# Unofficial Sapiens Rust API This repo provides a Rust API, along with `cargo-generate` templates, which allow one to develop mods for the upcoming video game [Sapiens](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1060230/Sapiens/) using the Rust programming language ## Quickstart * [Install `cargo`](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) * Install [`cargo-generate`](https://github.com/ashleygwilliams/cargo-generate) * `cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl` * Download the [project template](https://github.com/DethRaid/sapiens-rust-mod-template) * `cargo generate --git https://github.com/DethRaid/sapiens-rust-mod-template.git` * Edit the default features in `Cargo.toml` for the type of mod you're making * `biome` for a biome mod, `particles` for a particles mod, etc * Write your mod * TODO: Wiki page about doing just that * Build and upload your mod * TODO: Custom `cargo` command to build, package, and upload a mod * Enjoy! ## Overview This repo has two main components: a Rust wrapper for the Sapiens API available to mods, and some `cargo-generate` project templates so that your mod can start with all relevant entry points already defined ### Rust API wrapper The Rust wrapper for Sapiens' modding API lives in this project. It provides a safe, Rusty interface for using Sapiens' random number generator, noise generator, and vector math library