// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; ((window) => { const { ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypePush, Error, ErrorCaptureStackTrace, FunctionPrototypeBind, ObjectAssign, ObjectFreeze, ObjectFromEntries, ObjectKeys, ObjectHasOwn, setQueueMicrotask, SafeMap, Set, StringPrototypeSlice, Symbol, SymbolFor, TypedArrayPrototypeGetLength, TypedArrayPrototypeJoin, TypedArrayPrototypeSlice, TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag, TypeError, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const { ops, hasPromise, promiseIdSymbol, registerErrorClass, } = window.Deno.core; const { __setLeakTracingEnabled, __isLeakTracingEnabled, __initializeCoreMethods, __resolvePromise, } = window.__infra; const { op_abort_wasm_streaming, op_current_user_call_site, op_decode, op_deserialize, op_destructure_error, op_dispatch_exception, op_encode, op_encode_binary_string, op_eval_context, op_event_loop_has_more_work, op_get_promise_details, op_get_proxy_details, op_has_tick_scheduled, op_lazy_load_esm, op_memory_usage, op_op_names, op_print, op_queue_microtask, op_ref_op, op_resources, op_run_microtasks, op_serialize, op_add_main_module_handler, op_set_handled_promise_rejection_handler, op_set_has_tick_scheduled, op_set_promise_hooks, op_set_wasm_streaming_callback, op_str_byte_length, op_timer_cancel, op_timer_queue, op_timer_queue_system, op_timer_queue_immediate, op_timer_ref, op_timer_unref, op_unref_op, op_cancel_handle, op_leak_tracing_enable, op_leak_tracing_submit, op_leak_tracing_get_all, op_leak_tracing_get, op_is_any_array_buffer, op_is_arguments_object, op_is_array_buffer, op_is_array_buffer_view, op_is_async_function, op_is_big_int_object, op_is_boolean_object, op_is_boxed_primitive, op_is_data_view, op_is_date, op_is_generator_function, op_is_generator_object, op_is_map, op_is_map_iterator, op_is_module_namespace_object, op_is_native_error, op_is_number_object, op_is_promise, op_is_proxy, op_is_reg_exp, op_is_set, op_is_set_iterator, op_is_shared_array_buffer, op_is_string_object, op_is_symbol_object, op_is_typed_array, op_is_weak_map, op_is_weak_set, } = ops; // core/infra collaborative code delete window.__infra; __initializeCoreMethods( eventLoopTick, submitLeakTrace, ); function submitLeakTrace(id) { const error = new Error(); ErrorCaptureStackTrace(error, submitLeakTrace); // "Error\n".length == 6 op_leak_tracing_submit(0, id, StringPrototypeSlice(error.stack, 6)); } function submitTimerTrace(id) { const error = new Error(); ErrorCaptureStackTrace(error, submitTimerTrace); // We submit interval and timer traces as type "Timer" // "Error\n".length == 6 op_leak_tracing_submit(2, id, StringPrototypeSlice(error.stack, 6)); } let unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler = () => false; let timerDepth = 0; let timersRunning = false; const cancelledTimers = new Set(); const macrotaskCallbacks = []; const nextTickCallbacks = []; function setMacrotaskCallback(cb) { ArrayPrototypePush(macrotaskCallbacks, cb); } function setNextTickCallback(cb) { ArrayPrototypePush(nextTickCallbacks, cb); } // This function has variable number of arguments. The last argument describes // if there's a "next tick" scheduled by the Node.js compat layer. Arguments // before last are alternating integers and any values that describe the // responses of async ops. function eventLoopTick() { // First respond to all pending ops. for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 3; i += 2) { const promiseId = arguments[i]; const res = arguments[i + 1]; __resolvePromise(promiseId, res); } // Drain nextTick queue if there's a tick scheduled. if (arguments[arguments.length - 1]) { for (let i = 0; i < nextTickCallbacks.length; i++) { nextTickCallbacks[i](); } } else { op_run_microtasks(); } // Finally drain macrotask queue. for (let i = 0; i < macrotaskCallbacks.length; i++) { const cb = macrotaskCallbacks[i]; while (true) { const res = cb(); // If callback returned `undefined` then it has no work to do, we don't // need to perform microtask checkpoint. if (res === undefined) { break; } op_run_microtasks(); // If callback returned `true` then it has no more work to do, stop // calling it then. if (res === true) { break; } } } const timers = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; if (timers) { timersRunning = true; for (let i = 0; i < timers.length; i += 3) { timerDepth = timers[i]; const id = timers[i + 1]; if (cancelledTimers.has(id)) { continue; } try { const f = timers[i + 2]; f.call(window); } catch (e) { reportExceptionCallback(e); } op_run_microtasks(); } timersRunning = false; timerDepth = 0; cancelledTimers.clear(); } // If we have any rejections for this tick, attempt to process them const rejections = arguments[arguments.length - 3]; if (rejections) { for (let i = 0; i < rejections.length; i += 2) { const handled = unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler( rejections[i], rejections[i + 1], ); if (!handled) { const err = rejections[i + 1]; op_dispatch_exception(err, true); } } } } function refOp(promiseId) { if (!hasPromise(promiseId)) { return; } op_ref_op(promiseId); } function unrefOp(promiseId) { if (!hasPromise(promiseId)) { return; } op_unref_op(promiseId); } function refOpPromise(promise) { refOp(promise[promiseIdSymbol]); } function unrefOpPromise(promise) { unrefOp(promise[promiseIdSymbol]); } function resources() { return ObjectFromEntries(op_resources()); } function metrics() { // TODO(mmastrac): we should replace this with a newer API return { opsDispatched: 0, opsDispatchedSync: 0, opsDispatchedAsync: 0, opsDispatchedAsyncUnref: 0, opsCompleted: 0, opsCompletedSync: 0, opsCompletedAsync: 0, opsCompletedAsyncUnref: 0, bytesSentControl: 0, bytesSentData: 0, bytesReceived: 0, ops: {}, }; } let reportExceptionCallback = (error) => { op_dispatch_exception(error, false); }; // Used to report errors thrown from functions passed to `queueMicrotask()`. // The callback will be passed the thrown error. For example, you can use this // to dispatch an error event to the global scope. // In other words, set the implementation for // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#report-the-exception function setReportExceptionCallback(cb) { if (cb === null || cb === undefined) { reportExceptionCallback = (error) => { op_dispatch_exception(error, false); }; } else { if (typeof cb != "function") { throw new TypeError("expected a function"); } reportExceptionCallback = cb; } } function queueMicrotask(cb) { if (typeof cb != "function") { throw new TypeError("expected a function"); } return op_queue_microtask(() => { try { cb(); } catch (error) { reportExceptionCallback(error); } }); } // Some "extensions" rely on "BadResource" and "Interrupted" errors in the // JS code (eg. "deno_net") so they are provided in "Deno.core" but later // reexported on "Deno.errors" class BadResource extends Error { constructor(msg) { super(msg); this.name = "BadResource"; } } const BadResourcePrototype = BadResource.prototype; class Interrupted extends Error { constructor(msg) { super(msg); this.name = "Interrupted"; } } const InterruptedPrototype = Interrupted.prototype; registerErrorClass("BadResource", BadResource); registerErrorClass("Interrupted", Interrupted); const promiseHooks = [ [], // init [], // before [], // after [], // resolve ]; function setPromiseHooks(init, before, after, resolve) { const hooks = [init, before, after, resolve]; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; // Skip if no callback was provided for this hook type. if (hook == null) { continue; } // Verify that the type of `hook` is a function. if (typeof hook !== "function") { throw new TypeError(`Expected function at position ${i}`); } // Add the hook to the list. ArrayPrototypePush(promiseHooks[i], hook); } const wrappedHooks = ArrayPrototypeMap(promiseHooks, (hooks) => { switch (hooks.length) { case 0: return undefined; case 1: return hooks[0]; case 2: return create2xHookWrapper(hooks[0], hooks[1]); case 3: return create3xHookWrapper(hooks[0], hooks[1], hooks[2]); default: return createHookListWrapper(hooks); } // The following functions are used to create wrapper functions that call // all the hooks in a list of a certain length. The reason to use a // function that creates a wrapper is to minimize the number of objects // captured in the closure. function create2xHookWrapper(hook1, hook2) { return function (promise, parent) { hook1(promise, parent); hook2(promise, parent); }; } function create3xHookWrapper(hook1, hook2, hook3) { return function (promise, parent) { hook1(promise, parent); hook2(promise, parent); hook3(promise, parent); }; } function createHookListWrapper(hooks) { return function (promise, parent) { for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; hook(promise, parent); } }; } }); op_set_promise_hooks( wrappedHooks[0], wrappedHooks[1], wrappedHooks[2], wrappedHooks[3], ); } const { op_close: close, op_try_close: tryClose, op_read: read, op_read_all: readAll, op_write: write, op_write_all: writeAll, op_write_type_error: writeTypeError, op_read_sync: