# Contributing - The next month of sprint planning can always be found on our [github kanban board](https://github.com/orgs/SaitoTech/projects/5) - PRs should be made against the `main` branch in the [saito-rust project](https://github.com/SaitoTech/saito-rust) - PRs must pass [rust fmt (via Github Actions)](README.md#github-actions) check and should have full test coverage ## Tools - [Convo](https://convco.github.io/check/) To check your commits according to the format it can be [installed locally](https://convco.github.io/#installation) ### Commit format We use [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org) for commit messages. In short a commit message should follow this format: ``` [optional scope]: [optional body] [optional footer(s)] ``` For example: ``` feat(keypair): add format check ``` - For the full specification please have a look at https://www.conventionalcommits.org - Reasons to use this format can be found in this post: https://marcodenisi.dev/en/blog/why-you-should-use-conventional-commits #### Commit `type` Most used types: - `fix` - `feat` Further recommended types: - `build` - `chore` - `ci` - `docs` - `style` - `refactor` - `perf` - `test` #### Issue numbers in a commit If the commit relates to an issue the issue number can be added to the commit-`descrition` or -`body`, i.e.: ``` feat(keypair): add format check #123 ```