// Copyright 2020 sacn Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. // // This file was created as part of a University of St Andrews Computer Science BSC Senior Honours Dissertation Project. extern crate sacn; extern crate socket2; extern crate uuid; pub mod ipv4_tests; const TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6: [&'static str; 3] = ["2a02:c7f:d20a:c600:a502:2dae:7716:601b", "2a02:c7f:d20a:c600:a502:2dae:7716:601c", "2a02:c7f:d20a:c600:a502:2dae:7716:601d"]; // Split the IPv6 tests into 2 modules. // This allows only running the IPv6 Multicast tests on Linux as they are unsupported on Windows. #[cfg(test)] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod sacn_ipv6_multicast_test { use std::{thread}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, SyncSender, Receiver, RecvTimeoutError}; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr}; use std::time::Duration; use std::iter; use socket2::{Socket, Domain, Type}; use sacn::source::SacnSource; use sacn::receive::{SacnReceiver, DMXData}; use sacn::packet::{UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY, ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT, universe_to_ipv4_multicast_addr, universe_to_ipv6_multicast_addr, E131_DISCOVERY_UNIVERSE, E131_TERMINATE_STREAM_PACKET_COUNT}; use sacn::error::errors::*; /// UUID library used to handle the UUID's used in the CID fields. use uuid::Uuid; use ipv4_tests::{TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_FULL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_SINGLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE}; use TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6; #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_recv_partial_capacity_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let universe = 1; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. // Note: Localhost / loopback doesn't always support IPv6 multicast. Therefore this may have to be modified to select a specific network using the line below // where PUT_IPV6_ADDR_HERE is replaced with the ipv6 address of the interface to use. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55308730/java-multicasting-how-to-test-on-localhost (04/01/2020) let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[1].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); let received_result: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!received_result.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving data"); let received_data: Vec = received_result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. let received_universe: DMXData = received_data[0].clone(); assert_eq!(received_universe.universe, universe); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_universe.values, TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE.to_vec(), "Received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_recv_single_universe_alternative_startcode_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let universe = 1; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. // Note: Localhost / loopback doesn't always support IPv6 multicast. Therefore this may have to be modified to select a specific network using the line below // where PUT_IPV6_ADDR_HERE is replaced with the ipv6 address of the interface to use. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55308730/java-multicasting-how-to-test-on-localhost (04/01/2020) let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_SINGLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); let received_result: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!received_result.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving data"); let received_data: Vec = received_result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. let received_universe: DMXData = received_data[0].clone(); assert_eq!(received_universe.universe, universe); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_universe.values, TEST_DATA_SINGLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE.to_vec(), "Received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_across_alternative_startcode_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); const UNIVERSES: [u16; 2] = [2, 3]; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT); let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(addr, None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); // Signal that the receiver is ready to receive. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); // Receive the sync packet, the data packets shouldn't have caused .recv to return as forced to wait for sync. }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); src.send(&UNIVERSES, &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, Some(UNIVERSES[0])).unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Small delay to allow the data packets to get through as per NSI-E1.31-2018 Appendix B.1 recommendation. src.send_sync_packet(UNIVERSES[0], None).unwrap(); let sync_pkt_res: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!sync_pkt_res.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving packets"); let mut received_data: Vec = sync_pkt_res.unwrap(); received_data.sort(); // No guarantee on the ordering of the received data so sort it first to allow easier checking. assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 2); // Check 2 universes received as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].universe, 2); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE[..UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY].to_vec(), "Universe 1 received payload values don't match sent!"); assert_eq!(received_data[1].universe, 3); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_ALTERNATIVE_STARTCODE_UNIVERSE[UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY..].to_vec(), "Universe 2 received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] /// Note: this test assumes perfect network conditions (0% reordering, loss, duplication etc.), this should be the case for /// the loopback adapter with the low amount of data sent but this may be a possible cause if integration tests fail unexpectedly. fn test_send_recv_full_capacity_across_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); const UNIVERSES: [u16; 2] = [2, 3]; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); // Signal that the receiver is ready to receive. