; Reports whether initial values in palette at power-up match those ; that my NES has. These values are probably unique to my NES. .include "prefix_ppu.a" reset: lda #50 jsr delay_msec jsr wait_vbl lda #0 sta $2000 sta $2001 lda #2;) Palette differs from table sta result lda #$3f sta $2006 lda #$00 sta $2006 ldx #0 : lda $2007 cmp table,x jsr error_if_ne inx cpx #$20 bne - lda #1;) Palette matches sta result jmp report_final_result table: .db $09,$01,$00,$01,$00,$02,$02,$0D,$08,$10,$08,$24,$00,$00,$04,$2C .db $09,$01,$34,$03,$00,$04,$00,$14,$08,$3A,$00,$02,$00,$20,$2C,$08