// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #ifndef __NUMBER_DECIMALQUANTITY_H__ #define __NUMBER_DECIMALQUANTITY_H__ #include #include "unicode/umachine.h" #include "standardplural.h" #include "plurrule_impl.h" #include "number_types.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number { namespace impl { // Forward-declare (maybe don't want number_utils.h included here): class DecNum; /** * A class for representing a number to be processed by the decimal formatting pipeline. Includes * methods for rounding, plural rules, and decimal digit extraction. * *

By design, this is NOT IMMUTABLE and NOT THREAD SAFE. It is intended to be an intermediate * object holding state during a pass through the decimal formatting pipeline. * *

Represents numbers and digit display properties using Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). * *

Java has multiple implementations for testing, but C++ has only one implementation. */ class U_I18N_API DecimalQuantity : public IFixedDecimal, public UMemory { public: /** Copy constructor. */ DecimalQuantity(const DecimalQuantity &other); /** Move constructor. */ DecimalQuantity(DecimalQuantity &&src) U_NOEXCEPT; DecimalQuantity(); ~DecimalQuantity() override; /** * Sets this instance to be equal to another instance. * * @param other The instance to copy from. */ DecimalQuantity &operator=(const DecimalQuantity &other); /** Move assignment */ DecimalQuantity &operator=(DecimalQuantity&& src) U_NOEXCEPT; /** * Sets the minimum integer digits that this {@link DecimalQuantity} should generate. * This method does not perform rounding. * * @param minInt The minimum number of integer digits. */ void setMinInteger(int32_t minInt); /** * Sets the minimum fraction digits that this {@link DecimalQuantity} should generate. * This method does not perform rounding. * * @param minFrac The minimum number of fraction digits. */ void setMinFraction(int32_t minFrac); /** * Truncates digits from the upper magnitude of the number in order to satisfy the * specified maximum number of integer digits. * * @param maxInt The maximum number of integer digits. */ void applyMaxInteger(int32_t maxInt); /** * Rounds the number to a specified interval, such as 0.05. * *

If rounding to a power of ten, use the more efficient {@link #roundToMagnitude} instead. * * @param roundingIncrement The increment to which to round. * @param roundingMode The {@link RoundingMode} to use if rounding is necessary. */ void roundToIncrement(double roundingIncrement, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status); /** Removes all fraction digits. */ void truncate(); /** * Rounds the number to the nearest multiple of 5 at the specified magnitude. * For example, when magnitude == -2, this performs rounding to the nearest 0.05. * * @param magnitude The magnitude at which the digit should become either 0 or 5. * @param roundingMode Rounding strategy. */ void roundToNickel(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status); /** * Rounds the number to a specified magnitude (power of ten). * * @param roundingMagnitude The power of ten to which to round. For example, a value of -2 will * round to 2 decimal places. * @param roundingMode The {@link RoundingMode} to use if rounding is necessary. */ void roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status); /** * Rounds the number to an infinite number of decimal points. This has no effect except for * forcing the double in {@link DecimalQuantity_AbstractBCD} to adopt its exact representation. */ void roundToInfinity(); /** * Multiply the internal value. Uses decNumber. * * @param multiplicand The value by which to multiply. */ void multiplyBy(const DecNum& multiplicand, UErrorCode& status); /** * Divide the internal value. Uses decNumber. * * @param multiplicand The value by which to multiply. */ void divideBy(const DecNum& divisor, UErrorCode& status); /** Flips the sign from positive to negative and back. */ void negate(); /** * Scales the number by a power of ten. For example, if the value is currently "1234.56", calling * this method with delta=-3 will change the value to "1.23456". * * @param delta The number of magnitudes of ten to change by. * @return true if integer overflow occured; false otherwise. */ bool adjustMagnitude(int32_t delta); /** * @return The power of ten corresponding to the most significant nonzero digit. * The number must not be zero. */ int32_t getMagnitude() const; /** * @return The value of the (suppressed) exponent after the number has been * put into a notation with exponents (ex: compact, scientific). Ex: given * the number 1000 as "1K" / "1E3", the return value will be 3 (positive). */ int32_t getExponent() const; /** * Adjusts the value for the (suppressed) exponent stored when using * notation with exponents (ex: compact, scientific). * *

