//! A short example that converts an f64 sine wave to a few of the sample types available within //! the `Sample` crate, prints their values, and then converts them back to the original f64. extern crate sample; use sample::Sample; /// An iterator that continually steps forward the phase for a signal by `0.03`. struct Iter { value: f64, } impl Iterator for Iter { type Item = f64; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.value += 0.03; Some(self.value) } } fn main() { for phase in (Iter { value: 0.0 }).take(50) { // Return a sine wave for the given phase. fn sine_wave(phase: f64) -> f64 { use std::f64::consts::PI; (phase * PI * 2.0).sin() } let wave = sine_wave(phase); println!("Wave {}", wave); let sample_f32 = f32::from_sample(wave); let sample_u8 = u8::from_sample(wave); let sample_u16 = u16::from_sample(wave); let sample_u32 = u32::from_sample(wave); let sample_i8 = i8::from_sample(wave); let sample_i16 = i16::from_sample(wave); let sample_i32 = i32::from_sample(wave); println!( "\tFrom wave to sample -> f32: {:<10} u8: {:<10} u16: {:<10} u32: {:<10} i8: {:<10} i16: {:<10} i32: {:<10}", sample_f32, sample_u8, sample_u16, sample_u32, sample_i8, sample_i16, sample_i32 ); let wave_f32 = sample_f32.to_sample::(); let wave_u8 = sample_u8.to_sample::(); let wave_u16 = sample_u16.to_sample::(); let wave_u32 = sample_u32.to_sample::(); let wave_i8 = sample_i8.to_sample::(); let wave_i16 = sample_i16.to_sample::(); let wave_i32 = sample_i32.to_sample::(); println!( "\tFrom sample to wave -> f32: {:<10} u8: {:<10} u16: {:<10} u32: {:<10} i8: {:<10} i16: {:<10} i32: {:<10}\n", wave_f32, wave_u8, wave_u16, wave_u32, wave_i8, wave_i16, wave_i32 ); // Check that the conversion back to wave is the same as the original wave (with some // headroom for resolution/rounding error). let headroom = 0.05; assert!((wave_f32 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_f32); assert!((wave_u8 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_u8); assert!((wave_u16 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_u16); assert!((wave_u32 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_u32); assert!((wave_i8 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_i8); assert!((wave_i16 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_i16); assert!((wave_i32 - wave).abs() < headroom, "{}", wave_i32); } }