// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING // Allow implicit conversion from char16_t* to UnicodeString for this file: // Helpful in toString methods and elsewhere. #define UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT #include "number_decnum.h" #include "number_types.h" #include "number_multiplier.h" #include "numparse_validators.h" #include "number_utils.h" #include "decNumber.h" using namespace icu; using namespace icu::number; using namespace icu::number::impl; using namespace icu::numparse::impl; Scale::Scale(int32_t magnitude, DecNum* arbitraryToAdopt) : fMagnitude(magnitude), fArbitrary(arbitraryToAdopt), fError(U_ZERO_ERROR) { if (fArbitrary != nullptr) { // Attempt to convert the DecNum to a magnitude multiplier. fArbitrary->normalize(); if (fArbitrary->getRawDecNumber()->digits == 1 && fArbitrary->getRawDecNumber()->lsu[0] == 1 && !fArbitrary->isNegative()) { // Success! fMagnitude += fArbitrary->getRawDecNumber()->exponent; delete fArbitrary; fArbitrary = nullptr; } } } Scale::Scale(const Scale& other) : fMagnitude(other.fMagnitude), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(other.fError) { if (other.fArbitrary != nullptr) { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; fArbitrary = new DecNum(*other.fArbitrary, localStatus); } } Scale& Scale::operator=(const Scale& other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } // self-assignment: no-op fMagnitude = other.fMagnitude; if (other.fArbitrary != nullptr) { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; fArbitrary = new DecNum(*other.fArbitrary, localStatus); } else { fArbitrary = nullptr; } fError = other.fError; return *this; } Scale::Scale(Scale&& src) U_NOEXCEPT : fMagnitude(src.fMagnitude), fArbitrary(src.fArbitrary), fError(src.fError) { // Take ownership away from src if necessary src.fArbitrary = nullptr; } Scale& Scale::operator=(Scale&& src) U_NOEXCEPT { fMagnitude = src.fMagnitude; if (fArbitrary != nullptr) { delete fArbitrary; } fArbitrary = src.fArbitrary; fError = src.fError; // Take ownership away from src if necessary src.fArbitrary = nullptr; return *this; } Scale::~Scale() { delete fArbitrary; } Scale Scale::none() { return {0, nullptr}; } Scale Scale::powerOfTen(int32_t power) { return {power, nullptr}; } Scale Scale::byDecimal(StringPiece multiplicand) { UErrorCode localError = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer decnum(new DecNum(), localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } decnum->setTo(multiplicand, localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } return {0, decnum.orphan()}; } Scale Scale::byDouble(double multiplicand) { UErrorCode localError = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer decnum(new DecNum(), localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } decnum->setTo(multiplicand, localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } return {0, decnum.orphan()}; } Scale Scale::byDoubleAndPowerOfTen(double multiplicand, int32_t power) { UErrorCode localError = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer decnum(new DecNum(), localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } decnum->setTo(multiplicand, localError); if (U_FAILURE(localError)) { return {localError}; } return {power, decnum.orphan()}; } void Scale::applyTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const { quantity.adjustMagnitude(fMagnitude); if (fArbitrary != nullptr) { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; quantity.multiplyBy(*fArbitrary, localStatus); } } void Scale::applyReciprocalTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const { quantity.adjustMagnitude(-fMagnitude); if (fArbitrary != nullptr) { UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; quantity.divideBy(*fArbitrary, localStatus); } } void MultiplierFormatHandler::setAndChain(const Scale& multiplier, const MicroPropsGenerator* parent) { fMultiplier = multiplier; fParent = parent; } void MultiplierFormatHandler::processQuantity(DecimalQuantity& quantity, MicroProps& micros, UErrorCode& status) const { fParent->processQuantity(quantity, micros, status); fMultiplier.applyTo(quantity); } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */