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Not great, but let's not panic...S\frame_support::storage::transactional/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/transactional.rsCorrupted state at Iruntime::storageframe_support::storage::unhashed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/unhashed.rsframe_supportPalletIdInvalid reverse: hash length too short&frame_support::hash/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/hash.rsStorageVersionNoYesPaysframe_support::weightsDispatchClassNormalOperationalMandatoryDispatchInfoRuntimeDbWeightBalanceStatusframe_support::traits::tokens::miscFreeReservedcapacity overflow/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/^5/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/spec_extend.rsT7 "#LookupErrorframe_support::traits::scheduleUnknownBadFormat'(/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/system/src/limits.rsBuilder finished with `build_or_panic`; The panic is expected if runtime weights are not correct\BlockLengthframe_system::limitsWeightsPerClassBlockWeightsPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/  //rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsJkusamaparity-kusamajh`7|@:ҼЏ'?EL,>m=IT XŬ^%#hzJ<r)O[?7ȻPHN #\ /local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/kusama/src/lib.rsgranbabeimonparaasgnaudiSessionKeyskusama_runtimeNposCompactSolution24UڦFnsyk3X _}$Fgʿ@SPqL% 6O VP b@xeB yCv" {':-3hY;.C Mw7Y3f\ueFg-(/,[ + "U`۬.|.+TXF l>uq -i F8 4mDx0`Ry@ ]#O('g.8(5H<GҊEťO[hf xoY 3vc6R:d# r/wx!e3oeB($? &[ "ȶy7j3=#S ȫ < Xk}7էdX?JS_#\6d 3"I$K:L)(ǝ/7ӧ6".|>ġCGo-Qn;]klB{:֚v3Wi]]$Jo`BvU'%lQiq?r̄mi^hJ@ 8~b HbE)no entry found for key/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/claims.rsclaimsmove_claimattestclaim_attestmint_claimclaim✅ no migration for )runtime::frame-supportpolkadot_runtime_common::claims::palletpolkadot_runtime_parachains::origin::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/origin.rsEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qedH)0H)0H)0H)0H)0Warning: The size of the encoding of MultiAddr is bigger than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed./home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/phragmen.rsu+khu+kh9u+k^'u+ku+k/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/balancing.rs0,li0,l/VestedBalanceExistsInvalidStatementPotUnderflowSenderHasNoClaimSignerHasNoClaimInvalidEthereumSignatureH)0 Vesting schedule for a claim. First balance is the total amount that should be held for vesting. Second balance is how much should be unlocked per block. The block number is when the vesting should start. The statement kind that must be signed, if any. Pre-claimed Ethereum accounts, by the Account ID that they are claimed to.PrefixCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic..IError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. .kEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. U/fClaimedNo other vesting schedule exists, as checked above; qedH)0?Ethereum Signed Message: /local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras_inherent/mod.rs20@y 20@z/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/v2.rsCould not determine the group responsible for core extracted from list of cores for some prior block in same session0truntime::polkadot-api::v2polkadot_runtime_parachains::runtime_api_impl::v20Ai#Occupied core always has pending availability; qed0Al0A/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rs2uN1Xcmxcm::v2InstructionWithdrawAssetReserveAssetDepositedReceiveTeleportedAssetQueryResponseTransferAssetTransferReserveAssetTransactHrmpNewChannelOpenRequestHrmpChannelAcceptedHrmpChannelClosingClearOriginDescendOriginReportErrorDepositAssetDepositReserveAssetExchangeAssetInitiateReserveWithdrawInitiateTeleportQueryHoldingBuyExecutionRefundSurplusSetErrorHandlerSetAppendixClearErrorClaimAssetTrapSubscribeVersionUnsubscribeVersion/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/ops/<4Mattempt to divide by zeroalready mutably borrowed/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsx5JUx5Jcx5Jlx5Jmx5Jpx5Jv x5Jwquery_idmax_response_weightassetsticketfeesweight_limitdestxcmreservegivereceivemax_assetsbeneficiaryinitiatorsenderrecipientmax_message_sizemax_capacityorigin_typerequire_weight_at_mostcallresponsemax_weightBad input data provided to : 8+8version@8/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/kusama/src/lib.rsP8-Gexecute_block8 initialize_block8metadata8apply_extrinsic8finalize_block8inherent_extrinsics9check_inherents9validate_transaction49offchain_workerP9validatorsh9 validator_groups|9availability_cores9persisted_validation_data9assumed_validation_data9check_validation_outputs9session_index_for_child:validation_code4:candidate_pending_availabilityL:candidate_eventst:session_info: dmq_contents: inbound_hrmp_channels_contents:validation_code_by_hash:on_chain_votes:submit_pvf_check_statement;pvfs_require_precheck8;validation_code_hashX;staging_get_disputest;validator_set; generate_proof;verify_proof; verify_proof_stateless;mmr_root;grandpa_authorities<current_set_id <submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic8<-generate_key_ownership_proofp<configuration< current_epoch_start<current_epoch< next_epoch< authorities< generate_session_keys=decode_session_keys(=account_nonceD= query_info\= query_fee_detailsp=remark_with_eventkill_prefixkill_storageset_storageset_code_without_checksset_codeset_heap_pagesremarkfill_block: >>a defensive failure has been triggered; please report the block number at>xruntimeframe_support::traits::misc/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/traits/misc.rsmerge_schedulesforce_vested_transfervested_transfervest_othervestinternal error: entered unreachable code: u?*/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/vesting/src/✅ no migration for @runtime::frame-supportframe_system::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/system/src/lib.rspallet_vesting::palletput_in_front_ofrebagResultTEOkErrCheckMortalitypallet_bags_list::pallet-.-/-0-1-2-3/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/crowdloan/ failed at block(): D"Druntime::systemframe_system:code[] length: (normal %, op: %, mandatory %) / normal weight: (%) / op weight %) / mandatory weight %)XDYD cD lDsD DDDDDDDNode is configured to use the same hash; qed&AY>CallFilteredNonZeroRefCountNonDefaultCompositeFailedToExtractRuntimeVersionSpecVersionNeedsToIncreaseInvalidSpecName:heappagesEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qed&AY The full account information for a particular account ID. Total extrinsics count for the current block. The current weight for the block. Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block. Map of block numbers to block hashes. Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data). The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`. Hash of the previous block. Digest of the current block, also part of the block header. Events deposited for the current block. NOTE: This storage item is explicitly unbounded since it is never intended to be read from within the runtime. The number of events in the `Events` list. Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes of events in the `>` list. All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest. The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost. Stores the `spec_version` and `spec_name` of when the last runtime upgrade happened. True if we have upgraded so that `type RefCount` is `u32`. False (default) if not. True if we have upgraded so that AccountInfo contains three types of `RefCount`. False (default) if not. The execution phase of the block. Block & extrinsics weights: base values and limits.BlockWeights The maximum length of a block (in bytes).BlockLength Maximum number of block number to block hash mappings to keep (oldest pruned first).BlockHashCount The weight of runtime database operations the runtime can invoke.DbWeight Get the chain's current version.Version The designated SS85 prefix of this chain. This replaces the "ss58Format" property declared in the chain spec. Reason is that the runtime should know about the prefix in order to make use of it as an identifier of the chain.SS58PrefixCallContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.gNIErrorError for the System palletNEventEvent for the System pallet.NExtrinsicSuccessExtrinsicFailedCodeUpdatedNewAccountKilledAccountRemarkedpolkadot_runtime_parachains::inclusion::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/inclusion/<&AYz&AY)BoundedBTreeMapframe_support::storage::bounded_btree_mapKVSPerDispatchClassframe_support::weightsWeightToFeeCoefficientBalance&AY2l@\l@\&AYmUncheckedExtrinsicsp_runtime::generic::unchecked_extrinsicAddressSignatureExtracould not convert: origin: , kind: QQxcm::convert_originxcm_executor::traits::conversion/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor/src/traits/conversion.rsInvalidScheduleParamsScheduleIndexOutOfBoundsAmountLowAtMaxVestingSchedulesNotVesting?Z Information regarding the vesting of a given account. Storage version of the pallet. New networks start with latest version, as determined by the genesis build. The minimum amount transferred to call `vested_transfer`.MinVestedTransferMaxVestingSchedulesError for the vesting pallet.S The [event]( emitted by this pallet. SfVestingUpdatedVestingCompleted B7CB7: B7CB7CB71 B7CB7CB7JCB7QNumber of digest items must match that calculated.T2/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/executive/src/lib.rs4U\ Digest item must match that calculated.U'4U\ Storage root must match that calculated.U(4U\ Transaction trie root must be valid. V$4U\ Signature verification failed.\V4U\tParent hash should be valid.V4U\V Invalid inherent position for extrinsic at index V14U\^ 4U\ActiveRecoverypallet_recoveryBlockNumberFriendsRecoveryConfigProposalpallet_treasuryAccountId B7CB7CB7kCB76CB7ACB7\CB7 CB7CB7SignedAccountId32AsNative origin: X"Qxcm::origin_conversionxcm_builder::origin_conversion/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/origin_conversion.rsCB7*CB7cCB7CB7xChildParachainAsNative origin: XQChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser origin: (Y(QNotHeavierIdNotFoundNotInSameBagl@\Z A single node, within some bag. Nodes store links forward and back within their respective bags. A bag stored in storage. Stores a `Bag` struct, which stores head and tail pointers to itself. The list of thresholds separating the various bags. Ids are separated into unsorted bags according to their score. This specifies the thresholds separating the bags. An id's bag is the largest bag for which the id's score is less than or equal to its upper threshold. When ids are iterated, higher bags are iterated completely before lower bags. This means that iteration is _semi-sorted_: ids of higher score tend to come before ids of lower score, but peer ids within a particular bag are sorted in insertion order. # Expressing the constant This constant must be sorted in strictly increasing order. Duplicate items are not permitted. There is an implied upper limit of `Score::MAX`; that value does not need to be specified within the bag. For any two threshold lists, if one ends with `Score::MAX`, the other one does not, and they are otherwise equal, the two lists will behave identically. # Calculation It is recommended to generate the set of thresholds in a geometric series, such that there exists some constant ratio such that `threshold[k + 1] == (threshold[k] * constant_ratio).max(threshold[k] + 1)` for all `k`. The helpers in the `/utils/frame/generate-bags` module can simplify this calculation. # Examples - If `BagThresholds::get().is_empty()`, then all ids are put into the same bag, and iteration is strictly in insertion order. - If `BagThresholds::get().len() == 64`, and the thresholds are determined according to the procedure given above, then the constant ratio is equal to 2. - If `BagThresholds::get().len() == 200`, and the thresholds are determined according to the procedure given above, then the constant ratio is approximately equal to 1.248. - If the threshold list begins `[1, 2, 3, ...]`, then an id with score 0 or 1 will fall into bag 0, an id with score 2 will fall into bag 1, etc. # Migration In the event that this list ever changes, a copy of the old bags list must be retained. With that `List::migrate` can be called, which will perform the appropriate migration.BagThresholdsI Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. AbkRebaggedPreimageStatuspallet_democracyMissingAvailableBoundedOpaqueNetworkStatepallet_im_onlinePeerIdEncodingLimitMultiAddrEncodingLimitAddressesLimitHeartbeatWarning: The size of the encoding of PeerId is bigger than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.Warning: The network has more peers than expected A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.O; CB7O;SovereignSignedViaLocation origin: `d#Q/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/node.rsdg_dgg dgl dg;O;%ParaInfopolkadot_runtime_common::paras_registrarAccountNoLeasePeriodVrfDelayInProgressAlreadyInNewRaiseMemoTooLargeInvalidSignatureNotReadyToDissolveNoContributionsFundNotEndedBidOrLeaseActiveLeaseActiveNotParachainInvalidOriginContributionPeriodOverCapExceededInvalidParaIdContributionTooSmallOverflowEndTooFarInFutureCannotEndInPastLastPeriodTooFarInFutureLastPeriodBeforeFirstPeriodFirstPeriodTooFarInFutureFirstPeriodInPast B7 Info on all of the funds. The funds that have had additional contributions during the last block. This is used in order to determine which funds should submit new or updated bids. The number of auctions that have entered into their ending period so far. Tracker for the next available fund index `PalletId` for the crowdloan pallet. An appropriate value could be `PalletId(*b"py/cfund")`PalletId The minimum amount that may be contributed into a crowdloan. Should almost certainly be at least `ExistentialDeposit`.MinContribution Max number of storage keys to remove per extrinsic call.RemoveKeysLimitCreatedContributedWithdrewPartiallyRefundedAllRefundedDissolvedHandleBidResultEditedMemoUpdatedAddedToNewRaisecrowdloanTook active validators from set with wrong sizei/runtime::parachainspolkadot_runtime_parachains::util/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/util.rsTook active validators from set with wrong size.vj0PvfCheckDisabledPvfCheckSubjectInvalidPvfCheckDoubleVotePvfCheckInvalidSignaturePvfCheckValidatorIndexOutOfBoundsPvfCheckStatementFuturePvfCheckStatementStaleCannotDowngradeCannotUpgradeCannotOffboardCannotOnboardNotRegisteredCB7 All currently active PVF pre-checking votes. Invariant: - There are no PVF pre-checking votes that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa. The list of all currently active PVF votes. Auxiliary to `PvfActiveVoteMap`. All parachains. Ordered ascending by `ParaId`. Parathreads are not included. Consider using the [`ParachainsCache`] type of modifying. The current lifecycle of a all known Para IDs. The head-data of every registered para. The validation code hash of every live para. Corresponding code can be retrieved with [`CodeByHash`]. Actual past code hash, indicated by the para id as well as the block number at which it became outdated. Past code of parachains. The parachains themselves may not be registered anymore, but we also keep their code on-chain for the same amount of time as outdated code to keep it available for secondary checkers. Which paras have past code that needs pruning and the relay-chain block at which the code was replaced. Note that this is the actual height of the included block, not the expected height at which the code upgrade would be applied, although they may be equal. This is to ensure the entire acceptance period is covered, not an offset acceptance period starting from the time at which the parachain perceives a code upgrade as having occurred. Multiple entries for a single para are permitted. Ordered ascending by block number. The block number at which the planned code change is expected for a para. The change will be applied after the first parablock for this ID included which executes in the context of a relay chain block with a number >= `expected_at`. The actual future code hash of a para. This is used by the relay-chain to communicate to a parachain a go-ahead with in the upgrade procedure. This value is absent when there are no upgrades scheduled or during the time the relay chain performs the checks. It is set at the first relay-chain block when the corresponding parachain can switch its upgrade function. As soon as the parachain's block is included, the value gets reset to `None`. NOTE that this field is used by parachains via merkle storage proofs, therefore changing the format will require migration of parachains. This is used by the relay-chain to communicate that there are restrictions for performing an upgrade for this parachain. This may be a because the parachain waits for the upgrade cooldown to expire. Another potential use case is when we want to perform some maintenance (such as storage migration) we could restrict upgrades to make the process simpler. The list of parachains that are awaiting for their upgrade restriction to cooldown. Ordered ascending by block number. The list of upcoming code upgrades. Each item is a pair of which para performs a code upgrade and at which relay-chain block it is expected at. The actions to perform during the start of a specific session index. Upcoming paras instantiation arguments. NOTE that after PVF pre-checking is enabled the para genesis arg will have it's code set to empty. Instead, the code will be saved into the storage right away via `CodeByHash`. The number of reference on the validation code in [`CodeByHash`] storage. Validation code stored by its hash. This storage is consistent with [`FutureCodeHash`], [`CurrentCodeHash`] and [`PastCodeHash`].Pallet paras storage is inconsistent, prior code not found x;runtime::parasxC*CB7UnsignedPriorityPallet paras storage is inconsistent, code not found for hash y>polkadot_runtime_parachains::parasMissing future code hash for ~yMissing prior code hash for para y!Code refs is already zero for yended up scheduling an upgrade while one is pendingy3para tried to upgrade to the same code. Abort the upgrade4z9The PvfActiveVoteMap is out of sync with PvfActiveVoteList!xz;Error submitting pvf check statement: z&BitfieldReferencesFreedCoreParaHeadMismatchInvalidValidationCodeHashInvalidOutboundHrmpHrmpWatermarkMishandlingInvalidUpwardMessagesIncorrectDownwardMessageHandlingValidationDataHashMismatchNotCollatorSignedInvalidBackingInsufficientBackingInvalidGroupIndexCandidateNotInParentContextNewCodeTooLargePrematureCodeUpgradeHeadDataTooLargeScheduledOutOfOrderWrongCollatorCandidateScheduledBeforeParaFreeUnscheduledCandidateInvalidBitfieldSignatureValidatorIndexOutOfBoundsBitfieldDuplicateOrUnorderedBitfieldAllZerosWrongBitfieldSizeUnexpectedRelayParentUnsortedOrDuplicateBackedCandidatesUnsortedOrDuplicateDisputeStatementSetUnsortedOrDuplicateValidatorIndicesO; The latest bitfield for each validator, referred to by their index in the validator set. Candidates pending availability by `ParaId`. The commitments of candidates pending availability, by `ParaId`.CandidateBackedCandidateIncludedCandidateTimedOutFailed to create PVD for candidate on relay parent ~#~runtime::inclusionpolkadot_runtime_parachains::inclusion~~&O;O;((this query succeeded above; qedO;f&O;Validation outputs checking for parachain `` failed: p+ O;aInclusion::process_bitfields: PendingAvailability and PendingAvailabilityCommitments are out of sync, did someone mess with the storage?[#] 🗳 saving a call to the offchain storage.`b.runtime::election-providerpallet_election_provider_multi_phase::unsigned/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rsparity/multi-phase-unsigned-election/call] 🗳 clearing offchain call cache storage.`-MinerError::Solver45MinerError::NoMoreVotersMinerError::FailedToStoreSolutionMinerError::SolutionCallInvalidMinerError::NoStoredSolutionMinerError::Lock46MinerError::Feasibility47MinerError::PreDispatchChecksFailed48MinerError::PoolSubmissionFailedMinerError::SnapshotUnAvailableMinerError::NposElections()already borrowedalready mutably borrowed/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/slice/mod.rsZM3ZM44449444:>/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/cell.rsHHHH"index out of range: /home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/؄S bit-slices with equal type parameters, lengths, and heads will always have equal domains<X؄Si4;4<4=loadstore/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ external value are always added before encoding anodep9@Yassertion failed: !existing_key.is_empty()@Y-@Y @YFailed to submit transaction Failed to fetch network stateDFailed to acquire locklFailed to sign heartbeatAuthority is already online Heartbeat already sent at . Waiting for inclusion.؇Too early to send heartbeat.Hash table capacity overflow@/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/`(✅ no migration for runtime::frame-supportpallet_babe::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/babe/src/ entry found for keypallet_membership::palletpallet_transaction_payment::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/transaction-payment/src/lib.rsrejecting unsigned report equivocation transaction because it is not local/in-block.Truntime::babepallet_babe::equivocation/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/babe/src/equivocation.rsBabeEquivocationTimestamp slot must match `CurrentSlot`'5WM Warning: The session has more validators than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.Warning: The session has more queued validators than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.epoch index is u64; it is always only incremented by one; if u64 is not enough we should crash for safety; qed.5WVFEpochConfig is initialized in genesis; we never `take` or `kill` it; qed5Wb)slot number is u64; it should relate in some way to wall clock time; if u64 is not enough we should crash for safety; qed.5WoL5Wq;5WOValidator with index is disabled and should not be attempting to author blocks.;5Wepoch indices will never reach 2^64 before the death of the universe; qed5W5WDuplicateOffenceReportInvalidKeyOwnershipProofInvalidEquivocationProofEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qed5Wm Current epoch index. Current epoch authorities. The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0 until the first block of the chain. Current slot number. The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch. # Security This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs. Pending epoch configuration change that will be applied when the next epoch is enacted. Next epoch randomness. Next epoch authorities. Randomness under construction. We make a trade-off between storage accesses and list length. We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`. Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one. We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every epoch. TWOX-NOTE: `SegmentIndex` is an increasing integer, so this is okay. Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some` if per-block initialization has already been called for current block. This field should always be populated during block processing unless secondary plain slots are enabled (which don't contain a VRF output). It is set in `on_initialize`, before it will contain the value from the last block. The block numbers when the last and current epoch have started, respectively `N-1` and `N`. NOTE: We track this is in order to annotate the block number when a given pool of entropy was fixed (i.e. it was known to chain observers). Since epochs are defined in slots, which may be skipped, the block numbers may not line up with the slot numbers. How late the current block is compared to its parent. This entry is populated as part of block execution and is cleaned up on block finalization. Querying this storage entry outside of block execution context should always yield zero. The configuration for the current epoch. Should never be `None` as it is initialized in genesis. The configuration for the next epoch, `None` if the config will not change (you can fallback to `EpochConfig` instead in that case). The amount of time, in slots, that each epoch should last. NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the epoch duration after the chain has started. Attempting to do so will brick block production.EpochDuration The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out what the expected average block time should be based on the slot duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents the probability of a slot being empty).ExpectedBlockTime Max number of authorities allowedMaxAuthoritiesCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.XIreport_equivocationreport_equivocation_unsignedplan_config_changeError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. kdecodeTrapping assets in holding register: (original_origin: )v%xcm::execute_xcm_in_creditxcm_executor/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor/src/lib.rsExecution errored at : 2origin: , total_surplus/refunded: /, error_handler_weight: T\vwxcm::execute5W*5W5W!5W5W5W5W05W5W5W5W5W5W5]b:__STORAGE_VERSION__:WeakBoundedVecframe_support::storage::weak_bounded_vecSlength of a bounded vector in scope is not respected.