# Changelog ## Version 1.0.0 - naming convention is `s2-tilejson` now - Initial release - support for S2 components "faces" and "facesbounds" - Attributions are now objects instead of strings. Also an `s` is added to the end instead of `attribution` its now `attributions` - bounds are now an object instead of an array, where we track zoom tile bounds instead of lon-lat bounds - `vector_layers` are now **deprectated** in favor of `layers` but should still be parsable from readers for backwards compatibility - added `layers` to better parse input data - `center` is now an object of keys `lon`, `lat`, and `zoom` rather then an array `[lon, lat, zoom]` - added an `type` which was misused by old engines - `tiles` is deprecated in favor of forcing use of the same url and adding an `extension` property to the metata. - added optional `encoding` property for more transparency in the future - `minzoom` and `maxzoom` are now required