1; int8_t INFINITY_FLAG = 2; int8_t NAN_FLAG = 4; /** Helper function for safe subtraction (no overflow). */ inline int32_t safeSubtract(int32_t a, int32_t b) { // Note: In C++, signed integer subtraction is undefined behavior. int32_t diff = static_cast(static_cast(a) - static_cast(b)); if (b < 0 && diff < a) { return INT32_MAX; } if (b > 0 && diff > a) { return INT32_MIN; } return diff; } static double DOUBLE_MULTIPLIERS[] = { 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21}; } // namespace icu::IFixedDecimal::~IFixedDecimal() = default; DecimalQuantity::DecimalQuantity() { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; } DecimalQuantity::~DecimalQuantity() { if (usingBytes) { uprv_free(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = nullptr; usingBytes = false; } } DecimalQuantity::DecimalQuantity(const DecimalQuantity &other) { *this = other; } DecimalQuantity::DecimalQuantity(DecimalQuantity&& src) U_NOEXCEPT { *this = std::move(src); } DecimalQuantity &DecimalQuantity::operator=(const DecimalQuantity &other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } copyBcdFrom(other); copyFieldsFrom(other); return *this; } DecimalQuantity& DecimalQuantity::operator=(DecimalQuantity&& src) U_NOEXCEPT { if (this == &src) { return *this; } moveBcdFrom(src); copyFieldsFrom(src); return *this; } void DecimalQuantity::copyFieldsFrom(const DecimalQuantity& other) { bogus = other.bogus; lReqPos = other.lReqPos; rReqPos = other.rReqPos; scale = other.scale; precision = other.precision; flags = other.flags; origDouble = other.origDouble; origDelta = other.origDelta; isApproximate = other.isApproximate; exponent = other.exponent; } void DecimalQuantity::clear() { lReqPos = 0; rReqPos = 0; flags = 0; setBcdToZero(); // sets scale, precision, hasDouble, origDouble, origDelta, and BCD data } void DecimalQuantity::setMinInteger(int32_t minInt) { // Validation should happen outside of DecimalQuantity, e.g., in the Precision class. U_ASSERT(minInt >= 0); // Special behavior: do not set minInt to be less than what is already set. // This is so significant digits rounding can set the integer length. if (minInt < lReqPos) { minInt = lReqPos; } // Save values into internal state lReqPos = minInt; } void DecimalQuantity::setMinFraction(int32_t minFrac) { // Validation should happen outside of DecimalQuantity, e.g., in the Precision class. U_ASSERT(minFrac >= 0); // Save values into internal state // Negation is safe for minFrac/maxFrac because -Integer.MAX_VALUE > Integer.MIN_VALUE rReqPos = -minFrac; } void DecimalQuantity::applyMaxInteger(int32_t maxInt) { // Validation should happen outside of DecimalQuantity, e.g., in the Precision class. U_ASSERT(maxInt >= 0); if (precision == 0) { return; } if (maxInt <= scale) { setBcdToZero(); return; } int32_t magnitude = getMagnitude(); if (maxInt <= magnitude) { popFromLeft(magnitude - maxInt + 1); compact(); } } uint64_t DecimalQuantity::getPositionFingerprint() const { uint64_t fingerprint = 0; fingerprint ^= (lReqPos << 16); fingerprint ^= (static_cast(rReqPos) << 32); return fingerprint; } void DecimalQuantity::roundToIncrement(double roundingIncrement, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status) { // Do not call this method with an increment having only a 1 or a 5 digit! // Use a more efficient call to either roundToMagnitude() or roundToNickel(). // Check a few popular rounding increments; a more thorough check is in Java. U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.01); U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.05); U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.1); U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.5); U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 1); U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 5); DecNum incrementDN; incrementDN.setTo(roundingIncrement, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // Divide this DecimalQuantity by the increment, round, then multiply back. divideBy(incrementDN, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } roundToMagnitude(0, roundingMode, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } multiplyBy(incrementDN, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } } void DecimalQuantity::multiplyBy(const DecNum& multiplicand, UErrorCode& status) { if (isZeroish()) { return; } // Convert to DecNum, multiply, and convert back. DecNum decnum; toDecNum(decnum, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } decnum.multiplyBy(multiplicand, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } setToDecNum(decnum, status); } void