readSync, op_write_sync: writeSync, op_shutdown: shutdown, op_is_terminal: isTerminal, } = ops; const callSiteRetBuf = new Uint32Array(2); const callSiteRetBufU8 = new Uint8Array(callSiteRetBuf.buffer); function currentUserCallSite() { const fileName = op_current_user_call_site(callSiteRetBufU8); const lineNumber = callSiteRetBuf[0]; const columnNumber = callSiteRetBuf[1]; return { fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber }; } const hostObjectBrand = SymbolFor("Deno.core.hostObject"); // A helper function that will bind our own console implementation // with default implementation of Console from V8. This will cause // console messages to be piped to inspector console. // // We are using `Deno.core.callConsole` binding to preserve proper stack // frames in inspector console. This has to be done because V8 considers // the last JS stack frame as gospel for the inspector. In our case we // specifically want the latest user stack frame to be the one that matters // though. // // Inspired by: // https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/1317252dfe8824fd9cfee125d2aaa94004db2f3b/lib/internal/util/inspector.js#L39-L61 function wrapConsole(customConsole, consoleFromV8) { const callConsole = window.Deno.core.callConsole; const keys = ObjectKeys(consoleFromV8); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; if (ObjectHasOwn(customConsole, key)) { customConsole[key] = FunctionPrototypeBind( callConsole, customConsole, consoleFromV8[key], customConsole[key], ); } else { // Add additional console APIs from the inspector customConsole[key] = consoleFromV8[key]; } } } // Minimal console implementation, that uses `Deno.core.print` under the hood. // It's not fully fledged and is meant to make debugging slightly easier when working with // only `deno_core` crate. class CoreConsole { log = (...args) => { op_print(`${consoleStringify(...args)}\n`, false); }; debug = (...args) => { op_print(`${consoleStringify(...args)}\n`, false); }; warn = (...args) => { op_print(`${consoleStringify(...args)}\n`, false); }; error = (...args) => { op_print(`${consoleStringify(...args)}\n`, false); }; } const consoleStringify = (...args) => args.map(consoleStringifyArg).join(" "); const consoleStringifyArg = (arg) => { if ( typeof arg === "string" || typeof arg === "boolean" || typeof arg === "number" || arg === null || arg === undefined ) { return arg; } const tag = TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(arg); if (op_is_typed_array(arg)) { return `${tag}(${TypedArrayPrototypeGetLength(arg)}) [${ TypedArrayPrototypeJoin(TypedArrayPrototypeSlice(arg, 0, 10), ", ") }]`; } if (tag !== undefined) { tag + " " + JSON.stringify(arg, undefined, 2); } else { return JSON.stringify(arg, undefined, 2); } }; const v8Console = globalThis.console; const coreConsole = new CoreConsole(); globalThis.console = coreConsole; wrapConsole(coreConsole, v8Console); function propWritable(value) { return { value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }; } function propNonEnumerable(value) { return { value, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }; } function propReadOnly(value) { return { value, enumerable: true, writable: false, configurable: true, }; } function propGetterOnly(getter) { return { get: getter, set() {}, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }; } function propWritableLazyLoaded(getter, loadFn) { let valueIsSet = false; let value; return { get() { const loadedValue = loadFn(); if (valueIsSet) { return value; } else { return getter(loadedValue); } }, set(v) { loadFn(); valueIsSet = true; value = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }; } function propNonEnumerableLazyLoaded(getter, loadFn) { let valueIsSet = false; let value; return { get() { const loadedValue = loadFn(); if (valueIsSet) { return value; } else { return getter(loadedValue); } }, set(v) { loadFn(); valueIsSet = true; value = v; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }; } function createLazyLoader(specifier) { let value; return function lazyLoad() { if (!value) { value = op_lazy_load_esm(specifier); } return value; }; } // Extra Deno.core.