[package] name = "sample_planning" version = "0.0.4" authors = ["Yuan Liu "] edition = "2018" description = "Sample Based Planner" repository = "https://github.com/clearlycloudy/sample_planning/" keywords = [ "planning", "sample", "rrt", "sst" ] license = "MIT" documentation = "https://docs.rs/crate/sample_planning/" readme = "README.md" [dependencies] mazth = "0.5.0" zpatial = "0.3.3" chrono = "0.4" log = "0.4.6" rand = "0.6.5" pretty_env_logger = "0.3" kiss3d = "0.20.1" nalgebra = "0.18.0" ncollide3d = "0.19.2" clap = "2.32" serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1.0" rayon = "1.0.3" # crossbeam = "0.7" [features] motion_primitives = [] runge_kutta = [] #defaults to Euler stepping for propagation disable_pruning = [] mo_prim_debug = [] mo_prim_thresh_low = [] mo_prim_thresh_high = [] nn_sample_log = [] #use proportional to log(# nodes) for nearest neighbour query, defaults to sqrt(# nodes) nn_naive = [] #use linear nearest neighbour query disable_witness_disturbance = [] #default is active for witness discovery rate of < 10% of recent iterations state_propagate_sample = [] #frontier node selection, 10 samples, 50% batch_propagate_sample = [] #control propagation selection, 10 samples, 50%, applicable if nn_naive is NOT enabled path_optimize = [] #use importance sampling for optimization gen_obs_3d = [] #use for random box obstacle generation airplane = [] # temporary workaround; use this for Dubins airplane model [[bin]] name = "planner" path = "src/main.rs" [[bin]] name = "gen_obs" path = "gen_obs/main.rs" [[bin]] name = "map2poly" path = "map2poly/main.rs"