DecimalQuantity::divideBy(const DecNum& divisor, UErrorCode& status) { if (isZeroish()) { return; } // Convert to DecNum, multiply, and convert back. DecNum decnum; toDecNum(decnum, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } decnum.divideBy(divisor, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } setToDecNum(decnum, status); } void DecimalQuantity::negate() { flags ^= NEGATIVE_FLAG; } int32_t DecimalQuantity::getMagnitude() const { U_ASSERT(precision != 0); return scale + precision - 1; } bool DecimalQuantity::adjustMagnitude(int32_t delta) { if (precision != 0) { // i.e., scale += delta; origDelta += delta bool overflow = uprv_add32_overflow(scale, delta, &scale); overflow = uprv_add32_overflow(origDelta, delta, &origDelta) || overflow; // Make sure that precision + scale won't overflow, either int32_t dummy; overflow = overflow || uprv_add32_overflow(scale, precision, &dummy); return overflow; } return false; } double DecimalQuantity::getPluralOperand(PluralOperand operand) const { // If this assertion fails, you need to call roundToInfinity() or some other rounding method. // See the comment at the top of this file explaining the "isApproximate" field. U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); switch (operand) { case PLURAL_OPERAND_I: // Invert the negative sign if necessary return static_cast(isNegative() ? -toLong(true) : toLong(true)); case PLURAL_OPERAND_F: return static_cast(toFractionLong(true)); case PLURAL_OPERAND_T: return static_cast(toFractionLong(false)); case PLURAL_OPERAND_V: return fractionCount(); case PLURAL_OPERAND_W: return fractionCountWithoutTrailingZeros(); case PLURAL_OPERAND_E: return static_cast(getExponent()); case PLURAL_OPERAND_C: // Plural operand `c` is currently an alias for `e`. return static_cast(getExponent()); default: return std::abs(toDouble()); } } int32_t DecimalQuantity::getExponent() const { return exponent; } void DecimalQuantity::adjustExponent(int delta) { exponent = exponent + delta; } bool DecimalQuantity::hasIntegerValue() const { return scale >= 0; } int32_t DecimalQuantity::getUpperDisplayMagnitude() const { // If this assertion fails, you need to call roundToInfinity() or some other rounding method. // See the comment in the header file explaining the "isApproximate" field. U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); int32_t magnitude = scale + precision; int32_t result = (lReqPos > magnitude) ? lReqPos : magnitude; return result - 1; } int32_t DecimalQuantity::getLowerDisplayMagnitude() const { // If this assertion fails, you need to call roundToInfinity() or some other rounding method. // See the comment in the header file explaining the "isApproximate" field. U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); int32_t magnitude = scale; int32_t result = (rReqPos < magnitude) ? rReqPos : magnitude; return result; } int8_t DecimalQuantity::getDigit(int32_t magnitude) const { // If this assertion fails, you need to call roundToInfinity() or some other rounding method. // See the comment at the top of this file explaining the "isApproximate" field. U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); return getDigitPos(magnitude - scale); } int32_t DecimalQuantity::fractionCount() const { int32_t fractionCountWithExponent = -getLowerDisplayMagnitude() - exponent; return fractionCountWithExponent > 0 ? fractionCountWithExponent : 0; } int32_t DecimalQuantity::fractionCountWithoutTrailingZeros() const { int32_t fractionCountWithExponent = -scale - exponent; return fractionCountWithExponent > 0 ? fractionCountWithExponent : 0; // max(-fractionCountWithExponent, 0) } bool DecimalQuantity::isNegative() const { return (flags & NEGATIVE_FLAG) != 0; } Signum DecimalQuantity::signum() const { bool isZero = (isZeroish() && !isInfinite()); bool isNeg = isNegative(); if (isZero && isNeg) { return SIGNUM_NEG_ZERO; } else if (isZero) { return SIGNUM_POS_ZERO; } else if (isNeg) { return SIGNUM_NEG; } else { return SIGNUM_POS; } } bool DecimalQuantity::isInfinite() const { return (flags & INFINITY_FLAG) != 0; } bool DecimalQuantity::isNaN() const { return (flags & NAN_FLAG) != 0; } bool DecimalQuantity::isZeroish() const { return precision == 0; } DecimalQuantity &DecimalQuantity::setToInt(int32_t n) { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; if (n == INT32_MIN) { flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; // leave as INT32_MIN; handled below in _setToInt() } else if (n < 0) { flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; n = -n; } if (n != 0) { _setToInt(n); compact(); } return *this; } void