# Savesys A simple, expandable, variable-based save system. Forked from the save system used in my other project, [The Plains](https://git.goatopossum.com/draumaz/plains). # Functions - ```generate(SAVE_NAME: &'static str, num: i32)``` is self-explanatory. - ```exists(SAVE_NAME: &'static str)``` checks to see if the SAVE_NAME exists and returns the corresponding boolean. - ```reader(SAVE_NAME: &'static str)``` scans SAVE_NAME and returns the values per line into a Vec. - ```writer(SAVE_NAME: &'static str, line: usize, state: i32)``` scans the line and new number passed in, and writes to SAVE_NAME. ## Example Usage ``` extern crate savesys; use savesys::*; if ! exists("data.txt") { generate("data.txt", 20) }; let save_vec: Vec = savesys::reader("data.txt"); if ! save_vec[5] == 7 { writer("data.txt", 5, 7) } ```