* exports const core = ObjectAssign(globalThis.Deno.core, { internalRidSymbol: Symbol("Deno.internal.rid"), resources, metrics, eventLoopTick, BadResource, BadResourcePrototype, Interrupted, InterruptedPrototype, refOpPromise, unrefOpPromise, setReportExceptionCallback, setPromiseHooks, consoleStringify, close, tryClose, read, readAll, write, writeAll, writeTypeError, readSync, writeSync, shutdown, isTerminal, print: (msg, isErr) => op_print(msg, isErr), setLeakTracingEnabled: (enabled) => { __setLeakTracingEnabled(enabled); op_leak_tracing_enable(enabled); }, isLeakTracingEnabled: () => __isLeakTracingEnabled(), getAllLeakTraces: () => { const traces = op_leak_tracing_get_all(); return new SafeMap(traces); }, getLeakTraceForPromise: (promise) => op_leak_tracing_get(0, promise[promiseIdSymbol]), setMacrotaskCallback, setNextTickCallback, runMicrotasks: () => op_run_microtasks(), hasTickScheduled: () => op_has_tick_scheduled(), setHasTickScheduled: (bool) => op_set_has_tick_scheduled(bool), evalContext: ( source, specifier, ) => op_eval_context(source, specifier), hostObjectBrand, encode: (text) => op_encode(text), encodeBinaryString: (buffer) => op_encode_binary_string(buffer), decode: (buffer) => op_decode(buffer), serialize: ( value, options, errorCallback, ) => op_serialize(value, options, errorCallback), deserialize: (buffer, options) => op_deserialize(buffer, options), getPromiseDetails: (promise) => op_get_promise_details(promise), getProxyDetails: (proxy) => op_get_proxy_details(proxy), isAnyArrayBuffer: (value) => op_is_any_array_buffer(value), isArgumentsObject: (value) => op_is_arguments_object(value), isArrayBuffer: (value) => op_is_array_buffer(value), isArrayBufferView: (value) => op_is_array_buffer_view(value), isAsyncFunction: (value) => op_is_async_function(value), isBigIntObject: (value) => op_is_big_int_object(value), isBooleanObject: (value) => op_is_boolean_object(value), isBoxedPrimitive: (value) => op_is_boxed_primitive(value), isDataView: (value) => op_is_data_view(value), isDate: (value) => op_is_date(value), isGeneratorFunction: (value) => op_is_generator_function(value), isGeneratorObject: (value) => op_is_generator_object(value), isMap: (value) => op_is_map(value), isMapIterator: (value) => op_is_map_iterator(value), isModuleNamespaceObject: (value) => op_is_module_namespace_object(value), isNativeError: (value) => op_is_native_error(value), isNumberObject: (value) => op_is_number_object(value), isPromise: (value) => op_is_promise(value), isProxy: (value) => op_is_proxy(value), isRegExp: (value) => op_is_reg_exp(value), isSet: (value) => op_is_set(value), isSetIterator: (value) => op_is_set_iterator(value), isSharedArrayBuffer: (value) => op_is_shared_array_buffer(value), isStringObject: (value) => op_is_string_object(value), isSymbolObject: (value) => op_is_symbol_object(value), isTypedArray: (value) => op_is_typed_array(value), isWeakMap: (value) => op_is_weak_map(value), isWeakSet: (value) => op_is_weak_set(value), memoryUsage: () => op_memory_usage(), setWasmStreamingCallback: (fn) => op_set_wasm_streaming_callback(fn), abortWasmStreaming: ( rid, error, ) => op_abort_wasm_streaming(rid, error), destructureError: (error) => op_destructure_error(error), opNames: () => op_op_names(), eventLoopHasMoreWork: () => op_event_loop_has_more_work(), byteLength: (str) => op_str_byte_length(str), addMainModuleHandler: (handler) => op_add_main_module_handler(handler), setHandledPromiseRejectionHandler: (handler) => op_set_handled_promise_rejection_handler(handler), setUnhandledPromiseRejectionHandler: (handler) => unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler = handler, reportUnhandledException: (e) => op_dispatch_exception(e, false), reportUnhandledPromiseRejection: (e) => op_dispatch_exception(e, true), queueUserTimer: (depth, repeat, timeout, task) => { const id = op_timer_queue(depth, repeat, timeout, task); if (__isLeakTracingEnabled()) { submitTimerTrace(id); } return id; }, // TODO(mmastrac): Hook up associatedOp to tracing queueSystemTimer: (_associatedOp, repeat, timeout, task) => op_timer_queue_system(repeat, timeout, task), queueImmediate: (task) => op_timer_queue_immediate(task), cancelTimer: (id) => { if (timersRunning) { cancelledTimers.add(id); } op_timer_cancel(id); }, refTimer: (id) => op_timer_ref(id), unrefTimer: (id) => op_timer_unref(id), getTimerDepth: () => timerDepth, currentUserCallSite, wrapConsole, v8Console, propReadOnly, propWritable, propNonEnumerable, propGetterOnly, propWritableLazyLoaded, propNonEnumerableLazyLoaded, createLazyLoader, createCancelHandle: () => op_cancel_handle(), }); const internals = {}; ObjectAssign(globalThis.__bootstrap, { core, internals }); ObjectAssign(globalThis.Deno, { core }); ObjectFreeze(globalThis.__bootstrap.core); // Direct bindings on `globalThis` ObjectAssign(globalThis, { queueMicrotask }); setQueueMicrotask(queueMicrotask); })(globalThis);