$ /home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/ state in child trie at !vruntime::storageframe_support::storage::child5W]\5W5Wsession_historical, message: , weight_limit: , weight_credit: T ѠWeight not computable! (origin:   ѠWeight limit reached! weight > weight_limit: > . (origin: L-y|  Ѡresult: Barrier blocked execution! Error: С"|  Ѡf=Multisigpallet_multisigBlockNumberBalanceAccountIdTimepointmaximum number of members used for weight is exceeded, weights can be underestimated [].oVyŢruntime::membershippallet_membershipNotMemberAlreadyMember]% The current membership, stored as an ordered Vec. The current prime member, if one exists.IEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fMemberAddedMemberRemovedMembersSwappedMembersResetKeyChangedDummyBackedCandidatepolkadot_primitives::v2HCandidateReceiptCandidateDescriptorScrapedOnChainVotesCandidateCommitmentsNCommittedCandidateReceiptDisputeStateInherentDataHDRActiveRecoveriesIncludedSupportedVersionReceivedHeartbeatsDisputesConcurrentReportsIndexVotesNominatorSlashInEraErasValidatorPrefsVersionNotifyTargetsErasStakersClippedChildBountiesErasStakersVersionNotifiersMultisigsAuthoredBlocksValidatorSlashInEraOutboundHrmpMessagepolkadot_core_primitivesIdInboundHrmpMessageInboundDownwardMessagef A fee mulitplier for `Operational` extrinsics to compute "virtual tip" to boost their `priority` This value is multipled by the `final_fee` to obtain a "virtual tip" that is later added to a tip component in regular `priority` calculations. It means that a `Normal` transaction can front-run a similarly-sized `Operational` extrinsic (with no tip), by including a tip value greater than the virtual tip. ```rust,ignore // For `Normal` let priority = priority_calc(tip); // For `Operational` let virtual_tip = (inclusion_fee + tip) * OperationalFeeMultiplier; let priority = priority_calc(tip + virtual_tip); ``` Note that since we use `final_fee` the multiplier applies also to the regular `tip` sent with the transaction. So, not only does the transaction get a priority bump based on the `inclusion_fee`, but we also amplify the impact of tips applied to `Operational` transactions.OperationalFeeMultiplier The polynomial that is applied in order to derive fee from weight.WeightToFee The polynomial that is applied in order to derive fee from length.LengthToFee/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras_inherent/mod.rsq@ q@ParaPastCodeMetapolkadot_runtime_parachains::parasReplacementTimesPvfCheckCauseOnboardingUpgradePvfCheckActiveVoteState/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/mod.rsK7%Xcmxcm::v1WithdrawAssetReserveAssetDepositedReceiveTeleportedAssetQueryResponseTransferAssetTransferReserveAssetTransactHrmpNewChannelOpenRequestHrmpChannelAcceptedHrmpChannelClosingRelayedFromSubscribeVersionUnsubscribeVersionT xcm::execute_xcmxcm::v2::traits/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/src/v2/٬MHattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroassertion failed: mid <= self.len()/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/slice/mod.rsM M3M4/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/slice/sort.rsNNN0N0N 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value /rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsJ/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/map/entry.rsT`F.T`*/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/kusama/src/ is only one fatal error; qedproxy_announcedreject_announcementremove_announcementannouncekill_anonymousanonymousremove_proxiesremove_proxyadd_proxyproxy/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/proxy/src/✅ no migration for runtime::frame-supportpallet_proxy::palletpallet_grandpa::palletforce_unreservetransfer_alltransfer_keep_aliveforce_transferset_balancetransferpallet_democracy::palletMultiAddresssp_runtime::multiaddressAccountIdAccountIndexIdIndexRawAddress32Address20pallet_balances::palletpallet_authority_discovery::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/authority-discovery/src/lib.rshrmp_cancel_open_requestforce_process_hrmp_closeforce_process_hrmp_openforce_clean_hrmphrmp_close_channelhrmp_accept_open_channelhrmp_init_open_channelpolkadot_runtime_parachains::hrmp::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/hrmp.rsAnnouncementpallet_proxyHashBlockNumberProxyDefinitionProxyTypemodlpy/proxy____NoSelfProxyUnannouncedNoPermissionDuplicateUnproxyableNotProxyNotFoundTooManyEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qedʰXa The set of account proxies. Maps the account which has delegated to the accounts which are being delegated to, together with the amount held on deposit. The announcements made by the proxy (key). The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a proxy. This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is `sizeof(Balance)` bytes and whose key size is `sizeof(AccountId)` bytes.ProxyDepositBase The amount of currency needed per proxy added. This is held for adding 32 bytes plus an instance of `ProxyType` more into a pre-existing storage value. Thus, when configuring `ProxyDepositFactor` one should take into account `32 + proxy_type.encode().len()` bytes of data.ProxyDepositFactor The maximum amount of proxies allowed for a single account.MaxProxies The maximum amount of time-delayed announcements that are allowed to be pending.MaxPending The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating an announcement. This is held when a new storage item holding a `Balance` is created (typically 16 bytes).AnnouncementDepositBase The amount of currency needed per announcement made. This is held for adding an `AccountId`, `Hash` and `BlockNumber` (typically 68 bytes) into a pre-existing storage value.AnnouncementDepositFactorCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.IError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. kEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. mfProxyExecutedAnonymousCreatedAnnouncedProxyAddedProxyRemovedZ&ʰX`Z7"[\Z2\\\ʰXnZ=ZE\}Z,\\\zf3\x\"[\zf9rejecting unsigned report equivocation transaction because it is not local/in-block.Truntime::afgpallet_grandpa::equivocation/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/grandpa/src/equivocation.rsGrandpaEquivocationWarning: The number of authorities given is too big. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.:grandpa_authoritiesDuplicateOffenceReportInvalidEquivocationProofInvalidKeyOwnershipProofTooSoonChangePendingResumeFailedPauseFailedZM State of the current authority set. Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change). next block number where we can force a change. `true` if we are currently stalled. The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities) in the "set" of Grandpa validators from genesis. A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its members were responsible. TWOX-NOTE: `SetId` is not under user control. Max Authorities in useMaxAuthoritiesRewardDestinationpallet_stakingStakedStashControllerAccountNoneExposureBalanceStakingLedgerUnappliedSlashIndividualExposureNominationsUnlockChunkEraRewardPointsfiltering items from a bounded vec always leaves length less than bounds. qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/staking/src/lib.rsdZSpanRecordpallet_staking::slashingVestingInfopallet_vesting::vesting_info\2rBalances Update LocksWarning: A user has more currency locks than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.Qhruntime::balancespallet_balancesWarning: Attempt to introduce lock consumer reference, yet no providers. This is unexpected but should be safe.oTooManyReservesDeadAccountExistingVestingScheduleKeepAliveExistentialDepositInsufficientBalanceLiquidityRestrictionsVestingBalance"[ The total units issued in the system. The Balances pallet example of storing the balance of an account. # Example ```nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type AccountStore = StorageMapShim, frame_system::Provider, AccountId, Self::AccountData> } ``` You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet. type AccountStore = System But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet stores `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only. NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances. Any liquidity locks on some account balances. NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock. Named reserves on some account balances. Storage version of the pallet. This is set to v2.0.0 for new networks. The minimum amount required to keep an account open. The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.MaxLocks The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account.MaxReservesIEndowedDustLostTransferBalanceSetReservedUnreservedReserveRepatriatedDepositWithdrawSlashedBountyStatuspallet_bountiesProposedApprovedFundedCuratorProposedActivePendingPayoutBounty2l2222B[] 👜system logic error: inserting a node who has the id of tailhiAruntime::bags_listpallet_bags_list::list/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/bags-list/src/list/] 👜id that should exist cannot be foundhE*agiven nodes must always have a valid bag. qed.a] 👜Node did not have a bag; ListBags is in an inconsistent stateh 9] 👜inserted with score into bag , new count is hTc o yBagNodeLOGIC ERROR: bake_referendum/schedule_named failedFailed to decode `PreimageStatus` variantTooManyProposalsMaxVotesReachedWrongUpperBoundNonsenseInstantNotAllowedVotesExistNotDelegatingInsufficientFundsAlreadyDelegatingNotVoterNoneWaitingPreimageInvalidReferendumInvalidPreimageMissingImminentTooEarlyNotImminentDuplicatePreimageAlreadyVetoedNoProposalInvalidHashNotSimpleMajorityProposalBlacklistedDuplicateProposalAlreadyCanceledProposalMissingValueLow\ The number of (public) proposals that have been made so far. The public proposals. Unsorted. The second item is the proposal's hash. Those who have locked a deposit. TWOX-NOTE: Safe, as increasing integer keys are safe. Map of hashes to the proposal preimage, along with who registered it and their deposit. The block number is the block at which it was deposited. The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far. The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum. Equal to `ReferendumCount` if there isn't a unbaked referendum. Information concerning any given referendum. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as indexes are not under an attacker’s control. All votes for a particular voter. We store the balance for the number of votes that we have recorded. The second item is the total amount of delegations, that will be added. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as `AccountId`s are crypto hashes anyway. True if the last referendum tabled was submitted externally. False if it was a public proposal. The referendum to be tabled whenever it would be valid to table an external proposal. This happens when a referendum needs to be tabled and one of two conditions are met: - `LastTabledWasExternal` is `false`; or - `PublicProps` is empty. A record of who vetoed what. Maps proposal hash to a possible existent block number (until when it may not be resubmitted) and who vetoed it. Record of all proposals that have been subject to emergency cancellation. New networks start with last version. The period between a proposal being approved and enacted. It should generally be a little more than the unstake period to ensure that voting stakers have an opportunity to remove themselves from the system in the case where they are on the losing side of a vote.EnactmentPeriod How often (in blocks) new public referenda are launched.LaunchPeriod How often (in blocks) to check for new votes.VotingPeriod The minimum period of vote locking. It should be no shorter than enactment period to ensure that in the case of an approval, those successful voters are locked into the consequences that their votes entail.VoteLockingPeriod The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal.MinimumDeposit Indicator for whether an emergency origin is even allowed to happen. Some chains may want to set this permanently to `false`, others may want to condition it on things such as an upgrade having happened recently.InstantAllowed Minimum voting period allowed for a fast-track referendum.FastTrackVotingPeriod Period in blocks where an external proposal may not be re-submitted after being vetoed.CooloffPeriod The amount of balance that must be deposited per byte of preimage stored.PreimageByteDeposit The maximum number of votes for an account. Also used to compute weight, an overly big value can lead to extrinsic with very big weight: see `delegate` for instance.MaxVotes The maximum number of public proposals that can exist at any time.MaxProposalsTabledExternalTabledStartedPassedNotPassedCancelledExecutedDelegatedUndelegatedVetoedPreimageNotedPreimageUsedPreimageReapedBlacklistedVotedSeconded2b22P2I2e2WUncheckedSignedpolkadot_primitives::v2::signedPayloadRealPayloadVoterpallet_elections_phragmenSeatHolderWarning: The session has more validators than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.Warning: The session has more queued validators than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.WrongWitnessOpenHrmpChannelAlreadyConfirmedOpenHrmpChannelDoesntExistCancelHrmpOpenChannelUnauthorizedCloseHrmpChannelAlreadyUnderwayCloseHrmpChannelDoesntExistCloseHrmpChannelUnauthorizedAcceptHrmpChannelLimitExceededAcceptHrmpChannelAlreadyConfirmedAcceptHrmpChannelDoesntExistOpenHrmpChannelLimitExceededOpenHrmpChannelAlreadyRequestedOpenHrmpChannelAlreadyExistsOpenHrmpChannelMessageSizeExceedsLimitOpenHrmpChannelZeroMessageSizeOpenHrmpChannelCapacityExceedsLimitOpenHrmpChannelZeroCapacityOpenHrmpChannelInvalidRecipientOpenHrmpChannelToSelf2 The set of pending HRMP open channel requests. The set is accompanied by a list for iteration. Invariant: - There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa. This mapping tracks how many open channel requests are initiated by a given sender para. Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items that has `(X, _)` as the number of `HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount` for `X`. This mapping tracks how many open channel requests were accepted by a given recipient para. Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items `(_, X)` with `confirmed` set to true, as the number of `HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount` for `X`. A set of pending HRMP close channel requests that are going to be closed during the session change. Used for checking if a given channel is registered for closure. The HRMP watermark associated with each para. - each para `P` used here as a key should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session. HRMP channel data associated with each para. - each participant in the channel should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session. Ingress/egress indexes allow to find all the senders and receivers given the opposite side. I.e. (a) ingress index allows to find all the senders for a given recipient. (b) egress index allows to find all the recipients for a given sender. Invariants: - for each ingress index entry for `P` each item `I` in the index should present in `HrmpChannels` as `(I, P)`. - for each egress index entry for `P` each item `E` in the index should present in `HrmpChannels` as `(P, E)`. - there should be no other dangling channels in `HrmpChannels`. - the vectors are sorted. Storage for the messages for each channel. Invariant: cannot be non-empty if the corresponding channel in `HrmpChannels` is `None`. Maintains a mapping that can be used to answer the question: What paras sent a message at the given block number for a given receiver. Invariants: - The inner `Vec` is never empty. - The inner `Vec` cannot store two same `ParaId`. - The outer vector is sorted ascending by block number and cannot store two items with the same block number.OpenChannelRequestedOpenChannelCanceledOpenChannelAcceptedChannelClosedsending 'close_channel::notification_bytes' failed.v3runtime::hrmppolkadot_runtime_parachains::hrmp !2 sending 'init_open_channel::notification_bytes' failed.7 !2sending 'accept_open_channel::notification_bytes' failed.\9 !22can't be `None` due to the invariant that the list contains the same items as the set; qed2V()/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsLJ```h[ @x- CC/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/collective/src/lib.rsset_uncles✅ no migration for runtime::frame-supportpallet_authorship::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/authorship/src/lib.rsdisapprove_proposalclosevoteproposeexecuteset_membersBTreeMapKVpallet_collective::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ low > high/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/gilt/src/lib.rsWW%WXWW%Every active pallet has a name in the runtime; qed+]+]`]`]`] +]`]`]`]AccountVotepallet_democracy::voteBalanceStandardSplitPriorLockBlockNumberVotingAccountIdDirectDelegatingMembersProposalsMinimumValidatorCountNextEpochConfigQueuedSolutionNextDispatchRoundStartWithNextFeeMultiplierSignedSubmissionNextIndexBufferedSessionChangesNextAuthoritiesCurrentPhasePrimeIncludedActiveTotalForceEraMaxMembersCandidatesPotProposalCountEpochIndexPublicPropsUpgradeCooldownsMinCommissionLatenessBlockWeightExecutionPhaseParathreadClaimIndexUpgradedToU32RefCountPendingConfigsPvfActiveVoteListKeysUnclesStateActiveConfigElectionRoundsStorageVersionExtrinsicCountDidSetUnclesNeedsDispatchFrozenUpcomingUpgradesRoundMinNominatorBondLastTabledWasExternalRulesQueuedKeysNowReferendumCountHeadEndingsCountTotalIssuancePendingEpochConfigChangeSnapshotMetadataQueryCounterCurrentSetIdDidUpdateParentHashOverweightCountValidatorGroupsLastPrunedSessionBountyApprovalsDefenderNextFundIndexEarliestStoredSessionMinimumUntrustedScoreEventCountPublicPropCountApprovalsPastCodePruningAuthorVrfRandomnessCurrentIndexHrmpOpenChannelRequestsListCounterForListNodesNextFreeParaIdSessionStartBlockOffendingValidatorsCurrentSessionIndexCurrentSlotHistoryDepthQueuedChangedRandomnessDesiredTargetsOnChainVotesVersionDiscoveryQueueScheduledSnapshotStalledCanceledSlashPayoutHrmpCloseChannelRequestsListDigestEarliestUnappliedSlashLowestUnbakedCounterForValidatorsTotalAuctionCounterLastRuntimeUpgradeHeartbeatAfterNewRaiseInvulnerablesEpochStartParathreadQueueActiveValidatorKeysFounderSignedSubmissionIndicesNumberEpochConfigCurrentPlannedSessionAvailabilityCoresBypassConsistencyCheckAuthorMaxValidatorsCountHasInitializedDisabledValidatorsChillThresholdAssignmentKeysUnsafeSegmentIndexValidatorsBondedErasRegistrarsCurrentEraNextForcedSlashRewardFractionPendingChangeInitializedMinValidatorBondUpgradedToTripleRefCountActiveEraActiveValidatorIndicesNextExternalBountyCountRunnersUpAuthoritiesNextRandomnessSafeXcmVersionEventsAuctionInfoParachainsMaxNominatorsCountAllExtrinsicsLenValidatorCountGenesisSlotCounterForNominatorsCurrentMigrationBidsQueueTotalsChildBountyCountUncleEntryItempallet_authorshipHashInclusionHeightUncle+]OldUncleUncleAlreadyIncludedTooHighUncleGenesisUncleTooManyUnclesUnclesAlreadySetInvalidUncleParent+]| Uncles Author of current block. Whether uncles were already set in this block. The number of blocks back we should accept uncles. This means that we will deal with uncle-parents that are `UncleGenerations + 1` before `now`.UncleGenerationsCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.IError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. -kNew members count () exceeds maximum amount of members expected ()..runtime::collectivepallet_collectiveWrongProposalLengthWrongProposalWeightTooManyProposalsTooEarlyAlreadyInitializedDuplicateVoteWrongIndexProposalMissingDuplicateProposalNotMemberWrong count used to estimate set_members weight. expected () vs actual (); `] The hashes of the active proposals. Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current. Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing. Proposals so far. The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value). The prime member that helps determine the default vote behavior in case of absentations.IEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. gfProposedVotedApprovedDisapprovedExecutedMemberExecutedClosedNextKeysStoredRangeEquivocationProofsp_consensus_slotsHeaderId/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/elections-phragmen/src/lib.rsA member seems to also be a runner-up.&runtime::elections-phragmenpallet_elections_phragmenRe /local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/scheduler.rs87L*attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero87Pcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valuecannot sample empty range/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ /rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsp_'p_$WrapperOpaqueframe_support::traits::miscWrapperKeepOpaqueinternal error: entered unreachable code: A*/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/treasury/src/⚠️ declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `` vs current storage version ``A,Jruntime::frame-supportpallet_xcm::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm/src/lib.rsPallet is part of the runtime because pallet `Config` trait is implemented by the runtime-A✅ no migration for ,pallet_offences::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/offences/src/lib.rsapprove_proposalreject_proposalpropose_spendAlreadySubscribedNoSubscriptionBadLocationBadVersionInvalidOriginTooManyAssetsCannotReanchorEmptyDestinationNotInvertibleUnweighableMessageFilteredSendFailureUnreachablepy/xcmchEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qed-( The latest available query index. The ongoing queries. The existing asset traps. Key is the blake2 256 hash of (origin, versioned `MultiAssets`) pair. Value is the number of times this pair has been trapped (usually just 1 if it exists at all). Default version to encode XCM when latest version of destination is unknown. If `None`, then the destinations whose XCM version is unknown are considered unreachable. The Latest versions that we know various locations support. All locations that we have requested version notifications from. The target locations that are subscribed to our version changes, as well as the most recent of our versions we informed them of. Destinations whose latest XCM version we would like to know. Duplicates not allowed, and the `u32` counter is the number of times that a send to the destination has been attempted, which is used as a prioritization. The current migration's stage, if any.XCM version is unknown for destination: | (xcm::pallet_xcm::note_unknown_versiondest: , message:   xcm::send_xcm  -/QueryStatusBlockNumberPendingVersionNotifierReadyCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.& Isendteleport_assetsreserve_transfer_assetsexecuteforce_xcm_versionforce_default_xcm_versionforce_subscribe_version_notifyforce_unsubscribe_version_notifylimited_reserve_transfer_assetslimited_teleport_assetsError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. L kEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fAttemptedSentUnexpectedResponseResponseReadyNotifiedNotifyOverweightNotifyDispatchErrorNotifyDecodeFailedInvalidResponderInvalidResponderVersionResponseTakenAssetsTrappedVersionChangeNotifiedSupportedVersionChangedNotifyTargetSendFailNotifyTargetMigrationFailVRFHashVRFResultvrf-invrf-outpallet_treasury::pallet. . . ../local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/slots/mod.rsthe HRMP watermark () doesn't land on a block with messages received0the HRMP watermark is ahead the relay-parent ( > ) .NQthe HRMP watermark is not advanced relative to the last watermark (lCNQtrigger_onboardclear_all_leasesforce_leaseOpenTippallet_tipsAccountIdBalanceHashpolkadot_runtime_common::slots::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ paras inherent data because they produced an invalid paras inherent: Nruntime::inclusion-inherentpolkadot_runtime_parachains::paras_inherent::pallet-3set_bypass_consistency_checkset_minimum_validation_upgrade_delayset_pvf_voting_ttlset_pvf_checking_enabledset_ump_max_individual_weightset_hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidateset_hrmp_max_parathread_outbound_channelsset_hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channelsset_hrmp_channel_max_message_sizeset_hrmp_max_parathread_inbound_channelsset_hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channelsset_hrmp_channel_max_total_sizeset_hrmp_channel_max_capacityset_hrmp_recipient_depositset_hrmp_sender_depositset_hrmp_open_request_ttlset_max_upward_message_num_per_candidateset_max_upward_message_sizeset_ump_service_total_weightset_max_downward_message_sizeset_max_upward_queue_sizeset_max_upward_queue_countset_relay_vrf_modulo_samplesset_needed_approvalsset_zeroth_delay_tranche_widthset_n_delay_tranchesset_no_show_slotsset_dispute_conclusion_by_time_out_periodset_dispute_max_spam_slotsset_dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_periodset_dispute_periodset_max_validatorsset_max_validators_per_coreset_scheduling_lookaheadset_thread_availability_periodset_chain_availability_periodset_group_rotation_frequencyset_parathread_retriesset_parathread_coresset_max_head_data_sizeset_max_pov_sizeset_max_code_sizeset_code_retention_periodset_validation_upgrade_delayset_validation_upgrade_cooldownenter-<polkadot_runtime_parachains::configuration::palletc[D-/-B-|-F-RRawOriginframe_support::dispatchRootSignedNonet[t[-_-tt[c[_3tc[NReserveDatapallet_balancesReserveIdentifierAccountDataBalanceLockIdentityInfopallet_identity::typesFieldLimitRegistrarInfoRegistrationMaxJudgementsMaxAdditionalFieldsJudgementUnknownFeePaidReasonableKnownGoodOutOfDateLowQualityErroneousbabe:equivocatiograndpa:equivocaim-online:offlinc[. The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers. A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot. Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened. All reports are sorted by the time of offence. Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec`, this is because values of different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization.Inconsistent state - couldn't settle imbalance for funds spent by treasuryTooManyApprovalsInvalidIndexInsufficientProposersBalancet[ Number of proposals that have been made. Proposals that have been made. Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded. Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal. An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not.ProposalBond Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.ProposalBondMinimum Maximum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.ProposalBondMaximum Period between successive spends.SpendPeriod Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period.Burn The treasury's pallet id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.PalletId The maximum number of approvals that can wait in the spending queue. NOTE: This parameter is also used within the Bounties Pallet extension if enabled.MaxApprovalsIError for the treasury pallet.ProposedSpendingAwardedRejectedBurntRolloverDeposity@>;y@>;Delegationspallet_democracy::typesReferendumInfoOngoingFinishedReferendumStatusTally>;pallet_collectiveMembersMember_PhantomVotesBitfields and heads must be included every block 0y@ChildBountyStatuspallet_child_bountiesAddedCuratorProposedActivePendingPayoutChildBountyLeaseErrorParaNotOnboarding3A Amounts held on deposit for each (possibly future) leased parachain. The actual amount locked on its behalf by any account at any time is the maximum of the second values of the items in this list whose first value is the account. The first item in the list is the amount locked for the current Lease Period. Following items are for the subsequent lease periods. The default value (an empty list) implies that the parachain no longer exists (or never existed) as far as this pallet is concerned. If a parachain doesn't exist *yet* but is scheduled to exist in the future, then it will be left-padded with one or more `None`s to denote the fact that nothing is held on deposit for the non-existent chain currently, but is held at some point in the future. It is illegal for a `None` value to trail in the list. The number of blocks over which a single period lasts.LeasePeriod The number of blocks to offset each lease period by.LeaseOffsetNewLeasePeriodLeasedLastContributionpolkadot_runtime_common::crowdloanNeverPreEndingEndingFundInfoInvalidNewValue>; The active configuration for the current session. Pending configuration changes. This is a list of configuration changes, each with a session index at which it should be applied. The list is sorted ascending by session index. Also, this list can only contain at most 2 items: for the next session and for the `scheduled_session`. If this is set, then the configuration setters will bypass the consistency checks. This is meant to be used only as the last resort.this doesn't have any effectBypassing the consistency check for the configuration change!'