use std::time::Duration; use deno_core::PollEventLoopOptions; /// /// This example the use of async module loading, and the handing of ongoing /// background tasks. /// use rustyscript::{Error, Module, ModuleHandle, Runtime, RuntimeOptions}; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let module = Module::new( "test.js", " // A basic messaging queue const messages = []; export function nextMessage() { if (messages.length === 0) { return ''; } return messages.shift(); } const socket = new WebSocket('wss://'); export function sendMessage(text) { socket.send(text); } socket.addEventListener('error', (e) => { clearInterval(t); throw(e); }); socket.addEventListener('open', (event) => { console.log('Open'); socket.send('Socket Open!'); setTimeout(() => { // Send a message after 5 seconds sendMessage('ping'); }, 5000); setTimeout(() => { // Send a message after 10 seconds sendMessage('pong'); }, 10000); setTimeout(() => { // Close the socket after 15 seconds socket.close(); // Clear the interval, ending the event loop console.log('Closing socket'); clearInterval(t); }, 15000); }); socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { console.log('Received a message'); messages.push(; }); // Keep the event loop alive let t = setInterval(() => { }, 1000); ", ); // Whitelist the echo server for certificate errors let mut options = RuntimeOptions::default(); options .extension_options .web .whitelist_certificate_for(""); let mut runtime = Runtime::new(options)?; let tokio_runtime = runtime.tokio_runtime(); // Load the module // This will run the event loop until the module is fully loaded, or an error occurs let module_handle = tokio_runtime.block_on(runtime.load_module_async(&module))?; // Run the event loop until it reports that it has finished while runtime.advance_event_loop(PollEventLoopOptions::default())? { // Check for messages from the module if let Some(msg) = check_for_messages(&mut runtime, &module_handle)? { println!("Received message: {}", msg); } // Run the event loop for 50ms runtime.block_on_event_loop( PollEventLoopOptions::default(), Some(Duration::from_millis(50)), )?; } Ok(()) } fn check_for_messages( rt: &mut Runtime, module_handle: &ModuleHandle, ) -> Result, Error> { let next_message: String = rt.call_function_immediate(Some(module_handle), "nextMessage", &())?; if next_message.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(next_message)) } }