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# s3tui - AWS S3 Transfer CLI
`s3tui` is a ~~powerful~~ terminal-based application that enables seamless file transfers between your local machine and
multiple AWS S3 accounts. Crafted with the [ratatui](https://github.com/ratatui-org/ratatui) Rust TUI framework, `s3tui`
provides a robust user interface for managing uploads and downloads simultaneously in both directions, enhancing your
productivity with S3 services.
## Features
- **Multiple Account Support**: Easily configure and switch between different S3 accounts during runtime using the 's'
- **Simultaneous Transfers**: Transfer multiple files at once, both to and from S3, thanks to multithreading
capabilities powered by the [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio) library.
- **Interactive Commands**:
- `Tab,↔` - move between local and s3 panel
- `s` - select account currently in use.
- `Esc` - move back to the file manager window.
- `↕ / j / k` - move up/down on the lists.
- `t` - select/deselect files to transfer.
- `c` - create bucket.
- `⌫ / Del` - delete item.
- `l` - Display currently selected files for transfer.
- `r` - Execute the selected transfers.
- `q` - Quit the application.
- `?` - Access the help page with all available commands.
- **Environment Configuration**: Customize settings via environment variables or utilize default settings compliant with
the XDG Base Directory Specification.
- **Error Handling**: Integrated `color_eyre` panic hook for clear and colorized error reporting.
- **Version Information**: Quickly view the application version with the `--version` command.
## Setup
1. **Configure Environment Variables**:
export S3TUI_CONFIG=`pwd`/.config
export S3TUI_DATA=`pwd`/.data
export S3TUI_LOGLEVEL=info
Alternatively, use the default paths set according to the XDG Base Directory Specification.
You can check your configuration by running `s3tui --version` which will show you the paths currently in use.
2. **Add your s3 credentials**
- Add as many configurations under `creds` directory (inside your `.data` directory specified with `S3TUI_DATA` env variable)
- The file should look like the one below:
Make sure there is a new line at the end and there are no leading spaces on the lines.
3. **Installation from crates.io**:
- Ensure you have Rust and `cargo` installed.
- Install with cargo
cargo install s3tui
4. **Building locally**:
- Ensure you have Rust and `cargo` installed.
- Clone the repository and build the project:
git clone
cd s3tui
cargo build --release
5. **Running s3tui**:
- Navigate to the project directory and run:
## Logs
Application logs are efficiently managed and stored in the directory specified by `S3TUI_DATA`, keeping you informed of
all operations and aiding in troubleshooting.
## Getting Started
Once `s3tui` is running, press `?` to open the help page, which displays all the commands and their functions, allowing
you to start transferring files immediately.
Enhance your productivity with `s3tui`, the command-line interface that bridges the gap between local file management
and cloud storage with ease and efficiency. Whether you're managing large datasets or performing routine
backups, `s3tui` makes S3 file transfer tasks intuitive and manageable directly from your terminal.