# Deploying ## Running in a Kubernetes cluster TODO: Write # For developers ## Set up development environment ### 1. Create user config This config will be picked up automatically ```bash echo "DB_USER=$(whoami) DB_NAME=samling SECRET=abc123 LOG_LEVEL=info CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000, CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID=abc CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN=123 SAMLING_PRETTY_RESPONSES=true" > .env ``` ### 2. Create database and migrate ```bash createdb samling cargo run migrate ``` ### 3. Create user Export the user ID as an environment variable, we'll use it later. USER_ID should be `1` as in this example, if the database is clean. We'll also store SUPERUSER_ID for CLI access. ```bash cargo run users create --name 'My Name' --email my@email.com --password MyPassword export USER_ID=1 echo SUPERUSER_ID=$USER_ID >> .env ``` ### 4. Create organization ```bash cargo run organizations create 'Company Name' export ORGANIZATION_ID=1 ``` ### 5. Associate all roles to superuser NOTE: `ORGANIZATION_ID` might be something different than `1`. ```bash cargo run users associate-roles --all $USER_ID $ORGANIZATION_ID ``` ### 6. Start the API server ```bash cargo run serve ``` ### 7. (Optional) Store API token for conveniently making API calls NOTE: The stored API token will have to be updated every 7 days for the `api` command to work. ```bash echo SAMLING_TOKEN=$(cargo run generate-user-token $USER_ID) >> .env ``` Pro tip! You can use [cargo-watch](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-watch) to have the server restart every time the code changes. ```bash cargo watch -- cargo run serve ``` ### 8. Start the frontend This is easy! Just do: ```bash cd ui npm install npm start ``` ## Creating data via API Currently the only way to create categories, prices, styles etc is via the API. For example, to create a category called T-Shirts: ```bash echo '{"name": {"en": "T-shirts"}}' | samling api -d - PUT 1/categories/external_id:BC-TShirts ``` A style: ```bash echo '{"number": "A12345", "name": {"en": "Cool t-shirt"}}' | samling api -d - PUT 1/styles/external_id:BC-A12345 ``` A color, associated with the above style: ```bash echo '{"number": "HBlue", "name": {"en": "Hazy Blue"}, "style": {"external_id": "BC-A12345"}}' | samling api -d - PUT 1/colors/external_id:BC-A12345-HBlue ``` A size, associated with the above color: ```bash echo '{"number": "XS", "name": {"en": "Extra small"}, "position": 1, "color": {"external_id": "BC-A12345-HBlue"}}' | samling api -d - PUT 1/sizes/external_id:BC-A12345-HBlue-XS ``` Notice how we're doing `PUT` requests here, with an External ID specified in the URL. This would be the typical way of syncing data from your ERP system.