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); // Receive the sync packet, the data packets shouldn't have caused .recv to return as forced to wait for sync. }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); src.send(&UNIVERSES, &TEST_DATA_FULL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, Some(UNIVERSES[0])).unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Small delay to allow the data packets to get through as per NSI-E1.31-2018 Appendix B.1 recommendation. src.send_sync_packet(UNIVERSES[0], None).unwrap(); let sync_pkt_res: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!sync_pkt_res.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving packets"); let mut received_data: Vec = sync_pkt_res.unwrap(); received_data.sort(); // No guarantee on the ordering of the received data so sort it first to allow easier checking. assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 2); // Check 2 universes received as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].universe, 2); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].values, TEST_DATA_FULL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY].to_vec(), "Universe 1 received payload values don't match sent!"); assert_eq!(received_data[1].universe, 3); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].values, TEST_DATA_FULL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY..].to_vec(), "Universe 2 received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_recv_single_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let universe = 1; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. // Note: Localhost / loopback doesn't always support IPv6 multicast. Therefore this may have to be modified to select a specific network using the line below // where PUT_IPV6_ADDR_HERE is replaced with the ipv6 address of the interface to use. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55308730/java-multicasting-how-to-test-on-localhost (04/01/2020) let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); let _ = src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); let received_result: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!received_result.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving data"); let received_data: Vec = received_result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. let received_universe: DMXData = received_data[0].clone(); assert_eq!(received_universe.universe, universe); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_universe.values, TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE.to_vec(), "Received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] /// Note: this test assumes perfect network conditions (0% reordering, loss, duplication etc.), this should be the case for /// the loopback adapter with the low amount of data sent but this may be a possible cause if integration tests fail unexpectedly. fn test_send_recv_across_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); const UNIVERSES: [u16; 2] = [2, 3]; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); // Signal that the receiver is ready to receive. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); // Receive the sync packet, the data packets shouldn't have caused .recv to return as forced to wait for sync. }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); src.send(&UNIVERSES, &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, Some(UNIVERSES[0])).unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Small delay to allow the data packets to get through as per NSI-E1.31-2018 Appendix B.1 recommendation. See other warnings about the possibility of theses tests failing if the network isn't perfect. src.send_sync_packet(UNIVERSES[0], None).unwrap(); let sync_pkt_res: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!sync_pkt_res.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving packets"); let mut received_data: Vec = sync_pkt_res.unwrap(); received_data.sort(); // No guarantee on the ordering of the received data so sort it first to allow easier checking. assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 2); // Check 2 universes received as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].universe, 2); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY].to_vec(), "Universe 1 received payload values don't match sent!"); assert_eq!(received_data[1].universe, 3); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY..].to_vec(), "Universe 2 received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_across_universe_multiple_receivers_sync_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread1_tx = tx.clone(); let thread2_tx = tx.clone(); let universe1 = 1; let universe2 = 2; let sync_uni = 3; let rcv_thread1 = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe1]).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[sync_uni]).unwrap(); thread1_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread1_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); let rcv_thread2 = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[1].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe2]).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[sync_uni]).unwrap(); thread2_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread2_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); // Blocks until both receivers say they are ready. rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe1).unwrap(); src.register_universe(universe2).unwrap(); src.register_universe(sync_uni).unwrap(); src.send(&[universe1], &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..513], Some(priority), None, Some(sync_uni)).unwrap(); src.send(&[universe2], &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[513..], Some(priority), None, Some(sync_uni)).unwrap(); // Waiting to receive, if anything is received it indicates one of the receivers progressed without waiting for synchronisation. // This has the issue that is is possible that even though they could have progressed the receive threads may not have leading them to pass this part // when they shouldn't. This is difficult to avoid using this method of testing. It is also possible for the delay on the network to be so high that it // causes the timeout, this is also difficult to avoid. Both of these reasons should be considered if this test passes occasionally but not consistently. // The timeout should be large enough to make this unlikely although must be lower than the protocol's in-built timeout. const WAIT_RECV_TIMEOUT: u64 = 2; let attempt_recv = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(WAIT_RECV_TIMEOUT)); match attempt_recv { Ok(o) => { println!