Padala2017- ERK, PI3K/Akt and Wnt signalling network (PTEN mutation)
Crosstalk model of the ERK, Wnt and Akt Signalling pathways with PTEN mutation.

This model is described in the article:

Padala RR, Karnawat R, Viswanathan SB, Thakkar AV, Das AB.
Mol Biosyst 2017 May; 13(5): 830-840


Perturbations in molecular signaling pathways are a result of genetic or epigenetic alterations, which may lead to malignant transformation of cells. Despite cellular robustness, specific genetic or epigenetic changes of any gene can trigger a cascade of failures, which result in the malfunctioning of cell signaling pathways and lead to cancer phenotypes. The extent of cellular robustness has a link with the architecture of the network such as feedback and feedforward loops. Perturbation in components within feedback loops causes a transition from a regulated to a persistently activated state and results in uncontrolled cell growth. This work represents the mathematical and quantitative modeling of ERK, PI3K/Akt, and Wnt/?-catenin signaling crosstalk to show the dynamics of signaling responses during genetic and epigenetic changes in cancer. ERK, PI3K/Akt, and Wnt/?-catenin signaling crosstalk networks include both intra and inter-pathway feedback loops which function in a controlled fashion in a healthy cell. Our results show that cancerous perturbations of components such as EGFR, Ras, B-Raf, PTEN, and components of the destruction complex cause extreme fragility in the network and constitutively activate inter-pathway positive feedback loops. We observed that the aberrant signaling response due to the failure of specific network components is transmitted throughout the network via crosstalk, generating an additive effect on cancer growth and proliferation.

This model is hosted on BioModels Database and identified by: BIOMD0000000655 .

To cite BioModels Database, please use: Chelliah V et al. BioModels: ten-year anniversary. Nucl. Acids Res. 2015, 43(Database issue):D542-8 .

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.

