# rvideo-view A lightweight viewer for [RVideo](https://crates.io/crates/rvideo) streams. * Supports all formats supported by RVideo. * Cross-platform ## Installation ``` cargo install rvideo-view ``` ### Usage ``` rvideo-view IP:PORT ``` Additional options: * --max-fps [default: 255] * --timeout [default: 5] * --stream-id [default: 0] ## Metadata display RVideo allows frame metadata to be encoded in any format. However, to display frame metadata in rvideo-view, the following requirements must be met: * Metadata must be encoded in MessagePack format e.g. with [rmp-serde](https://crates.io/crates/rmp-serde). * To display bounding boxes, they must be in `BoundingBox` structure, provided by the [RVideo](https://crates.io/crates/rvideo) crate. * The bounding boxes array must be placed into `.bboxes` field on top of the metadata structure (the structure must be a map). [Example](https://github.com/roboplc/rvideo/blob/main/examples/server.rs).