# rustytweet
### Library for Twitter V2 API. Currently the library accepts App-Access token i.e Bearer Token. To generate access token for using twitter api. Follow this [twitter dev link](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/authentication/oauth-2-0/application-only). Below are the few examples to access the twitter data. Examples: #### Below is a basic example for fetching tweets with hashtag **#nyc** ```rust let twitter_client = TwitterClient::builder() .set_bearer_token("".to_string()) .build().unwrap(); let resp = twitter_client .search_recent_tweets("#nyc") .send(); ``` For more Tweet related content about author of the tweet, location, etc..,. use expansions. Refer to [Twitter Expansions](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/expansions) ```rust let twitter_client = TwitterClient::builder() .set_bearer_token("".to_string()) .build(); let media_expansion = Expansion::User(&["description", "created_at", "location"]); let tweet_expansion = Expansion::Tweet(&[ "author_id", "created_at", "in_reply_to_user_id", "referenced_tweets", ]); let resp = twitter_client .unwrap() .search_recent_tweets("#nyc") .expansion(&[media_expansion, tweet_expansion]) .send(); ```