Sheriff Rahuman EMBL-EBI Fairbanks Emma University of Nottingham Fairbanks Emma Louise EMBL-EBI 2017-08-14T10:34:00Z 2017-09-20T11:51:10Z 2017-09-20T11:51:31Z 2017-08-14T10:34:00Z Fairbanks Emma EMBL-EBI 2017-08-15T10:50:02Z Km9b Raf1 W X Cell k9b k9b W X Raf1 Km9b Raf1 Cell 2017-08-15T10:26:17Z Kcat17a pbRaf RafPPase Km17a volume Kcat17a pbRaf RafPPase Km17a pbRaf volume 2017-08-15T10:43:30Z V1 Cell V1 Cell 2017-08-15T10:43:31Z Kcat10a Km10a RafPPtase Cell pRaf1 Kcat10a RafPPtase pRaf1 pRaf1 Km10a Cell 2017-08-15T10:51:13Z Kcat10b Km10b Cell pAkt pRaf1 Kcat10b pAkt pRaf1 pRaf1 Km10b Cell 2017-08-15T10:55:20Z Kcat11a Km11a MEK Cell pBRaf Kcat11a pBRaf MEK MEK Km11a Cell 2017-08-15T10:54:39Z MEK RKIP Cell k11b1 k11b2 pRKIP pRaf1 k11b1 pRaf1 MEK 1 RKIP pRKIP k11b2 2 Cell 2017-08-15T10:55:31Z Kcat12 Km12 PP2A Cell pMEK Kcat12 PP2A pMEK pMEK Km12 Cell 2017-08-15T10:57:03Z ERK Kcat13 Km13 Cell pMEK Kcat13 pMEK ERK ERK Km13 Cell 2017-08-15T10:57:17Z Kcat14 Km14 PP2A Cell pERK Kcat14 PP2A pERK pERK Km14 Cell 2017-08-15T11:03:58Z RKIP Cell k15a pERK pRKIP k15a pERK RKIP pRKIP Cell 2017-08-15T10:48:00Z V15b Cell pRKIP V15b pRKIP Cell 2017-08-15T10:48:12Z RKIP Cell k15c k15c RKIP Cell 2017-08-15T11:00:03Z BRaf Kcat16a Km16a Cell pRas Kcat16a pRas BRaf BRaf Km16a Cell 2017-08-15T11:00:15Z BRaf Kcat16b Km16b Cell pRap1 Kcat16b pRap1 BRaf BRaf Km16b Cell 2017-08-15T10:49:09Z Cell k18a pP90Rsk k18a pP90Rsk Cell 2017-08-15T10:54:08Z Kcat18b Km18b P90Rsk Cell pERK Kcat18b pERK P90Rsk P90Rsk Km18b Cell 2017-08-15T10:52:49Z Kcat19a Km19a PI3K bEGFR Cell Kcat19a bEGFR PI3K PI3K Km19a Cell 2017-08-15T10:52:33Z Kcat19b Km19b PI3K Cell pRas Kcat19b pRas PI3K PI3K Km19b Cell 2017-08-15T10:58:25Z EGF bEGFR Cell fEGFR k21 k22 k21 EGF fEGFR k22 bEGFR Cell 2017-08-15T10:52:13Z Kcat20 Km20 PIP2 Cell pPI3K Kcat20 pPI3K PIP2 PIP2 Km20 Cell 2017-08-15T10:42:05Z Akt Kcat22a Km22a PIP3 Cell Kcat22a PIP3 Akt Akt Km22a Cell 2017-08-15T10:41:40Z Kcat22b Km22b Cell pAkt Kcat22b pAkt Km22b pAkt Cell 2017-08-15T10:59:22Z C3G Kcat23a Km23a bEGFR Cell Kcat23a bEGFR C3G C3G Km23a Cell 2017-08-15T10:59:49Z Cell k23b pC3G k23b pC3G Cell 2017-08-15T10:49:22Z Kcat24 Km24 Rap1 Cell pC3G Kcat24 pC3G Rap1 Rap1 Km24 Cell 2017-08-15T10:49:46Z Kcat25 Km25 Rap1Gap Cell pRap1 Kcat25 Rap1Gap pRap1 pRap1 Km25 Cell 2017-08-15T10:51:26Z GSK3B V26a Cell k26a V26a 1 GSK3B k26a 2.5 Cell 2017-08-15T10:51:41Z PKCD Cell k26b k26b PKCD Cell 2017-08-15T10:55:44Z GSK3B Kcat27a Cell pERK Kcat27a GSK3B pERK Cell 2017-08-15T10:56:06Z GSK3B Kcat27b Cell pAkt Kcat27b GSK3B pAkt Cell 2017-08-15T11:04:56Z RKIP Cell k27c k27c RKIP Cell 2017-08-15T10:56:24Z Kcat27d Cell pGSK3B Kcat27d pGSK3B Cell 2017-08-15T10:58:59Z Dshi W Cell k28 k28 Dshi W Cell 2017-08-15T10:58:36Z Dsha Cell k29 k29 Dsha Cell 2017-08-15T10:44:54Z APCAxinGSK3B Dsha Cell k30 k30 Dsha APCAxinGSK3B Cell 2017-08-15T10:45:02Z APCAxin APCAxinGSK3B GSK3B Cell k311 k312 k311 GSK3B APCAxin k312 APCAxinGSK3B Cell 2017-08-15T10:43:48Z APCAxinGSK3B Cell k32a k32a APCAxinGSK3B Cell 2017-08-15T10:42:34Z Cell k32b pAPCpAxinGSK3B k32b pAPCpAxinGSK3B Cell 2017-08-15T10:44:23Z APC APCAxin Axin Cell k33a1 k33a2 k33a1 Axin APC k33a2 APCAxin Cell 2017-08-15T11:02:36Z Axin Cell k33b k33b Axin Cell 2017-08-15T11:02:16Z BCatenin TCFBCatenin Cell k33c1 k33c2 k33c1 k33c2 TCFBCatenin BCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:53:50Z BCatenin Cell k341 k342 pAPCpAxinGSK3B pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin k341 pAPCpAxinGSK3B BCatenin k342 pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:46:25Z Cell k35 pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin k35 pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:53:37Z