=runtime::configurationpolkadot_runtime_parachains::configurationConfiguration change rejected due to invalid configuration: 8(<The new configuration is broken but the old is broken as well. Proceeding|(ISkipping applying configuration changes scheduled sessions in the past(Fy@@candidate-seed-selection-subjectCurrentBlockRandomness did not provide entropyP).polkadot_runtime_parachains::paras_inherentBUG: disputed_bitfield != expected_bits)'[] bad bitfield length: != )))] bitfield contains disputed cores: )*$] bitfield validator index is not greater than last: !( < )L*7*Q] bitfield validator index is out of bounds: >= )*-*Invalid bitfield signature*y@)DisputeInvalidDisputeStatementsUnsortedOrDuplicatesInherentOverweightCandidateConcludedInvalidInvalidParentHeaderTooManyInclusionInherentsy@f Whether the paras inherent was included within this block. The `Option<()>` is effectively a `bool`, but it never hits storage in the `None` variant due to the guarantees of FRAME's storage APIs. If this is `None` at the end of the block, we panic and render the block invalid. Scraped on chain data for extracting resolved disputes as well as backing votes.[enter_inner] parent_header= bitfields.len(): , backed_candidates.len(): , disputes.len(): +-G-Y-t-Overweight para inherent data reached the runtime -2parachn0ParachainsInherentData failed to decode-'[create_inherent_inner] bitfields.len(): , disputes.len() .)Y-E.ParachainsInherentData references a different parent header hash than framep.KFound duplicate statement sets, retaining the first.3Post weight limiting weight is still too large.//Phasepallet_election_provider_multi_phaseBnOffUnsignedEmergencyElectionError::Fallback6ElectionError::DataProviderElectionError::Miner=ElectionError::Feasibility7RawSolutionSReadySolutionARoundSnapshotXcmxcm::v0WithdrawAssetReserveAssetDepositTeleportAssetQueryResponseTransferAssetTransferReserveAssetTransactHrmpNewChannelOpenRequestHrmpChannelAcceptedHrmpChannelClosingRelayedFrom/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/ops/arith.rsattempt to divide by zero0MHattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zerobitvec::order::Lsb0u8already mutably borrowed/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/vec_deque/mod.rsassertion failed: self.cap() == old_cap * 21^ /rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/cell.rs2H2H"Could not determine a version to wrap XCM for destination: 3;xcm::pallet_xcm::wrap_version/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/trie/src/ / ceil(q/$max) < $max. Macro prevents any type being created that does not satisfy this; qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/per_things.rs5i6Failed to convert5iJ5i55i@No extension codec.5m3c m3c4m3cq4m3cz.m3c m3c  m3c5iT8%88^H`RH"W H"W H"W U U U U U H"W H"W H"W U W W U H"W U H"W U U U U U U U U X U U J pY pY U U U U U U U U X U U H"W freezeforce_transferfreetransferclaim/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/indices/src/lib.rscancel_as_multiapprove_as_multias_multias_multi_threshold_1/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/multisig/src/lib.rsunrequest_preimagerequest_preimageunnote_preimagenote_preimage/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/preimage/src/lib.rscancel_recoveredremove_recoveryclose_recoveryclaim_recoveryvouch_recoveryinitiate_recoverycreate_recoveryset_recoveredas_recovered/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/recovery/src/lib.rsschedule_named_afterschedule_aftercancel_namedschedule_namedcancelschedule/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/scheduler/src/✅ no migration for 6;runtime::frame-supportpallet_indices::palletpallet_multisig::palletpallet_preimage::palletpallet_recovery::palletpallet_scheduler::palletOptionTNoneSomeCheckWeightChargeTransactionPaymentOffenceDetailssp_staking::offenceReporterOffenderFGFHFIFJFKFLFMFNFOFPOutboundHrmpQRHrmpWatermarkQSUpwardMessagesQTProcessedDownwardMessagesQUNewCodeTooLargePrematureCodeUpgradeHeadDataTooLargeBad mandatory: K=runtime::systemframe_system::extensions::check_weight/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/system/src/extensions/check_weight.rspallet_session::historical::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/session/src/historical/mod.rsservice_overweightgot filtered: what: , origin: >> xcm::filter_asset_locationxcm_executor::traits::filter_asset_location/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor/src/traits/filter_asset_location.rspolkadot_runtime_parachains::dmp::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/dmp.rspolkadot_runtime_parachains::ump::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ump.rsforce_unfreezepolkadot_runtime_parachains::disputes::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes.rsEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qed8[ :[bpolkadot_runtime_parachains::session_info::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/session_info.rsCase asset: ?A > xcm_builder::filter_asset_location/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/filter_asset_location.rs8Z$:\:\8[C9[C9[ :[GBoundedVecframe_support::storage::bounded_vecS/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/^Bjsum of input cannot fit in `T`/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/lib.rsBb0Proof provided in the module doc; qed.Bbattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroBb,Bblength of input is greater than zero; it must have a first; qedBbBbBb! :[TPermanentNotTransferInUseNotOwnerNotAssigned The lookup from index to account. The deposit needed for reserving an index.DepositCallContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.EIError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. ]EkEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. EfIndexAssignedIndexFreedIndexFrozenV`V`V`lFxFfailed to insert into trieV`WXFailed to generate historical ancestry-inclusion proof./home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/society/src/ vouchedincorrect identityexited if members empty; qed#GZ=3(>e\?1EJ@6(>eVJ@6J@6?17J@6modlpy/utilisubaAlreadyStoredMaxWeightTooLowUnexpectedTimepointWrongTimepointNoTimepointNotFoundSenderInSignatoriesSignatoriesOutOfOrderTooManySignatoriesTooFewSignatoriesNoApprovalsNeededAlreadyApprovedMinimumThreshold The set of open multisig operations. The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a multisig execution or to store a dispatch call for later. This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is `4 + sizeof((BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId))` bytes and whose key size is `32 + sizeof(AccountId)` bytes.DepositBase The amount of currency needed per unit threshold when creating a multisig execution. This is held for adding 32 bytes more into a pre-existing storage value.DepositFactor The maximum amount of signatories allowed in the multisig.MaxSignatoriesNewMultisigMultisigApprovalMultisigExecutedMultisigCancelledgrandpa:equivocababe:equivocatioim-online:offlinNotRequestedRequestedNotNotedNotAuthorizedAlreadyNotedTooLargeC9[H The request status of a given hash. The preimages stored by this pallet.NotedClearedBadStateAlreadyProxyStillActiveThresholdAlreadyVouchedDelayPeriodNotFriendNotStartedAlreadyStartedAlreadyRecoverableNotRecoverableNotSortedMaxFriendsNotEnoughFriendsZeroThresholdNotAllowed :[ The set of recoverable accounts and their recovery configuration. Active recovery attempts. First account is the account to be recovered, and the second account is the user trying to recover the account. The list of allowed proxy accounts. Map from the user who can access it to the recovered account. The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a recovery configuration. `2 + sizeof(BlockNumber, Balance)` bytes.ConfigDepositBase The amount of currency needed per additional user when creating a recovery configuration. This is held for adding `sizeof(AccountId)` bytes more into a pre-existing storage value.FriendDepositFactor The maximum amount of friends allowed in a recovery configuration. NOTE: The threshold programmed in this Pallet uses u16, so it does not really make sense to have a limit here greater than u16::MAX. But also, that is a lot more than you should probably set this value to anyway... The base amount of currency needed to reserve for starting a recovery. This is primarily held for deterring malicious recovery attempts, and should have a value large enough that a bad actor would choose not to place this deposit. It also acts to fund additional storage item whose value size is `sizeof(BlockNumber, Balance + T * AccountId)` bytes. Where T is a configurable threshold.RecoveryDepositEvents type.R RecoveryCreatedRecoveryInitiatedRecoveryVouchedRecoveryClosedAccountRecoveredRecoveryRemoved?1KA:I?1?1TWarning: This block has more items queued in Scheduler than expected from the runtime configuration. An update might be needed.lSruntime::schedulerJ@6?1.Prevotefinality_grandpaHNPrecommitEquivocationIdVRescheduleNoChangeTargetBlockNumberInPastFailedToSchedule:\ Items to be executed, indexed by the block number that they should be executed on. Lookup from identity to the block number and index of the task. The maximum weight that may be scheduled per block for any dispatchables of less priority than `schedule::HARD_DEADLINE`.MaximumWeight The maximum number of scheduled calls in the queue for a single block. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.MaxScheduledPerBlockScheduledCanceledDispatchedCallLookupFailed?1d?1?A:=A:Bpallet_transaction_payment/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/transaction-payment/src/lib.rsVf'attempt to divide by zeroVf'A:% Assignment keys for the current session. Note that this API is private due to it being prone to 'off-by-one' at session boundaries. When in doubt, use `Sessions` API instead. The earliest session for which previous session info is stored. Session information in a rolling window. Should have an entry in range `EarliestStoredSession..=CurrentSessionIndex`. Does not have any entries before the session index in the first session change notification.?1G The downward messages addressed for a certain para. A mapping that stores the downward message queue MQC head for each para. Each link in this chain has a form: `(prev_head, B, H(M))`, where - `prev_head`: is the previous head hash or zero if none. - `B`: is the relay-chain block number in which a message was appended. - `H(M)`: is the hash of the message being appended.WeightOverLimitUnknownMessageIndex?1 The messages waiting to be handled by the relay-chain originating from a certain parachain. Note that some upward messages might have been already processed by the inclusion logic. E.g. channel management messages. The messages are processed in FIFO order. Size of the dispatch queues. Caches sizes of the queues in `RelayDispatchQueue`. First item in the tuple is the count of messages and second is the total length (in bytes) of the message payloads. Note that this is an auxiliary mapping: it's possible to tell the byte size and the number of messages only looking at `RelayDispatchQueues`. This mapping is separate to avoid the cost of loading the whole message queue if only the total size and count are required. Invariant: - The set of keys should exactly match the set of keys of `RelayDispatchQueues`. The ordered list of `ParaId`s that have a `RelayDispatchQueue` entry. - The set of items from this vector should be exactly the set of the keys in `RelayDispatchQueues` and `RelayDispatchQueueSize`. This is the para that gets will get dispatched first during the next upward dispatchable queue execution round. - If `Some(para)`, then `para` must be present in `NeedsDispatch`. The messages that exceeded max individual message weight budget. These messages stay there until manually dispatched. The number of overweight messages ever recorded in `Overweight` (and thus the lowest free index).`consume_front` should return the same msg as `peek_front`;if we get into this branch then `peek_front` returned `Some`;thus `upward_message` cannot be `None`; qed?1]SingleSidedDisputePotentialSpamDuplicateStatementInvalidSignatureValidatorIndexOutOfBoundsAncientDisputeStatementDuplicateDisputeStatementSetsJ@6 The last pruned session, if any. All data stored by this module references sessions. All ongoing or concluded disputes for the last several sessions. All included blocks on the chain, as well as the block number in this chain that should be reverted back to if the candidate is disputed and determined to be invalid. Maps session indices to a vector indicating the number of potentially-spam disputes each validator is participating in. Potentially-spam disputes are remote disputes which have fewer than `byzantine_threshold + 1` validators. The i'th entry of the vector corresponds to the i'th validator in the session. Whether the chain is frozen. Starts as `None`. When this is `Some`, the chain will not accept any new parachain blocks for backing or inclusion, and its value indicates the last valid block number in the chain. It can only be set back to `None` by governance intervention.DisputeInitiatedDisputeConcludedDisputeTimedOutRevertindex is in-bounds, as checked above; qedJ@6spam slots are only incremented when a new statement from a validator is included; qedJ@6AvailabilityBitfieldRecordpolkadot_runtime_parachains::inclusionCandidatePendingAvailabilityValidation outputs checking during inclusion of a candidate for parachain `` failed: f<ff runtime::inclusion/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/inclusion/mod.rsgNf&g;SignedSubmissionpallet_election_provider_multi_phase::signedSolutionjust removed an item, we must be under capacity; qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/signed.rsgsdidn't change the map size; qedgsfork.recently executed.DoubleEncodedxcm::double_encodedOrderxcm::v1::orderNoopDepositAssetDepositReserveAssetExchangeAssetInitiateReserveWithdrawInitiateTeleportQueryHoldingBuyExecutionQYQZQ[Q\assertion failed: mid <= self.len()/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/slice/mod.rsiM Q8]QQ^Q&Q7a defensive failure has been triggered; please report the block number at|jxruntimeframe_support::traits::misc/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/traits/misc.rsjkkb/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/vec_deque/ring_slices.rskf @qD8Qn{hbȩn{ȩcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueassertion failed: idx < CAPACITY/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rsl[r assertion failed: edge.height == self.height - 1l[ l[ internal error: entered unreachable code: xm*empty internal nodeml[assertion failed: self.height > 0l[F assertion failed: src.len() == dst.len()l[l[Ml[assertion failed: edge.height == self.node.height - 1l[ assertion failed: old_right_len + count <= CAPACITYl[n assertion failed: old_left_len >= countl[o internal error: entered unreachable codel[assertion failed: old_left_len + count <= CAPACITYl[ assertion failed: old_right_len >= countl[ l[assertion failed: match track_edge_idx {\n LeftOrRight::Left(idx) => idx <= old_left_len,\n LeftOrRight::Right(idx) => idx <= right_len,\n}l[@ assertion failed: new_left_len <= CAPACITYl[ assertion failed: len > 0l[_ /rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsp_?Vp_/p_ 4/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/society/src/lib.rspurge_keysset_keys/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/session/src/lib.rstimstap0Timestamp inherent data not correctly encoded/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/timestamp/src/lib.rsr\Timestamp inherent data must be providedr\r\r\dispatch_asbatch_allas_derivativebatch/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ match arm matches anyting less than 2^30; qedu6nsaWshifted sufficient bits right to lead only leading zeros; qedv=nsa^nsansa✅ no migration for vruntime::frame-supportpallet_session::palletset_max_membersjudge_suspended_candidatejudge_suspended_memberunfoundfoundpayoutdefender_votevoteunvouchvouchunbidbidpallet_utility::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/utility/src/lib.rspallet_bounties::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/elections-phragmen/src/lib.rspallet_im_online::palletpallet_timestamp::palletclose_child_bountyclaim_child_bountyaward_child_bountyadd_child_bountyCheckGenesisCheckTxVersionCheckSpecVersionCheckNonZeroSenderCheckNoncepallet_society::palletpallet_child_bounties::palletclean_defunct_votersremove_memberrenounce_candidacysubmit_candidacyremove_voter/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/mod.rsyb&3(key, value) failed to decode at : dz!zframe_support::storagenext_key returned a key with no value at z)pallet_elections_phragmen::palletMaxHrmpInboundChannelsExceededMaxHrmpOutboundChannelsExceededMaxUpwardMessageSizeExceededmax_message_sizeValidationUpgradeDelayIsTooLowvalidation_upgrade_delayMinimumValidationUpgradeDelayLessThanThreadAvailabilityPeriodminimum_validation_upgrade_delaythread_availability_periodMinimumValidationUpgradeDelayLessThanChainAvailabilityPeriodchain_availability_periodMaxPovSizeExceedHardLimitmax_pov_sizeMaxHeadDataSizeExceedHardLimitmax_head_data_sizeMaxCodeSizeExceedHardLimitmax_code_sizeZeroNoShowSlotsZeroThreadAvailabilityPeriodZeroChainAvailabilityPeriodZeroGroupRotationFrequencyybR3polkadot_runtime_parachains::shared::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/shared.rsFixedWeightBounds message: }xcm::weightxcm_builder::weight/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/weight.rsforce_approveframe_system::extensions::check_nonceTframe_system::extensions::check_genesisframe_system::extensions::check_tx_versionframe_system::extensions::check_spec_versionframe_system::extensions::check_non_zero_senderEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qedr\polkadot_runtime_parachains::initializer::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/initializer.rsbu\qZ$qZqZqZ:qZ)t["qZqZTqZqZqZ qZ.qZEqZOr\t[qZqZYqZ?qZqZqZct[2bu\bu\weqZ^wehqZt[,taweqbu\qZ4we|StoredPendingChangepallet_grandpaNLimitStoredStateLivePendingPausePausedPendingResumerotating session aruntime::sessionpallet_sessionNoAccountNoKeysDuplicatedKeyNoAssociatedValidatorIdInvalidProofqZl The current set of validators. Current index of the session. True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators has changed in the queued validator set. The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys will be used to determine the validator's session keys. Indices of disabled validators. The vec is always kept sorted so that we can find whether a given validator is disabled using binary search. It gets cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities. The next session keys for a validator. The owner of a key. The key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.CallContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.kIErrorError for the session pallet.ŅqZW+qZattempt to divide by zerosociety_rotatione.1 of final item == total_approvals; worst case find will always return that item; qedqZsociety_challengeqZ3exited if members empty; qedqZpayoutsb.len() > 1000; qedqZ8<NotHeadNotFounderMaxMembersNotCandidateAlreadyCandidateAlreadyBidFounderHeadNotVouchingAlreadyVouchingInsufficientPotAlreadyFoundedNoPayoutNotSuspendedSuspendedAlreadyMemberNotMemberBadPositionqZp The first member. A hash of the rules of this society concerning membership. Can only be set once and only by the founder. The current set of candidates; bidders that are attempting to become members. The set of suspended candidates. Amount of our account balance that is specifically for the next round's bid(s). The most primary from the most recently approved members. The current set of members, ordered. The set of suspended members. The current bids, stored ordered by the value of the bid. Members currently vouching or banned from vouching again Pending payouts; ordered by block number, with the amount that should be paid out. The ongoing number of losing votes cast by the member. Double map from Candidate -> Voter -> (Maybe) Vote. The defending member currently being challenged. Votes for the defender. The max number of members for the society at one time. The societies's pallet idPalletId The minimum amount of a deposit required for a bid to be made.CandidateDeposit The amount of the unpaid reward that gets deducted in the case that either a skeptic doesn't vote or someone votes in the wrong way.WrongSideDeduction The number of times a member may vote the wrong way (or not at all, when they are a skeptic) before they become suspended.MaxStrikes The amount of incentive paid within each period. Doesn't include VoterTip.PeriodSpend The number of blocks between candidate/membership rotation periods.RotationPeriod The maximum duration of the payout lock.MaxLockDuration The number of blocks between membership challenges.ChallengePeriod The maximum number of candidates that we accept per round.MaxCandidateIntakeqZI Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. ikEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fFoundedBidVouchAutoUnbidUnbidUnvouchInductedSuspendedMemberJudgementCandidateSuspendedMemberSuspendedChallengedVoteDefenderVoteNewMaxMembersUnfoundedDepositmodlpy/utilisubaTooManyCalls The limit on the number of batched calls.batched_calls_limittaqZwetatatabtTooManyQueuedHasActiveChildBountyPrematurePendingPayoutInvalidFeeInvalidValueRequireCuratorUnexpectedStatusReasonTooBigInvalidIndexInsufficientProposersBalancet[ Number of bounty proposals that have been made. Bounties that have been made. The description of each bounty. Bounty indices that have been approved but not yet funded. The amount held on deposit for placing a bounty proposal.BountyDepositBase The delay period for which a bounty beneficiary need to wait before claim the payout.BountyDepositPayoutDelay Bounty duration in blocks.BountyUpdatePeriod The curator deposit is calculated as a percentage of the curator fee. This deposit has optional upper and lower bounds with `CuratorDepositMax` and `CuratorDepositMin`.CuratorDepositMultiplier Maximum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.CuratorDepositMax Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.CuratorDepositMin Minimum value for a bounty.BountyValueMinimum The amount held on deposit per byte within the tip report reason or bounty description.DataDepositPerByte Maximum acceptable reason length. Benchmarks depend on this value, be sure to update weights file when changing this valueMaximumReasonLengthBountyProposedBountyRejectedBountyBecameActiveBountyAwardedBountyClaimedBountyCanceledBountyExtendedUsingComponents::buy_weight weight: , payment: $( UsingComponents::refund_weight weight: D'Skipping heartbeat at tzruntime::im-online. Not a validator.tTimestamp must be updated once in the blockЖ+r\ 9}4C}46Warning: The session has more keys than expected. A runtime configuration adjustment may be needed.parity/im-online-heartbeat/[index: ] Reporting im-online at block: (session: ): —ʗ  pallet_im_onlineDuplicatedHeartbeatInvalidKeybu\5 The block number after which it's ok to send heartbeats in the current session. At the beginning of each session we set this to a value that should fall roughly in the middle of the session duration. The idea is to first wait for the validators to produce a block in the current session, so that the heartbeat later on will not be necessary. This value will only be used as a fallback if we fail to get a proper session progress estimate from `NextSessionRotation`, as those estimates should be more accurate then the value we calculate for `HeartbeatAfter`. The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat. For each session index, we keep a mapping of `SessionIndex` and `AuthIndex` to `WrapperOpaque`. For each session index, we keep a mapping of `ValidatorId` to the number of blocks authored by the given authority. A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions. This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when multiple pallets send unsigned transactions.UnsignedPriorityHeartbeatReceivedAllGoodSomeOfflineScheduledV3pallet_schedulerBlockNumberPalletsOriginAccountIdr\t Current time for the current block. Did the timestamp get updated in this block? The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the *expected* period that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this period on default settings.MinimumPeriodTimestamp must be updated only once in the blockk0r\ Timestamp must increment by at least between sequential blocksNr\ }4<9/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/<iI<iN<i<i!<i0<i$<i9<i$<i9UNREACHABLE code reached in `reduce` algorithm. This must be a bug.<i#<i,<i$<i9<i,$<i,9<id+<idF<ie(<ieG<io+<ioG<ip(<ipH<iN5<iO5<i"5<i#5<ib<ib,<it<iDuplicate voter (or other corrupt input).ܡ)<i&!<i><i>vector with positive length will have a max; qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/balancing.rsplviterator with positive length will have a min; qedplzpl,pl+length of elected_edges is greater than or equal 2; last_index index is at the minimum elected_edges.len() - 1; index is within range; qedpl pl pl,pl,plZ!plo<EquivocationProofsp_finality_grandpaHEquivocationPrevotePrecommitcbTooManyChildBountiesInsufficientBountyBalanceParentBountyNotActiveta~ Number of total child bounties. Number of child-bounties per parent bounty. Map of parent bounty index to number of child bounties. Child-bounties that have been added. The description of each child-bounty. The cumulative child-bounty curator fee for each parent bounty. Maximum number of child-bounties that can be added to a parent bounty.MaxActiveChildBountyCount Minimum value for a child-bounty.ChildBountyValueMinimumAddedAwardedClaimedCanceledInvalid inflation computation: falloff less than 1% is not supportedDpallet_staking_reward_fn/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/staking/reward-fn/src/lib.rsInvalid inflation computation: unexpected result `1Failed to run election [].runtime::elections-phragmenpallet_elections_phragmenInvalidReplacementInvalidRenouncingInvalidVoteCountInvalidWitnessDataInsufficientCandidateFundsRunnerUpSubmitMemberSubmitDuplicatedCandidateReportSelfMustBeVoterUnableToPayBondLowBalanceMaximumVotesExceededTooManyVotesNoVotesUnableToVotewe The current elected members. Invariant: Always sorted based on account id. The current reserved runners-up. Invariant: Always sorted based on rank (worse to best). Upon removal of a member, the last (i.e. _best_) runner-up will be replaced. The present candidate list. A current member or runner-up can never enter this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate. Second element is the deposit. The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one. Votes and locked stake of a particular voter. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as `AccountId` is a crypto hash. Identifier for the elections-phragmen pallet's lock How much should be locked up in order to submit one's candidacy.CandidacyBond Base deposit associated with voting. This should be sensibly high to economically ensure the pallet cannot be attacked by creating a gigantic number of votes.VotingBondBase The amount of bond that need to be locked for each vote (32 bytes).VotingBondFactor Number of members to elect.DesiredMembers Number of runners_up to keep.DesiredRunnersUp How long each seat is kept. This defines the next block number at which an election round will happen. If set to zero, no elections are ever triggered and the module will be in passive mode.TermDurationNewTermEmptyTermElectionErrorMemberKickedRenouncedCandidateSlashedSeatHolderSlashed9\ Whether the parachains modules have been initialized within this block. Semantically a `bool`, but this guarantees it should never hit the trie, as this is cleared in `on_finalize` and Frame optimizes `None` values to be empty values. As a `bool`, `set(false)` and `remove()` both lead to the next `get()` being false, but one of them writes to the trie and one does not. This confusion makes `Option<()>` more suitable for the semantics of this variable. Buffered session changes along with the block number at which they should be applied. Typically this will be empty or one element long. Apart from that this item never hits the storage. However this is a `Vec` regardless to handle various edge cases that may occur at runtime upgrade boundaries or if governance intervenes.parasHostConfigurationpolkadot_runtime_parachains::configuration/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/v2.rsA storage root must decode to the Hash type; qedA }4) The current session index. All the validators actively participating in parachain consensus. Indices are into the broader validator set. The parachain attestation keys of the validators actively participating in parachain consensus. This should be the same length as `ActiveValidatorIndices`.already borrowedalready mutably borrowed9 vrf-nm-pk/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/cell.rsHH"UnboundedExcludedIncludedImOnlineatBlockNumberis_activebooltimeoutresponderVersionedMultiLocationoriginresponseVersionedResponsemaybe_notifyOption<(u8, u8)>Ask a location to notify us regarding their XCM version and any changes to it.- `origin`: Must be Root.- `location`: The location to which we should subscribe for XCM version notifications.N\uVExtoll that a particular destination can be communicated with through a particularversion of XCM.- `location`: The destination that is being described.- `xcm_version`: The latest version of XCM that `location` supports.R>\M6DExecute an XCM message from a local, signed, origin.An event is deposited indicating whether `msg` could be executed completely or onlypartially.No more than `max_weight` will be used in its attempted execution. If this is less than themaximum amount of weight that the message could take to be executed, then no executionattempt will be made.NOTE: A successful return to this does *not* imply that the `msg` was executed successfullyto completion; only that *some* of it was executed.4,S [V:O[3Transfer some assets from the local chain to the sovereign account of a destinationchain and forward a notification XCM.Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector ofindex `fee_asset_item`. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited,with all fees taken as needed from the asset.- `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.- `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent, Parachain(..))` to send from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send from relay to parachain.- `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will generally be an `AccountId32` value.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the `dest` side.- `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay fees.8S%TX\-JӺc6VbahvSɼTeleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. The first item should be the currency used to to pay the fee on the `dest` side. May not be empty.PDTX\-JӺc6Vbk vSɼindex `fee_asset_item`, up to enough to pay for `weight_limit` of weight. If more weightis needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the assets send may beat risk.- `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.8S%TXVFJӺc6VbahvSɼNQPDTXVFJӺc6Vbk vSɼNQSet a safe XCM version (the version that XCM should be encoded with if the most recentversion a destination can accept is unknown).- `maybe_xcm_version`: The default XCM encoding version, or `None` to disable.V-\;NRequire that a particular destination should no longer notify us regarding any XCMversion changes.- `location`: The location to which we are currently subscribed for XCM version notifications which we no longer desire.R\Oe*locationBoxdestassetsBoxfee_asset_itemu32maybe_xcm_versionOptionmax_weightWeightbeneficiarymessageBox>BoxBox::Call>>weight_limitWeightLimitxcm_versionXcmVersionThe desired destination was unreachable, generally because there is a no way of routingto it.W/Origin is invalid for sending.HCould not re-anchor the assets to declare the fees for the destination chain.pMToo many assets have been attempted for transfer.1The assets to be sent are empty. The message's weight could not be determined.0-The location is invalid since it already has a subscription from us.hDThe referenced subscription could not be found./The given location could not be used (e.g. because it cannot be expressed in thedesired version of XCM).P@The message execution fails the filter.h'There was some other issue (i.e. not to do with routing) in sending the message. Perhapsa lack of space for buffering the message.X*The destination `MultiLocation` provided cannot be inverted.,<The version of the `Versioned` value used is not able to be interpreted.pHQuery response has been received and query is removed. There was a general error withdispatching the notification call.\[ id, pallet index, call index \]U"7"Query response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification hasbeen dispatched and executed successfully.|V*7"Query response has been received and query is removed. The dispatch was unable to bedecoded into a `Call`; this might be due to dispatch function having a signature whichis not `(origin, QueryId, Response)`.TpV%7"An XCM version change notification message has been attempted to be sent.\[ destination, result \]I]Expected query response has been received but the expected origin location placed instorage by this runtime previously cannot be decoded. The query remains registered.This is unexpected (since a location placed in storage in a previously executingruntime should be readable prior to query timeout) and dangerous since the possiblyvalid response will be dropped. Manual governance intervention is probably going to beneeded.\[ origin location, id \]TS7PSV07A given location which had a version change subscription was dropped owing to an errormigrating the location to our new XCM format.\[ location, query ID \]V-Expected query response has been received but the origin location of the response doesnot match that expected. The query remains registered for a later, valid, response tobe received and acted upon.\[ origin location, id, expected location \]TVU,sending the notification to it.\[ location, query ID, error \]VpQuery response received which does not match a registered query. This may be because amatching query was never registered, it may be because it is a duplicate response, orbecause the query timed out.V&U{7Received query response has been read and removed.\[ id \]2Query response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification couldnot be dispatched because the dispatch weight is greater than the maximum weightoriginally budgeted by this runtime for the query result.\[ id, pallet index, call index, actual weight, max budgeted weight \]XlP9FThe supported version of a location has been changed. This might be through anautomatic notification or a manual intervention.\[ location, XCM version \]dN0Some assets have been placed in an asset trap.\[ hash, origin, assets \] .NA XCM message was sent.\[ origin, destination, message \]"Query response has been received and is ready for taking with `take_response`. There isno registered notification call.\[ id, response \]W+ KExecution of an XCM message was attempted.\[ outcome \]* MultiLocationXcmErrorQueryIdu8OptionH256Xcm<()>ResponseVersionedMultiAssetsxcm::latest::OutcomePath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/[u8; 20]VecAccountId[u8; 32]numberNumberextrinsics_rootHash::OutputdigestDigeststate_rootparent_hashreportersVecoffenderOffenderReport authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verifythe equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proofagainst the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence willbe reported.This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that onlyblock authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as suchif the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocationreporter.RBAC $CgEE Plan an epoch config change. The epoch config change is recorded and will be enacted onthe next call to `enact_epoch_change`. The config will be activated one epoch after.Multiple calls to this method will replace any existing planned config change that hadnot been enacted yet.<WTV=RBAC key_owner_proofT::KeyOwnerProofequivocation_proofBox>configNextConfigDescriptorA given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.EA key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.PLAn equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.LfrozenBalancetargetPerquintillindexActiveIndexproportionwhoamountexpiryRemove an active but expired gilt. Reserved funds under gilt are freed and balance isadjusted to ensure that the funds grow or shrink to maintain the equivalent proportionof effective total issued funds.Origin must be Signed and the account must be the owner of the gilt of the given index.- `index`: The index of the gilt to be thawed.GUV Wi.Set target proportion of gilt-funds.Origin must be `AdminOrigin`.- `target`: The target proportion of effective issued funds that should be under giltsat any one time.$VgPlace a bid for a gilt to be issued.Origin must be Signed, and account must have at least `amount` in free balance.- `amount`: The amount of the bid; these funds will be reserved. If the bid issuccessfully elevated into an issued gilt, then these funds will continue to bereserved until the gilt expires. Must be at least `MinFreeze`.- `duration`: The number of periods for which the funds will be locked if the gilt isissued. It will expire only after this period has elapsed after the point of issuance.Must be greater than 1 and no more than `QueueCount`.Complexities:- `Queues[duration].len()` (just take max).$ONiO>UKV5 +Retract a previously placed bid.Origin must be Signed, and the account should have previously issued a still-active bidof `amount` for `duration`.- `amount`: The amount of the previous bid.- `duration`: The duration of the previous bid.x W +5/durationBalanceOfNot the owner of the gilt.The amount of the bid is less than the minimum allowed.7The duration of the bid is less than one.)The given bid for retraction is not found.P*Gilt not yet at expiry date.Gilt index is unknown.The duration is the bid is greater than the number of queues.=The queue for the bid's duration is full and the amount bid is too low to get inthrough replacing an existing bid.Ph"A bid was successfully removed (before being accepted as a gilt).AA bid was successfully placed.A bid was accepted as a gilt. The balance may not be released until expiry.KAn expired gilt has been thawed.h T::BlockNumberT::AccountIdadditional_amountoriginal_amounttipsVec<(AccountId, Balance)>depositclosesOptionfinders_feefinderreasonHashReport something `reason` that deserves a tip and claim any eventual the finder's fee.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.Payment: `TipReportDepositBase` will be reserved from the origin account, as well as`DataDepositPerByte` for each byte in `reason`.- `reason`: The reason for, or the thing that deserves, the tip; generally this will be a UTF-8-encoded URL.- `who`: The account which should be credited for the tip.Emits `NewTip` if successful.# - Complexity: `O(R)` where `R` length of `reason`. - encoding and hashing of 'reason'- DbReads: `Reasons`, `Tips`- DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`# "Vx3T/.W: 2.$Rn Retract a prior tip-report from `report_awesome`, and cancel the process of tipping.If successful, the original deposit will be unreserved.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the tip identified by `hash`must have been reported by the signing account through `report_awesome` (and notthrough `tip_new`).- `hash`: The identity of the open tip for which a tip value is declared. This is formed as the hash of the tuple of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.Emits `TipRetracted` if successful.- Complexity: `O(1)` - Depends on the length of `T::Hash` which is fixed.- DbReads: `Tips`, `origin account`- DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`, `origin account`0T7SP^qXW # CW6#/ Close and payout a tip.The tip identified by `hash` must have finished its countdown period.- Complexity: `O(T)` where `T` is the number of tippers. decoding `Tipper` vec of length `T`. `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`. The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`.- DbReads: `Tips`, `Tippers`, `tip finder`- DbWrites: `Reasons`, `Tips`, `Tippers`, `tip finder`xx3EqXW X,T0*6 Declare a tip value for an already-open tip.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must be amember of the `Tippers` set. as the hash of the tuple of the hash of the original tip `reason` and the beneficiary account ID.- `tip_value`: The amount of tip that the sender would like to give. The median tip value of active tippers will be given to the `who`.Emits `TipClosing` if the threshold of tippers has been reached and the countdown periodhas started. `T`, insert tip and check closing, `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`. The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`. Actually weight could be lower as it depends on how many tips are in `OpenTip` but it is weighted as if almost full i.e of length `T-1`.- DbReads: `Tippers`, `Tips`- DbWrites: `Tips`,TqX,W S5Xp  X|KWWu4 Remove and slash an already-open tip.May only be called from `T::RejectOrigin`.As a result, the finder is slashed and the deposits are lost.Emits `TipSlashed` if successful. `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`. The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`.%*=$! E?@ Give a tip for something new; no finder's fee will be taken.- Complexity: `O(R + T)` where `R` length of `reason`, `T` is the number of tippers. - `O(T)`: decoding `Tipper` vec of length `T`. `T` is charged as upper bound given by `ContainsLengthBound`. The actual cost depends on the implementation of `T::Tippers`. - `O(R)`: hashing and encoding of reason of length `R`- DbReads: `Tippers`, `Reasons`$<T.W:S5 `TW KVg8n tip_valuehashT::HashThe tip was already found/started."The reason given is just too big.!The tip cannot be claimed/closed because there are not enough tippers yet.JThe tip hash is unknown.8The tip cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period.XLThe account attempting to retract the tip is not the finder of the tip.GA new tip suggestion has been opened.%A tip suggestion has reached threshold and is closing.06A tip suggestion has been retracted.p$A tip suggestion has been closed.!A tip suggestion has been slashed."tip_hashpayoutT::IndexErasufficientsRefCountdataAccountDataprovidersnonceIndexconsumerstopicsVecphasePhaseeventESet the new runtime code.- `O(C + S)` where `C` length of `code` and `S` complexity of `can_set_code`- 1 call to `can_set_code`: `O(S)` (calls `sp_io::misc::runtime_version` which is expensive).- 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).- 1 digest item.- 1 event.The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime, but generally this is veryexpensive. We will treat this as a full block.s LQ) 6!Wg qS. Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap.T>Set some items of storage.Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.**NOTE:** We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys underthe prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.D NZOA dispatch that will fill the block weight up to the given ratio.AKill some items from storage.Make some on-chain remark and emit event.@)Make some on-chain remark.- `O(1)`x  Set the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given `code`.- `O(C)` where `C` length of `code`The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime. We will treat this as a fullblock. # F #6!Wg -UsubkeysremarkkeysVecpagesu64coderatioPerbillitemsVecprefixKeySuicide called when the account has non-default composite data.(?The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtimeand the new runtime.pPThe origin filter prevent the call to be dispatched.4The name of specification does not match between the current runtime DThere is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.tMFailed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.Either calling `Core_version` or decoding `RuntimeVersion` failed.; BAn extrinsic completed successfully.h$On on-chain remark happened.An account was reaped.A new account was created.An extrinsic failed.`:code` was updated.(accountdispatch_errorDispatchErrordispatch_infoDispatchInfosenderheightcall_hashrealdelaydelegateproxy_typeProxyTypeDispatch the given `call` from an account that the sender is authorised for through`add_proxy`.Removes any corresponding announcement(s).Parameters:- `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.- `force_proxy_type`: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.- `call`: The call to be made by the `real` account.Weight is a function of the number of proxies the user has (P).S *x3E PCX4 ? Register a proxy account for the sender that is able to make calls on its behalf.- `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to make a proxy.- `proxy_type`: The permissions allowed for this proxy account.- `delay`: The announcement period required of the initial proxy. Will generally bezero.Qx3E )Dm?S ? Remove a given announcement.May be called by a proxy account to remove a call they previously announced and returnthe deposit.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be made by the `real` account.Weight is a function of:- A: the number of announcements made.- P: the number of proxies the user has.lV x3E PCE /G&m( Publish the hash of a proxy-call that will be made in the future.This must be called some number of blocks before the corresponding `proxy` is attemptedif the delay associated with the proxy relationship is greater than zero.No more than `MaxPending` announcements may be made at any one time.This will take a deposit of `AnnouncementDepositFactor` as well as`AnnouncementDepositBase` if there are no other pending announcements.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a proxy of `real`.AYWID=BFIE PCE /G&m( Remove the given announcement of a delegate.May be called by a target (proxied) account to remove a call that one of their delegates(`delegate`) has announced they want to execute. The deposit is returned.- `delegate`: The account that previously announced the call.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be made.,X< Ix3E = / /G&m( Removes a previously spawned anonymous proxy.WARNING: **All access to this account will be lost.** Any funds held in it will beinaccessible.Requires a `Signed` origin, and the sender account must have been created by a call to`anonymous` with corresponding parameters.- `spawner`: The account that originally called `anonymous` to create this account.- `index`: The disambiguation index originally passed to `anonymous`. Probably `0`.- `proxy_type`: The proxy type originally passed to `anonymous`.- `height`: The height of the chain when the call to `anonymous` was processed.- `ext_index`: The extrinsic index in which the call to `anonymous` was processed.Fails with `NoPermission` in case the caller is not a previously created anonymousaccount whose `anonymous` call has corresponding parameters.t - R   VV * S S& @f O R RY < ? Unregister all proxy accounts for the sender.WARNING: This may be called on accounts created by `anonymous`, however if done, thenthe unreserved fees will be inaccessible. **All access to this account will be lost.**8-x3eUV ? Dispatch the given `call` from an account that the sender is authorized for through`S *x3E PCX4 /G&m( Unregister a proxy account for the sender.- `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to remove as a proxy.- `proxy_type`: The permissions currently enabled for the removed proxy account.<*x3E fIP ? Spawn a fresh new account that is guaranteed to be otherwise inaccessible, andinitialize it with a proxy of `proxy_type` for `origin` sender.Requires a `Signed` origin.- `proxy_type`: The type of the proxy that the sender will be registered as over thenew account. This will almost always be the most permissive `ProxyType` possible toallow for maximum flexibility.- `index`: A disambiguation index, in case this is called multiple times in the sametransaction (e.g. with `utility::batch`). Unless you're using `batch` you probably justwant to use `0`.Fails with `Duplicate` if this has already been called in this transaction, from thesame sender, with the same parameters.Fails if there are insufficient funds to pay for deposit.TODO: Might be over counting 1 readXN?TTSTWpST&9 ? 3#spawnerforce_proxy_typeOptionCallHashOfcallBox<::Call>T::ProxyTypeu16ext_indexProxy registration not found.|Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.EAccount is already a proxy.Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied. 3Cannot add self as proxy.`A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.HThere are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending.HAnnouncement, if made at all, was made too recently.(4A proxy was added.hA proxy was removed.An announcement was placed to make a call in the future.8Anonymous account has been created by new proxy with givendisambiguation index and proxy type.:"$A proxy was executed correctly, with the given.X/delegatorresultDispatchResultdelegateeproxydisambiguation_indexanonymousTBTreeMapmandatorynormaloperationaldegreenegativecoeff_fraccoeff_integernext_authoritiesBoundedAuthorityListforcedOptionscheduled_atNReport voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify theequivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proofagainst the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offencewill be reported.mB=>*$CgEE Note that the current authority set of the GRANDPA finality gadget hasstalled. This will trigger a forced authority set change at the beginningof the next session, to be enacted `delay` blocks after that. The delayshould be high enough to safely assume that the block signalling theforced change will not be re-orged (e.g. 1000 blocks). The GRANDPA voterswill start the new authority set using the given finalized block as base.Only callable by root.FIGZDII0mB=>*Box>best_finalized_block_numberAttempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused(either live or already pending resume).D.(Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.h:Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live(either paused or already pending pause).A)Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.,/Freeze an index so it will always point to the sender account. This consumes thedeposit.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must have anon-frozen account `index`.- `index`: the index to be frozen in place.Emits `IndexFrozen` if successful.- `O(1)`.- One storage mutation (codec `O(1)`).- Up to one slash operation.- One event.-------------------- DB Weight: 1 Read/Write (Accounts)hPV1+\" ~ & $ Assign an index already owned by the sender to another account. The balance reservationis effectively transferred to the new account.- `index`: the index to be re-assigned. This must be owned by the sender.- `new`: the new owner of the index. This function is a no-op if it is equal to sender.Emits `IndexAssigned` if successful.- One transfer operation.- DB Weight: - Reads: Indices Accounts, System Account (recipient) - Writes: Indices Accounts, System Account (recipient) W .x3!!Ij!W!$ ~ &! ! "8B"9 Assign an previously unassigned index.Payment: `Deposit` is reserved from the sender account.- `index`: the index to be claimed. This must not be in use.- One reserve operation.#&B#7x3y#<!$ ~ &# $ Free up an index owned by the sender.Payment: Any previous deposit placed for the index is unreserved in the sender account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must own the index.- `index`: the index to be freed. This must be owned by the sender.Emits `IndexFreed` if successful.`$%$W$U1%Ct%! ~ &# $ Force an index to an account. This doesn't require a deposit. If the index is alreadyheld, then any deposit is reimbursed to its current owner.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.- `index`: the index to be (re-)assigned.- `freeze`: if set to `true`, will freeze the index so it cannot be transferred.- Up to one reserve operation. - Reads: Indices Accounts, System Account (original owner) - Writes: Indices Accounts, System Account (original owner)(&U}&:&1&)j!W'P!$ ~ &a' ! '='> T::AccountIndexnewfreezeThe index was not available.(The index was not already assigned.(#The source and destination accounts are identical.)2The index is permanent and may not be freed/changed.P)4The index is assigned to another account.))A account index has been freed up (unassigned).)/A account index has been frozen to its current account ID.*:A account index was assigned.H*Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.This doesn't take effect until the next session.The dispatch origin of this function must be Signed and the account must be either beconvertible to a validator ID using the chain's typical addressing system (this usuallymeans being a controller account) or directly convertible into a validator ID (whichusually means being a stash account).- Complexity: `O(1)` in number of key types. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.- DbReads: `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`, `origin account`- DbWrites: `NextKeys`, `origin account`- DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwner`p*2*0*U'+W~+T+% +XO,)x,;,(,! Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `keys`.Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.- Complexity: `O(1)`. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.- DbReads: `origin account`, `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`- DbWrites: `origin account`, `NextKeys`- DbReads per key id: `KeyOwner`|-9-G*0-4 0.Dt.&.;.(. ,! proofT::KeysNo keys are associated with this account./)No associated validator ID for account./'Key setting account is not live, so it's impossible to associate keys.0FInvalid ownership proof.P0Registered duplicate key.p0kindBidKindvalueAllows root origin to change the maximum number of members in society.Max membership count must be greater than 1.The dispatch origin for this call must be from _ROOT_.