DecimalQuantity::_setToInt(int32_t n) { if (n == INT32_MIN) { readLongToBcd(-static_cast(n)); } else { readIntToBcd(n); } } DecimalQuantity &DecimalQuantity::setToLong(int64_t n) { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; if (n < 0 && n > INT64_MIN) { flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; n = -n; } if (n != 0) { _setToLong(n); compact(); } return *this; } void DecimalQuantity::_setToLong(int64_t n) { if (n == INT64_MIN) { DecNum decnum; UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; decnum.setTo("9.223372036854775808E+18", localStatus); if (U_FAILURE(localStatus)) { return; } // unexpected flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; readDecNumberToBcd(decnum); } else if (n <= INT32_MAX) { readIntToBcd(static_cast(n)); } else { readLongToBcd(n); } } DecimalQuantity &DecimalQuantity::setToDouble(double n) { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; // signbit() from handles +0.0 vs -0.0 if (std::signbit(n)) { flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; n = -n; } if (std::isnan(n) != 0) { flags |= NAN_FLAG; } else if (std::isfinite(n) == 0) { flags |= INFINITY_FLAG; } else if (n != 0) { _setToDoubleFast(n); compact(); } return *this; } void DecimalQuantity::_setToDoubleFast(double n) { isApproximate = true; origDouble = n; origDelta = 0; // Make sure the double is an IEEE 754 double. If not, fall back to the slow path right now. // TODO: Make a fast path for other types of doubles. if (!std::numeric_limits::is_iec559) { convertToAccurateDouble(); return; } // To get the bits from the double, use memcpy, which takes care of endianness. uint64_t ieeeBits; uprv_memcpy(&ieeeBits, &n, sizeof(n)); int32_t exponent = static_cast((ieeeBits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >> 52) - 0x3ff; // Not all integers can be represented exactly for exponent > 52 if (exponent <= 52 && static_cast(n) == n) { _setToLong(static_cast(n)); return; } if (exponent == -1023 || exponent == 1024) { // The extreme values of exponent are special; use slow path. convertToAccurateDouble(); return; } // 3.3219... is log2(10) auto fracLength = static_cast ((52 - exponent) / 3.32192809488736234787031942948939017586); if (fracLength >= 0) { int32_t i = fracLength; // 1e22 is the largest exact double. for (; i >= 22; i -= 22) n *= 1e22; n *= DOUBLE_MULTIPLIERS[i]; } else { int32_t i = fracLength; // 1e22 is the largest exact double. for (; i <= -22; i += 22) n /= 1e22; n /= DOUBLE_MULTIPLIERS[-i]; } auto result = static_cast(uprv_round(n)); if (result != 0) { _setToLong(result); scale -= fracLength; } } void DecimalQuantity::convertToAccurateDouble() { U_ASSERT(origDouble != 0); int32_t delta = origDelta; // Call the slow oracle function (Double.toString in Java, DoubleToAscii in C++). char buffer[DoubleToStringConverter::kBase10MaximalLength + 1]; bool sign; // unused; always positive int32_t length; int32_t point; DoubleToStringConverter::DoubleToAscii( origDouble, DoubleToStringConverter::DtoaMode::SHORTEST, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &sign, &length, &point ); setBcdToZero(); readDoubleConversionToBcd(buffer, length, point); scale += delta; explicitExactDouble = true; } DecimalQuantity &DecimalQuantity::setToDecNumber(StringPiece n, UErrorCode& status) { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; // Compute the decNumber representation DecNum decnum; decnum.setTo(n, status); _setToDecNum(decnum, status); return *this; } DecimalQuantity& DecimalQuantity::setToDecNum(const DecNum& decnum, UErrorCode& status) { setBcdToZero(); flags = 0; _setToDecNum(decnum, status); return *this; } void DecimalQuantity::_setToDecNum(const DecNum& decnum, UErrorCode& status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (decnum.isNegative()) { flags |= NEGATIVE_FLAG; } if (!decnum.isZero()) { readDecNumberToBcd(decnum); compact(); } } int64_t DecimalQuantity::toLong(bool truncateIfOverflow) const { // NOTE: Call sites should be guarded by fitsInLong(), like this: // if (dq.fitsInLong()) { /* use dq.toLong() */ } else { /* use some fallback */ } // Fallback behavior upon truncateIfOverflow is to truncate at 17 digits. uint64_t result = 0L; int32_t upperMagnitude = exponent + scale + precision - 1; if (truncateIfOverflow) { upperMagnitude = std::min(upperMagnitude, 17); } for (int32_t magnitude = upperMagnitude; magnitude >= 0; magnitude--) { result = result * 10 + getDigitPos(magnitude - scale - exponent); } if (isNegative()) { return static_cast(0LL - result); // i.e., -result } return static_cast(result); } uint64_t DecimalQuantity::toFractionLong(bool