# Release Checklist 1. Bump any dependencies in **Cargo.toml** 2. Run tests and address sanitiser checks: ```bash export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS:-} -Z sanitizer=address -C target-cpu=native -C target-feature=+aes,+avx2,+sse2,+sse4.1,+bmi2,+popcnt";\ export RUSTDOCFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address"; rustup default nightly; KAT=1 AVX2=1 NASM=1 ./tests/run_all_tests.sh; ``` 3. Bump version in **Cargo.toml** 4. Bump version in deps.rs badge and features section of **readme.md** 5. Update **changelog.md** 6. `cargo +nightly fmt` 7. `wasm-pack build -- --features wasm` 8. Fix autogenerated **pkg/package.json**: * name - Replace `pqc_kyber` with `pqc-kyber` * description - Revert line to replace with old description 9. `git commit -m "release v0.0.0"` 10. `git tag v0.0.0` 11. `git push origin v0.0.0` 12. Open PR to master, confirm all CI checks pass, merge PR 13. `cargo publish` 14. `npm publish`