- `max` - The maximum number of members for the society.- One storage write to update the max. O(1)Total Complexity: O(1)0F1,.16E d18 1+ 1 A bidder can remove their bid for entry into society.By doing so, they will have their candidate deposit returned orthey will unvouch their voucher.Payment: The bid deposit is unreserved if the user made a bid.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a bidder.- `pos`: Position in the `Bids` vector of the bid who wants to unbid.Key: B (len of bids), X (balance unreserve)- One storage read and write to retrieve and update the bids. O(B)- Either one unreserve balance action O(X) or one vouching storage removal. O(1)Total Complexity: O(B + X)P252?2 2>"3@E b3E 3+3B4P d4 Allow suspension judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended member.If a suspended member is forgiven, we simply add them back as a member, not affectingany of the existing storage items for that member.If a suspended member is rejected, remove all associated storage items, includingtheir payouts, and remove any vouched bids they currently have.The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _SuspensionJudgementOrigin_.- `who` - The suspended member to be judged.- `forgive` - A boolean representing whether the suspension judgement origin forgives (`true`) or rejects (`false`) a suspended member.Key: B (len of bids), M (len of members)- One storage read to check `who` is a suspended member. O(1)- Up to one storage write O(M) with O(log M) binary search to add a member back to society.- Up to 3 storage removals O(1) to clean up a removed member.- Up to one storage write O(B) with O(B) search to remove vouched bid from bids.- Up to one additional event if unvouch takes place.- One storage removal. O(1)- One event for the judgement.Total Complexity: O(M + logM + B)5Jb5U525Q:6?y6OE 6,6UI73 |7(7=7R38 =8=z8P848979! Transfer the first matured payout for the sender and remove it from the records.NOTE: This extrinsic needs to be called multiple times to claim multiple maturedpayouts.Payment: The member will receive a payment equal to their first maturedpayout to their free balance.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member withpayouts remaining.Key: M (len of members), P (number of payouts for a particular member)- One storage read O(M) and O(log M) search to check signer is a member.- One storage read O(P) to get all payouts for a member.- One storage read O(1) to get the current block number.- One currency transfer call. O(X)- One storage write or removal to update the member's payouts. O(P)Total Complexity: O(M + logM + P + X)8:P:P::G';D;D; ;F;H(<8`<8<"<C<% As a vouching member, unvouch a bid. This only works while vouched user isonly a bidder (and not a candidate).The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a vouching member.- `pos`: Position in the `Bids` vector of the bid who should be unvouched.Key: B (len of bids)- One storage read O(1) to check the signer is a vouching member.- One storage mutate to retrieve and update the bids. O(B)- One vouching storage removal. O(1)Total Complexity: O(B)=J>$:>IE >J >>A"?:\?$ ? As a member, vote on the defender.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.- `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should beapproved (`true`) or rejected (`false`).- Key: M (len of members)- One storage read O(M) and O(log M) search to check user is a member.- One storage write to add vote to votes. O(1)Total Complexity: O(M + logM) @"B@@E @<@( @@FEA. sA Allow suspended judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended candidate.If the judgement is `Approve`, we add them to society as a member with the appropriatepayment for joining society.If the judgement is `Reject`, we either slash the deposit of the bid, giving it backto the society treasury, or we ban the voucher from vouching again.If the judgement is `Rebid`, we put the candidate back in the bid pool and let them gothrough the induction process again.- `who` - The suspended candidate to be judged.- `judgement` - `Approve`, `Reject`, or `Rebid`.Key: B (len of bids), M (len of members), X (balance action)- One storage read to check `who` is a suspended candidate.- One storage removal of the suspended candidate.- Approve Logic - One storage read to get the available pot to pay users with. O(1) - One storage write to update the available pot. O(1) - One storage read to get the current block number. O(1) - One storage read to get all members. O(M) - Up to one unreserve currency action. - Up to two new storage writes to payouts. - Up to one storage write with O(log M) binary search to add a member to society.- Reject Logic - Up to one repatriate reserved currency action. O(X) - Up to one storage write to ban the vouching member from vouching again.- Rebid Logic - Storage mutate with O(log B) binary search to place the user back into bids.- One storage removal.Total Complexity: O(M + logM + B + X)BL\BVBBT"CCeCVC$y6OE C/D0 >D<zD;D1DDD9E6oE9E,E'E+&FRxFF6FJG GO84bG9xG% As a member, vote on a candidate.- `candidate`: The candidate that the member would like to bid on.- `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should be approved (`true`) or rejected (`false`).Key: C (len of candidates), M (len of members)- One account lookup.- One storage read O(C) and O(C) search to check that user is a candidate.Total Complexity: O(M + logM + C)H!B@@E IBCIQI I.@FIIJEA. 6J! As a member, vouch for someone to join society by placing a bid on their behalf.There is no deposit required to vouch for a new bid, but a member can only vouch forone bid at a time. If the bid becomes a suspended candidate and ultimately rejected bythe suspension judgement origin, the member will be banned from vouching again.As a vouching member, you can claim a tip if the candidate is accepted. This tip willbe paid as a portion of the reward the member will receive for joining the society.- `who`: The user who you would like to vouch for.- `value`: The total reward to be paid between you and the candidate if they becomea member in the society.- `tip`: Your cut of the total `value` payout when the candidate is inducted intothe society. Tips larger than `value` will be saturated upon payout.Key: B (len of bids), C (len of candidates), M (len of members)- Storage Reads: - One storage read to retrieve all members. O(M) - One storage read to check member is not already vouching. O(1) - One storage read to check for suspended candidate. O(1) - One storage read to check for suspended member. O(1) - One storage read to retrieve all current bids. O(B) - One storage read to retrieve all current candidates. O(C)- Storage Writes: - One storage write to insert vouching status to the member. O(1) - One storage mutate to add a new bid to the vector O(B) (TODO: possible optimization w/ read) - Up to one storage removal if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT. O(1)- Notable Computation: - O(log M) search to check sender is a member. - O(B + C + log M) search to check user is not already a part of society. - O(log B) search to insert the new bid sorted.- External Pallet Operations: - One balance reserve operation. O(X) - Up to one balance unreserve operation if bids.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.- Events: - One event for vouch. - Up to one event for AutoUnbid if bid.len() > MAX_BID_COUNT.Total Complexity: O(M + B + C + logM + logB + X)JP@KTKVKO9LULSB@@E L2MSfM~MQMD N?RNbN1NAN:O7EO6{O<OOB PV`P kP?PP/PJ9Q0iQQ&QGQ QR>QR0 A user outside of the society can make a bid for entry.Payment: `CandidateDeposit` will be reserved for making a bid. It is returnedwhen the bid becomes a member, or if the bid calls `unbid`.- `value`: A one time payment the bid would like to receive when joining the society.Key: B (len of bids), C (len of candidates), M (len of members), X (balance reserve) - One event for new bid.S7#TMpT;x3E TU UTRNN:O7EO6{O<bN1O PV`P kP?PPJ9Q0iQQ&QGQ TUR>QR0 Found the society.This is done as a discrete action in order to allow for thepallet to be included into a running chain and can only be done once.The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _FounderSetOrigin_.- `founder` - The first member and head of the newly founded society.- `max_members` - The initial max number of members for the society.- `rules` - The rules of this society concerning membership.- Two storage mutates to set `Head` and `Founder`. O(1)- One storage write to add the first member to society. O(1)VV;VEWFE XWEWDW< X7TX< 1 Annul the founding of the society.The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed, and the signing account must be boththe `Founder` and the `Head`. This implies that it may only be done when there is onemember.- Two storage reads O(1).- Four storage removals O(1).(Y"JYVYUY YZ 1 BalanceOfcandidate::Sourcemax_membersposjudgementJudgementmaxforgiveapproverulestipfounderMember is already vouching or banned from vouching again.[9User is not suspended.X[Not enough in pot to accept candidate.x[&An incorrect position was provided.[#User is already a candidate.[Too many members in the society.\ User has already made a bid.(\User is not a candidate.P\Member is not vouching.p\User is already a member.\The caller is not the founder.\Nothing to payout.\Society already founded.]User is suspended. ]User is not a member.@]The caller is not the head.`]Cannot remove the founder.]Cannot remove the head of the chain.]$A candidate has been suspended]A candidate was dropped (due to an excess of bids in the system).^AA vote has been placedX^A vote has been placed for a defending memberx^-A member has been challenged^The society is founded by the given identity.^-A candidate was dropped (by request of who vouched for them)._=A new \[max\] member count has been setX_'Some funds were deposited into the society account._3Society is unfounded._A suspended member has been judged._#A group of candidates have been inducted. The batch's primary is the first value, thebatch in full is the second.`Um`A member has been suspended`A candidate was dropped (by their request).`+A membership bid just happened. The given account is the candidate's ID and their offeris the second.`WOaA membership bid just happened by vouching. The given account is the candidate's ID andtheir offer is the second. The vouching party is the third.paWa;voteroffercandidatesVecvouchingmemberprimarycandidate_idvotejudgedowntotalothersVec>stashunlockingBoundedVec, MaxUnlockingChunks>claimed_rewardsVecactivevalidatorVecsuppressedtargetsBoundedVecsubmitted_inEraIndexeraindividualBTreeMapRewardPoint(Re-)set the controller of a stash.Effects will be felt instantly (as soon as this function is completed successfully).The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.- Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- Contains a limited number of reads.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.----------Weight: O(1)DB Weight:- Read: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller- Write: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controllerc#cTdT kd9d%d1d e e e<Ve= Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.- The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets` (N)which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT (T::MaxNominations).- Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.fCWf6fT fK,gAmg5 Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller.- Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks- Bounded by `MaxUnlockingChunks`.- Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.g73h5 hh4h"h< Increments the ideal number of validators.The dispatch origin must be Root.Same as [`Self::set_validator_count`].Di*ni! i& Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.iBni!Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bondperiod ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less thanT::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually movethe funds out of management ready for transfer.No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MaxUnlockingChunks`)can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] needto be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).If a user encounters the `InsufficientBond` error when calling this extrinsic,they should call `chill` first in order to free up their bonded funds.Emits `Unbonded`.See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].LjTj?jHfT'kQxk/kLkNAl>lNlFm$m%Remove all data structures concerning a staker/stash once it is at a state where it canbe considered `dust` in the staking system. The requirements are:1. the `total_balance` of the stash is below existential deposit.2. or, the `` of the stash is below existential deposit.The former can happen in cases like a slash; the latter when a fully unbonded accountis still receiving staking rewards in `RewardDestination::Staked`.It can be called by anyone, as long as `stash` meets the above requirements.Refunds the transaction fees upon successful execution.mW;nA|nAnDoUVoBoLo7Sets the ideal number of validators.Write: Validator Count|p$ni! e p Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.If this is called just before a new era is triggered, the election process may nothave enough blocks to get a result.p@ni!8q AqFqRq#Pay out all the stakers behind a single validator for a single era.- `validator_stash` is the stash account of the validator. Their nominators, up to `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, will also receive their rewards.- `era` may be any era between `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`.The origin of this call must be _Signed_. Any account can call this function, even ifit is not one of the stakers.- Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator).- Contains a limited number of reads and writes.-----------N is the Number of payouts for the validator (including the validator)Weight:- Reward Destination Staked: O(N)- Reward Destination Controller (Creating): O(N) NOTE: weights are assuming that payouts are made to alive stash account (Staked). Paying even a dead controller is cheaper weight-wise. We don't do any refunds here.DrCrRrI"sLnsUs s?t0Ot ZtFtt!t0tSKuU Set `HistoryDepth` value. This function will delete any history informationwhen `HistoryDepth` is reduced.- `new_history_depth`: The new history depth you would like to set.- `era_items_deleted`: The number of items that will be deleted by this dispatch. This should report all the storage items that will be deleted by clearing old era history. Needed to report an accurate weight for the dispatch. Trusted by `Root` to report an accurate number.Origin must be root.- E: Number of history depths removed, i.e. 10 -> 7 = 3- Weight: O(E) - Reads: Current Era, History Depth - Writes: History Depth - Clear Prefix Each: Era Stakers, EraStakersClipped, ErasValidatorPrefs - Writes Each: ErasValidatorReward, ErasRewardPoints, ErasTotalStake, ErasStartSessionIndexHvKvE vCvVKwWwVw x x7Ux! cx'xxKxI9y Update the various staking configurations .* `min_nominator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a nominator.* `min_validator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a validator.* `max_nominator_count`: The max number of users who can be a nominator at once. When set to `None`, no limit is enforced.* `max_validator_count`: The max number of users who can be a validator at once. When* `chill_threshold`: The ratio of `max_nominator_count` or `max_validator_count` which should be filled in order for the `chill_other` transaction to work.* `min_commission`: The minimum amount of commission that each validators must maintain. This is checked only upon calling `validate`. Existing validators are not affected.Origin must be Root to call this function.NOTE: Existing nominators and validators will not be affected by this kick people under the new limits, `chill_other` should be called.z+/zIxzIzU{&<{U{&{V{F-|X|U|*}MQ}DRemove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to dowhatever it wants.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller.Emits `Withdrawn`.See also [`Call::unbond`].Complexity O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to removeNOTE: Weight annotation is the kill scenario, we refund otherwise. ~Jj~L~~E  9AzB Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.- Contains one read.41Wf6fT kd9ed1 Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.Ԁ9Wf6fTRemove the given nominations from the calling validator.- `who`: A list of nominator stash accounts who are nominating this validator which should no longer be nominating this validator.Note: Making this call only makes sense if you first set the validator preferences toblock any further nominations.88Wf6fTpSÁ0UHDeclare a `controller` to stop participating as either a validator or nominator.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_, but can be called by anyone.If the caller is the same as the controller being targeted, then no further checks areenforced, and this function behaves just like `chill`.If the caller is different than the controller being targeted, the following conditionsmust be met:* `controller` must belong to a nominator who has become non-decodable,Or:* A `ChillThreshold` must be set and checked which defines how close to the max nominators or validators we must reach before users can start chilling one-another.* A `MaxNominatorCount` and `MaxValidatorCount` must be set which is used to determine how close we are to the threshold.* A `MinNominatorBond` and `MinValidatorBond` must be set and checked, which determines if this is a person that should be chilled because they have not met the threshold bond required.This can be helpful if bond requirements are updated, and we need to remove old userswho do not satisfy these requirements.PWf6P`V6WC OGOU=V$WTbrUdž&Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will bereset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.- No arguments.- Weight: O(1)- Write ForceEraR'ni!8q AqFqRq# 9HV Scale up the ideal number of validators by a factor.4ni! i& Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).T2ni!Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` willbe the account that controls it.`value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.Emits `Bonded`.- Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.- O(1).- Three extra DB entries.NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleanedunless the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.------------------X KcH 4SaO (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.--------- - Read: Ledger - Write: PayeeL-cTfT kd9d%d1y H!  Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.Thus the election process may be ongoing when this is called. In this case theelection will continue until the next era is triggered.- Write: ForceEra(+ni!8q AqFSN7 9H؍ Cancel enactment of a deferred slash.Can be called by the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.d%,@Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance upfor staking.Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.Unlike [`bond`](Self::bond) or [`unbond`](Self::unbond) this function does not imposeany limitation on the amount that can be added. Xx dTS׏U,/ kd9 Force a validator to have at least the minimum commission. This will not affect avalidator who already has a commission greater than or equal to the minimum. Any accountcan call this.ԐQ%X}slash_indicesVecadditionalnum_slashing_spansvalidator_stashera_items_deletedfactorPercentVec<::Source>max_additionalmax_nominator_countConfigOpmax_validator_countinvulnerableschill_thresholdConfigOpnew_history_depthpayeeRewardDestinationprefsValidatorPrefscontrollermin_nominator_bondConfigOp>min_validator_bondmin_commissionConfigOpRewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.CBToo many nomination targets supplied.%Not a stash account.Duplicate index.Stash is already bonded.Targets cannot be empty.A nomination target was supplied that was blocked or otherwise not a validator.8OThere are too many nominators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the stakingsettings to keep things safe for the runtime.S-The user has enough bond and thus cannot be chilled forcefully by an external person. UNot a controller account.Incorrect previous history depth input provided.0Incorrect number of slashing spans provided.,Cannot have a validator or nominator role, with value less than the minimum defined bygovernance (see `MinValidatorBond` and `MinNominatorBond`). If unbonding is theintention, `chill` first to remove one's role as validator/nominator.VnOESlash record index out of bounds.!Commission is too low. Must be at least `MinCommission`.H8Can not schedule more unlock chunks.$Invalid era to reward.There are too many validators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the stakingؗS-Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.<(Invalid number of nominations.pAttempting to target a stash that still has funds.2Internal state has become somehow corrupted and the operation cannot continue.ؘNController is already paired.0Items are not sorted and unique.X An account has unbonded this amount. \[stash, amount\]6The nominator has been rewarded by this amount. \[stash, amount\]AThe election failed. No new era is planned.+An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it couldnot be processed. \[session_index\]HF#One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount.\[validator, amount\]ĚH The stakers' rewards are getting paid. \[era_index, validator_stash\]4EAn account has stopped participating as either a validator or nominator.\[stash\]HЛ A nominator has been kicked from a validator. \[nominator, stash\]BThe era payout has been set; the first balance is the validator-payout; the second isthe remainder from the maximum amount of reward.\[era_index, validator_payout, remainder\]8U0*A new set of stakers was elected.!An account has bonded this amount. \[stash, amount\]NOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably,it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake.04dSHAn account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance`from the unlocking queue. \[stash, amount\] Vv+SessionIndexpaid_outslashedDispatches a function call with a provided origin.- Limited storage reads.- One DB write (event).- Weight of derivative `call` execution + T::WeightInfo::dispatch_as().Ϟ2&1 0G Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.Filter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin whichuse the same filter as the origin of this call.NOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e.because you expect `proxy` to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not wantthe call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use `as_multi_threshold_1`in the Multisig pallet instead.NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called `as_limited_sub`.ȟ7UT/QԠX,T=x3Send a batch of dispatch calls.May be called from any origin.- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includesbypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).- Complexity: O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.This will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, anevent is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the`BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls madeand the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`event is deposited.DcWآN&W}2 @ UDLUS8Send a batch of dispatch calls and atomically execute them.The whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls failed.;HcWآN&W}2 @ callsVec<::Call>as_originBoxToo many calls batched.per_blockstarting_blocklockedForce a vested transfer.- `source`: The account whose funds should be transferred.- `target`: The account that should be transferred the vested funds.- `schedule`: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.Emits `VestingCreated`.NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block.- DbWeight: 4 Reads, 4 Writes - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, Source Account - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, Source AccountU&1m:D<'>? ~ }LM Merge two vesting schedules together, creating a new vesting schedule that unlocks overthe highest possible start and end blocks. If both schedules have already started thecurrent block will be used as the schedule start; with the caveat that if one scheduleis finished by the current block, the other will be treated as the new merged schedule,unmodified.NOTE: If `schedule1_index == schedule2_index` this is a no-op.NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block prior to merging.NOTE: If both schedules have ended by the current block, no new schedule will be createdand both will be removed.Merged schedule attributes:- `starting_block`: `MAX(schedule1.starting_block, scheduled2.starting_block, current_block)`.- `ending_block`: `MAX(schedule1.ending_block, schedule2.ending_block)`.- `locked`: `schedule1.locked_at(current_block) + schedule2.locked_at(current_block)`.- `schedule1_index`: index of the first schedule to merge.- `schedule2_index`: index of the second schedule to merge.ĩWUpVƪW (>fPX'BMHVx3?:y;Create a vested transfer.- `target`: The account receiving the vested funds.- DbWeight: 3 Reads, 3 Writes - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, [Sender Account] - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account, [Sender Account]\x3u3<'>? ~ ŮNO Unlock any vested funds of a `target` account.- `target`: The account whose vested funds should be unlocked. Must have funds stilllocked under this pallet.Emits either `VestingCompleted` or `VestingUpdated`. - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, Target Account.x3Tn4 ~ <= Unlock any vested funds of the sender account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have funds still- DbWeight: 2 Reads, 2 Writes - Reads: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, [Sender Account] - Writes: Vesting Storage, Balances Locks, [Sender Account].ڱWn4 ~ 1N>? schedule1_indexscheduleVestingInfo, T::BlockNumber>sourceschedule2_indexAn index was out of bounds of the vesting schedules.4The account given is not vesting.ȳ!The account already has `MaxVestingSchedules` count of schedules and thuscannot add another one. Consider merging existing schedules in order to add another.IATAmount being transferred is too low to create a vesting schedule.AFailed to create a new schedule because some parameter was invalid.CAn \[account\] has become fully vested.H'The amount vested has been updated. This could indicate a change in funds available.The balance given is the amount which is left unvested (and thus locked).xT̵IunvestedidReserveIdentifierfee_frozenfreemisc_frozenreservedLockIdentifierreasonsReasonsTransfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means thatany locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not betransferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storagedeposits, etc...The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.- `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.