use std::process::Command; use assert_cmd::prelude::{CommandCargoExt, OutputAssertExt}; use assert_fs::prelude::*; #[path = "../src/utils/"] // mod utils; #[test] fn copy_one_file_into_a_folder() -> Result<(), Box> { let temp_root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let poetry = "In the world of coding, a language stands Rust, they call it, with its own demands It's strict and crotchety, some may say But its power and speed are here to stay Its syntax may seem a bit obtuse But its memory safety is no excuse For sloppy code that could bring down An entire system with just one frown Rust is compiled, not interpreted And its performance can't be debated It's perfect for systems and low-level tasks And its community is growing fast So if you're feeling crotchety today Give Rust a chance, don't turn away It may be strict, but it's worth the fight For a language that's powerful and right."; let file = utils::test_utils::create_temp_child_file(&temp_root, "poetry.txt", poetry); let temp_folder = utils::test_utils::create_temp_child_folder(&temp_root, "my_targer_folder"); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("rustycopier")?; cmd.arg("--paths") .arg(file.to_str().unwrap()) .arg(temp_folder.to_str().unwrap()) .arg("-d"); cmd.assert().success(); let copied_file = temp_folder.child("poetry.txt"); copied_file.assert(poetry); Ok(()) }