("{:#?}", o); assert!(false, "Receivers received without waiting for sync"); }, Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) } src.send_sync_packet(sync_uni, None).unwrap(); println!("Waiting to receive"); let received_result1: Vec = rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); let received_result2: Vec = rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); rcv_thread1.join().unwrap(); rcv_thread2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_result1.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. assert_eq!(received_result2.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. let mut results = vec![received_result1[0].clone(), received_result2[0].clone()]; results.sort_unstable(); // Ordering of received data is undefined, to make it easier to check sort first. assert_eq!(results[0].universe, universe1); // Check that the universe 1 received is as expected. assert_eq!(results[1].universe, universe2); // Check that the universe 2 received is as expected. assert_eq!(results[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..513].to_vec()); assert_eq!(results[1].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[513..].to_vec()); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_three_senders_three_recv_multicast_ipv6(){ const SND_THREADS: usize = 3; const RCV_THREADS: usize = 3; const SND_DATA_LEN: usize = 100; let mut snd_data: Vec> = Vec::new(); for i in 1 .. SND_THREADS + 1 { let mut d: Vec = Vec::new(); for _k in 0 .. SND_DATA_LEN { d.push(i as u8); } snd_data.push(d); } let mut snd_threads = Vec::new(); let mut rcv_threads = Vec::new(); let (rcv_tx, rcv_rx): (SyncSender>>>, Receiver>>>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); let (snd_tx, snd_rx): (SyncSender<()>, Receiver<()>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); // Used for handshaking, allows syncing the sender states. assert!(RCV_THREADS <= TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6.len(), "Number of test network interface ips less than number of recv threads!"); const BASE_UNIVERSE: u16 = 2; for i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { let tx = snd_tx.clone(); let data = snd_data[i].clone(); snd_threads.push(thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1 + (i as u16)); // https://www.programming-idioms.org/idiom/153/concatenate-string-with-integer/1975/rust (11/01/2020) let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip(&format!("Source {}", i), ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; let universe: u16 = (i as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); // Senders all send on different universes. tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Forces each sender thread to wait till the controlling thread receives which stops sending before the receivers are ready. src.send(&[universe], &data, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); })); } for i in 0 .. RCV_THREADS { let tx = rcv_tx.clone(); rcv_threads.push(thread::spawn(move || { // Port kept the same so must use multiple IP's. let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[i].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); // Receivers listen to all universes for i in (BASE_UNIVERSE as u16) .. ((SND_THREADS as u16) + (BASE_UNIVERSE as u16)) { dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[i]).unwrap(); } let mut res: Vec>> = Vec::new(); tx.send(Vec::new()).unwrap(); // Receiver notifies controlling thread it is ready. for _i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { // Receiver should receive from every universe. res.push(dmx_recv.recv(None)); // Receiver won't complete this until it receives from the senders which are all held waiting on the controlling thread. } // Results of each receive are sent back, this allows checking that each receiver was an expected universe, all universes were received and there were no errors. tx.send(res).unwrap(); })); assert_eq!(rcv_rx.recv().unwrap().len(), 0); // Wait till the receiver has notified controlling thread it is ready. } for _i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { snd_rx.recv().unwrap(); // Allow each sender to progress } for _i in 0 .. RCV_THREADS { let res: Vec>> = rcv_rx.recv().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), SND_THREADS); let mut rcv_dmx_datas: Vec = Vec::new(); for r in res { let data: Vec = r.unwrap(); // Check that there are no errors when receiving. assert_eq!(data.len(), 1); // Check that each universe was received separately. rcv_dmx_datas.push(data[0].clone()); } rcv_dmx_datas.sort_unstable(); // Sorting by universe allows easier checking as order received may vary depending on network. println!("{:?}", rcv_dmx_datas); for k in 0 .. SND_THREADS { assert_eq!(rcv_dmx_datas[k].universe, ((k as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE)); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(rcv_dmx_datas[k].values, snd_data[k], "Received payload values don't match sent!"); } } for s in snd_threads { s.join().unwrap(); } for r in rcv_threads { r.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_universe_discovery_one_universe_one_source_ipv6(){ const SND_THREADS: usize = 1; const BASE_UNIVERSE: u16 = 2; const UNIVERSE_COUNT: usize = 1; const SOURCE_NAMES: [&'static str; 1] = ["Source 1"]; let (snd_tx, snd_rx): (SyncSender<()>, Receiver<()>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); let mut snd_threads = Vec::new(); for i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { let tx = snd_tx.clone(); snd_threads.push(thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1 + (i as u16)); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip(SOURCE_NAMES[i], ip).unwrap(); let mut universes: Vec = Vec::new(); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { universes.push(((i + j) as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } src.register_universes(&universes).unwrap(); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Used to force the sender to wait till the receiver has received a universe discovery. })); } let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); loop { let result = dmx_recv.recv(Some(Duration::from_secs(2))); match result { Err(e) => { match e.kind() { &ErrorKind::Io(ref s) => { match s.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Expected to timeout / would block. // The different errors are due to windows and unix returning different errors for the same thing. }, std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => {}, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, Ok(_) => { assert!(false, "No data should have been passed up!"); } } let discovered = dmx_recv.get_discovered_sources(); if discovered.len() > 0 { assert_eq!(discovered.len(), 1); assert_eq!(discovered[0].name, SOURCE_NAMES[0]); let universes = discovered[0].get_all_universes(); assert_eq!(universes.len(), UNIVERSE_COUNT); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { assert_eq!(universes[j], (j as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } break; } } snd_rx.recv().unwrap(); for s in snd_threads { s.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_universe_discovery_multiple_universe_one_source_ipv6(){ const SND_THREADS: usize = 1; const BASE_UNIVERSE: u16 = 2; const UNIVERSE_COUNT: usize = 5; const SOURCE_NAMES: [&'static str; 1] = ["Source 1"]; let (snd_tx, snd_rx): (SyncSender<()>, Receiver<()>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); let mut snd_threads = Vec::new(); for i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { let tx = snd_tx.clone(); snd_threads.push(thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1 + (i as u16)); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip(SOURCE_NAMES[i], ip).unwrap(); let mut universes: Vec = Vec::new(); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { universes.push(((i + j) as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } src.register_universes(&universes).unwrap(); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Used to force the sender to wait till the receiver has received a universe discovery. })); } let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); loop { let result = dmx_recv.recv(Some(Duration::from_secs(2))); match result { Err(e) => { match e.kind() { &ErrorKind::Io(ref s) => { match s.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Expected to timeout / would block. // The different errors are due to windows and unix returning different errors for the same thing. }, std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => {}, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, Ok(_) => { assert!(false, "No data should have been passed up!"); } } let discovered = dmx_recv.get_discovered_sources(); if discovered.len() > 0 { assert_eq!(discovered.len(), 1); assert_eq!(discovered[0].name, SOURCE_NAMES[0]); let universes = discovered[0].get_all_universes(); assert_eq!(universes.len(), UNIVERSE_COUNT); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { assert_eq!(universes[j], (j as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } break; } } snd_rx.recv().unwrap(); for s in snd_threads { s.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_universe_discovery_multiple_pages_one_source_ipv6(){ const SND_THREADS: usize = 1; const BASE_UNIVERSE: u16 = 2; const UNIVERSE_COUNT: usize = 600; const SOURCE_NAMES: [&'static str; 1] = ["Source 1"]; let (snd_tx, snd_rx): (SyncSender<()>, Receiver<()>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); let mut snd_threads = Vec::new(); for i in 0 .. SND_THREADS { let tx = snd_tx.clone(); snd_threads.push(thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1 + (i as u16)); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip(SOURCE_NAMES[i], ip).unwrap(); src.set_is_sending_discovery(false); // To stop universe discovery packets being sent until all universes are registered. let mut universes: Vec = Vec::new(); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { universes.push(((i + j) as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } src.register_universes(&universes).unwrap(); src.set_is_sending_discovery(true); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Used to force the sender to wait till the receiver has received a universe discovery. })); } let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); loop { let result = dmx_recv.recv(Some(Duration::from_secs(2))); match result { Err(e) => { match e.kind() { &ErrorKind::Io(ref s) => { match s.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Expected to timeout / would block. // The different errors are due to windows and unix returning different errors for the same thing. }, std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => {}, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } }, Ok(_) => { assert!(false, "No data should have been passed up!"); } } let discovered = dmx_recv.get_discovered_sources(); if discovered.len() > 0 { assert_eq!(discovered.len(), 1); assert_eq!(discovered[0].name, SOURCE_NAMES[0]); let universes = discovered[0].get_all_universes(); assert_eq!(universes.len(), UNIVERSE_COUNT); for j in 0 .. UNIVERSE_COUNT { assert_eq!(universes[j], (j as u16) + BASE_UNIVERSE); } break; } } snd_rx.recv().unwrap(); for s in snd_threads { s.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_recv_two_universe_multicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let universes = [1, 2]; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&universes).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); // Notify the sender that the receiver is ready. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); // Receive and pass on 2 lots of data, blocking. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); rx.recv().unwrap().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); src.register_universes(&universes).unwrap(); // Send 2 universes of data with default priority, no synchronisation and use multicast. src.send(&universes, &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, None, None, None).unwrap(); // Get the data that was sent to the receiver. let received_result: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); let received_result_2: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Receiver can be terminated. rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!received_result.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving 1st universe of data"); assert!(!received_result_2.