use dirs::home_dir; use std::{ fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, remove_file, File}, io::{stderr, stdin, Write}, path::Path, }; use vergen::{self, ConstantsFlags}; fn main() { let sardonyx_home = Path::new(&home_dir().expect("Failed to find home directory")).join(".sardonyx"); match sardonyx_home.exists() { true => match check_sentry_allowed(&sardonyx_home) { Some(true) => { load_sentry_dsn(); } None => { ask_write_user_data_collection(&sardonyx_home); } _ => {} }, false => { create_dir_all(&sardonyx_home).expect("Failed to create sardonyx home directory."); if ask_write_user_data_collection(&sardonyx_home) { load_sentry_dsn(); } } }; vergen::generate_cargo_keys(ConstantsFlags::all()) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Vergen crate failed to generate version information! {}", e)); println!(""); } fn check_sentry_allowed(sardonyx_home: &Path) -> Option { let sentry_status_file = sardonyx_home.join(".sentry_status.txt"); if sentry_status_file.exists() { match read_to_string(&sentry_status_file) { Ok(result) => match result.as_str().trim() { "true" => Some(true), "false" => Some(false), _ => { remove_file(sentry_status_file).expect("Failed to remove invalid sentry file."); None } }, Err(_) => None, } } else { None } } fn ask_user_data_collection() -> bool { eprint!("May we collect anonymous panic data and usage statistics to help improve sardonyx? No personal information is collected or stored. [Y/n]: "); stderr().flush().expect("Failed to flush stdout"); let mut s = String::new(); stdin() .read_line(&mut s) .expect("There was an error getting your input"); s = s.trim().to_lowercase(); match s.chars().next() { Some('n') => false, _ => false, // Can't read stdin from the file. Let's default to false. Set this line to true when a solution is found. } } fn ask_write_user_data_collection(sardonyx_home: &Path) -> bool { let mut file = File::create(sardonyx_home.join(".sentry_status.txt")) .expect("Error writing Sentry status file"); match ask_user_data_collection() { true => { let _ = file.write_all(b"true"); true } false => { let _ = file.write_all(b"false"); false } } } fn load_sentry_dsn() { let sentry_dsn = include_str!(".sentry_dsn.txt"); println!("cargo:rustc-env=SENTRY_DSN={}", sentry_dsn); }