- `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send all of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), or transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to keep the sender account alive (true). # - O(1). Just like transfer, but reading the user's transferable balance first. #AVXoWƷQ'0W(VոS(V~2N Set the balances of a given account.This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it willalso alter the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`) appropriately.If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.$GLKE?ϻ,Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill theorigin account.99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.[`transfer`]: struct.Pallet.html#method.transfer<S.̼0Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may bespecified.- Same as transfer, but additional read and write because the source account is not assumed to be in the overlay.,S  Sܽ Unreserve some balance from a user by force.Can only be called by ROOT.,,XTransfer some liquid free balance to another account.`transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a resultof the transfer, the account will be reaped.The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.- Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for input config types. See related functions below.- It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.Related functions: - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity. - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called. - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced`. - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.---------------------------------- Origin account is already in memory, so no DB operations for them.5ADF,rE X%4LSJ=3pWW7U!vD new_reservedT::Balancenew_freekeep_aliveValue too low to create account due to existential deposit:Transfer/payment would kill account#Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal 1Balance too low to send value`A vesting schedule already exists for this account2Beneficiary account must pre-exist"Number of named reserves exceed MaxReserves+Vesting balance too high to send value0&An account was created with some free balance.`.Some amount was removed from the account (e.g. for misbehavior).@An account was removed whose balance was non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit,resulting in an outright loss.O/Some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved).`8Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees).6A balance was set by root.Some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account.Final argument indicates the destination balance type.S[6Some amount was withdrawn from the account (e.g. for transaction fees).GSome balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free).:Transfer succeeded.@tofromdestination_statusStatusfree_balancecuratorunlock_atupdate_duebondproposerfeecurator_depositstatusBountyStatusAssign a curator to a funded bounty.May only be called from `T::ApproveOrigin`.$+  Unassign curator from a bounty.This function can only be called by the `RejectOrigin` a signed origin.If this function is called by the `RejectOrigin`, we assume that the curator ismalicious or inactive. As a result, we will slash the curator when possible.If the origin is the curator, we take this as a sign they are unable to do their job andthey willingly give up. We could slash them, but for now we allow them to recover theirdeposit and exit without issue. (We may want to change this if it is abused.)Finally, the origin can be anyone if and only if the curator is "inactive". This allowsanyone in the community to call out that a curator is not doing their due diligence, andwe should pick a new curator. In this case the curator should also be slashed.tGO)LuXW$MqWX N  Approve a bounty proposal. At a later time, the bounty will be funded and become activeand the original deposit will be returned.WW*+  Propose a new bounty.`DataDepositPerByte` for each byte in `reason`. It will be unreserved upon approval,or slashed when rejected.- `curator`: The curator account whom will manage this bounty.- `fee`: The curator fee.- `value`: The total payment amount of this bounty, curator fee included.- `description`: The description of this bounty.x3TT-F>I0Accept the curator role for a bounty.A deposit will be reserved from curator and refund upon successful payout.May only be called from the curator.x%J$  Award bounty to a beneficiary account. The beneficiary will be able to claim the fundsafter a delay.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of this bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to award.- `beneficiary`: The beneficiary account whom will receive the payout.LVE"F  Claim the payout from an awarded bounty after payout delay.The dispatch origin for this call must be the beneficiary of this bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to claim.;I<"  Cancel a proposed or active bounty. All the funds will be sent to treasury andthe curator deposit will be unreserved if possible.Only `T::RejectOrigin` is able to cancel a bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to cancel.N3)2[#  Extend the expiry time of an active bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to extend.- `remark`: additional information.+E##  bounty_idBountyIndexdescriptionA bounty payout is pending.To cancel the bounty, you must unassign and slash the curator.>The bounty status is unexpected. Proposer's balance is too low.HThe bounties cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period.pQThe bounty cannot be closed because it has active child-bounties.AInvalid bounty fee. Too many approvals are already queued.@&No proposal or bounty at that index.p$Require bounty curator.Invalid bounty value.A bounty is cancelled.A bounty is claimed by beneficiary.#A bounty is awarded to a beneficiary.0%A bounty expiry is extended.`A bounty proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.3A bounty proposal is funded and became active..New bounty proposal.displayDatalegalimagetwitteremailBoundedVec<(Data, Data), FieldLimit>pgp_fingerprintOption<[u8; 20]>riotwebfieldsIdentityFieldsinfoIdentityInfojudgementsBoundedVec<(RegistrarIndex, Judgement), MaxJudgements>Add a registrar to the system.The dispatch origin for this call must be `T::RegistrarOrigin`.- `account`: the account of the registrar.Emits `RegistrarAdded` if successful.- `O(R)` where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded and code-bounded).- One storage mutation (codec `O(R)`). +?j*% I&  Remove the given account from the sender's subs.Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriatedto the sender.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredsub identity of `sub`.0W%X}Change the account associated with a registrar.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.- `new`: the new account ID.- `O(R)`.- One storage mutation `O(R)`.- Benchmark: 8.823 + R * 0.32 µs (min squares analysis)/UP(x=  8 Provide a judgement for an account's identity.of the registrar whose index is `reg_index`.- `reg_index`: the index of the registrar whose judgement is being made.- `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an account with a registered identity.- `judgement`: the judgement of the registrar of index `reg_index` about `target`.Emits `JudgementGiven` if successful.- `O(R + X)`.- One balance-transfer operation.- Up to one account-lookup operation.- Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(R + X)`..U,H:UR% # 0!Q%v.  Clear an account's identity info and all sub-accounts and return all deposits.Payment: All reserved balances on the account are returned.identity.Emits `IdentityCleared` if successful.- `O(R + S + X)` - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded). - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).- One balance-unreserve operation.- `2` storage reads and `S + 2` storage deletions.<N;%X & 375lH"2  Remove an account's identity and sub-account information and slash the deposits.Payment: Reserved balances from `set_subs` and `set_identity` are slashed and handled by`Slash`. Verification request deposits are not returned; they should be cancelledmanually using `cancel_request`.The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.Emits `IdentityKilled` if successful.- `O(R + S + X)`.- One balance-reserve operation.- `S + 2` storage mutations.PX@Q >:U% % E  Set the sub-accounts of the sender.Payment: Any aggregate balance reserved by previous `set_subs` calls will be returnedand an amount `SubAccountDeposit` will be reserved for each item in `subs`.- `subs`: The identity's (new) sub-accounts.- `O(P + S)` - where `P` old-subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).- At most one balance operations.- DB: - `P + S` storage mutations (codec complexity `O(1)`) - One storage read (codec complexity `O(P)`). - One storage write (codec complexity `O(S)`). - One storage-exists (`IdentityOf::contains_key`).#UtK%X ,  9750!QV7/04 Add the given account to the sender's subs.+W%X}Cancel a previous request.Payment: A previously reserved deposit is returned on success.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have aregistered identity.- `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is no longer requested.Emits `JudgementUnrequested` if successful.- One storage mutation `O(R + X)`.- One event,F>MQ6+ # % a"  Remove the sender as a the sender (*not* the original depositor).super-identity.NOTE: This should not normally be used, but is provided in the case that the non-controller of an account is maliciously registered as a sub-account.#W;-%XhwQDAlter the associated name of the given sub-account.\3%X}Request a judgement from a registrar.Payment: At most `max_fee` will be reserved for payment to the registrar if judgementgiven.- `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is requested.- `max_fee`: The maximum fee that may be paid. This should just be auto-populated as:```nocompileSelf::registrars().get(reg_index).unwrap().fee```Emits `JudgementRequested` if successful.- Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(X + R)`.%U*M0GwU . ) # % 2.  Set an account's identity information and reserve the appropriate deposit.If the account already has identity information, the deposit is taken as part paymentfor the new deposit.- `info`: The identity information.Emits `IdentitySet` if successful.- `O(X + X' + R)` - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded) - where `R` judgements-count (registrar-count-bounded)- One balance reserve operation.- One storage mutation (codec-read `O(X' + R)`, codec-write `O(X + R)`).JbUx3#" !Gh8 H  Set the fee required for a judgement to be requested from a registrar.- `fee`: the new fee.- Benchmark: 7.315 + R * 0.329 µs (min squares analysis)FUP(x=  9 Set the field information for a registrar.- `fields`: the fields that the registrar concerns themselves with.- Benchmark: 7.464 + R * 0.325 µs (min squares analysis)*UP(x=C   9 subsubsVec<(T::AccountId, Data)>Box>reg_indexRegistrarIndexJudgement>max_feeAccount ID is already named.*Sender is not a sub-account.PJudgement given.xThe index is invalid.Empty index. Sub-account isn't owned by sender."Too many subs-accounts.Fee is changed.Too many additional fields.0Account isn't named.XThe target is invalid.xAccount isn't found.No identity found.Invalid judgement.Maximum amount of registrars reached. Cannot add any more.:Sticky judgement.@A judgement was given by a registrar.`%A sub-identity was cleared, and the given deposit repatriated from themain identity account to the sub-identity account.F2A name was set or reset (which will remove all judgements).;A judgement was asked from a registrar.`'A judgement request was retracted."A name was cleared, and the given balance returned.3A sub-identity was added to an identity and the deposit paid.=A sub-identity was removed from an identity and the deposit freed.HBA name was removed and the given balance slashed.1A registrar was added.registrar_indexmainwhenTimepointdepositorapprovalsImmediately dispatch a multi-signature call using a single approval from the caller.- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who are part of themulti-signature, but do not participate in the approval process.- `call`: The call to be executed.Result is equivalent to the dispatched result.O(Z + C) where Z is the length of the call and C its execution weight.-------------------------------- DB Weight: None- Plus Call Weight7Tx3O@"<. jF Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account ifapproved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus`threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens oris cancelled.- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisdispatch. May not be empty.- `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it isnot the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number andtransaction index) of the first approval transaction.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.- `O(S)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number of signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.- Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.- Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.---------------------------------- - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account] - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account]tU>KRO x3UPSnVT5M3M  3 OXQ/5 > KSF"! .4/ Cancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previouslyfor this operation will be unreserved on success.- `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approvaltransaction for this dispatch.- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.- Storage: removes one item. - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls|U1x3UPSWYM3  3 OXQ/ w!"! EF If there are enough, then dispatch the call.NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use`approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.Result is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. Otherwiseon success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.- `O(S + Z + Call)`.- One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.- The weight of the `call`. - Reads: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`) - Writes: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`)tU>,KRO x3UPSnVT5"<GFVUt7 3 OXQH/5 > KSF! "HjI other_signatoriesthresholdtimepointTimepointOpaqueCallstore_callmaybe_timepointOption>Threshold must be 2 or greater.The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be.CThere are too many signatories in the list. +Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.P KNo timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway. GThe signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered. CThe maximum weight information provided was too low.H 4A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway. =Call is already approved by this signatory. +A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway. KCall doesn't need any (more) approvals.` 'Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel. 7The data to be stored is already stored. (There are too few signatories in the list. *A multisig operation has been executed.8 'A new multisig operation has begun.h #A multisig operation has been approved by someone. 2A multisig operation has been cancelled. (multisigCallHashapprovingcancellingOption<(AccountId, Balance)>Request a preimage be uploaded to the chain without paying any fees or deposits.If the preimage requests has already been provided on-chain, we unreserve any deposita user may have paid, and take the control of the preimage out of their hands.G P U NClear a previously made request for a preimage.NOTE: THIS MUST NOT BE CALLED ON `hash` MORE TIMES THAN `request_preimage`.\/KClear an unrequested preimage from the runtime storage.7Register a preimage on-chain.If the preimage was previously requested, no fees or deposits are taken for providingthe preimage. Otherwise, a deposit is taken proportional to the size of the preimage.0MUUbytesA preimage may not be removed when there are outstanding requests.BPreimage is too large to store on-chain.h(Preimage has already been noted on-chain.)The preimage request cannot be removed since no outstanding requests exist.KThe user is not authorized to perform this action.(2The preimage cannot be removed since it has not yet been noted.h?A preimage has ben cleared.A preimage has been requested.A preimage has been noted.createdfriendsFriendsdelay_periodCancel the ability to use `as_recovered` for `account`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered tobe able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.- `account`: The recovered account you are able to call on-behalf-of.- One storage mutation to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)I7D9E E BC Initiate the process for recovering a recoverable account.Payment: `RecoveryDeposit` balance will be reserved for initiating therecovery process. This deposit will always be repatriated to the accounttrying to be recovered. See `close_recovery`.- `account`: The lost account that you want to recover. This account needs to be recoverable (i.e. have a recovery configuration).- One storage read to check that account is recoverable. O(F)- One storage read to check that this recovery process hasn't already started. O(1)- One currency reserve operation. O(X)- One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)- One storage write. O(1).Total Complexity: O(F + X):F`H-x3E P%3 X=S&8F ` Remove the recovery process for your account. Recovered accounts are still accessible.NOTE: The user must make sure to call `close_recovery` on all activerecovery attempts before calling this function else it will fail.Payment: By calling this function the recoverable account will unreservetheir recovery configuration deposit.(`ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends)The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be arecoverable account (i.e. has a recovery configuration).Key: F (len of friends)- One storage read to get the prefix iterator for active recoveries. O(1)- One storage read/remove to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)- One balance call to unreserved. O(X),VDAHO%t<@8 (?IM& ` Send a call through a recovered account.- `account`: The recovered account you want to make a call on-behalf-of.- `call`: The call you want to make with the recovered account.- The weight of the `call` + 10,000.- One storage lookup to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)(D9E H? S$wA Create a recovery configuration for your account. This makes your account recoverable.Payment: `ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends balancewill be reserved for storing the recovery configuration. This deposit is returnedin full when the user calls `remove_recovery`.- `friends`: A list of friends you trust to vouch for recovery attempts. Should be ordered and contain no duplicate values.- `threshold`: The number of friends that must vouch for a recovery attempt before the account can be recovered. Should be less than or equal to the length of the list of friends.- `delay_period`: The number of blocks after a recovery attempt is initialized that needs to pass before the account can be recovered.- Key: F (len of friends)- One storage read to check that account is not already recoverable. O(1).- A check that the friends list is sorted and unique. O(F)- One storage write. O(1). Codec O(F). VvKQ.x3E @R*VUg qS4 J[:&& ` Allow a "friend" of a recoverable account to vouch for an active recoveryprocess for that account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "friend"for the recoverable account.- `lost`: The lost account that you want to recover.- `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue the lost account that you want to vouch for.The combination of these two parameters must point to an active recoveryprocess.Key: F (len of friends in config), V (len of vouching friends)- One storage read to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)- One storage read to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)- One binary search to confirm caller is a friend. O(logF)- One binary search to confirm caller has not already vouched. O(logV)- One storage write. O(1), Codec O(V).Total Complexity: O(F + logF + V + logV) I  I?!E [!4!V!H-" 5">s"F"G#::#F#& #( Allow ROOT to bypass the recovery process and set an a rescuer accountfor a lost account directly.The dispatch origin for this call must be _ROOT_.- `lost`: The "lost account" to be recovered.- `rescuer`: The "rescuer account" which can call as the lost account.- One storage write O(1)$F$$1E #%-P%F %  Allow a successful rescuer to claim their recovered account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "rescuer"who has successfully completed the account recovery process: collected`threshold` or more vouches, waited `delay_period` blocks since initiation.- `account`: The lost account that you want to claim has been successfully recovered by you.Total Complexity: O(F + V)&<T&J&F&KE /'W' 5">s"F"G8#& ' As the controller of a recoverable account, close an active recoveryprocess for your account.Payment: By calling this function, the recoverable account will receivethe recovery deposit `RecoveryDeposit` placed by the rescuer.recoverable account with an active recovery process for it.- `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue this recoverable account.Key: V (len of vouching friends)- One storage read/remove to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)- One balance call to repatriate reserved. O(X)Total Complexity: O(V + X)H(D((G(=@));E d)C ) )N*/ D* lostrescuerThis account is not a friend who can vouch +*User is not allowed to make a call on behalf of this account@+<The friend must wait until the delay period to vouch for this recovery+FThe threshold for recovering this account has not been met+:This account is already set up for recovery ,+There are still active recovery attempts that need to be closedX,?Threshold must be greater than zero,#Friends list must be sorted and free of duplicates,2This user has already vouched for this recovery-/Some internal state is broken.H-This account is not set up for recoveryp-'A recovery process has not started for this rescuer-3Friends list must be less than max friends-*Friends list must be greater than zero and threshold.4A recovery process has already started for this accountX.7A recovery process has been initiated for lost account by rescuer account..JA recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been closed..GA recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been vouched for by sender.@/VA recovery process has been removed for an account./3Lost account has been successfully recovered by rescuer account./@A recovery process has been set up for an account.(02lost_accountrescuer_accountPut forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the valueis reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once theproposal is awarded.- Complexity: O(1)- DbReads: `ProposalCount`, `origin account`- DbWrites: `ProposalCount`, `Proposals`, `origin account`0J0L1 -1?1,k1: Reject a proposed spend. The original deposit will be slashed.- DbReads: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`- DbWrites: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`1>* -1.23a24 Approve a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiary- Complexity: O(1).- DbReads: `Proposals`, `Approvals`- DbWrite: `Approvals`2VW*+ 63I3#l3 proposal_idProposalIndexToo many approvals in the queue.3 A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.4,Some of our funds have been burnt.P4"We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds.49Some funds have been deposited.4New proposal.4 Some funds have been allocated.5Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend.05Kproposal_indexbudget_remainingburnt_fundsawardrollover_balancetarget_numbertarget_hashHround_numbersecond(V, S)identityIdfirsttailOptionheadbag_upperT::ScoreprevnextMove the caller's Id directly in front of `lighter`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and can only be called by the Id ofthe account going in front of `lighter`.Only works if- both nodes are within the same bag,- and `origin` has a greater `Score` than `lighter`.;64o6V6(6 6%74Declare that some `dislocated` account has, through rewards or penalties, sufficientlychanged its score that it should properly fall into a different bag than its currentone.Anyone can call this function about any potentially dislocated account.Will never return an error; if `dislocated` does not exist or doesn't need a rebag, thenit is a noop and fees are still collected from `origin`.7V7T>8B8G8X88lighterdislocatedAttempted to place node in front of a node in another bag.m9:Id not found in list.9An Id does not have a greater score than another Id.94Moved an account from one bag to another.:)sinceprovidernaybalanceayeVotevotesVec<(ReferendumIndex, AccountVote)>convictionConvictionpriorPriorLockdelegationsDelegationscapitalapprovedReferendumStatusendVoteThresholdtallyTallyproposal_hashayesnaysturnoutSchedule a referendum to be tabled once it is legal to schedule an externalreferendum.The dispatch origin of this call must be `ExternalOrigin`.- `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal.Weight: `O(V)` with V number of vetoers in the blacklist of proposal. Decoding vec of length V. Charged as maximumh;K; ;:;5-<Er<.Cancel a proposal queued for enactment.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.- `which`: The index of the referendum to cancel.Weight: `O(D)` where `D` is the items in the dispatch queue. Weighted as `D = 10`.<'=0?=1p=RPropose a sensitive action to be taken.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sender musthave funds to cover the deposit.- `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal preimage.- `value`: The amount of deposit (must be at least `MinimumDeposit`).Emits `Proposed`.Weight: `O(p)`='#>Eh> >5>E??Enact a proposal from a referendum. For now we just make the weight be the maximum.|?SSchedule the currently externally-proposed majority-carries referendum to be tabledimmediately. If there is no externally-proposed referendum currently, or if there is onebut it is not a majority-carries referendum then it fails.The dispatch of this call must be `FastTrackOrigin`.- `proposal_hash`: The hash of the current external proposal.- `voting_period`: The period that is allowed for voting on this proposal. Increased to `FastTrackVotingPeriod` if too low.- `delay`: The number of block after voting has ended in approval and this should be enacted. This doesn't have a minimum amount.Emits `Started`.Weight: `O(1)`?S+@X@:@4@=.AWA%ATA.,BMXM-MIOI2Veto and blacklist the external proposal hash.The dispatch origin of this call must be `VetoOrigin`.- `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of the proposal to veto and blacklist.Emits `Vetoed`.Weight: `O(V + log(V))` where V is number of `existing vetoers`xN.N6NK'O6O?Permanently place a proposal into the blacklist. This prevents it from ever beingproposed again.If called on a queued public or external proposal, then this will result in it beingremoved. If the `ref_index` supplied is an active referendum with the proposal hash,then it will be cancelled.The dispatch origin of this call must be `BlacklistOrigin`.