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving 2nd universe of data"); let received_data: Vec = received_result.unwrap(); let received_data_2: Vec = received_result_2.unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received from each individual recv() as expected, if this wasn't the case it would assert_eq!(received_data_2.len(), 1); // indicate that the data has been synchronised incorrectly or that less data than expected was received. assert_eq!(received_data[0].universe, universes[0]); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data_2[0].universe, universes[1]); assert_eq!(received_data[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..513].to_vec()); assert_eq!(received_data_2[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[513..].to_vec()); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_two_senders_one_recv_same_universe_no_sync_multicast_ipv6(){ let universe = 1; let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); let snd_thread_1 = thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); let _ = src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); }); let snd_thread_2 = thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 2); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); let _ = src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); }); let res1: Vec = dmx_recv.recv(None).unwrap(); let res2: Vec = dmx_recv.recv(None).unwrap(); snd_thread_1.join().unwrap(); snd_thread_2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res1.len(), 1); assert_eq!(res2.len(), 1); let res = vec![res1[0].clone(), res2[0].clone()]; assert_eq!(res[0].universe, universe); assert_eq!(res[1].universe, universe); if res[0].values == TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE.to_vec() { assert_eq!(res[1].values, TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE.to_vec()); } else { assert_eq!(res[0].values, TEST_DATA_PARTIAL_CAPACITY_UNIVERSE.to_vec()); assert_eq!(res[1].values, TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE.to_vec()); } } /// Setups and runs through the scenario as described in ANSI E1.31-2018 Appendix B. /// This asserts that the behaviour of this implementation is exactly as outlined within that section. /// This shows that the implementation handles universe synchronisation in the way specified by the protocol document. /// As the force synchronisation option is not implemented as part of this library that section is ignored. /// /// This is exactly the same as the IPv4 variant test of the same name but done over IPv6 to show equivalence. /// #[test] #[ignore] fn test_ansi_e131_appendix_b_runthrough_ipv6() { // The number of set of (data packets + sync packet) to send. const SYNC_PACKET_COUNT: usize = 5; // The number of data packets sent before each sync packet. const DATA_PACKETS_PER_SYNC_PACKET: usize = 2; // The 'slight pause' as specified by ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 11.2.2 between data and sync packets. const PAUSE_PERIOD: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); let (tx, rx): (SyncSender<()>, Receiver<()>) = mpsc::sync_channel(0); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let data_universes = [1, 2]; let sync_universe = 7962; let priority = 100; let source_name = "Source_A"; let data = [0x00, 0xe, 0x0, 0xc, 0x1, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4, 0x8, 0x0, 0xd, 0xa, 0x7, 0xa]; let data2 = [0x00, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0xa]; let src_cid: Uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(&[0xef, 0x07, 0xc8, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x64, 0x44, 0x01, 0xa3, 0xa2, 0x45, 0x9e, 0xf8, 0xe6, 0x14, 0x3e]).unwrap(); let snd_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap(), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_cid_ip(source_name, src_cid, ip).unwrap(); src.register_universes(&data_universes).unwrap(); src.register_universe(sync_universe).unwrap(); // Sender waits till the receiver says it is ready. thread_tx.send(()).unwrap(); for _ in 0 .. SYNC_PACKET_COUNT { // Sender sends data packets to the 2 data universes using the same synchronisation address. src.send(&[data_universes[0]], &data, Some(priority), None, Some(sync_universe)).unwrap(); src.send(&[data_universes[1]], &data2, Some(priority), None, Some(sync_universe)).unwrap(); // Sender observes a slight pause to allow for processing delays (ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 11.2.2). sleep(PAUSE_PERIOD); // Sender sends a synchronisation packet to the sync universe. src.send_sync_packet(sync_universe, None).unwrap(); } // Sender sends a data packet to the data universe using a zero synchronisation address indicating synchronisation is now over. src.send(&[data_universes[0]], &data, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); src.send(&[data_universes[1]], &data2, Some(priority), None, None).unwrap(); }); let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[1].parse().unwrap(), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); // Receiver only listening to the data universe, the sync universe should be joined automatically when a data packet that requires it arrives. dmx_recv.listen_universes(&data_universes).unwrap(); // Receiver created successfully so allow the sender to progress. rx.recv().unwrap(); for _ in 0 .. SYNC_PACKET_COUNT { // "When the E1.31 Synchronization Packet arrives from Source A, Receiver B acts on the data." match dmx_recv.recv(None) { Ok(p) => { assert_eq!(p.len(), DATA_PACKETS_PER_SYNC_PACKET); if p[0].universe == data_universes[0] { assert_eq!(p[0].values, data, "Unexpected data within first data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(p[1].universe, data_universes[1], "Unrecognised universe as second data packet in set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(p[1].values, data2, "Unexpected data within second data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); } else if p[0].universe == data_universes[1] { assert_eq!(p[0].values, data2, "Unexpected data within first data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(p[1].universe, data_universes[0], "Unrecognised universe as second data packet in set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(p[1].values, data, "Unexpected data within second data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); } else { assert!