includeTrailingZeros) const { uint64_t result = 0L; int32_t magnitude = -1 - exponent; int32_t lowerMagnitude = scale; if (includeTrailingZeros) { lowerMagnitude = std::min(lowerMagnitude, rReqPos); } for (; magnitude >= lowerMagnitude && result <= 1e18L; magnitude--) { result = result * 10 + getDigitPos(magnitude - scale); } // Remove trailing zeros; this can happen during integer overflow cases. if (!includeTrailingZeros) { while (result > 0 && (result % 10) == 0) { result /= 10; } } return result; } bool DecimalQuantity::fitsInLong(bool ignoreFraction) const { if (isInfinite() || isNaN()) { return false; } if (isZeroish()) { return true; } if (exponent + scale < 0 && !ignoreFraction) { return false; } int magnitude = getMagnitude(); if (magnitude < 18) { return true; } if (magnitude > 18) { return false; } // Hard case: the magnitude is 10^18. // The largest int64 is: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 for (int p = 0; p < precision; p++) { int8_t digit = getDigit(18 - p); static int8_t INT64_BCD[] = { 9, 2, 2, 3, 3, 7, 2, 0, 3, 6, 8, 5, 4, 7, 7, 5, 8, 0, 8 }; if (digit < INT64_BCD[p]) { return true; } else if (digit > INT64_BCD[p]) { return false; } } // Exactly equal to max long plus one. return isNegative(); } double DecimalQuantity::toDouble() const { // If this assertion fails, you need to call roundToInfinity() or some other rounding method. // See the comment in the header file explaining the "isApproximate" field. U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); if (isNaN()) { return NAN; } else if (isInfinite()) { return isNegative() ? -INFINITY : INFINITY; } // We are processing well-formed input, so we don't need any special options to StringToDoubleConverter. StringToDoubleConverter converter(0, 0, 0, "", ""); UnicodeString numberString = this->toScientificString(); int32_t count; return converter.StringToDouble( reinterpret_cast(numberString.getBuffer()), numberString.length(), &count); } DecNum& DecimalQuantity::toDecNum(DecNum& output, UErrorCode& status) const { // Special handling for zero if (precision == 0) { output.setTo("0", status); } // Use the BCD constructor. We need to do a little bit of work to convert, though. // The decNumber constructor expects most-significant first, but we store least-significant first. MaybeStackArray ubcd(precision, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return output; } for (int32_t m = 0; m < precision; m++) { ubcd[precision - m - 1] = static_cast(getDigitPos(m)); } output.setTo(ubcd.getAlias(), precision, scale, isNegative(), status); return output; } void DecimalQuantity::truncate() { if (scale < 0) { shiftRight(-scale); scale = 0; compact(); } } void DecimalQuantity::roundToNickel(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status) { roundToMagnitude(magnitude, roundingMode, true, status); } void DecimalQuantity::roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status) { roundToMagnitude(magnitude, roundingMode, false, status); } void DecimalQuantity::roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, bool nickel, UErrorCode& status) { // The position in the BCD at which rounding will be performed; digits to the right of position // will be rounded away. int position = safeSubtract(magnitude, scale); // "trailing" = least significant digit to the left of rounding int8_t trailingDigit = getDigitPos(position); if (position <= 0 && !isApproximate && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 0 || trailingDigit == 5)) { // All digits are to the left of the rounding magnitude. } else if (precision == 0) { // No rounding for zero. } else { // Perform rounding logic. // "leading" = most significant digit to the right of rounding int8_t leadingDigit = getDigitPos(safeSubtract(position, 1)); // Compute which section of the number we are in. // EDGE means we are at the bottom or top edge, like 1.000 or 1.999 (used by doubles) // LOWER means we are between the bottom edge and the midpoint, like 1.391 // MIDPOINT means we are exactly in the middle, like 1.500 // UPPER means we are between the midpoint and the top edge, like 1.916 roundingutils::Section section; if (!isApproximate) { if (nickel && trailingDigit != 2 && trailingDigit != 7) { // Nickel rounding, and not at .02x or .07x if (trailingDigit < 2) { // .00, .01 => down to .00 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else if (trailingDigit < 5) { // .03, .04 => up to .05 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } else if (trailingDigit < 7) { // .05, .06 => down to .05 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else { // .08, .09 => up to .10 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } } else if (leadingDigit < 5) { // Includes nickel rounding .020-.024 and .070-.074 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else if (leadingDigit > 5) { // Includes nickel rounding .026-.029 and .076-.079 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } else { // Includes nickel rounding .025 and .075 section = roundingutils::SECTION_MIDPOINT; for (int p = safeSubtract(position, 2); p >= 0; p--) { if (getDigitPos(p) != 0) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; break; } } } } else { int32_t p = safeSubtract(position, 2); int32_t minP = uprv_max(0, precision - 14); if (leadingDigit == 0 && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 0 || trailingDigit == 5)) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER_EDGE; for (; p >= minP; p--) { if (getDigitPos(p) != 0) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; break; } } } else if (leadingDigit == 4 && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 2 || trailingDigit == 7)) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_MIDPOINT; for (; p >= minP; p--) { if (getDigitPos(p) != 9) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; break; } } } else if (leadingDigit == 5 && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 2 || trailingDigit == 7)) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_MIDPOINT; for (; p >= minP; p--) { if (getDigitPos(p) != 0) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; break; } } } else if (leadingDigit == 9 && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 4 || trailingDigit == 9)) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER_EDGE; for (; p >= minP; p--) { if (getDigitPos(p) != 9) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; break; } } } else if (nickel && trailingDigit != 2 && trailingDigit != 7) { // Nickel rounding, and not at .02x or .07x if (trailingDigit < 2) { // .00, .01 => down to .00 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else if (trailingDigit < 5) { // .03, .04 => up to .05 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } else if (trailingDigit < 7) { // .05, .06 => down to .05 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else { // .08, .09 => up to .10 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } } else if (leadingDigit < 5) { // Includes nickel rounding .020-.024 and .070-.074 section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } else { // Includes nickel rounding .026-.029 and .076-.079 section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } bool roundsAtMidpoint = roundingutils::roundsAtMidpoint(roundingMode); if (safeSubtract(position, 1) < precision - 14 || (roundsAtMidpoint && section == roundingutils::SECTION_MIDPOINT) || (!roundsAtMidpoint && section < 0 /* i.e. at upper or lower edge */)) { // Oops! This means that we have to get the exact representation of the double, // because the zone of uncertainty is along the rounding boundary. convertToAccurateDouble(); roundToMagnitude(magnitude, roundingMode, nickel, status); // start over return; } // Turn off the approximate double flag, since the value is now confirmed to be exact. isApproximate = false; origDouble = 0.0; origDelta = 0; if (position <= 0 && (!nickel || trailingDigit == 0 || trailingDigit == 5)) { // All digits are to the left of the rounding magnitude. return; } // Good to continue rounding. if (section == -1) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_LOWER; } if (section == -2) { section = roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER; } } // Nickel rounding "half even" goes to the nearest whole (away from the 5). bool isEven = nickel ? (trailingDigit < 2 || trailingDigit > 7 || (trailingDigit == 2 && section != roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER) || (trailingDigit == 7 && section == roundingutils::SECTION_UPPER)) : (trailingDigit % 2) == 0; bool roundDown = roundingutils::getRoundingDirection(isEven, isNegative(), section, roundingMode, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } // Perform truncation if (position >= precision) { setBcdToZero(); scale = magnitude; } else { shiftRight(position); } if (nickel) { if (trailingDigit < 5 && roundDown) { setDigitPos(0, 0); compact(); return; } else if (trailingDigit >= 5 && !roundDown) { setDigitPos(0, 9); trailingDigit = 9; // do not return: use the bubbling logic below } else { setDigitPos(0, 5); // compact not necessary: digit at position 0 is nonzero return; } } // Bubble the result to the higher digits if (!roundDown) { if (trailingDigit == 9) { int bubblePos = 0; // Note: in the long implementation, the most digits BCD can have at this point is // 15, so bubblePos <= 15 and getDigitPos(bubblePos) is safe. for (; getDigitPos(bubblePos) == 9; bubblePos++) {} shiftRight(bubblePos); // shift off the trailing 9s } int8_t digit0 = getDigitPos(0); U_ASSERT(digit0 != 9); setDigitPos(0, static_cast(digit0 + 1)); precision += 1; // in case an extra digit got added } compact(); } } void DecimalQuantity::roundToInfinity() { if (isApproximate) { convertToAccurateDouble(); } } void DecimalQuantity::appendDigit(int8_t value, int32_t leadingZeros, bool appendAsInteger) { U_ASSERT(leadingZeros >= 0); // Zero requires special handling to maintain the invariant that the least-significant digit // in the BCD is nonzero. if (value == 0) { if (appendAsInteger && precision != 0) { scale += leadingZeros + 1; } return; } // Deal with trailing zeros if (scale > 0) { leadingZeros += scale; if (appendAsInteger) { scale = 0; } } // Append digit shiftLeft(leadingZeros + 1); setDigitPos(0, value); // Fix scale if in integer mode if (appendAsInteger) { scale += leadingZeros + 1; } } UnicodeString DecimalQuantity::toPlainString() const { U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); UnicodeString sb; if (isNegative()) { sb.append(u'-'); } if (precision == 0) { sb.append(u'0'); return sb; } int32_t upper = scale + precision + exponent - 1; int32_t lower = scale + exponent; if (upper < lReqPos - 1) { upper = lReqPos - 1; } if (lower > rReqPos) { lower = rReqPos; } int32_t p = upper; if (p < 0) { sb.append(u'0'); } for (; p >= 0; p--) { sb.append(u'0' + getDigitPos(p - scale - exponent)); } if (lower < 0) { sb.append(u'.'); } for(; p >= lower; p--) { sb.append(u'0' + getDigitPos(p - scale - exponent)); } return sb; } UnicodeString DecimalQuantity::toScientificString() const { U_ASSERT(!isApproximate); UnicodeString result; if (isNegative()) { result.append(u'-'); } if (precision == 0) { result.append(u"0E+0", -1); return result; } int32_t upperPos = precision - 1; int32_t lowerPos = 0; int32_t p = upperPos; result.append(u'0' + getDigitPos(p)); if ((--p) >= lowerPos) { result.append(u'.'); for (; p >= lowerPos; p--) { result.append(u'0' + getDigitPos(p)); } } result.append(u'E'); int32_t _scale = upperPos + scale + exponent; if (_scale == INT32_MIN) { result.append({u"-2147483648", -1}); return result; } else if (_scale < 0) { _scale *= -1; result.append(u'-'); } else { result.append(u'+'); } if (_scale == 0) { result.append(u'0'); } int32_t insertIndex = result.length(); while (_scale > 0) { std::div_t res = std::div(_scale, 10); result.insert(insertIndex, u'0' + res.rem); _scale = res.quot; } return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// End of DecimalQuantity_AbstractBCD.java /// /// Start of DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD.java /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// int8_t DecimalQuantity::getDigitPos(int32_t position) const { if (usingBytes) { if (position < 0 || position >= precision) { return 0; } return fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[position]; } else { if (position < 0 || position >= 16) { return 0; } return (int8_t) ((fBCD.bcdLong >> (position * 4)) & 0xf); } } void DecimalQuantity::setDigitPos(int32_t position, int8_t value) { U_ASSERT(position >= 0); if (usingBytes) { ensureCapacity(position + 1); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[position] = value; } else if (position >= 16) { switchStorage(); ensureCapacity(position + 1); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[position] = value; } else { int shift = position * 4; fBCD.bcdLong = (fBCD.bcdLong & ~(0xfL << shift)) | ((long) value << shift); } } void DecimalQuantity::shiftLeft(int32_t numDigits) { if (!usingBytes && precision + numDigits > 16) { switchStorage(); } if (usingBytes) { ensureCapacity(precision + numDigits); uprv_memmove(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr + numDigits, fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, precision); uprv_memset(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, 0, numDigits); } else { fBCD.bcdLong <<= (numDigits * 4); } scale -= numDigits; precision += numDigits; } void DecimalQuantity::shiftRight(int32_t numDigits) { if (usingBytes) { int i = 0; for (; i < precision - numDigits; i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i + numDigits]; } for (; i < precision; i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = 0; } } else { fBCD.bcdLong >>= (numDigits * 4); } scale += numDigits; precision -= numDigits; } void DecimalQuantity::popFromLeft(int32_t numDigits) { U_ASSERT(numDigits <= precision); if (usingBytes) { int i = precision - 1; for (; i >= precision - numDigits; i--) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = 0; } } else { fBCD.bcdLong &= (static_cast(1) << ((precision - numDigits) * 4)) - 1; } precision -= numDigits; } void DecimalQuantity::setBcdToZero() { if (usingBytes) { uprv_free(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = nullptr; usingBytes = false; } fBCD.bcdLong = 0L; scale = 0; precision = 0; isApproximate = false; origDouble = 0; origDelta = 0; exponent = 0; } void DecimalQuantity::readIntToBcd(int32_t n) { U_ASSERT(n != 0); // ints always fit inside the long implementation. uint64_t result = 0L; int i = 16; for (; n != 0; n /= 10, i--) { result = (result >> 4) + ((static_cast(n) % 10) << 60); } U_ASSERT(!usingBytes); fBCD.bcdLong = result >> (i * 4); scale = 0; precision = 16 - i; } void DecimalQuantity::readLongToBcd(int64_t n) { U_ASSERT(n != 0); if (n >= 10000000000000000L) { ensureCapacity(); int i = 0; for (; n != 0L; n /= 10L, i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = static_cast(n % 10); } U_ASSERT(usingBytes); scale = 0; precision = i; } else { uint64_t result = 0L; int i = 16; for (; n != 0L; n /= 10L, i--) { result = (result >> 4) + ((n % 10) << 60); } U_ASSERT(i >= 0); U_ASSERT(!usingBytes); fBCD.bcdLong = result >> (i * 4); scale = 0; precision = 16 - i; } } void DecimalQuantity::readDecNumberToBcd(const DecNum& decnum) { const decNumber* dn = decnum.getRawDecNumber(); if (dn->digits > 16) { ensureCapacity(dn->digits); for (int32_t i = 0; i < dn->digits; i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = dn->lsu[i]; } } else { uint64_t result = 0L; for (int32_t i = 0; i < dn->digits; i++) { result |= static_cast(dn->lsu[i]) << (4 * i); } fBCD.bcdLong = result; } scale = dn->exponent; precision = dn->digits; } void DecimalQuantity::readDoubleConversionToBcd( const char* buffer, int32_t length, int32_t point) { // NOTE: Despite the fact that double-conversion's API is called // "DoubleToAscii", they actually use '0' (as opposed to u8'0'). if (length > 16) { ensureCapacity(length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = buffer[length-i-1] - '0'; } } else { uint64_t result = 0L; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { result |= static_cast(buffer[length-i-1] - '0') << (4 * i); } fBCD.bcdLong = result; } scale = point - length; precision = length; } void DecimalQuantity::compact() { if (usingBytes) { int32_t delta = 0; for (; delta < precision && fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[delta] == 0; delta++); if (delta == precision) { // Number is zero setBcdToZero(); return; } else { // Remove trailing zeros shiftRight(delta); } // Compute precision int32_t leading = precision - 1; for (; leading >= 0 && fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[leading] == 0; leading--); precision = leading + 1; // Switch storage mechanism if possible if (precision <= 16) { switchStorage(); } } else { if (fBCD.bcdLong == 0L) { // Number is zero setBcdToZero(); return; } // Compact the number (remove trailing zeros) // TODO: Use a more efficient algorithm here and below. There is a logarithmic one. int32_t delta = 0; for (; delta < precision && getDigitPos(delta) == 0; delta++); fBCD.bcdLong >>= delta * 4; scale += delta; // Compute precision int32_t leading = precision - 1; for (; leading >= 0 && getDigitPos(leading) == 0; leading--); precision = leading + 1; } } void DecimalQuantity::ensureCapacity() { ensureCapacity(40); } void DecimalQuantity::ensureCapacity(int32_t capacity) { if (capacity == 0) { return; } int32_t oldCapacity = usingBytes ? fBCD.bcdBytes.len : 0; if (!usingBytes) { // TODO: There is nothing being done to check for memory allocation failures. // TODO: Consider indexing by nybbles instead of bytes in C++, so that we can // make these arrays half the size. fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = static_cast(uprv_malloc(capacity * sizeof(int8_t))); fBCD.bcdBytes.len = capacity; // Initialize the byte array to zeros (this is done automatically in Java) uprv_memset(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, 0, capacity * sizeof(int8_t)); } else if (oldCapacity < capacity) { auto bcd1 = static_cast(uprv_malloc(capacity * 2 * sizeof(int8_t))); uprv_memcpy(bcd1, fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, oldCapacity * sizeof(int8_t)); // Initialize the rest of the byte array to zeros (this is done automatically in Java) uprv_memset(bcd1 + oldCapacity, 