use { rwasm, std::time::Duration, }; #[no_mangle] fn handle_data_upload_example(length: *const u8) { let length = length as usize; rwasm::log(format!("Received byte array from JS with {} elements:", length).as_str()); for i in 0..length { rwasm::log(format!("buffer[{}]: {}", i, rwasm::get_buffer(0)[i]).as_str()); } } #[no_mangle] fn multiply(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 { x * y } fn make_string_uppercase_from_js(string: &str) { let string = rwasm::request_string( "request_data_example", string.as_bytes(), 55 ); rwasm::log(format!("Received requested string: {}", string).as_str()); } async fn main_async() { rwasm::timer::TimerFuture::new(Duration::from_millis(250)).await; rwasm::log("Hello..."); rwasm::timer::TimerFuture::new(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; rwasm::log("!"); } #[rwasm::main] async fn main() { rwasm::set_error_hook(); // Log something to the console. rwasm::log("async fn main() says: Hi!"); // Make a string uppercase from JS and return it to Rust. make_string_uppercase_from_js("this will be uppercase!"); main_async().await; rwasm::log("async fn main() says: Bye!"); }