; Scrolling text console with word wrapping, 30x29 characters. ; ; * Defers PPU initialization until first flush/ newline. ; * Works even if PPU doesn't support scrolling. ; * Keeps border around edge of screen for TV overscan. ; * Requires vertical or single-screen mirroring. ; * Requires ASCII font in CHR. .ifndef CONSOLE_COLOR CONSOLE_COLOR = $30 ; white .endif console_screen_width = 32 ; if lower than 32, left-justifies ; Number of characters of margin on left and right, to avoid ; text getting cut off by common TVs. OK if either/both are 0. console_left_margin = 1 console_right_margin = 1 console_width = console_screen_width - console_left_margin - console_right_margin zp_byte console_pos ; 0 to console_width zp_byte console_scroll zp_byte console_temp bss_res console_buf,console_width ; Initializes console console_init: ; Flag that console hasn't been initialized setb console_scroll,-1 setb console_pos,0 rts ; Hides console by disabling PPU rendering and blacking out ; first four entries of palette. ; Preserved: A, X, Y console_hide: pha jsr console_wait_vbl_ setb PPUMASK,0 lda #$0F jsr console_load_palette_ pla rts ; Shows console display ; Preserved: A, X, Y console_show: pha lda #CONSOLE_COLOR jsr console_show_custom_color_ pla rts ; Prints char A to console. Will not appear until ; a newline or flush occurs. ; Preserved: A, X, Y console_print: cmp #10 beq console_newline sty console_temp ldy console_pos cpy #console_width beq console_full_ sta console_buf,y iny sty console_pos ldy console_temp rts ; Displays current line and starts new one ; Preserved: A, X, Y console_newline: pha jsr console_wait_vbl_ jsr console_flush_ jsr console_scroll_up_ setb console_pos,0 pla rts ; Displays current line's contents without scrolling. ; Preserved: A, X, Y console_flush: pha jsr console_wait_vbl_ jsr console_flush_ jsr console_apply_scroll_ pla rts ;**** Internal routines **** console_full_: ldy console_temp ; Line is full ; If space, treat as newline cmp #' ' beq console_newline ; Wrap current line at appropriate point pha tya pha jsr console_wrap_ pla tay pla jmp console_print ; Inserts newline into buffer at appropriate position, leaving ; next line ready in buffer ; Preserved: X, console_temp console_wrap_: ; Find beginning of last word ldy #console_width lda #' ' : dey bmi console_newline cmp console_buf,y bne :- ; y = 0 to console_width-1 ; Flush through current word and put remaining ; in buffer for next line jsr console_wait_vbl_ ; Time to last PPU write: 207 + 32*(26 + 10) lda console_scroll jsr console_set_ppuaddr_ stx console_pos ; save X ldx #0 ; Print everything before last word : lda console_buf,x sta PPUDATA inx dey bpl :- ; x = 1 to console_width ; Move last word to beginning of buffer, and ; print spaces for rest of line ldy #0 beq :++ : lda #' ' sta PPUDATA lda console_buf,x inx sta console_buf,y iny : cpx #console_width bne :-- ldx console_pos ; restore X ; Append new text after that sty console_pos ; FALL THROUGH ; Scrolls up 8 pixels and clears one line BELOW new line ; Preserved: X, console_temp console_scroll_up_: ; Scroll up 8 pixels lda console_scroll jsr console_add_8_to_scroll_ sta console_scroll ; Clear line AFTER that on screen jsr console_add_8_to_scroll_ jsr console_set_ppuaddr_ ldy #console_width lda #' ' : sta PPUDATA dey bne :- ; FALL THROUGH ; Applies current scrolling position to PPU ; Preserved: X, Y, console_temp console_apply_scroll_: lda #0 sta PPUADDR sta PPUADDR sta PPUSCROLL lda console_scroll jsr console_add_8_to_scroll_ jsr console_add_8_to_scroll_ sta PPUSCROLL rts ; Sets PPU address for row ; In: A = scroll position ; Preserved: X, Y console_set_ppuaddr_: sta console_temp lda #$08 asl console_temp rol a asl console_temp rol a sta PPUADDR lda console_temp ora #console_left_margin sta PPUADDR rts ; A = (A + 8) % 240 ; Preserved: X, Y console_add_8_to_scroll_: cmp #240-8 bcc :+ adc #16-1;+1 for set carry : adc #8 rts console_show_custom_color_: pha jsr console_wait_vbl_ setb PPUMASK,PPUMASK_BG0 pla jsr console_load_palette_ jmp console_apply_scroll_ console_load_palette_: pha setb PPUADDR,$3F setb PPUADDR,$00 setb PPUDATA,$0F ; black pla sta PPUDATA sta PPUDATA sta PPUDATA rts ; Initializes PPU if necessary, then waits for VBL ; Preserved: A, X, Y, console_temp console_wait_vbl_: lda console_scroll cmp #-1 bne @already_initialized ; Deferred initialization of PPU until first use of console ; In case PPU doesn't support scrolling, start a ; couple of lines down setb console_scroll,16 jsr console_hide tya pha ; Fill nametable with spaces setb PPUADDR,$20 setb PPUADDR,$00 ldy #240 lda #' ' : sta PPUDATA sta PPUDATA sta PPUDATA sta PPUDATA dey bne :- ; Clear attributes lda #0 ldy #$40 : sta PPUDATA dey bne :- pla tay jsr console_show @already_initialized: jmp wait_vbl_optional ; Flushes current line ; Preserved: X, Y console_flush_: lda console_scroll jsr console_set_ppuaddr_ sty console_temp ; Copy line ldy #0 beq :++ : lda console_buf,y sta PPUDATA iny : cpy console_pos bne :-- ldy console_temp rts