Duelito (The Duel) ©1999 Hassán Hernández Benítez (alias Bokudono or Bokuten). Playing is easy. Just move to left and right, and press A for jump. Note: NESticle makes the floor to appear lower. As it is the most popular emulator, the game is adapted to it and is supposed to look correctly, but in other emulators or different versions of NESticle it may look bad. I would like to thank: YOSHi for his document (obvious) Tony Young With his page and demo I began to understand YOSHi's document (http://members.aol.com/TYoung79/nesprog.html) Thomas N. Anderson for TASM Jonathan Bowen for his summary of the 6502 instruction set Chris Covell for RGB (http://mypage.direct.ca/c/ccovell/) Snow Bro for Tile Layer SnowBro Software (http://home.sol.no/~kenhanse/nes/) Questions/suggestions: hebhassan@hotmail.com Waseiyakusha(http://members.xoom.com/has_san/index.html)