Adjusting the exponent is decoupled from {@link #adjustMagnitude} in * order to allow flexibility for {@link StandardPlural} to be selected in * formatting (ex: for compact notation) either with or without the exponent * applied in the value of the number. * @param delta * The value to adjust the exponent by. */ void adjustExponent(int32_t delta); /** * @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is * zero, infinity, or NaN. */ bool isZeroish() const; /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is less than zero. */ bool isNegative() const; /** @return The appropriate value from the Signum enum. */ Signum signum() const; /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is infinite. */ bool isInfinite() const U_OVERRIDE; /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is not a number. */ bool isNaN() const U_OVERRIDE; /** * Note: this method incorporates the value of {@code exponent} * (for cases such as compact notation) to return the proper long value * represented by the result. * @param truncateIfOverflow if false and the number does NOT fit, fails with an assertion error. */ int64_t toLong(bool truncateIfOverflow = false) const; /** * Note: this method incorporates the value of {@code exponent} * (for cases such as compact notation) to return the proper long value * represented by the result. */ uint64_t toFractionLong(bool includeTrailingZeros) const; /** * Returns whether or not a Long can fully represent the value stored in this DecimalQuantity. * @param ignoreFraction if true, silently ignore digits after the decimal place. */ bool fitsInLong(bool ignoreFraction = false) const; /** @return The value contained in this {@link DecimalQuantity} approximated as a double. */ double toDouble() const; /** Computes a DecNum representation of this DecimalQuantity, saving it to the output parameter. */ DecNum& toDecNum(DecNum& output, UErrorCode& status) const; DecimalQuantity &setToInt(int32_t n); DecimalQuantity &setToLong(int64_t n); DecimalQuantity &setToDouble(double n); /** * Produces a DecimalQuantity that was parsed from a string by the decNumber * C Library. * * decNumber is similar to BigDecimal in Java, and supports parsing strings * such as "123.456621E+40". */ DecimalQuantity &setToDecNumber(StringPiece n, UErrorCode& status); /** Internal method if the caller already has a DecNum. */ DecimalQuantity &setToDecNum(const DecNum& n, UErrorCode& status); /** * Appends a digit, optionally with one or more leading zeros, to the end of the value represented * by this DecimalQuantity. * *

The primary use of this method is to construct numbers during a parsing loop. It allows * parsing to take advantage of the digit list infrastructure primarily designed for formatting. * * @param value The digit to append. * @param leadingZeros The number of zeros to append before the digit. For example, if the value * in this instance starts as 12.3, and you append a 4 with 1 leading zero, the value becomes * 12.304. * @param appendAsInteger If true, increase the magnitude of existing digits to make room for the * new digit. If false, append to the end like a fraction digit. If true, there must not be * any fraction digits already in the number. * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */ void appendDigit(int8_t value, int32_t leadingZeros, bool appendAsInteger); double getPluralOperand(PluralOperand operand) const U_OVERRIDE; bool hasIntegerValue() const U_OVERRIDE; /** * Gets the digit at the specified magnitude. For example, if the represented number is 12.3, * getDigit(-1) returns 3, since 3 is the digit corresponding to 10^-1. * * @param magnitude The magnitude of the digit. * @return The digit at the specified magnitude. */ int8_t getDigit(int32_t magnitude) const; /** * Gets the largest power of ten that needs to be displayed. The value returned by this function * will be bounded between minInt and maxInt. * * @return The highest-magnitude digit to be displayed. */ int32_t getUpperDisplayMagnitude() const; /** * Gets the smallest power of ten that needs to be displayed. The value returned by this function * will be bounded between -minFrac and -maxFrac. * * @return The lowest-magnitude digit to be displayed. */ int32_t getLowerDisplayMagnitude() const; int32_t fractionCount() const; int32_t fractionCountWithoutTrailingZeros() const; void clear(); /** This method is for internal testing only. */ uint64_t getPositionFingerprint() const; // /** // * If the given {@link FieldPosition} is a {@link UFieldPosition}, populates it with the fraction // * length and fraction long value. If the argument is not a {@link UFieldPosition}, nothing // * happens. // * // * @param fp The {@link UFieldPosition} to populate. // */ // void populateUFieldPosition(FieldPosition fp); /** * Checks whether the bytes stored in this instance are all valid. For internal unit testing only. * * @return An error message if this instance is invalid, or null if this instance is healthy. */ const char16_t* checkHealth() const; UnicodeString toString() const; /** Returns the string in standard exponential notation. */ UnicodeString toScientificString() const; /** Returns the string without exponential notation. Slightly slower than toScientificString(). */ UnicodeString toPlainString() const; /** Visible for testing */ inline bool isUsingBytes() { return usingBytes; } /** Visible for testing */ inline bool isExplicitExactDouble() { return explicitExactDouble; } bool operator==(const DecimalQuantity& other) const; inline bool operator!=(const DecimalQuantity& other) const { return !(*this == other); } /** * Bogus flag for when a DecimalQuantity is stored on the stack. */ bool bogus = false; private: /** * The power of ten corresponding to the least significant digit in the BCD. For example, if this * object represents the number "3.14", the BCD will be "0x314" and the scale will be -2. * *

Note that in {@link java.math.BigDecimal}, the scale is defined differently: the number of * digits after the decimal place, which is the negative of our definition of scale. */ int32_t scale; /** * The number of digits in the BCD. For example, "1007" has BCD "0x1007" and precision 4. The * maximum precision is 16 since a long can hold only 16 digits. * *

