site_name: Ryna Language repo_url: nav: - Home: '' - Tutorial: - Getting Started: - Installation: 'pages/tutorial/start/' - Creating a Project: 'pages/tutorial/start/' - Executing and Profiling: 'pages/tutorial/start/' - Installing Libraries: 'pages/tutorial/start/' - Project Files: 'pages/tutorial/start/' - Step by step: - Introduction: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Type System: - Ryna Memory Model: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Built-in Basic Types: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - References: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Algebraic Types: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Other Types: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Template-based Generics: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Structural Types: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Binding Rules: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - The Basics: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Functions: - Defining Functions: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Special Functions: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Lambda Expressions: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Do Blocks: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Defining Operators: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Defining Classes: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Defining Interfaces: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Extending the Syntax: - Ryna Definition Language: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Literals: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Function Macros: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Expression Macros: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Block Macros: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - RDL Macros: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Macro Code Execution: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Importing Modules: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Annotations: - Syntax and usage: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Testing your modules: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Documenting your modules: 'pages/tutorial/steps/' - Learn by example: - Linked List using ADTs: 'pages/tutorial/examples/linked' - Serialization Interface: 'pages/tutorial/examples/' - Building a Ternary Operator: 'pages/tutorial/examples/' - List Comprehension Syntax: 'pages/tutorial/examples/' - Embedding a Language: 'pages/tutorial/examples/' - Reference: - Funtions: - Memory: 'pages/reference/functions/' - Math: 'pages/reference/functions/' - Arrays: 'pages/reference/functions/' - Strings: 'pages/reference/functions/' - I/O: 'pages/reference/functions/' - Miscellaneous: 'pages/reference/functions/' - Operators and Operations: - Internal: 'pages/reference/operators/' - Math: 'pages/reference/operators/' - Logical: 'pages/reference/operators/' - Bitwise: 'pages/reference/operators/' - Arrays: 'pages/reference/operators/' - Interfaces: - Iterable: 'pages/reference/interfaces/' - Printable: 'pages/reference/interfaces/' - Contribute: 'pages/' theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/pages/material/overrides logo: img/logo_nl.png favicon: img/logo_nl_t.png font: text: Roboto code: Roboto Mono features: - navigation.tabs - navigation.sections - navigation.tracking - - search.suggest - search.highlight - - header.autohide language: en palette: # Palette toggle for automatic mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" primary: indigo toggle: icon: material/brightness-auto name: Switch to light mode # Palette toggle for light mode - scheme: default primary: indigo media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode # Palette toggle for dark mode - scheme: slate primary: indigo media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin link: extra_javascript: - 'js/highlight.min.js' - 'js/highlightjs-line-numbers.min.js' - 'js/fa.min.js' - 'js/ryna.js' extra_css: - 'css/main.css' - 'css/fa.min.css' - 'css/atom-one-dark.css' plugins: - search - mermaid2 markdown_extensions: - pymdownx.extra - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid_custom