# rythonc A compiler for Rython, a Python-like language. It can either generate Rust code, or an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). ## Installation If you already have `rust` and `cargo` installed, you can just install `rythonc` with cargo. ```bash cargo install rythonc ``` ## Useage The useage can be displayed at the command line by running `rythonc -h`. By default, the output is fairly minimal. If you would like more human-readable output, use the `-p` flag. By default, the output is printed to stdout. To save it in a file, use the `-o` flag. ``` Usage: rythonc [OPTIONS] [INPUTS]... Arguments: [INPUTS]... Options: -o, --output The output file. -p, --pretty Nicely format the output. -a, --ast-only Don't actually compile, just output the ast. -l, --log-level Sets the log level. Values are: off,error,warn,info,debug,trace [default: WARN] --log-file Write log events to this file. -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ## See Also * The [python-mod](https://crates.io/crates/python-mod) crate. A way to write modules in Rython/Python that will be compiled to Rust. * The [python-ast](https://crates.io/crates/python-ast) crate. The base library for working with Python ASTs in Rust. ## Notes Under the hood, rythonc is based on the language defined by the python-ast crate. It will become more capable as the capabilities of the underlying crate improve. At this point, it is mostly a proof of concept, missing many key features.