#!/bin/sh set -o errexit if [ "_$OSTYPE" == "_msys" ] ; then EXE_SUFFIX=".exe" GREP_EXE_SUFFIX="\.exe" else EXE_SUFFIX="" fi #cargo build kill_all() { if [ "_$OSTYPE" == "_msys" ] ; then SERVICE="rxqlited" if ps | grep "${SERVICE}" ; then ps | grep "${SERVICE}" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill fi else SERVICE="rxqlited" if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then if pgrep -xq -- "${SERVICE}"; then pkill -f "${SERVICE}" fi else set +e # killall will error if finds no process to kill killall "${SERVICE}" set -e fi fi } rpc() { local uri=$1 local body="$2" echo '---'" rpc(:$uri, $body)" { if [ ".$body" = "." ]; then time curl --silent "$uri" else time curl --silent "$uri" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$body" fi } | { if type jq > /dev/null 2>&1; then jq else cat fi } echo echo } export RUST_LOG=trace export RUST_BACKTRACE=full bin=./target/release/rxqlited${EXE_SUFFIX} echo "Killing all running rxqlited and cleaning up old data" kill_all sleep 1 echo "Start 3 rxqlited servers..." RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 1 2>&1 > n1.log & #RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 1 --http-addr --rpc-addr 2>&1 > n1.log & PID1=$! #sleep 1 echo "Server 1 started" RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 2 > n2.log & #RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 2 --http-addr --rpc-addr > n2.log & #sleep 1 echo "Server 2 started" RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 3 > n3.log & #RUST_LOG="debug" ${bin} --id 3 --http-addr --rpc-addr > n3.log & echo "Server 3 started" exit 0