Read and Write EDID =================== Read and write EDID data over an I2C bus. Usage ----- Load the Linux kernel module: modprobe i2c-dev Adapt the I2C bus device `/dev/i2c-4` in the examples below to whatever matches your hardware setup. **Note:** Be very careful to write to the correct bus! Failing to do so may seriously damage your hardware! To read an EDID, run (as root): ./edidread -d /dev/i2c-4 > edid.bin To write an EDID, run (as root): ./edidwrite -d /dev/i2c-4 < edid.bin **Note:** The `edidread` tool writes binary data to stdout which is potentially dangerous. Redirect the output into a file or pipe. For further usage information, run the comands with `--help`. Notes ----- Validate the EDID binary blob with the `edid-decode` tool: edid-decode -c < edid.bin Links ----- *