load("@fbcode_macros//build_defs:rust_library.bzl", "rust_library") oncall("sapling") rust_library( name = "minibytes", srcs = glob(["src/**/*.rs"]), autocargo = {"cargo_toml_config": { "features": { "default": [ "frombytes", "frommmap", "non-zerocopy-into", ], "frombytes": ["bytes"], "frommmap": ["memmap2"], "non-zerocopy-into": [], }, "lib": {"name": "minibytes"}, "package": { "authors": ["Meta Source Control Team "], "description": "Shared reference-counted bytes and str with zero-copy slicing support.", "homepage": "https://sapling-scm.com/", "license": "MIT", "name": "sapling-minibytes", "repository": "https://github.com/facebook/sapling", }, }}, crate_root = "src/lib.rs", features = [ "frombytes", "frommmap", "non-zerocopy-into", ], test_deps = [ "fbsource//third-party/rust:quickcheck", "fbsource//third-party/rust:serde_cbor", ], # A test inside this target is using #[should_panic], setting the backtrace # to false here, otherwise the test binary will try to extract the backtrace # and the test will fail with leak sanatizer. test_env = {"RUST_BACKTRACE": "0"}, test_labels = ["tpx-rust-no-backtrace-workaround"], deps = [ "fbsource//third-party/rust:bytes", "fbsource//third-party/rust:memmap2", "fbsource//third-party/rust:serde", ], )