Cell k36 pAPCpAxinGSK3BpBCatenin k36 pAPCpAxinGSK3BpBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T11:02:49Z APC APCBCatenin BCatenin Cell k37a1 k37a2 k37a1 APC BCatenin k37a2 APCBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T11:01:42Z V37b Cell V37b Cell 2017-08-15T11:02:03Z BCatenin Cell k37c k37c BCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:45:24Z BCatenin TCF TCFBCatenin Cell k381 k382 k381 BCatenin TCF k382 TCFBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:45:18Z Km39 TCFBCatenin Cell k39 k39 TCFBCatenin 2 Km39 2 TCFBCatenin 2 Cell 2017-08-15T10:45:34Z X Cell k40 k40 X Cell 2017-08-15T10:53:15Z Cell k41 pBCatenin k41 pBCatenin Cell 2017-08-15T10:46:48Z PKCD bEGFR Cell k51 k52 k53 k54 pERK k51 bEGFR k52 k53 PKCD 1 pERK k54 Cell 2017-08-15T10:47:28Z Cell k6a pSOS k6a pSOS Cell 2017-08-15T10:47:05Z Kcat6b Km6b Cell pP90Rsk pSOS Kcat6b pP90Rsk pSOS pSOS Km6b Cell 2017-08-15T10:48:49Z Kcat7 Km7 Ras Cell pSOS Kcat7 pSOS Ras Ras Km7 Cell 2017-08-15T10:48:34Z V8a Cell V8a Cell 2017-08-15T10:50:17Z Kcat9a Km9a Raf1 Cell pRas Kcat9a pRas Raf1 Raf1 Km9a Cell 2017-08-15T10:56:45Z Cell fEGFR k3 k3 fEGFR Cell 2017-08-15T11:01:02Z bEGFR Cell k4 k4 bEGFR Cell 2017-08-15T10:53:02Z Cell k19c pPI3K k19c pPI3K Cell 2017-08-15T10:49:04Z Kcat8b Km8b RasGap Cell pRas Kcat8b RasGap pRas pRas Km8b Cell 2017-08-14T10:39:18Z 2017-08-14T10:57:07Z 2017-08-14T10:57:15Z Cell Function_for_EGFR_dephosphorylation V1 Cell 2017-08-14T10:57:32Z Cell Function_for_Raf1_dephosphorylation__RafPPtase_modifier Kcat10a Km10a RafPPtase Cell pRaf1 2017-08-14T10:57:42Z Cell Function_for_Raf1_dephosphorylation__pAkt_modifier Kcat10b Km10b Cell pAkt pRaf1 2017-08-14T10:57:53Z Cell Function_for_MEK_phosphorylation__pbRaf_modifier Kcat11a Km11a MEK Cell pBRaf 2017-08-14T10:58:30Z Cell Function_for_MEK_phosphorylation__pRaf1__pRKIP_and_RKIP_modifiers MEK RKIP Cell k11b1 k11b2 pRKIP pRaf1 2017-08-14T10:59:11Z Cell Function_for_MEK_dephosphorylation__PP2A_modifer Kcat12 Km12 PP2A Cell pMEK 2017-08-14T10:59:23Z Cell Function_for_ERK_phosphorylation__pMEK_modifier ERK Kcat13 Km13 Cell pMEK 2017-08-14T11:00:03Z Cell Function_for_ERK_dephosphorylation__PP2A_modifer Kcat14 Km14 PP2A Cell pERK 2017-08-14T11:56:20Z Cell Function_for_RKIP_phosphorylation__pERK_modifier RKIP Cell k15a pERK pRKIP 2017-08-14T11:56:33Z Cell Function_for_RKIP_dephosphorylation V15b Cell pRKIP 2017-08-14T11:56:45Z Cell Function_for_RKIP_degradation RKIP Cell k15c 2017-08-14T11:56:58Z Cell Function_for_bRaf_phosphorylation__pRas_modifier BRaf Kcat16a Km16a Cell pRas 2017-08-14T11:57:11Z Cell Function_for_bRaf_phosphorylation__pRap1_modifier BRaf Kcat16b Km16b Cell pRap1 2017-08-14T11:57:47Z Cell Function_for_P90Rsk_dephosphorylation Cell k18a pP90Rsk 2017-08-14T11:58:02Z Cell Function_for_P90Rsk_phosphorylation__pERK_modifier Kcat18b Km18b P90Rsk Cell pERK 2017-08-14T11:58:15Z Cell Function_for_PI3K_phosphorylation__boundEGFR_modifier Kcat19a Km19a PI3K bEGFR Cell 2017-08-14T11:58:27Z Cell Function_for_PI3K_phosphorylation__pRas_modifier Kcat19b Km19b PI3K Cell pRas 2017-08-14T11:58:39Z Cell Function_for_PI3K_dephosphorylation Cell k19c pPI3K 2017-08-14T11:58:51Z Cell Function_for_EGFR_binding EGF bEGFR Cell fEGFR k21 k22 2017-08-14T11:59:01Z Cell Function_for_PIP2_phosphorylated_to_PIP3 Kcat20 Km20 PIP2 Cell pPI3K 2017-08-14T11:59:25Z Cell Function_for_Akt_phosphorylation__PIP3_modifier Akt Kcat22a Km22a PIP3 Cell 2017-08-14T11:59:37Z Cell Function_for_Akt_dephosphorylation Kcat22b Km22b Cell pAkt 2017-08-14T11:59:48Z Cell Function_for_C3G_phosphorylation__boundEGFR_modifier C3G Kcat23a Km23a bEGFR Cell 2017-08-14T12:00:00Z Cell Function_for_C3G_dephosphorylation