# **SACS** - Simple Asynchronous Cron Scheduler `SACS` is easy to use, lightweight scheduler and executor of repeatable async tasks for `Tokio` runtime.

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## Features - Runs tasks with different types of schedule: once, with delay, by interval, with a cron schedule. - Uses current `Tokio` runtime or creates new one with specified type, number of threads and limited parallelism. - Allows task cancellation, getting current state and runtime statistics of the task. - Task execution time may be limited. - Lightweight, small, easy to use. ## Quick start Just create [`Scheduler`](https://docs.rs/sacs/latest/sacs/scheduler/struct.Scheduler.html) and add [`Task`](https://docs.rs/sacs/latest/sacs/task/struct.Task.html) to it. Refer to the [`crate's documentation`](https://docs.rs/sacs/latest/sacs/) for more examples and details of possible usage. ```rust use sacs::{ scheduler::{Scheduler, ShutdownOpts, TaskScheduler}, task::{CronOpts, Task, TaskSchedule}, Result, }; use std::time::Duration; use tracing::info; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); // Create scheduler with default config let scheduler = Scheduler::default(); // Create task with cron schedule: repeat it every 3 seconds let cron = TaskSchedule::Cron("*/3 * * * * *".try_into()?, CronOpts::default()); let task = Task::new(cron, |id| { Box::pin(async move { info!("Job {id} started."); // Actual async workload here tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; // ... info!("Job {id} finished."); }) }); // Post task to the scheduler and forget it :) let _task_id = scheduler.add(task).await?; // ... and do any other async work in parallel tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; // It's not mandatory but good to shutdown scheduler // Wait for completion of all running jobs scheduler.shutdown(ShutdownOpts::WaitForFinish).await } ``` ## TODO - [x] Make [`TaskId`](https://docs.rs/sacs/latest/sacs/task/struct.TaskId.html) and [`JobId`](https://docs.rs/sacs/latest/sacs/job/struct.JobId.html) more flexible and convenient to create and refer tasks. - [x] Tracing. - [x] Task with limited execution time. - [ ] More examples. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).