(false, "Unrecognised universe within data packet"); } } Err(e) => { assert!(false, format!("Unexpected error returned: {:?}", e)); } } } // "This process continues until Receiver B receives an E1.31 Data Packet with a Synchronization Address of 0." // "Receiver B may then unsubscribe from the synchronization multicast address" - This implementation does not automatically unsubscribe // This is based on the reasoning that a synchronisation universe will be used multiple times and subscribing/un-subscribing is unneeded overhead. // Synchronisation is now over so should receive 2 packets individually. let rcv_data = dmx_recv.recv(None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(rcv_data.len(), 1); assert_eq!(rcv_data[0].universe, data_universes[0]); assert_eq!(rcv_data[0].values, data); let rcv_data2 = dmx_recv.recv(None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(rcv_data2.len(), 1); assert_eq!(rcv_data2[0].universe, data_universes[1]); assert_eq!(rcv_data2[0].values, data2); // "If, at any time, Receiver B receives more than one E1.31 Data Packet with the same Synchronization // Address in it, before receiving an E1.31 Universe Synchronization Packet, it will discard all but the most // recent E1.31 Data Packet. Those packets are only acted upon when the synchronization command // arrives." // This is taken to refer to a data packet within the same universe and synchronisation address not a packet with any universe // this assumption is based on the wording "Universe synchronization is required for applications where receivers require more than one universe to // be controlled, multiple receivers produce synchronized output, or unsynchronized control of receivers may // result in undesired visual effects." from ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 11. This wording indicates that one use case of synchronisation is to allow // receivers with more than one universe to be controlled however this would be impossible if the statement above (from ANSI E1.31-2018 Appendix B) // indicated that data packets for all but one universe should be discarded. // "Since the the Force_Synchronization bit in the Options field of the E1.31 Data Packet has been set to 0, // even if Source A times out the E131_NETWORK_DATA_LOSS_TIMEOUT, Receiver B will stay in its last // look until a new E1.31 Synchronization Packet arrives." // The implementation does not support the force synchronisation bit so always acts as if is set to 1 and times out. snd_thread.join().unwrap(); } /// Sets up a single source and receiver. Like in a real-world scenario the source sends data continuously on 2 universes synchronised /// on a third universe with a small interval between data sends. /// The receiver starts with no knowledge of what universe the source is sending on so starts by using Universe Discovery to discover the universes /// it then joins these universes and receives the data. The sender eventually stops sending data and terminates by sending stream termination packets. /// The receiver receives these packets and also terminates. /// This shows that the implementation works in a simulated scenario that makes use of multiple features / parts. /// It also shows the receiver 'jumping into' a stream of data that has already started (meaning sequence numbers are already > 0). /// /// This is exactly the same as the IPv4 variant test of the same name but done over IPv6 to show equivalence. /// #[test] #[ignore] fn test_discover_recv_sync_runthrough_ipv6() { // The number of set of (data packets + sync packet) to send. const SYNC_PACKET_COUNT: usize = 250; // The number of data packets sent before each sync packet. const DATA_PACKETS_PER_SYNC_PACKET: usize = 2; // The 'slight pause' as specified by ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 11.2.2 between data and sync packets. const PAUSE_PERIOD: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50); // The interval between sets of sync/data packets. const INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); // The universes used for data. const DATA_UNIVERSES: [u16; 2] = [1, 2]; // The universe used for synchronisation packets. const SYNC_UNIVERSE: u16 = 4; // The source name const SOURCE_NAME: &str = "Test Source"; // The data send on the first and second universes. const DATA: [u8; 16] = [0x00, 0xe, 0x0, 0xc, 0x1, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4, 0x8, 0x0, 0xd, 0xa, 0x7, 0xa, 0x9, 0x8]; const DATA2: [u8; 16] =[0x00, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0xa, 0x9, 0x8]; // The source CID. let src_cid: Uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(&[0xef, 0x07, 0xc8, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x64, 0x44, 0x01, 0xa3, 0xa2, 0x45, 0x9e, 0xf8, 0xe6, 0x14, 0x3e]).unwrap(); let snd_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap(), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_cid_ip(SOURCE_NAME, src_cid, ip).unwrap(); src.register_universes(&DATA_UNIVERSES).unwrap(); src.register_universe(SYNC_UNIVERSE).unwrap(); for _ in 0 .. SYNC_PACKET_COUNT { // Sender sends data packets to the 2 data universes using the same synchronisation address. src.send(&[DATA_UNIVERSES[0]], &DATA, None, None, Some(SYNC_UNIVERSE)).unwrap(); src.send(&[DATA_UNIVERSES[1]], &DATA2, None, None, Some(SYNC_UNIVERSE)).unwrap(); // Sender observes a slight pause to allow for processing delays (ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 11.2.2). sleep(PAUSE_PERIOD); // Sender sends a synchronisation packet to the sync universe. src.send_sync_packet(SYNC_UNIVERSE, None).unwrap(); sleep(INTERVAL); } // Sender goes out of scope so will automatically send termination packets. }); let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[1].parse().unwrap(), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); // Receiver starts by not listening to any data universes (automatically listens to discovery universe). dmx_recv.set_announce_source_discovery(true); let universes: Vec = match dmx_recv.recv(None) { Err(e) => { match e.kind() { ErrorKind::SourceDiscovered(_name) => { let discovered_sources = dmx_recv.get_discovered_sources(); assert_eq!