Cell k23b pC3G 2017-08-14T12:00:12Z Cell Function_for_Rap1_phosphorylation__pC3G_modifier Kcat24 Km24 Rap1 Cell pC3G 2017-08-14T12:00:21Z Cell Function_for_Rap1_dephosphorylation__Rap1_GAP_modifer Kcat25 Km25 Rap1Gap Cell pRap1 2017-08-14T12:00:33Z Cell Function_for_PKCD_synthesis GSK3B V26a Cell k26a 2017-08-14T12:00:49Z Cell Function_for_PKCD_degradation PKCD Cell k26b 2017-08-14T12:01:02Z Cell Function_for_GSK3b_phosphorylation__pERK_modifier GSK3B Kcat27a Cell pERK 2017-08-14T12:01:14Z Cell Function_for_GSK3b_phosphorylation__pAkt_modifier GSK3B Kcat27b Cell pAkt 2017-08-14T12:01:22Z Cell Function_for_GSK3b_synthesis RKIP Cell k27c 2017-08-14T12:01:32Z Cell Function_for_GSK3b_dephosphorylation Kcat27d Cell pGSK3B 2017-08-14T12:01:43Z Cell Function_for_Dsh_activation Dshi W Cell k28 2017-08-14T12:01:56Z Cell Function_for_Dsh_deactivation Dsha Cell k29 2017-08-14T12:02:08Z Cell Function_for_freeEGFR_degradation Cell fEGFR k3 2017-08-14T12:02:19Z Cell Function_for_APC_Axin_GSK3b_complex_disassembly__Dsha_modifier APCAxinGSK3B Dsha Cell k30 2017-08-14T12:02:32Z Cell Function_for_APC_Axin_GSK3b_complex_formation APCAxin APCAxinGSK3B GSK3B Cell k311 k312 2017-08-14T12:02:43Z Cell Function_for_APC_and_Axin_phosphorylation__in_compound APCAxinGSK3B Cell k32a 2017-08-14T12:02:55Z Cell Function_for_APC_and_Axin_dephosphorylation__in_compound Cell k32b pAPCpAxinGSK3B 2017-08-14T12:03:06Z Cell APC_Axin_complex_formation APC APCAxin Axin Cell k33a1 k33a2 2017-08-14T12:03:18Z Cell Function_for_Axin_degradation Axin Cell k33b 2017-08-14T12:03:31Z Cell Function_for_Axin_synthesis BCatenin TCFBCatenin Cell k33c1 k33c2 2017-08-14T12:03:42Z Cell Function_for_pAPC_pAxin_GSK3b_bCatenin_complex_formation BCatenin Cell k341 k342 pAPCpAxinGSK3B pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin 2017-08-14T12:03:52Z Cell Function_for_bCatenin_phosphorylation__in_compound Cell k35 pAPCpAxinGSK3BBCatenin 2017-08-14T12:04:02Z Cell Function_for_pAPC_pAxin_GSK3b_pbCatenin_complex_disassembly Cell k36 pAPCpAxinGSK3BpBCatenin 2017-08-14T12:04:13Z Cell Function_for_APC_bCatenin_complex_formation APC APCBCatenin BCatenin Cell k37a1 k37a2 2017-08-14T12:04:27Z Cell Function_for_bCatenin_synthesis V37b Cell 2017-08-14T12:04:42Z Cell Function_for_bCatenin_degradation BCatenin Cell k37c 2017-08-14T12:05:04Z Cell Function_for_bCatenin_TCF_complex_binding BCatenin TCF TCFBCatenin Cell k381 k382 2017-08-14T12:05:19Z Cell Function_for_X_synthesis Km39 TCFBCatenin Cell k39 2017-08-14T12:06:04Z Cell Function_for_boundEGFR_degradation bEGFR Cell k4 2017-08-14T12:06:17Z Cell Function_for_X_degradation X Cell k40 2017-08-14T12:06:30Z Cell Function_for_pbCatenin_degradation Cell k41 pBCatenin 2017-08-14T12:06:39Z Cell Function_for_SOS_phosphorylation__PKCD__pERK_and_boundEGFR_modifiers_ PKCD bEGFR Cell k51 k52 k53 k54 pERK 2017-08-14T12:06:50Z Cell Function_for_SOS_dephosphorylation Cell k6a pSOS 2017-08-14T12:07:23Z Cell Function_for_SOS_dephosphorylation__pP90Rsk_modifier Kcat6b Km6b Cell pP90Rsk pSOS 2017-08-14T12:07:03Z Cell Function_for_Ras_phosphorylation__pSOS_modifier Kcat7 Km7 Ras Cell pSOS 2017-08-14T12:07:47Z Cell Function_for_Ras_synthesis V8a Cell 2017-08-14T12:07:58Z Cell Function_for_Ras_dephosphorylation__Ras_Gap_modifier Kcat8b Km8b RasGap Cell pRas 2017-08-14T12:08:11Z Cell Function_for_Raf1_phosphorylation__pRas_modifier Kcat9a Km9a Raf1 Cell pRas 2017-08-14T12:08:22Z Cell Function_for_Raf1_phosphorylation__X_modifier Km9b Raf1 W X Cell k9b 2017-08-15T10:23:52Z Cell function_for_bRaf_dephosphorylation Kcat17a RafPPtase pBRaf Km17a Cell 2017-08-15T10:31:52Z Cell function_for_bRaf_dephosphorylation Kcat17b pBRaf pAkt Km17b Cell