# ruverta **Rust to Verilog: Very Simple Verilog Builder** English | [日本語](README_JP.md)
Supports only a simple subset of SystemVerilog. - Variables: Only `logic` is available. No `reg` or `wire`. - Combinational circuits: Only `always_comb` is available. No `assign`. - Sequential circuits: Only `always_ff` is available. No `always`. **Table of Contents** - [Installation](#installation) - [Basic API](#basic-api) - [Input/Output Ports](#inputoutput-ports) - [Parameters](#parameters) - [Wires](#wires) - [Instances](#instances) - [Combinational Circuits](#combinational-circuits) - [Sequential Circuits](#sequential-circuits) - [Verilog Generation](#verilog-generation) - [Extended API](#extended-api) - [DFF](#dff) - [Comb](#comb) - [FSM](#fsm) - [Stream](#stream) - [FIFO](#fifo) - [Bus API](#bus-api) - [Test](#test) ## Installation ``` $ cargo add ruverta ``` ## Basic API
```rust use ruverta::{Module, Sens, Stmt}; fn test_module() { let m = Module::new("test_module") .param("BIT", Some("8")) .input("clk", 1) .input("rstn", 1) .input("in0", 8) .input("in1", 8) .output("out", 8) .always_comb(Stmt::assign("out", "in0 + in1")) .always_ff( Sens::new().posedge("clk"), Stmt::begin().add(Stmt::assign("a", "b")).end(), ); println!("{}", m.verilog().join("\n")); } ``` ```systemverilog module test_module #( parameter BIT = 8 ) ( input logic clk, input logic rstn, input logic [ 7:0] in0, input logic [ 7:0] in1, output logic [ 7:0] out ); always_comb out = in0 + in1; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin a <= b; end endmodule; ```
### Input/Output Ports - `.input(name, width)` - `.output(name, width)` - `.inout(name, width)` ### Parameters - `.param(name, default_value)` - `.lparam(name, value)` ### Wires - `.logic(name, bit, len)` ### Instances - `.instant(inst: Instant)` ### Combinational Circuits - `.always_comb(stmt: Stmt)` `Stmt` is a class representing a statement. ### Sequential Circuits - `.always_ff(Sens, Stmt)` `Sens` is a class representing a sensitivity list. - `.posedge(wire_name)` - `.negedge(wire_name)` - `.bothedge(wire_name)` ### Verilog Generation Generate Verilog with `.verilog()`. Since it returns `Vec`, use `.join("\n")` to concatenate. > The API design is quite rough, so feel free to request anything~ ## Extended API Extend the builder methods of Module to easily construct various circuits. | | Rust | Verilog | Test | | ----------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | [DFF](#dff) | [dff.sv](tests/dff.rs) | [dff.sv](tests/verilog/dff.sv) | [dff_tb.sv](tests/verilog/dff_tb.sv) | | [Comb](#comb) | [comb.rs](tests/comb.rs) | [comb.sv](tests/verilog/comb.sv) | [comb_tb.sv](tests/verilog/comb_tb.sv) | | [FSM](#fsm) | [fsm.rs](tests/fsm.rs) | [fsm.sv](tests/verilog/fsm.sv) | [fsm_tb.sv](tests/verilog/fsm_tb.sv) | | [AXILiteSlave](#axiliteslave) | [axi_lite_slave.rs](tests/axi_lite_slave.rs) | [axi_lite_slave.sv](tests/verilog/axi_lite_slave.sv) | [axi_lite_slave_tb.sv](tests/verilog/axi_lite_slave_tb.sv) | | [PicoSlave](#picoslave) | | | | | [Stream](#stream) | [stream.rs](tests/stream.rs) | [stream.sv](tests/verilog/stream.sv) | | | [FIFO](#fifo) | [fifo.rs](tests/fifo.rs) | [fifo.sv](tests/verilog/fifo.sv) | | ### DFF When implementing sequential circuits, it is recommended to use `sync_ff` / `async_ff` api instead of `always_ff`. DFF has several usage patterns depending on the clock and reset settings. - clock edge: posedge / negedge / bothedge - reset edge: positive / negative - reset timing: sync / async Currently, only the following patterns are supported. | | clock edge | reset logic | reset timing | | ---------- | ---------- | ----------- | ------------ | | `sync_ff` | posedge | negative | sync | | `async_ff` | posedge | negative | async | ```rust Module::new(name) .input("clk", 1) .input("rstn", 1) .input("in0", 8) .input("in1", 8) .output("out", 8) .sync_ff( "clk", "rstn", Stmt::begin().assign("out", "0").end(), Stmt::begin().assign("out", "in0 + in1").end(), ); ``` ### Comb When implementing combinational circuits, it is recommended to use `comb` instead of `always_comb`. Since it always requires a default, there are no omissions in case distinctions. ```rust Module::new(name) .input("clk", 1) .input("rstn", 1) .input("hoge", 1) .comb( Comb::new() .input("in0") .input("in1") .output("out0") .output("out1") .case("in0==0", "out0=0", "out1=0") .default("0", "1"), ); ``` ### FSM Construct a state machine with a single state variable. ```rust Module::new(name) .input("clk", 1) .input("rstn", 1) .input("hoge", 1) .sync_fsm( FSM::new("init", "clk", "rstn") .state("init") .jump("hoge == 1", "fuga") .r#else("init") .state("fuga") .jump("hoge == 0", "init") .r#else("fuga"), ); ``` ### Stream ### FIFO ## Bus API | | Rust | Verilog | Test | | ------------ | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | AXILiteSlave | [axi_lite_slave.rs](tests/axi_lite_slave.rs) | [axi_lite_slave.sv](tests/verilog/axi_lite_slave.sv) | [axi_lite_slave_tb.sv](tests/verilog/axi_lite_slave_tb.sv) | | PicoSlave | | | | ```rust Module::new(name) .input("clk", 1) .input("rstn", 1) .axi_lite_slave( "clk", "rstn", AXILiteSlave::new( "cbus", MMap::new(32, 32) .read_write("csr_rw", 8, 2) .read_only("csr_ro", 8, 1) .trigger("csr_tw"), ), ); ``` - AXI Lite Slave - Pico Slave ## Test Tests are located under tests. ```bash $ cargo test ``` will output sv files under `tests/verilog/`. Running make will launch gtkwave. ```bash ruverta/tests/verilog$ make ??? ``` ??? is the name of the test case.