(discovered_sources.len(), 1); // Found the source so don't want to be notified about other sources. dmx_recv.set_announce_source_discovery(false); // Do want to be notified about stream termination in this case. dmx_recv.set_announce_stream_termination(true); discovered_sources[0].get_all_universes() } _ => { // A real-user would want to look at using more detailed error handling as appropriate to their use case but for this test panic // (which will fail the test) is suitable. panic!("Unexpected error"); } } } Ok(_) => { panic!("Unexpected data packet before any data universes registered"); } }; dmx_recv.listen_universes(&universes).unwrap(); // Assert Successful loop { match dmx_recv.recv(None) { Err(e) => { match e.kind() { ErrorKind::UniverseTerminated(_src_cid, _universe) => { // A real use-case may also want to not terminate when the source does and instead remain waiting but in this // case the for the test the receiver terminates with the source. break; } _ => { assert!(false, "Unexpected error returned"); } } } Ok(rcv_data) => { assert_eq!(rcv_data.len(), DATA_PACKETS_PER_SYNC_PACKET); if rcv_data[0].universe == DATA_UNIVERSES[0] { assert_eq!(rcv_data[0].values, DATA, "Unexpected data within first data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(rcv_data[1].universe, DATA_UNIVERSES[1], "Unrecognised universe as second data packet in set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(rcv_data[1].values, DATA2, "Unexpected data within second data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); } else if rcv_data[0].universe == DATA_UNIVERSES[1] { assert_eq!(rcv_data[0].values, DATA2, "Unexpected data within first data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(rcv_data[1].universe, DATA_UNIVERSES[0], "Unrecognised universe as second data packet in set of synchronised packets"); assert_eq!(rcv_data[1].values, DATA, "Unexpected data within second data packet of a set of synchronised packets"); } else { assert!(false, "Unrecognised universe within data packet"); } } } } // Finished receiving from the sender. snd_thread.join().unwrap(); } /// Creates an IPv4 sender and an IPv6 sender as well as 2 receiver sockets (one for each IP version). /// /// Both senders then send a data packet, sync packet, discovery packet and termination packet to their respective receiver socket and the test asserts /// that all packets received are identical regardless of IP version used as per ANSI E1.31-2018 Section 9.1 /// #[test] #[ignore] fn test_ip_equivalence() { /* Packet parameters, not directly the focus of the test */ const CID: [u8; 16] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]; const PRIORITY: u8 = 150; let universe: u16 = 1; let source_name = "SourceName".to_string() + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + "\0\0\0\0"; let mut dmx_data: Vec = Vec::new(); dmx_data.push(0); // Start code dmx_data.extend(iter::repeat(100).take(255)); /* */ // Create and setup the ipv4 source. let ipv4: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut ipv4_source = SacnSource::with_cid_ip(&source_name.clone(), Uuid::from_bytes(&CID).unwrap(), ipv4).unwrap(); ipv4_source.set_preview_mode(false).unwrap(); ipv4_source.set_multicast_loop_v4(true).unwrap(); ipv4_source.register_universes(&[universe as u16]).unwrap(); // Create and setup the ipv4 receiver socket. let ipv4_recv = Socket::new(Domain::ipv4(), Type::dgram(), None).unwrap(); let ipv4_multicast_addr = universe_to_ipv4_multicast_addr(universe).unwrap(); let ipv4_discovery_multicast_addr = universe_to_ipv4_multicast_addr(E131_DISCOVERY_UNIVERSE).unwrap(); // To allow joining multiple multicast groups like this reuse port/address must be true. ipv4_recv.set_reuse_port(true).unwrap(); ipv4_recv.set_reuse_address(true).unwrap(); // Bind to the unspecified address allowing receiving any data on that port then join the universe and the discovery multicast groups. // Binding to unspecified required to allow receiving from multiple multicast addresses. ipv4_recv.bind(&SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT).into()).unwrap(); ipv4_recv.join_multicast_v4(&ipv4_multicast_addr.as_inet().unwrap().ip(), &Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED).unwrap(); ipv4_recv.join_multicast_v4(&ipv4_discovery_multicast_addr.as_inet().unwrap().ip(), &Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED).unwrap(); // Create and setup the ipv6 source. let ipv6: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut ipv6_source = SacnSource::with_cid_ip(&source_name.clone(), Uuid::from_bytes(&CID).unwrap(), ipv6).unwrap(); ipv6_source.set_preview_mode(false).unwrap(); ipv6_source.register_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); // Create and setup the ipv6 receiver socket. let ipv6_recv = Socket::new(Domain::ipv6(), Type::dgram(), None).unwrap(); let ipv6_multicast_addr = universe_to_ipv6_multicast_addr(universe).unwrap(); let ipv6_discovery_multicast_addr = universe_to_ipv6_multicast_addr(E131_DISCOVERY_UNIVERSE).unwrap(); // To allow joining multiple multicast groups like this reuse port/address must be true. ipv6_recv.set_reuse_port(true).unwrap(); ipv6_recv.set_reuse_address(true).unwrap(); // Bind to the unspecified :: address for same reason as for IPv4. ipv6_recv.bind(&SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT).into()).unwrap(); ipv6_recv.join_multicast_v6(&ipv6_multicast_addr.as_inet6().unwrap().ip(), 0).unwrap(); ipv6_recv.join_multicast_v6(&ipv6_discovery_multicast_addr.as_inet6().unwrap().ip(), 0).unwrap(); // Send and receive the data packet over IPv4. let mut ipv4_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; ipv4_source.send(&[universe], &dmx_data, Some(PRIORITY), None, None).unwrap(); let (ipv4_len, _) = ipv4_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv4_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Send and receive the data packet over IPv6. let mut ipv6_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; ipv6_source.send(&[universe], &dmx_data, Some(PRIORITY), None, None).unwrap(); let (ipv6_len, _) = ipv6_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv6_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Check that the data packets match. assert_eq!(ipv4_recv_buf[.. ipv4_len], ipv6_recv_buf[.. ipv6_len], "IPv4 and IPv6 data packets aren't identical"); // Send and receive the sync packet over IPv4. ipv4_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; ipv4_source.send_sync_packet(universe, None).unwrap(); let (ipv4_len, _) = ipv4_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv4_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Send and receive the sync packet over IPv6. ipv6_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; ipv6_source.send_sync_packet(universe, None).unwrap(); let (ipv6_len, _) = ipv6_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv6_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Check the sync packets match. assert_eq!(ipv4_recv_buf[.. ipv4_len], ipv6_recv_buf[.. ipv6_len], "IPv4 and IPv6 sync packets aren't identical"); // Wait for discovery packet over IPv4. ipv4_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; let (ipv4_len, _) = ipv4_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv4_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Wait for discovery packet over IPv6. ipv6_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; let (ipv6_len, _) = ipv6_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv6_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Check the discovery packets match. assert_eq!(ipv4_recv_buf[.. ipv4_len], ipv6_recv_buf[.. ipv6_len], "IPv4 and IPv6 discovery packets aren't identical"); // Terminate sending data on the universe. ipv4_source.terminate_stream(universe, 0).unwrap(); ipv6_source.terminate_stream(universe, 0).unwrap(); // Termination packets are sent multiple times so check that they are all received. for _ in 0 .. E131_TERMINATE_STREAM_PACKET_COUNT { // Send and receive a termination packet over IPv4. ipv4_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; let (ipv4_len, _) = ipv4_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv4_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Send and receive a termination packet over IPv6. ipv6_recv_buf = [0; 1024]; let (ipv6_len, _) = ipv6_recv.recv_from(&mut ipv6_recv_buf).unwrap(); // Check that the termination packets match assert_eq!(ipv4_recv_buf[.. ipv4_len], ipv6_recv_buf[.. ipv6_len], "IPv4 and IPv6 termination packets aren't identical"); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod sacn_ipv6_unicast_test { use std::{thread}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver}; use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}; use sacn::source::SacnSource; use sacn::receive::{SacnReceiver, DMXData}; use sacn::packet::{UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY, ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT}; use std::time::Duration; use sacn::error::errors::*; use ipv4_tests::{TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE}; use TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6; #[test] #[ignore] fn test_send_recv_single_universe_unicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); let universe = 1; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&[universe]).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[1].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universe(universe).unwrap(); let dst_ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT); let _ = src.send(&[universe], &TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), Some(dst_ip), None).unwrap(); let received_result: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!received_result.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving data"); let received_data: Vec = received_result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 1); // Check only 1 universe received as expected. let received_universe: DMXData = received_data[0].clone(); assert_eq!(received_universe.universe, universe); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_universe.values, TEST_DATA_SINGLE_UNIVERSE.to_vec(), "Received payload values don't match sent!"); } #[test] #[ignore] /// Note: this test assumes perfect network conditions (0% reordering, loss, duplication etc.), this should be the case for /// the loopback adapter with the low amount of data sent but this may be a possible cause if integration tests fail unexpectedly. fn test_send_recv_across_universe_unicast_ipv6(){ let (tx, rx): (Sender>>, Receiver>>) = mpsc::channel(); let thread_tx = tx.clone(); const UNIVERSES: [u16; 2] = [2, 3]; let rcv_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dmx_recv = SacnReceiver::with_ip(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT), None).unwrap(); dmx_recv.listen_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); thread_tx.send(Ok(Vec::new())).unwrap(); // Signal that the receiver is ready to receive. thread_tx.send(dmx_recv.recv(None)).unwrap(); // Receive the sync packet, the data packets shouldn't have caused .recv to return as forced to wait for sync. }); let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); // Blocks until the receiver says it is ready. let ip: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT + 1); let mut src = SacnSource::with_ip("Source", ip).unwrap(); let priority = 100; src.register_universes(&UNIVERSES).unwrap(); let _ = src.send(&UNIVERSES, &TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE, Some(priority), Some(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT).into()), Some(UNIVERSES[0])).unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Small delay to allow the data packets to get through as per NSI-E1.31-2018 Appendix B.1 recommendation. src.send_sync_packet(UNIVERSES[0], Some(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(TEST_NETWORK_INTERFACE_IPV6[0].parse().unwrap()), ACN_SDT_MULTICAST_PORT).into())).unwrap(); let sync_pkt_res: Result> = rx.recv().unwrap(); rcv_thread.join().unwrap(); assert!(!sync_pkt_res.is_err(), "Failed: Error when receiving packets"); let mut received_data: Vec = sync_pkt_res.unwrap(); received_data.sort(); // No guarantee on the ordering of the received data so sort it first to allow easier checking. assert_eq!(received_data.len(), 2); // Check 2 universes received as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].universe, 2); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[0].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[..UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY].to_vec(), "Universe 1 received payload values don't match sent!"); assert_eq!(received_data[1].universe, 3); // Check that the universe received is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].sync_uni, 2); // Check that the sync universe is as expected. assert_eq!(received_data[1].values, TEST_DATA_MULTIPLE_UNIVERSE[UNIVERSE_CHANNEL_CAPACITY..].to_vec(), "Universe 2 received payload values don't match sent!"); } }