use rustyscript::{json_args, Error, Module, Runtime, RuntimeOptions}; /// /// This example shows features requiring the 'web' feature to work /// Stuff like setTimeout, atob/btoa, file reads and fetch are all examples /// /// We will focus on timers and fetch here /// use std::time::Duration; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // This module has an async function, which is not itself a problem // However, it uses setTimeout - the timer will never be triggered // unless the web feature is active. // See above for a longer list for web feature exclusives let module = Module::new( "test.js", " const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms)); export async function test() { await sleep(10); return 2; } export async function fetch_example() { return new Promise((accept, reject) => { fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', }, }).then(response => response.json()) .then(json => accept(json)) .catch(e => reject(e)); }); } export async function event_source_example() { return new Promise((accept, reject) => { var source = new EventSource(''); source.addEventListener('message', (e) => { accept(; }); source.addEventListener('error', (e) => { reject(e) }); }); } ", ); // We add a timeout to the runtime anytime async might be used let mut runtime = Runtime::new(RuntimeOptions { timeout: Duration::from_millis(10000), ..Default::default() })?; // The async function let module_handle = runtime.load_module(&module)?; let value: usize = runtime.call_function(Some(&module_handle), "test", json_args!())?; println!("Got value: {}", value); assert_eq!(value, 2); // Fetch example let data: rustyscript::serde_json::Value = runtime.call_function(Some(&module_handle), "fetch_example", json_args!())?; println!("Got {:?} bytes", data.to_string().len()); // EventSource example let data: rustyscript::serde_json::Value = runtime.call_function(Some(&module_handle), "event_source_example", json_args!())?; println!("Got event: {}", data); Ok(()) }