# sbar sbar is modular, asynchronous and configurable bar for dwm written in rust. # Features - signal for updating each component - yaml config file - async - per-component interval (and updating) - status2d color support # Example ![example](pictures/example.png) ### Installation By cargo cargo install sbar ### Usage sbar [-c configpath] [-v] [h] ### Configuration create `$HOME/.config/sbar/config.yaml` see [default config](https://github.com/sleepntsheep/sbar/blob/main/src/config.rs#L1) as example built-in modules: - exec - execute a command and return the result take params[0] as program name and params[1..len] as args - memory - formatted memory - battery - monitor battery (take battery index as param, default is 0) - battery_icon - nerd font icon that show battery charging status - temp - monitor temp in celcius (take thermal zone as param, default is 0) - time - formatted time - echo - return all params joined together as string property - params is list of string - interval is how often to update each component, in second not putting in interval use default which is never update - fg and bg: colors for that component, in this format: "#FFFFFF" **requires status2d patch, and status2d_color: true in config** - prefix and suffix: if exists will overwrite global prefix and suffix (prefix and suffix is put before and after every components) ### Signal put signal in wanted component's config - name: echo params: - TEST signal: 44 then to call it, do kill -44 $(pidof sbar) replace 44 with your signal ### Todo - [x] signal support for updating, etc - [x] per component update interval and signal - [ ] make code not bad