Vaus controller test ROM by Damian Yerrick The "Vaus" controller included with Taito's Arkanoid game for NES has a potentiometer and a single button. The left and right sides of the pot's range are roughly 160 counts apart, increasing counterclockwise. A covered up trimpot next to the knob is calibrated at the factory to prevent the count from wrapping between $00 and $FF. This is sent out as an 8-bit value, MSB first, on one input line; the button's state is sent on another. 15-pin version for Famicom: $4016 D1: Button $4017 D1: Position (8 bits, MSB first) 7-pin version for NES: $4017 D3: Button $4017 D4: Position (8 bits, MSB first) To control the character in the demo, press the A button on one of the controllers, and then move the Control Pad or twist the pot. The following controllers should work: * NES controller 1 * Arkanoid controller in NES port 2 * Famicom controller 3 (tested only in FCEUX) * Arkanoid controller in Famicom port (tested only in FCEUX) == Legal == The demo is distributed under the following license, based on the GNU All-Permissive License: ; Copyright 2013 Damian Yerrick ; ; Copying and distribution of this file, with or without ; modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided ; the copyright notice and this notice are preserved in all source ; code copies. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. Taito and Arkanoid are trademarks of Taito, a Square Enix company.