^title String Class A string is an immutable array of bytes. Strings usually store text, in which case the bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the text's code points. But you can put any kind of byte values in there you want, including null bytes or invalid UTF-8. There are a few ways to think of a string: * As a searchable chunk of text composed of a sequence of textual code points. * As an iterable sequence of code point numbers. * As a flat array of directly indexable bytes. All of those are useful for some problems, so the string API supports all three. The first one is the most common, so that's what methods directly on the string class cater to. In UTF-8, a single Unicode code point—very roughly a single "character"—may encode to one or more bytes. This means you can't efficiently index by code point. There's no way to jump directly to, say, the fifth code point in a string without walking the string from the beginning and counting them as you go. Because counting code points is relatively slow, the indexes passed to string methods are *byte* offsets, not *code point* offsets. When you do:
That means "get the code point starting at *byte* three", not "get the third code point in the string". This sounds scary, but keep in mind that the methods on strings *return* byte indexes too. So, for example, this does what you want:
var metalBand = "Fäcëhämmër"
var hPosition = metalBand.indexOf("h")
System.print(metalBand[hPosition]) //> h
A string can also be indexed with a [Range](range.html), which will return a new string as a substring of the original.
var example = "hello wren"
System.print(example[0...5])   //> hello
System.print(example[-4..-1])  //> wren
If you want to work with a string as a sequence numeric code points, call the `codePoints` getter. It returns a [Sequence](sequence.html) that decodes UTF-8 and iterates over the code points, returning each as a number. If you want to get at the raw bytes, call `bytes`. This returns a Sequence that ignores any UTF-8 encoding and works directly at the byte level. ## Static Methods ### String.**fromCodePoint**(codePoint) Creates a new string containing the UTF-8 encoding of `codePoint`.
String.fromCodePoint(8225) //> ‡
It is a runtime error if `codePoint` is not an integer between `0` and `0x10ffff`, inclusive. ### String.**fromByte**(byte) Creates a new string containing the single byte `byte`.
String.fromByte(255) //> �
It is a runtime error if `byte` is not an integer between `0` and `0xff`, inclusive. ## Methods ### **bytes** Gets a [`Sequence`](sequence.html) that can be used to access the raw bytes of the string and ignore any UTF-8 encoding. In addition to the normal sequence methods, the returned object also has a subscript operator that can be used to directly index bytes.
System.print("hello".bytes[1]) //> 101 (for "e")
The `count` method on the returned sequence returns the number of bytes in the string. Unlike `count` on the string itself, it does not have to iterate over the string, and runs in constant time instead. ### **codePoints** Gets a [`Sequence`](sequence.html) that can be used to access the UTF-8 decode code points of the string *as numbers*. Iteration and subscripting work similar to the string itself. The difference is that instead of returning single-character strings, this returns the numeric code point values.
var string = "(ᵔᴥᵔ)"
System.print(string.codePoints[0]) //> 40 (for "(")
System.print(string.codePoints[4]) //> 7461 (for "ᴥ")
If the byte at `index` does not begin a valid UTF-8 sequence, or the end of the string is reached before the sequence is complete, returns `-1`.
var string = "(ᵔᴥᵔ)"
System.print(string.codePoints[2]) //> -1 (in the middle of "ᵔ")
### **contains**(other) Checks if `other` is a substring of the string. It is a runtime error if `other` is not a string. ### **count** Returns the number of code points in the string. Since UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding, this requires iterating over the entire string, which is relatively slow. If the string contains bytes that are invalid UTF-8, each byte adds one to the count as well. ### **endsWith**(suffix) Checks if the string ends with `suffix`. It is a runtime error if `suffix` is not a string. ### **indexOf**(search) Returns the index of the first byte matching `search` in the string or `-1` if `search` was not found. It is a runtime error if `search` is not a string. ### **indexOf**(search, start) Returns the index of the first byte matching `search` in the string or `-1` if `search` was not found, starting at byte offset `start`. The `start` offset can also be negative, which will be offset relative to end of the string instead. Searches forward, from the offset to the end of the string. It is a runtime error if `search` is not a string or `start` is not an integer index within the string's byte length. ### **iterate**(iterator), **iteratorValue**(iterator) Implements the [iterator protocol][] for iterating over the *code points* in the string: [iterator protocol]: ../../control-flow.html#the-iterator-protocol
var codePoints = []
for (c in "(ᵔᴥᵔ)") {

System.print(codePoints) //> [(, ᵔ, ᴥ, ᵔ, )]
If the string contains any bytes that are not valid UTF-8, this iterates over those too, one byte at a time. ### **replace**(old, swap) Returns a new string with all occurrences of `old` replaced with `swap`.
var string = "abc abc abc"
System.print(string.replace(" ", "")) //> abcabcabc
### **split**(separator) Returns a list of one or more strings separated by `separator`.
var string = "abc abc abc"
System.print(string.split(" ")) //> [abc, abc, abc]
It is a runtime error if `separator` is not a string or is an empty string. ### **startsWith**(prefix) Checks if the string starts with `prefix`. It is a runtime error if `prefix` is not a string. ### **trim**() Returns a new string with whitespace removed from the beginning and end of this string. "Whitespace" is space, tab, carriage return, and line feed characters.
System.print(" \nstuff\r\t".trim()) //> stuff
### **trim**(chars) Returns a new string with all code points in `chars` removed from the beginning and end of this string.
System.print("ᵔᴥᵔᴥᵔbearᵔᴥᴥᵔᵔ".trim("ᵔᴥ")) //> bear
### **trimEnd**() Like `trim()` but only removes from the end of the string.
System.print(" \nstuff\r\t".trimEnd()) //> " \nstuff"
### **trimEnd**(chars) Like `trim()` but only removes from the end of the string.
System.print("ᵔᴥᵔᴥᵔbearᵔᴥᴥᵔᵔ".trimEnd("ᵔᴥ")) //> ᵔᴥᵔᴥᵔbear
### **trimStart**() Like `trim()` but only removes from the beginning of the string.
System.print(" \nstuff\r\t".trimStart()) //> "stuff\r\t"
### **trimStart**(chars) Like `trim()` but only removes from the beginning of the string.
System.print("ᵔᴥᵔᴥᵔbearᵔᴥᴥᵔᵔ".trimStart("ᵔᴥ")) //> bearᵔᴥᴥᵔᵔ
### **+**(other) operator Returns a new string that concatenates this string and `other`. It is a runtime error if `other` is not a string. ### *****(count) operator Returns a new string that contains this string repeated `count` times. It is a runtime error if `count` is not a positive integer. ### **==**(other) operator Checks if the string is equal to `other`. ### **!=**(other) operator Check if the string is not equal to `other`. ### **[**index**]** operator Returns a string containing the code point starting at byte `index`.
System.print("ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ"[5]) //> ᴥ
Since `ʕ` is two bytes in UTF-8 and `•` is three, the fifth byte points to the bear's nose. If `index` points into the middle of a UTF-8 sequence or at otherwise invalid UTF-8, this returns a one-byte string containing the byte at that index:
System.print("I ♥ NY"[3]) //> (one-byte string [153])
It is a runtime error if `index` is greater than the number of bytes in the string.