This value must be re-calculated whenever the value in bcd changes by using {@link * #computePrecisionAndCompact()}. */ int32_t precision; /** * A bitmask of properties relating to the number represented by this object. * * @see #NEGATIVE_FLAG * @see #INFINITY_FLAG * @see #NAN_FLAG */ int8_t flags; // The following three fields relate to the double-to-ascii fast path algorithm. // When a double is given to DecimalQuantityBCD, it is converted to using a fast algorithm. The // fast algorithm guarantees correctness to only the first ~12 digits of the double. The process // of rounding the number ensures that the converted digits are correct, falling back to a slow- // path algorithm if required. Therefore, if a DecimalQuantity is constructed from a double, it // is *required* that roundToMagnitude(), roundToIncrement(), or roundToInfinity() is called. If // you don't round, assertions will fail in certain other methods if you try calling them. /** * Whether the value in the BCD comes from the double fast path without having been rounded to * ensure correctness */ UBool isApproximate; /** * The original number provided by the user and which is represented in BCD. Used when we need to * re-compute the BCD for an exact double representation. */ double origDouble; /** * The change in magnitude relative to the original double. Used when we need to re-compute the * BCD for an exact double representation. */ int32_t origDelta; // Positions to keep track of leading and trailing zeros. // lReqPos is the magnitude of the first required leading zero. // rReqPos is the magnitude of the last required trailing zero. int32_t lReqPos = 0; int32_t rReqPos = 0; // The value of the (suppressed) exponent after the number has been put into // a notation with exponents (ex: compact, scientific). int32_t exponent = 0; /** * The BCD of the 16 digits of the number represented by this object. Every 4 bits of the long map * to one digit. For example, the number "12345" in BCD is "0x12345". * *

Whenever bcd changes internally, {@link #compact()} must be called, except in special cases * like setting the digit to zero. */ union { struct { int8_t *ptr; int32_t len; } bcdBytes; uint64_t bcdLong; } fBCD; bool usingBytes = false; /** * Whether this {@link DecimalQuantity} has been explicitly converted to an exact double. true if * backed by a double that was explicitly converted via convertToAccurateDouble; false otherwise. * Used for testing. */ bool explicitExactDouble = false; void roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, bool nickel, UErrorCode& status); /** * Returns a single digit from the BCD list. No internal state is changed by calling this method. * * @param position The position of the digit to pop, counted in BCD units from the least * significant digit. If outside the range supported by the implementation, zero is returned. * @return The digit at the specified location. */ int8_t getDigitPos(int32_t position) const; /** * Sets the digit in the BCD list. This method only sets the digit; it is the caller's * responsibility to call {@link #compact} after setting the digit. * * @param position The position of the digit to pop, counted in BCD units from the least * significant digit. If outside the range supported by the implementation, an AssertionError * is thrown. * @param value The digit to set at the specified location. */ void setDigitPos(int32_t position, int8_t value); /** * Adds zeros to the end of the BCD list. This will result in an invalid BCD representation; it is * the caller's responsibility to do further manipulation and then call {@link #compact}. * * @param numDigits The number of zeros to add. */ void shiftLeft(int32_t numDigits); /** * Directly removes digits from the end of the BCD list. * Updates the scale and precision. * * CAUTION: it is the caller's responsibility to call {@link #compact} after this method. */ void shiftRight(int32_t numDigits); /** * Directly removes digits from the front of the BCD list. * Updates precision. * * CAUTION: it is the caller's responsibility to call {@link #compact} after this method. */ void popFromLeft(int32_t numDigits); /** * Sets the internal representation to zero. Clears any values stored in scale, precision, * hasDouble, origDouble, origDelta, exponent, and BCD data. */ void setBcdToZero(); /** * Sets the internal BCD state to represent the value in the given int. The int is guaranteed to * be either positive. The internal state is guaranteed to be empty when this method is called. * * @param n The value to consume. */ void readIntToBcd(int32_t n); /** * Sets the internal BCD state to represent the value in the given long. The long is guaranteed to * be either positive. The internal state is guaranteed to be empty when this method is called. * * @param n The value to consume. */ void readLongToBcd(int64_t n); void readDecNumberToBcd(const DecNum& dn); void readDoubleConversionToBcd(const char* buffer, int32_t length, int32_t point); void copyFieldsFrom(const DecimalQuantity& other); void copyBcdFrom(const DecimalQuantity &other); void moveBcdFrom(DecimalQuantity& src); /** * Removes trailing zeros from the BCD (adjusting the scale as required) and then computes the * precision. The precision is the number of digits in the number up through the greatest nonzero * digit. * *

This method must always be called when bcd changes in order for assumptions to be correct in * methods like {@link #fractionCount()}. */ void compact(); void _setToInt(int32_t n); void _setToLong(int64_t n); void _setToDoubleFast(double n); void _setToDecNum(const DecNum& dn, UErrorCode& status); void convertToAccurateDouble(); /** Ensure that a byte array of at least 40 digits is allocated. */ void ensureCapacity(); void ensureCapacity(int32_t capacity); /** Switches the internal storage mechanism between the 64-bit long and the byte array. */ void switchStorage(); }; } // namespace impl } // namespace number U_NAMESPACE_END #endif //__NUMBER_DECIMALQUANTITY_H__ #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */