# Support ## Image Filtering | Function | Status | | :--------------------------- | :----: | | bilateralFilter | ○ | | blur | ○ | | boxFilter | ○ | | buildPyramid | | | dilate | ○ | | erode | ○ | | filter2D | ○ | | GaussianBlur | ○ | | getDerivKernels | | | getGaborKernel | | | getGaussianKernel | | | getStructuringElement | | | Laplacian | ○ | | medianBlur | ○ | | morphologyDefaultBorderValue | | | morphologyEx | ○ | | pyrDown | ○ | | pyrMeanShiftFiltering | | | pyrUp | ○ | | Scharr | ○ | | sepFilter2D | ○ | | Sobel | ○ | | spatialGradient | ○ | | sqrBoxFilter | ○ | | stackBlur | | ## Geometric Image Transformations | Function | Status | | :---------------------- | :----: | | convertMaps | ○ | | getAffineTransform | | | getPerspectiveTransform | | | getRectSubPix | ○ | | getRotationMatrix2D | | | invertAffineTransform | ○ | | remap | ○ | | resize | ○ | | warpAffine | | | warpPerspective | | | warpPolar | ○ | ## Miscellaneous Image Transformations | Function | Status | | :---------------- | :----: | | adaptiveThreshold | | | blendLinear | | | distanceTransform | | | floodFill | | | integral | | | threshold | ○ | ## Drawing Functions | Function | Status | | :--------------------- | :----: | | arrowedLine | | | circle | | | clipLine | | | drawContours | | | drawMarker | | | ellipse | | | ellipse2Poly | | | fillConvexPoly | | | fillPoly | | | getFontScaleFromHeight | | | getTextSize | | | line | | | polylines | | | putText | | | rectangle | | ## Color Space Conversions | Function | Status | | :--------------- | :----: | | cvtColor | ○ | | cvtColorTwoPlane | | | demosaicing | | ## ColorMaps in OpenCV | Function | Status | | :------------ | :----: | | applyColorMap | | ## Histograms | Function | Status | | :-------------- | :----: | | calcBackProject | | | calcHist | | | compareHist | | | createCLAHE | | | CLAHE | | | EMD | | | equalizeHist | | | wrapperEMD | | ## Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors | Function | Status | | :---------------------------- | :----: | | approxPolyDP | | | arcLength | | | boundingRect | | | boxPoints | | | connectedComponents | | | connectedComponentsWithStats | | | contourArea | | | convexHull | | | convexityDefects | | | createGeneralizedHoughBallard | | | GeneralizedHoughBallard | | | createGeneralizedHoughGuil | | | GeneralizedHoughGuil | | | findContours | | | fitEllipse | | | fitEllipseAMS | | | fitEllipseDirect | | | fitLine | | | HuMoments | | | intersectConvexConvex | | | isContourConvex | | | matchShapes | | | minAreaRect | | | minEnclosingCircle | | | minEnclosingTriangle | | | moments | | | pointPolygonTest | | | rotatedRectangleIntersection | | ## Motion Analysis and Object Tracking | Function | Status | | :------------------ | :----: | | accumulate | | | accumulateProduct | | | accumulateSquare | | | accumulateWeighted | | | createHanningWindow | | | divSpectrums | | | phaseCorrelate | | ## Feature Detection | Function | Status | | :------------------------ | :----: | | Canny | | | cornerEigenValsAndVecs | | | cornerHarris | | | cornerMinEigenVal | | | cornerSubPix | | | createLineSegmentDetector | | | goodFeaturesToTrack | | | HoughCircles | | | HoughLines | | | HoughLinesP | | | HoughLinesPointSet | | | preCornerDetect | | ## Object Detection | Function | Status | | :------------ | :----: | | matchTemplate | | ## Image Segmentation | Function | Status | | :-------- | :----: | | grabCut | | | watershed | |