class Slots { foreign static noSet foreign static getSlots(bool, num, string, bytes, value) foreign static setSlots(a, b, c, d, e) foreign static slotTypes(bool, foreignObj, list, map, nullObj, num, string, unknown) foreign static ensure() foreign static ensureOutsideForeign() foreign static getListCount(list) foreign static getListElement(list, index) foreign static getMapValue(map, key) } foreign class ForeignType { construct new() {} } // If nothing is set in the return slot, it retains its previous value, the // receiver. System.print(Slots.noSet == Slots) // expect: true var value = ["value"] System.print(Slots.getSlots(true, "by\0te", 1.5, "str", value) == value) // expect: true System.print(Slots.setSlots(value, 0, 0, 0, 0) == value) // expect: true System.print(Slots.slotTypes(false,, [], {}, null, 1.2, "str", 1..2)) // expect: true System.print(Slots.ensure()) // expect: 1 -> 20 (190) System.print(Slots.ensureOutsideForeign()) // expect: 0 -> 20 (190) var ducks = ["Huey", "Dewey", "Louie"] System.print(Slots.getListCount(ducks)) // expect: 3 System.print(Slots.getListElement(ducks, 0)) // expect: Huey System.print(Slots.getListElement(ducks, 1)) // expect: Dewey var capitals = { "England": "London", "Scotland": "Edinburgh", "Wales": "Cardiff", "N. Ireland": "Belfast" } System.print(Slots.getMapValue(capitals, "England")) // expect: London System.print(Slots.getMapValue(capitals, "Wales")) // expect: Cardiff System.print(Slots.getMapValue(capitals, "S. Ireland")) // expect: null