## About
A Modified TypeScript implementation of the [PMTiles](https://github.com/protomaps/PMTiles) library. It is backwards compatible but offers support for the S2 Projection.
## Read The Spec
For now this spec supports deflating metadata/directories inside the browser, but it will be removed in the future.
## Install
bun add s2-pmtiles
# pnpm
pnpm add s2-pmtiles
# yarn
yarn add s2-pmtiles
# npm
npm install s2-pmtiles
# cargo
cargo install s2-pmtiles
### Example use
import { PMTilesReader, PMTilesWriter } from 's2-pmtiles'
// The File Reader you can run on bun/node/deno
const testFixture1 = new PMTilesReader(`test/fixtures/test_fixture_1.pmtiles`);
// get an WM tile
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let z = 0;
let face = 0;
testFixture1.getTile(x, y, z); // undefied | Uint8Array
// get an S2 tile
testFixture1.getTileS2(face, x, y, z); // undefined | Uint8Array
// The File Writer you can run on bun/node/deno
const testFixture2 = new PMTilesWriter(`tmpFile.pmtiles`);
// write a tile
testFixture2.writeTileXYZ(x, y, z, Uint8Array.from([]));
// write an S2 tile
testFixture2.writeTileS2(face, x, y, z, Uint8Array.from([]));
// when you finish you commit to build the metadata
// The File Reader you can run in the browser
import { S2PMTilesReader } from 's2-pmtiles/browser';
// you want to add a true after the path for generic PMTiles, as it ensures 206 byte requests.
const browserFixture = new S2PMTilesReader(`https://www.example.com/test.pmtiles`, true);
// get an WM tile
browserFixture.getTile(x, y, z); // undefied | Uint8Array
// get an S2 tile
browserFixture.getTileS2(face, x, y, z); // undefined | Uint8Array
### Browser Support
Some tsconfigs might need some extra help to see the `s2-pmtiles/browser` package.
To fix this update your tsconfig.json with the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"s2-pmtiles/browser": ["./node_modules/s2-pmtiles/dist/browser.d.ts"]
## Development
### Requirements
You need the tool `tarpaulin` to generate the coverage report. Install it using the following command:
cargo install cargo-tarpaulin
The `bacon coverage` tool is used to generate the coverage report. To utilize the [pycobertura](https://pypi.org/project/pycobertura/) package for a prettier coverage report, install it using the following command:
pip install pycobertura
### Running Tests
To run the tests, use the following command:
## basic test
bun run test
## live testing
bun run test:dev
## basic test
cargo test
# live testing
bacon test
### Generating Coverage Report
To generate the coverage report, use the following command:
cargo tarpaulin
# bacon
bacon coverage # or type `l` inside the tool