# Rusty GBA A game development library focused on creating Gameboy Advance games in Rust. Based on the awesome [gba crate](https://crates.io/crates/gba), provides a layer that take out some parts of the hassle of `no_std` programming, **(will)** provides wrappers, macros and drivers to ease the game development on Gameboy Advance. An example of a project using this library, with the necessary elements to build a working **.gba** file, and run it with debug messages in `mgba` can be found [here](https://github.com/litchipi/rusty_gbadev_test). Work in progress, feel free to give an advice, raise an issue, bring a PR, or contribute in any other way. ## Credits - Based on [the gba lib for Rust](https://github.com/rust-console/gba)