0, (capacity - oldCapacity) * sizeof(int8_t)); uprv_free(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = bcd1; fBCD.bcdBytes.len = capacity * 2; } usingBytes = true; } void DecimalQuantity::switchStorage() { if (usingBytes) { // Change from bytes to long uint64_t bcdLong = 0L; for (int i = precision - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bcdLong <<= 4; bcdLong |= fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i]; } uprv_free(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr); fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = nullptr; fBCD.bcdLong = bcdLong; usingBytes = false; } else { // Change from long to bytes // Copy the long into a local variable since it will get munged when we allocate the bytes uint64_t bcdLong = fBCD.bcdLong; ensureCapacity(); for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) { fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr[i] = static_cast(bcdLong & 0xf); bcdLong >>= 4; } U_ASSERT(usingBytes); } } void DecimalQuantity::copyBcdFrom(const DecimalQuantity &other) { setBcdToZero(); if (other.usingBytes) { ensureCapacity(other.precision); uprv_memcpy(fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, other.fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr, other.precision * sizeof(int8_t)); } else { fBCD.bcdLong = other.fBCD.bcdLong; } } void DecimalQuantity::moveBcdFrom(DecimalQuantity &other) { setBcdToZero(); if (other.usingBytes) { usingBytes = true; fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = other.fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr; fBCD.bcdBytes.len = other.fBCD.bcdBytes.len; // Take ownership away from the old instance: other.fBCD.bcdBytes.ptr = nullptr; other.usingBytes = false; } else { fBCD.bcdLong = other.fBCD.bcdLong; } } const char16_t* DecimalQuantity::checkHealth() const { if (usingBytes) { if (precision == 0) { return u"Zero precision but we are in byte mode"; } int32_t capacity = fBCD.bcdBytes.len; if (precision > capacity) { return u"Precision exceeds length of byte array"; } if (getDigitPos(precision - 1) == 0) { return u"Most significant digit is zero in byte mode"; } if (getDigitPos(0) == 0) { return u"Least significant digit is zero in long mode"; } for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) { if (getDigitPos(i) >= 10) { return u"Digit exceeding 10 in byte array"; } if (getDigitPos(i) < 0) { return u"Digit below 0 in byte array"; } } for (int i = precision; i < capacity; i++) { if (getDigitPos(i) != 0) { return u"Nonzero digits outside of range in byte array"; } } } else { if (precision == 0 && fBCD.bcdLong != 0) { return u"Value in bcdLong even though precision is zero"; } if (precision > 16) { return u"Precision exceeds length of long"; } if (precision != 0 && getDigitPos(precision - 1) == 0) { return u"Most significant digit is zero in long mode"; } if (precision != 0 && getDigitPos(0) == 0) { return u"Least significant digit is zero in long mode"; } for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) { if (getDigitPos(i) >= 10) { return u"Digit exceeding 10 in long"; } if (getDigitPos(i) < 0) { return u"Digit below 0 in long (?!)"; } } for (int i = precision; i < 16; i++) { if (getDigitPos(i) != 0) { return u"Nonzero digits outside of range in long"; } } } // No error return nullptr; } bool DecimalQuantity::operator==(const DecimalQuantity& other) const { bool basicEquals = scale == other.scale && precision == other.precision && flags == other.flags && lReqPos == other.lReqPos && rReqPos == other.rReqPos && isApproximate == other.isApproximate; if (!basicEquals) { return false; } if (precision == 0) { return true; } else if (isApproximate) { return origDouble == other.origDouble && origDelta == other.origDelta; } else { for (int m = getUpperDisplayMagnitude(); m >= getLowerDisplayMagnitude(); m--) { if (getDigit(m) != other.getDigit(m)) { return false; } } return true; } } UnicodeString DecimalQuantity::toString() const { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; MaybeStackArray digits(precision + 1, localStatus); if (U_FAILURE(localStatus)) { return ICU_Utility::makeBogusString(); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < precision; i++) { digits[i] = getDigitPos(precision - i - 1) + '0'; } digits[precision] = 0; // terminate buffer char buffer8[100]; snprintf( buffer8, sizeof(buffer8), "", lReqPos, rReqPos, (usingBytes ? "bytes" : "long"), (isNegative() ? "-" : ""), (precision == 0 ? "0" : digits.getAlias()), "E", scale); return UnicodeString(buffer8, -1, US_INV); } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */