use sauron::prelude::*; use sauron_markdown::markdown_with_plugins; use sauron_markdown::Plugins; #[test] fn test_md_with_html_inline_processor() { let md = r#" ```rust fn main(){ println!("this is real code block here"); } ```
        struct Foo {
            int bar;
            date baz;
            string quux;

          //somewhere in something
          Array<Foo> foos;
"#; let plugins = Plugins { code_fence_processor: None, tag_processor: None, inline_html_processor: Some(Box::new(|node| { if let Some(tag) = node.tag() { match *tag { "code" => { println!("---->>> YAYY we are looking for this code: {:#?}", node); let children = node.get_children().expect("code node must have children"); let mut buffer = String::new(); // we collect all the next for child in children { if let Some(text) = child.text() { buffer += text; } } let hl_code = code( vec![class("highlighted")], vec![text(buffer), p(vec![], vec![text("--highlighted already")])], ); Some(hl_code) } _ => { println!("we don't process tag: {}", tag); None } } } else { println!("we dont process text nodes.."); None } })), }; let node: Node<()> = markdown_with_plugins(md, plugins); let html = node.render_to_string(); println!("html: {}", html); dbg!(&html); let expected = r#"

fn main(){
    println!("this is real code block here");

        struct Foo {
            int bar;
            date baz;
            string quux;

          //somewhere in something
          Array foos;

--highlighted already

"#; assert_eq!(expected, html); }