- `proposal_hash`: The proposal hash to blacklist permanently.- `ref_index`: An ongoing referendum whose hash is `proposal_hash`, which will becancelled.Weight: `O(p)` (though as this is an high-privilege dispatch, we assume it has a reasonable value).OQP PTtPTPP;Q>[QQQ QPRRemove an expired proposal preimage and collect the deposit.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `proposal_hash`: The preimage hash of a proposal.- `proposal_length_upper_bound`: an upper bound on length of the proposal. Extrinsic is weighted according to this value with no refund.This will only work after `VotingPeriod` blocks from the time that the preimage wasnoted, if it's the same account doing it. If it's a different account, then it'll onlywork an additional `EnactmentPeriod` later.Emits `PreimageReaped`.Weight: `O(D)` where D is length of proposal.R<R2S35SWS2SSTVgT+TT-Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.- `ref_index`: The index of the referendum to vote for.- `vote`: The vote configuration.Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter has voted on.PULU.R2U7V!"VKIf the `target` is equal to the signer, then this function is exactly equivalent to`remove_vote`. If not equal to the signer, then the vote must have expired,either because the referendum was cancelled, because the voter lost the referendum orbecause the conviction period is over.- `target`: The account of the vote to be removed; this account must have voted for referendum `index`.BVS WKVWUW&R2WS$XqF=FUG6Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to bein the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted.- `encoded_proposal`: The preimage of a proposal.Emits `PreimageNoted`.Weight: `O(E)` with E size of `encoded_proposal` (protected by a required deposit).XW YHR2SY1YYSSchedule a negative-turnout-bias referendum to be tabled next once it is legal toschedule an external referendum.The dispatch of this call must be `ExternalDefaultOrigin`.Unlike `external_propose`, blacklisting has no effect on this and it may replace apre-scheduled `external_propose` call.@ZQZ Z:;5ZR=[&_4_Remove a referendum.- `ref_index`: The index of the referendum to cancel.# Weight: `O(1)`.@`=0T`5`Unlock tokens that have an expired lock.- `target`: The account to remove the lock on.Weight: `O(R)` with R number of vote of target.`(R2`.*a/Clears all public proposals.a=0_Remove a proposal.The dispatch origin of this call must be `CancelProposalOrigin`.- `prop_index`: The index of the proposal to cancel.Weight: `O(p)` where `p = PublicProps::::decode_len()`aa@*b4^b9Schedule a majority-carries referendum to be tabled next once it is legal to schedulean external referendum.The dispatch of this call must be `ExternalMajorityOrigin`.bU%cwhichReferendumIndexseconds_upper_boundref_indexencoded_proposalproposal_len_upper_boundvoting_periodprop_indexPropIndexAccountVote>proposalPreimage already noteddProposal already madeeNot imminent e Value too low8e Proposal does not existPeMaximum number of votes Next external proposal not simple majoritye*Invalid hashe The given account did not vote on the referendum.e1Too early(f The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed untilthese are removed, either through `unvote` or `reap_vote`.@fUf:Cannot cancel the same proposal twicef%Preimage not foundgInvalid preimage0gDelegation to oneself makes no sense.Hg%Invalid upper bound.xgToo high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford.g?Maximum number of proposals reached.g$Identity may not veto a proposal twiceh&The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed.@h6Proposal still blacklistedhThe account is already delegating.h"ImminenthThe actor has no permission to conduct the action.h2No external proposal(iThe account is not currently delegating.Hi(No proposals waitingxiVote given for invalid referendumi!A motion has been proposed by a public account.i/An external proposal has been vetoed.j%A proposal has been enacted.0jA registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper.XjJA proposal could not be executed because its preimage was invalid.jBA referendum has been cancelled.k An account has cancelled a previous delegation operation.(k9An external proposal has been proposal has been approved by referendum.k+A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned).kDAn account has voted in a referendum(l$An account has secconded a proposalXl#A proposal has been rejected by referendum.l+A proposal could not be executed because its preimage was missing.lBAn account has delegated their vote to another account.m7A referendum has begun.PmA proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken.pm7A public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote.m6A proposal_hash has been blacklisted permanently.m1reaperseconderdepositorsuntilpeer_idWeakBoundedVecexternal_addressesWeakBoundedVec, AddressesLimit >network_stateOpaqueNetworkStatevalidators_lenblock_numbersession_indexauthority_indexAuthIndex- Complexity: `O(K + E)` where K is length of `Keys` (heartbeat.validators_len) and E is length of `heartbeat.network_state.external_address` - `O(K)`: decoding of length `K` - `O(E)`: decoding/encoding of length `E`- DbReads: pallet_session `Validators`, pallet_session `CurrentIndex`, `Keys`, `ReceivedHeartbeats`- DbWrites: `ReceivedHeartbeats` 6oXo6o"o+pN_pup  signature::SignatureheartbeatHeartbeatDuplicated heartbeat.:qNon existent public key.XqAt the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be offline.xqJAt the end of the session, no offence was committed.q4A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`.r0authority_idT::AuthorityIdofflineVec>Callmaybe_periodicOption>maybe_idOption>priorityschedule::PriorityPalletsOriginAnonymously schedule a task.rCancel a named scheduled task. sAnonymously schedule a task after a delay.Same as [`schedule`].Hs* rs Schedule a named task after a delay.Same as [`schedule_named`](Self::schedule_named).s$ s1 Schedule a named task.0tCancel an anonymously scheduled task.Pt%Option>Box>afterCannot find the scheduled call.tFailed to schedule a calltGiven target block number is in the past.u)Reschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.Hu<The call for the provided hash was not found so the task has been aborted.uJDispatched some task.uCanceled some task.vScheduled some task.(vtaskTaskAddresserrorLookupErrorSet the current time.This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalizationphase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by`MinimumPeriod`.The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`.- `O(1)` (Note that implementations of `OnTimestampSet` must also be `O(1)`)- 1 storage read and 1 storage mutation (codec `O(1)`). (because of `DidUpdate::take` in `on_finalize`)- 1 event handler `on_timestamp_set`. Must be `O(1)`.wvvUv5wPfwvw5 wLwXOx_x5 nowT::MomentOptionProvide a set of uncles..ynew_unclesVecThe uncle is genesis.hyThe uncle is too high in chain.yToo many uncles.yThe uncle is already included.yUncles already set in the block.y The uncle isn't recent enough to be included.z-The uncle parent not in the chain.Pz"MemberCountAdd a new proposal to either be voted on or executed directly.Requires the sender to be member.`threshold` determines whether `proposal` is executed directly (`threshold < 2`)or put up for voting.## Weight- `O(B + M + P1)` or `O(B + M + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - branching is influenced by `threshold` where: - `P1` is proposal execution complexity (`threshold < 2`) - `P2` is proposals-count (code-bounded) (`threshold >= 2`) - 1 storage read `is_member` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage read `ProposalOf::contains_key` (codec `O(1)`) - DB accesses influenced by `threshold`: - EITHER storage accesses done by `proposal` (`threshold < 2`) - OR proposal insertion (`threshold <= 2`) - 1 storage mutation `Proposals` (codec `O(P2)`) - 1 storage mutation `ProposalCount` (codec `O(1)`) - 1 storage write `ProposalOf` (codec `O(B)`) - 1 storage write `Voting` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 eventz>z!zP:{ O{ X{+{8{7{1#|=`|?Q|-|<}*2}Bt}.}6}9~3D~/s~  Close a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.May be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.If called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it ishas enough votes to be approved or disapproved.If called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejectionsunless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.If the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee willbe waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.+ `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closedproposal.+ `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via`storage::read` so it is `size_of::() == 4` larger than the pure length.- `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where: - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage. - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded) - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`) - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec `O(P2)`) - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)- up to 3 eventsXSURR/RӀIXtWˁX# ,XM O{ т{8{72 )QICV 7$ Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.Origin must be a member of the collective.- `O(M + P)` where `M` members-count (code-bounded) and `P` complexity of dispatching `proposal`- DB: 1 read (codec `O(M)`) + DB access of `proposal`- 1 event4<p* O{ U 50  Disapprove a proposal, close, and remove it from the system, regardless of its currentstate.Must be called by the Root origin.* `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal that should be disapproved.Complexity: O(P) where P is the number of max proposals* Reads: Proposals* Writes: Voting, Proposals, ProposalOfV"E G Y7e ' Set the collective's membership.- `new_members`: The new member list. Be nice to the chain and provide it sorted.- `prime`: The prime member whose vote sets the default.- `old_count`: The upper bound for the previous number of members in storage. Used for weight estimation.Requires root origin.NOTE: Does not enforce the expected `MaxMembers` limit on the amount of members, but the weight estimations rely on it to estimate dispatchable weight.# WARNING:The `pallet-collective` can also be managed by logic outside of the pallet through theimplementation of the trait [`ChangeMembers`].Any call to `set_members` must be careful that the member set doesn't get out of syncwith other logic managing the member set.- `O(MP + N)` where: - `M` old-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `N` new-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P` proposals-count (code-bounded) - 1 storage mutation (codec `O(M)` read, `O(N)` write) for reading and writing the members - 1 storage read (codec `O(P)`) for reading the proposals - `P` storage mutations (codec `O(M)`) for updating the votes for each proposal - 1 storage write (codec `O(1)`) for deleting the old `prime` and setting the new one< \Q8V;OdTH  V`.U) O{  8X8&QT  ;PQW Add an aye or nay vote for the sender to the given proposal.Requires the sender to be a member.Transaction fees will be waived if the member is voting on any particular proposalfor the first time and the call is successful. Subsequent vote changes will charge afee.- `O(M)` where `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - 1 storage read `Members` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage mutation `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)<4#WRT O{ BQC+n.0  old_countnew_membersprimelength_boundproposal_weight_boundBox<>::Proposal>The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.m4The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.@Duplicate proposals not allowedAccount is not a member Duplicate vote ignored@Members are already initialized!` Proposal must existThere can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals.?Mismatched indexThe given length bound for the proposal was too low.4A motion was approved by the required threshold.H0A motion was not approved by the required threshold.4A single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.RA motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error. HA motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leavinga tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).pAEA motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given`MemberCount`).RZA proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up.|UvotednoyesSwap out the sending member for some other key `new`.May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member.Prime membership is passed from the origin account to `new`, if extant.5<[GSwap out one member `remove` for another `add`.May only be called from `T::SwapOrigin`.Prime membership is *not* passed from `remove` to `add`, if extant.̕/(#CRemove a member `who` from the set.May only be called from `T::RemoveOrigin`.#*Add a member `who` to the set.May only be called from `T::AddOrigin`.'Set the prime member. Must be a current member.May only be called from `T::PrimeOrigin`.X/)Remove the prime member if it exists.ȗ%)Change the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice andpass `members` pre-sorted.May only be called from `T::ResetOrigin`.U]w)removemembersaddAlready a member.ИNot a member. Phantom member, never used.The membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is.0ETwo members were swapped; see the transaction for who.6The given member was removed; see the transaction for who.:One of the members' keys changed.!The given member was added; see the transaction for who.88votersVec<(AccountId, ExtendedBalance)>ExtendedBalancesecond_headerHeaderfirst_headerslotSlotvalidator_indicesBitVecvalidity_votesVecCommittedCandidateReceiptdescriptorCandidateDescriptorcommitments_hashrelay_parentpara_headcollatorCollatorIdvalidation_code_hashValidationCodeHashpov_hashpara_idpersisted_validation_data_hashCollatorSignatureerasure_rootdisputesMultiDisputeStatementSetbacking_validators_per_candidateVec<(CandidateReceipt, Vec<(ValidatorIndex, ValidityAttestation)>) >sessionhead_dataHeadDatanew_validation_codeOptionhrmp_watermarkhorizontal_messagesVec>processed_downward_messagesupward_messagesVeccommitmentsCandidateCommitmentsconcluded_atvalidators_forvalidators_againststartbitfieldsUncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfieldsbacked_candidatesVec>parent_headerHDRpayloadPayloadvalidator_indexValidatorIndexValidatorSignatureset_idSetIdequivocationEquivocationgrandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>grandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>parent_bountyChildBountyStatusPropose curator for funded child-bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be curator of parent bounty.Parent bounty must be in active state, for this child-bounty call towork.Child-bounty must be in "Added" state, for processing the call. Andstate of child-bounty is moved to "CuratorProposed" on successfulcall completion.- `parent_bounty_id`: Index of parent bounty.- `child_bounty_id`: Index of child bounty.- `curator`: Address of child-bounty curator.- `fee`: payment fee to child-bounty curator for execution.F(nCDC=A~-+-;Award child-bounty to a beneficiary.The beneficiary will be able to claim the funds after a delay.The dispatch origin for this call must be the master curator orcurator of this child-bounty.Child-bounty must be in active state, for processing the call. Andstate of child-bounty is moved to "PendingPayout" on successful callcompletion.- `beneficiary`: Beneficiary account.ȡ$>*?iDBȢD  -+%Cancel a proposed or active child-bounty. Child-bounty account fundsare transferred to parent bounty account. The child-bounty curatordeposit may be unreserved if possible.The dispatch origin for this call must be either parent curator or`T::RejectOrigin`.If the state of child-bounty is `Active`, curator deposit isunreserved.If the state of child-bounty is `PendingPayout`, call fails &returns `PendingPayout` error.For the origin other than T::RejectOrigin, parent bounty must be inactive state, for this child-bounty call to work. For originT::RejectOrigin execution is forced.Instance of child-bounty is removed from the state on successfulģDBJ&pBĤ<  =HfC<$ @~-+Accept the curator role for the child-bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of thischild-bounty.A deposit will be reserved from the curator and refund uponsuccessful payout or cancellation.Fee for curator is deducted from curator fee of parent bounty.Child-bounty must be in "CuratorProposed" state, for processing thecall. And state of child-bounty is moved to "Active" on successful-)=f s;"Ч>DCQB~-+Claim the payout from an awarded child-bounty after payout delay.The dispatch origin for this call may be any signed origin.Call works independent of parent bounty state, No need for parentbounty to be in active state.The Beneficiary is paid out with agreed bounty value. Curator fee ispaid & curator deposit is unreserved.Child-bounty must be in "PendingPayout" state, for processing thecall. And instance of child-bounty is removed from the state onsuccessful call completion.,Am;ADJ%oA?-+Unassign curator from a child-bounty.The dispatch origin for this call can be either `RejectOrigin`, orthe curator of the parent bounty, or any signed origin.For the origin other than T::RejectOrigin and the child-bountycurator, parent-bounty must be in active state, for this call towork. We allow child-bounty curator and T::RejectOrigin to executethis call irrespective of the parent-bounty state.If this function is called by the `RejectOrigin` or theparent-bounty curator, we assume that the child-bounty curator ismalicious or inactive. As a result, child-bounty curator deposit isslashed.If the origin is the child-bounty curator, we take this as a signthat they are unable to do their job, and are willingly giving up.We could slash the deposit, but for now we allow them to unreservetheir deposit and exit without issue. (We may want to change this ifit is abused.)Finally, the origin can be anyone iff the child-bounty curator is"inactive". Expiry update due of parent bounty is used to estimateinactive state of child-bounty curator.This allows anyone in the community to call out that a child-bountycurator is not doing their due diligence, and we should pick a newone. In this case the child-bounty curator deposit is slashed.State of child-bounty is moved to Added state on successful call%B7*>h@B27SAC׭߭A BbBDA7By'CB%>c@  -+Add a new child-bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of parentbounty and the parent bounty must be in "active" state.Child-bounty gets added successfully & fund gets transferred fromparent bounty to child-bounty account, if parent bounty has enoughfunds, else the call fails.Upper bound to maximum number of active child-bounties that can beadded are managed via runtime trait config[`Config::MaxActiveChildBountyCount`].If the call is success, the status of child-bounty is updated to"Added".- `parent_bounty_id`: Index of parent bounty for which child-bounty is being added.- `value`: Value for executing the proposal.- `description`: Text description for the child-bounty.˱? 7AABIJ߲C"*L&r@S ,97parent_bounty_idchild_bounty_idThe parent bounty is not in active state.')The bounty balance is not enough to add new child-bounty.X9Number of child-bounties exceeds limit `MaxActiveChildBountyCount`.CA child-bounty is cancelled.A child-bounty is awarded to a beneficiary.+A child-bounty is added.PA child-bounty is claimed by beneficiary.p)child_indexmanagerAccountForce the registration of a Para Id on the relay chain.This function must be called by a Root origin.The deposit taken can be specified for this registration. Any `ParaId`can be registered, including sub-1000 IDs which are System Parachains.7.&FlFRegister head data and validation code for a reserved Para Id.## Arguments- `origin`: Must be called by a `Signed` origin.- `id`: The para ID. Must be owned/managed by the `origin` signing account.- `genesis_head`: The genesis head data of the parachain/thread.- `validation_code`: The initial validation code of the parachain/thread.## Deposits/FeesThe origin signed account must reserve a corresponding deposit for the registration. Anything alreadyreserved previously for this para ID is accounted for.## EventsThe `Registered` event is emitted in case of success.>" .0^K@I2Be6ݹ 5Swap a parachain with another parachain or parathread.The origin must be Root, the `para` owner, or the `para` itself.The swap will happen only if there is already an opposite swap pending. If there is not,the swap will be stored in the pending swaps map, ready for a later confirmatory swap.The `ParaId`s remain mapped to the same head data and code so external code can rely on`ParaId` to be a long-term identifier of a notional "parachain". However, theirscheduling info (i.e. whether they're a parathread or parachain), auction informationand the auction deposit are switched.6º@XZVWOVU%Remove a manager lock from a para. This will allow the manager of apreviously locked para to deregister or swap a para without using governance.Can only be called by the Root origin.(CkM&Deregister a Para Id, freeing all data and returning any deposit.The caller must be Root, the `para` owner, or the `para` itself. The para must be a parathread.AA_Reserve a Para Id on the relay chain.This function will reserve a new Para Id to be owned/managed by the origin account.The origin account is able to register head data and validation code using `register` to createa parathread. Using the Slots pallet, a parathread can then be upgraded to get a parachain slot.- `origin`: Must be called by a `Signed` origin. Becomes the manager/owner of the new para ID.The origin must reserve a deposit of `ParaDeposit` for the registration.The `Reserved` event is emitted in case of success, which provides the ID reserved for use.%ݾS0_`" ^2MHݹ [genesis_headvalidation_codeValidationCodeParaIdotherparaCannot deregister paraPara is not a Parathread.Invalid para code size.Cannot schedule upgrade of parathread to parachain2Para is not a Parachain.@The caller is not the owner of this Id.`'The ID is already registered.The ID given for registration has not been reserved.4Invalid para head data size.Para is locked from manipulation by the manager. Must use parachain or relay chain governance. ^Registering parachain with empty code is not allowed.5Cannot schedule downgrade of parachain to parathread4The ID is not registered.Cannot perform a parachain slot / lifecycle swap. Check that the state of both paras arecorrect for the swap to work.0XClear all leases for a Para Id, refunding any deposits back to the original owners.S>Just a connect into the `lease_out` call, in case Root wants to force some lease to happenindependently of any other on-chain mechanism to use it.$Z~8>Try to onboard a parachain that has a lease for the current lease period.This function can be useful if there was some state issue with a para that shouldhave onboarded, but was unable to. As long as they have a lease period, we canlet them onboard from here.Origin must be signed, but can be called by anyone.I!QrN3period_beginLeasePeriodOfleaserperiod_countThe parachain ID is not onboarding.v#There was an error with the lease."A new `[lease_period]` is beginning.$A para has won the right to a continuous set of lease periods as a parachain.First balance is any extra amount reserved on top of the para's existing deposit.Second balance is the total amount reserved.`[parachain_id, leaser, period_begin, period_count, extra_reserved, total_amount]`MUQ,RMake a claim to collect your DOTs by signing a statement.The dispatch origin for this call must be _None_.Unsigned Validation:A call to `claim_attest` is deemed valid if the signature provided matchesthe expected signed message of:> Ethereum Signed Message:> (configured prefix string)(address)(statement)and `address` matches the `dest` account; the `statement` must match that which isexpected according to your purchase arrangement.- `dest`: The destination account to payout the claim.- `ethereum_signature`: The signature of an ethereum signed message matching the format described above.- `statement`: The identity of the statement which is being attested to in the signature.The weight of this call is invariant over the input parameters.Weight includes logic to validate unsigned `claim_attest` call.D9}1J +E0uR0E 6-Cp'Y?7?1v Mint a new claim to collect DOTs.- `who`: The Ethereum address allowed to collect this claim.- `value`: The number of DOTs that will be claimed.- `vesting_schedule`: An optional vesting schedule for these DOTs.We assume worst case that both vesting and statement is being inserted.P!&1E q<3B?"G1v Attest to a statement, needed to finalize the claims process.WARNING: Insecure unless your chain includes `PrevalidateAttests` as a `SignedExtension`.A call to attest is deemed valid if the sender has a `Preclaim` registeredand provides a `statement` which is expected for the account.Weight includes logic to do pre-validation on `attest` call.=!YzJ=E Y?<1v Make a claim to collect your DOTs.A call to claim is deemed valid if the signature provided matches> (configured prefix string)(address)and `address` matches the `dest` account.Weight includes logic to validate unsigned `claim` call."}1A ++%P)E 6-Cp'?y81v EthereumAddressethereum_signatureEcdsaSignaturestatementOptionvesting_scheduleOption<(BalanceOf, BalanceOf, T::BlockNumber)>oldmaybe_preclaimThe account already has a vested balance.)Invalid Ethereum signature.HAccount ID sending transaction has no claim.p,A needed statement was not included.$Ethereum address has no claim.There's not enough in the pot to pay out some unvested amount. Generally implies a logicerror.XXSomeone claimed some DOTs. `[who, ethereum_address, amount]`p<Cancel an in-progress auction.Can only be called by Root origin."Make a new bid from an account (including a parachain account) for deploying a newparachain.Multiple simultaneous bids from the same bidder are allowed only as long as all activebids overlap each other (i.e. are mutually exclusive). Bids cannot be redacted.- `sub` is the sub-bidder ID, allowing for multiple competing bids to be made by (andfunded by) the same account.- `auction_index` is the index of the auction to bid on. Should just be the presentvalue of `AuctionCounter`.- `first_slot` is the first lease period index of the range to bid on. This is theabsolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.- `last_slot` is the last lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the- `amount` is the amount to bid to be held as deposit for the parachain should thebid win. This amount is held throughout the range.Rb lVOUfSRABPABR%2Create a new auction.This can only happen when there isn't already an auction in progress and may only becalled by the root origin. Accepts the `duration` of this auction and the`lease_period_index` of the initial lease period of the four that are to be auctioned.TAIVlease_period_indexfirst_slotauction_indexAuctionIndexlast_slotThis auction is already in progress.F$Not a current auction.xPara is not registeredNot an auction.Auction has already ended.The para is already leased out for part of this range.6The lease period is in the past.8 Funds were reserved for a winning bid. First balance is the extra amount reserved.Second is the total. `[bidder, extra_reserved, total_amount]``R=An auction started. Provides its index and the block number where it will begin toclose and the first lease period of the quadruplet that is auctioned.`[auction_index, lease_period, ending]`RRE'An auction ended. All funds become unreserved. `[auction_index]`@The winning offset was chosen for an auction. This will map into the `Winning` storage map.`[auction_index, block_number]` [{A new bid has been accepted as the current winner.`[who, para_id, amount, first_slot, last_slot]`2/Someone attempted to lease the same slot twice for a parachain. The amount is held in reservebut no parachain slot has been leased.`[parachain_id, leaser, amount]` ]}& Funds were unreserved since bidder is no longer active. `[bidder, amount]`Jlast_contributionLastContributioncapraisedfirst_periodLeasePeriodverifierOptionlast_periodfund_indexFundIndexPoke the fund into `NewRaise`Origin must be Signed, and the fund has non-zero raise.7Withdraw full balance of a specific contributor.Origin must be signed, but can come from anyone.The fund must be either in, or ready for, retirement. For a fund to be *in* retirement, then the retirementflag must be set. For a fund to be ready for retirement, then:- it must not already be in retirement;- the amount of raised funds must be bigger than the _free_ balance of the account;- and either: - the block number must be at least `end`; or - the current lease period must be greater than the fund's `last_period`.In this case, the fund's retirement flag is set and its `end` is reset to the current blocknumber.- `who`: The account whose contribution should be withdrawn.- `index`: The parachain to whose crowdloan the contribution was made.$0T0k>-'TS /K.[<FContribute to a crowd sale. This will transfer some balance over to fund a parachainslot. It will be withdrawable when the crowdloan has ended and the funds are unused.TTRemove a fund after the retirement period has ended and all funds have been returned.TUAutomatically refund contributors of an ended crowdloan.Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multipletimes to fully refund all users. We will refund `RemoveKeysLimit` users at a time.8H8RT0Contribute your entire balance to a crowd sale. This will transfer the entire balance of a user over to fund a parachainxTCreate a new crowdloaning campaign for a parachain slot with the given lease period range.This applies a lock to your parachain configuration, ensuring that it cannot be changedby the parachain manager.<ZWAdd an optional memo to an existing crowdloan contribution.Origin must be Signed, and the user must have contributed to the crowdloan.(;cKEdit the configuration for an in-progress crowdloan.4"OptionmemoThe fund is already in `NewRaise`.!A lease period has not started yet, due to an offset in the starting block.XKLast lease period must be greater than first lease period.:The contribution period has already ended.*The end date for this crowdloan is not sensible.00The origin of this call is invalid.h#The contribution was below the minimum, `MinContribution`.:Invalid signature.The crowdloan has not yet ended. The crowdloan is not ready to dissolve. Potentially still has a slot or in retirement period.(]There was an overflow.The campaign ends before the current block number. The end must be in the future.QThe last lease period cannot be more than 3 periods after the first period.KThe current lease period is more than the first lease period.h=This parachain lease is still active and retirement cannot yet begin.EInvalid fund index.This crowdloan does not correspond to a parachain. 2No contributions allowed during the VRF delay`-The first lease period needs to at least be less than 3 `max_value`.DThere are no contributions stored in this crowdloan.4Contributions exceed maximum amount.($The provided memo is too large.XThis parachain's bid or lease is still active and withdraw cannot yet begin.LWithdrew full balance of a contributor. `[who, fund_index, amount]`CContributed to a crowd sale. `[who, fund_index, amount]`(8Fund is dissolved. `[fund_index]`h!A parachain has been moved to `NewRaise`(A memo has been updated. `[who, fund_index, memo]`2All loans in a fund have been refunded. `[fund_index]`6The loans in a fund have been partially dissolved, i.e. there are some leftover child keys that still need to be killed. `[fund_index]`HK<Create a new crowdloaning campaign. `[fund_index]`2The result of trying to submit a new bid to the Slots pallet. =The configuration to a crowdloan has been edited. `[fund_index]`h@sp_std::vec::Vecrecipientsent_atmsgDownwardMessagestakeRunner cannot re-submit candidacy."Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance.1Duplicated candidate submission.X Must be a voter.Member cannot re-submit candidacy."The renouncing origin presented a wrong `Renouncing` parameter.?Candidate does not have enough funds.%Prediction regarding replacement after member removal is wrong.@?Cannot report self.Must vote for at least one candidate.%Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist.0The provided count of number of votes is incorrect.3Voter can not pay voting bond.PThe provided count of number of candidates is incorrect.x8Cannot vote more than maximum allowed.&Cannot vote more than candidates.!A new term with new_members. This indicates that enough candidates existed to runthe election, not that enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examinedfor this purpose. A `NewTerm(\[\])` indicates that some candidates got their bondslashed and none were elected, whilst `EmptyTerm` means that no candidates existed tobegin with.QiUQUd A candidate was slashed by amount due to failing to obtain a seat as member orrunner-up.Note that old members and runners-up are also candidates.N 9A seat holder was slashed by amount by being forcefully removed from the set.LMInternal error happened while trying to perform election.9A member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` or`EmptyTerm`.P@ Someone has renounced their candidacy.\&No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round. This is different from`NewTerm(\[\])`. See the description of `NewTerm`.L2Vec<(::AccountId, BalanceOf)>::AccountIdseat_holderSubmit oneself for candidacy. A fixed amount of deposit is recorded.All candidates are wiped at the end of the term. They either become a member/runner-up,or leave the system while their deposit is slashed.The dispatch origin of this call must be signed.### WarningEven if a candidate ends up being a member, they must call [`Call::renounce_candidacy`]to get their deposit back. Losing the spot in an election will always lead to a slash.The number of current candidates must be provided as witness data.DW'3Z0 WV BB Vote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election. This can be called toset the initial votes, or update already existing votes.Upon initial voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a deposit amount isreserved. The deposit is based on the number of votes and can be updated over time.The `votes` should: - not be empty. - be less than the number of possible candidates. Note that all current members and runners-up are also automatically candidates for the next round.If `value` is more than `who`'s free balance, then the maximum of the two is used.It is the responsibility of the caller to **NOT** place all of their balance into thelock and keep some for further operations.We assume the maximum weight among all 3 cases: vote_equal, vote_more and vote_less.VR8WS4GXUDRZ0 CU* T Clean all voters who are defunct (i.e. they do not serve any purpose at all). Thedeposit of the removed voters are returned.This is an root function to be used only for cleaning the state.The dispatch origin of this call must be root.The total number of voters and those that are defunct must be provided as witness data.Q!+L@. W Renounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potentialoutcomes exist:- `origin` is a candidate and not elected in any set. In this case, the deposit is unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a candidate.- `origin` is a current runner-up. In this case, the deposit is unreserved, returned and origin is removed as a runner-up.- `origin` is a current member. In this case, the deposit is unreserved and origin is removed as a member, consequently not being a candidate for the next round anymore. Similar to [`remove_member`](Self::remove_member), if replacement runners exists, they are immediately used. If the prime is renouncing, then no prime will exist until the next round.The dispatch origin of this call must be signed, and have one of the above roles.The type of renouncing must be provided as witness data.dSR<TX#U$UyXV' 4Q 8 Remove `origin` as a voter.This removes the lock and returns the deposit.The dispatch origin of this call must be signed and be a voter.Pk.?Remove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond ofthe outgoing member is slashed.If a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces theoutgoing member. Otherwise, a new phragmen election is started.Note that this does not affect the designated block number of the next election.If we have a replacement, we use a small weight. Else, since this is a root call andwill go into phragmen, we assume full block for now.VVuU?. P YT4 has_replacementcandidate_countnum_defunctnum_votersrenouncingRenouncingIssue a signal to the consensus engine to forcibly act as though all parachainblocks in all relay chain blocks up to and including the given number in the currentchain are valid and should be finalized.NT=(up_ton_delay_tranchesump_max_individual_weightmax_pov_sizedispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_periodrelay_vrf_modulo_samplesmax_head_data_sizeparathread_corespvf_voting_ttlmax_validatorsOptionhrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channelsvalidation_upgrade_delaymax_upward_message_num_per_candidatehrmp_channel_max_capacitydispute_conclusion_by_time_out_periodmax_upward_message_sizemax_upward_queue_sizehrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channelsminimum_validation_upgrade_delaydispute_periodneeded_approvalsno_show_slotsMust be at least 1.hrmp_sender_deposithrmp_channel_max_total_sizedispute_max_spam_slotshrmp_recipient_depositzeroth_delay_tranche_widthvalidation_upgrade_cooldownthread_availability_periodscheduling_lookaheadhrmp_channel_max_message_sizepvf_checking_enabledmax_code_sizeparathread_retriesmax_downward_message_sizehrmp_max_parathread_outbound_channelsmax_validators_per_coreump_service_total_weighthrmp_max_parathread_inbound_channelsmax_upward_queue_countgroup_rotation_frequencycode_retention_periodchain_availability_periodhrmp_max_message_num_per_candidateSets the maximum items that can present in a upward dispatch queue at once. KSet the scheduling lookahead, in expected number of blocks at peak throughput. NSet the parachain validator-group rotation frequencyX 4Sets the maximum amount of weight any individual upward message may consume. LSetting this to true will disable consistency checks for the configuration setters.Use with caution. SCSets the maximum total size of messages in bytes allowed in an HRMP channel at once.dTSets the maximum number of outbound HRMP channels a parachain is allowed to open.QSets the maximum number of outbound HRMP messages can be sent by a candidate. MSet the zeroth delay tranche width.x#Set the number of retries for a particular parathread.6Set the max validation code size for incoming upgrades.7Set the availability period for parachains.(+Set the dispute post conclusion acceptance period.`2Set the number of session changes after which a PVF pre-checking voting is rejected.TSets the maximum number of inbound HRMP channels a parachain is allowed to accept.RSet the maximum number of dispute spam slots.`-Sets the maximum size of an upward message that can be sent by a candidate.KSets the amount of funds that the sender should provide for opening an HRMP channel.TSet the number of parathread execution cores.P-Set the number of samples to do of the `RelayVRFModulo` approval assignment criterion.VSets the maximum size of a message that could ever be put into an HRMP channel.OSets the maximum number of outbound HRMP channels a parathread is allowed to open.@RSet the dispute period, in number of sessions to keep for disputes.CSets the amount of funds that the recipient should provide for accepting opening an HRMPchannel.XHSets the maximum number of messages allowed in an HRMP channel at once.`GSet the maximum number of validators to assign to any core.;Set the critical downward message size.'Set the availability period for parathreads.(,Sets the maximum number of messages that a candidate can contain.`ASet the maximum number of validators to use in parachain consensus.CSet the validation upgrade delay.!Set the total number of delay tranches.0'Sets the soft limit for the phase of dispatching dispatchable upward messages.`NSets the maximum number of inbound HRMP channels a parathread is allowed to accept.SSets the maximum total size of items that can present in a upward dispatch queue at once.YSet the validation upgrade cooldown.$Set the dispute conclusion by time out period..Set the acceptance period for an included candidate.4Sets the number of sessions after which an HRMP open channel request expires.(MSet the max POV block size for incoming upgrades.1Sets the minimum delay between announcing the upgrade block for a parachain until theupgrade taking place.See the field documentation for information and constraints for the new value.U*NEnable or disable PVF pre-checking. Consult the field documentation prior executing.TSet the no show slots, in number of number of consensus slots.>| Set the number of validators needed to approve a block.H7Set the max head data size for paras.%The new value for a configuration parameter is invalid.7Enter the paras inherent. This will process bitfields and backed candidates.LParachainsInherentDataDisputed candidate that was concluded invalid.q.The hash of the submitted parent header doesn't correspond to the saved block hash ofthe parent.U A dispute statement was invalid. The ordering of dispute statements was invalid.@/Inclusion inherent called more than once per block.x3The data given to the inherent will result in an overweight block.BService a single overweight upward message.- `origin`: Must pass `ExecuteOverweightOrigin`.- `index`: The index of the overweight message to service.- `weight_limit`: The amount of weight that message execution may take.Errors:- `UnknownMessageIndex`: Message of `index` is unknown.- `WeightOverLimit`: Message execution may use greater than `weight_limit`.Events:- `OverweightServiced`: On success.+30c:G7"Kmt#OverweightIndexThe amount of weight given is possibly not enough for executing the message.LThe message index given is unknown.`#Force process HRMP close channel requests.If there are pending HRMP close channel requests, you can use thisfunction process all of those requests immediately.Total number of closing channels must be provided as witness data of weighing.*B3/ NThis cancels a pending open channel request. It can be canceled by either of the senderor the recipient for that request. The origin must be either of those.The cancellation happens immediately. It is not possible to cancel the request if it isalready accepted.Total number of open requests (i.e. `HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList`) must be provided aswitness data. W!FM!W!!V " Initiate opening a channel from a parachain to a given recipient with given channelparameters.- `proposed_max_capacity` - specifies how many messages can be in the channel at once.- `proposed_max_message_size` - specifies the maximum size of the messages.These numbers are a subject to the relay-chain configuration limits.The channel can be opened only after the recipient confirms it and only on a sessionchange.X"S" "V #KW#D#T#This extrinsic triggers the cleanup of all the HRMP storage items thata para may have. Normally this happens once per session, but this allowsyou to trigger the cleanup immediately for a specific parachain.Origin must be Root.Number of inbound and outbound channels for `para` must be provided as witness data of weighing.H$F$H$@%*%`Force process HRMP open channel requests.If there are pending HRMP open channel requests, you can use thisTotal number of opening channels must be provided as witness data of weighing.%)%A3.&NInitiate unilateral closing of a channel. The origin must be either the sender or therecipient in the channel being closed.The closure can only happen on a session change.&U'&''0Accept a pending open channel request from the given sender.The channel will be opened only on the next session boundary.x'<'=open_requestsproposed_max_message_sizechannelschannel_idHrmpChannelIdproposed_max_capacityoutboundinboundThe open request doesn't exist.u(The origin tries to close a channel where it is neither the sender nor the recipient.(UThe sender tried to open a channel to themselves.)1Cannot cancel an HRMP open channel request because it is already confirmed.@)KThe provided witness data is wrong.)#There is already a request to open the same channel.)4The channel is already confirmed.*!The sender already has the maximum number of allowed outbound channels.8*GThe channel close request is already requested.*/The requested maximum message size is 0.*(Canceling is requested by neither the sender nor recipient of the open channel request.*WThe recipient already has the maximum number of allowed inbound channels.P+IThe channel to be closed doesn't exist.+'The open request requested the message size that exceeds the global limit.+JThe requested capacity is zero.0,The recipient is not a valid para.X,"The requested capacity exceeds the global limit.,0The channel from the sender to the origin doesn't exist.,8The channel already exists-Open HRMP channel accepted. `[sender, recipient]`(-1Open HRMP channel requested.`[sender, recipient, proposed_max_capacity, proposed_max_message_size]`h--GAn HRMP channel request sent by the receiver was canceled by either party.`[by_parachain, channel_id]`-J&.HRMP channel closed. `[by_parachain, channel_id]`T.1last_prunedupgrade_timesVec>activated_atexpected_atrelay_parent_numbervotes_acceptBitVeccausesVec>votes_rejectagecreated_atIncludes a statement for a PVF pre-checking vote. Potentially, finalizes the vote andenacts the results if that was the last vote before achieving the supermajority.L/U/PSchedule an upgrade as if it was scheduled in the given relay parent block.0KSet the storage for the parachain validation code immediately.X0>Remove the validation code from the storage iff the reference count is 0.This is better than removing the storage directly, because it will not remove the codethat was suddenly got used by some parachain while this dispatchable was pendingdispatching.0I0V?1P1 Adds the validation code to the storage.The code will not be added if it is already present. Additionally, if PVF pre-checkingis running for that code, it will be instantly accepted.Otherwise, the code will be added into the storage. Note that the code will be addedinto storage with reference count 0. This is to account the fact that there are no usersfor this code yet. The caller will have to make sure that this code eventually getsused by some parachain or removed from the storage to avoid storage leaks. For the latterprefer to use the `poke_unused_validation_code` dispatchable to raw storage manipulation.This function is mainly meant to be used for upgrading parachains that do not followthe go-ahead signal while the PVF pre-checking feature is enabled.1(1VB28z2T2X&3Sy3Y3Y+4T4BNote a new block head for para within the context of the current block.,5GSet the storage for the current parachain head data immediately.5@Put a parachain directly into the next session's action queue.We can't queue it any sooner than this without going into theinitializer...5>6=C6new_headnew_codestmtPvfCheckStatementThe given validator already has cast a vote.6,The statement for PVF pre-checking is for a future session.6;Para cannot be onboarded because it is already tracked by our system.7EThe statement for PVF pre-checking is stale.`7,Para cannot be upgraded to a parachain.7'Claimed validator index is out of bounds.7)The given PVF does not exist at the moment of process a vote.8=The signature for the PVF pre-checking is invalid.H82Para cannot be offboarded at this time.8'Para is not registered in our system.8%The PVF pre-checking statement cannot be included since the PVF pre-checking mechanismis disabled.8V>9 Para cannot be downgraded to a parathread.\9*Invalid signature on statement.9Too many spam slots used by some specific validator.94Ancient dispute statement provided.9#Validator vote submitted more than once to dispute.(:3Duplicate dispute statement sets provided.h:*Validator index on statement is out of bounds for session.::A dispute where there are only votes on one side.:1A dispute has been initiated. \[candidate hash, dispute location\](;BA dispute has concluded with supermajority against a candidate.Block authors should no longer build on top of this head and shouldinstead revert the block at the given height. This should be thenumber of the child of the last known valid block in the chain.x;?;C;@:<?A dispute has timed out due to insufficient participation.`\[para id, candidate hash\]`<:<A dispute has concluded for or against a candidate.`\[para id, candidate hash, dispute result\]`=37=-CandidateHashDisputeLocationDisputeResultsubmitted_atbitfieldAvailabilityBitfieldcoreCoreIndexbacked_in_numberbackersbacking_groupGroupIndexavailability_votesInsufficient (non-majority) backing.>$The candidate didn't follow the rules of HRMP watermark advancement.@>DThe HRMP messages sent by the candidate is not valid.>5Candidate not in parent context.> Code upgrade prematurely.>Output code is too large ?Collator did not sign PoV.@?The `para_head` hash in the candidate descriptor doesn't match the hash of the actual para head in thecommitments.h?f? Backed candidates are out of order (core index) or contain duplicates.?FInvalid (bad signature, unknown validator, etc.) backing.@@9Candidate included with the wrong collator.@+At least one upward message sent does not pass the acceptance criteria.@GMultiple bitfields submitted by same validator or validators out of order by index.ASValidator indices are out of order or contains duplicates.pA:Bitfield consists of zeros only.A Invalid signatureAScheduled cores out of order.BDispute statement sets are out of order or contain duplicates.(B>A bitfield that references a freed core,either intentionally or as part of a concludedinvalid dispute.pB(B.BInvalid group index in core assignment.B'Candidate scheduled despite pending candidate already existing for the para. CLA different relay parent was provided compared to the on-chain stored one.xCJHead data exceeds the configured maximum.C)Validator index out of bounds.DAvailability bitfield has unexpected size.0D*The validation data hash does not match expected.hD1Candidate submitted but para not scheduled.D+The downward message queue is not processed correctly.D6The validation code hash of the candidate is not valid. E7A candidate was backed. `[candidate, head_data]``E0A candidate timed out. `[candidate, head_data]`E/A candidate was included. `[candidate, head_data]`E2CandidateReceipt(bool, Bn)scoreElectionScoreroundsolutionSsupportsSupportscomputeElectionComputeVec>Submit a solution for the unsigned phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __none__.This submission is checked on the fly. Moreover, this unsigned solution is onlyvalidated when submitted to the pool from the **local** node. Effectively, this meansthat only active validators can submit this transaction when authoring a block (similarto an inherent).To prevent any incorrect solution (and thus wasted time/weight), this transaction willpanic if the solution submitted by the validator is invalid in any way, effectivelyputting their authoring reward at risk.No deposit or reward is associated with this submission.F)F2FO5GUGWGGVGHSH'H8Submit a solution for the signed phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __signed__.The solution is potentially queued, based on the claimed score and processed at the endof the signed phase.A deposit is reserved and recorded for the solution. Based on the outcome, the solutionmight be rewarded, slashed, or get all or a part of the deposit back.lI'I4IWJ2JWJETrigger the governance fallback.This can only be called when [`Phase::Emergency`] is enabled, as an alternative tocalling [`Call::set_emergency_election_result`].K 8KRK0Set a new value for `MinimumUntrustedScore`.Dispatch origin must be aligned with `T::ForceOrigin`.This check can be turned off by setting the value to `None`.K,L6>L<Set a solution in the queue, to be handed out to the client of this pallet in the nextcall to `ElectionProvider::elect`.This can only be set by `T::ForceOrigin`, and only when the phase is `Emergency`.The solution is not checked for any feasibility and is assumed to be trustworthy, as anyfeasibility check itself can in principle cause the election process to fail (due tomemory/weight constrains).LVL"MQmMXMTNSupportsmaybe_next_scoreOptionraw_solutionBox>>witnessSolutionOrSnapshotSizemaybe_max_votersmaybe_max_targetsOCW submitted solution for wrong roundO&Submission was too early.HOThe fallback failedpOWitness data to dispatchable is invalid.O(The origin failed to pay the deposit.O%Snapshot metadata should exist but didn't.O*The call is not allowed at this point.(P&`Self::insert_submission` returned an invalid index.XP4The queue was full, and the solution was not better than any of the existing ones.PRThe signed submission consumes too much weightP.Wrong number of winners presented.0Q"Submission was too weak, score-wise.`Q$The signed phase of the given round has started.Q0The unsigned phase of the given round has started.Q2The election has been finalized, with `Some` of the given computation, or else if theelection failed, `None`.RU]RA solution was stored with the given compute.If the solution is signed, this means that it hasn't yet been processed. If thesolution is unsigned, this means that it has also been processed.The `bool` is `true` when a previous solution was ejected to make room for this one.R-ROSAESTAn account has been slashed for submitting an invalid signed submission.SHAn account has been rewarded for their signed submission being finalized. TIelection_computeOptionprev_ejectedrewardRawSolutionencodedv1::Xcmv0::Xcmv2::Xcmquery_idinitiatorVecorigin_typeOriginKindrequire_weight_at_mostDoubleEncodedeffectsVec>max_message_sizemax_capacityVec>alloc::boxed::Box>givedebtfeesMultiAssetweightreservereceivehalt_on_errorxcmVec>max_response_weightMultiAssetsInteriorMultiLocationMultiAssetFiltermax_assetsinstructionsVec>ticketXcmgrandpa::Publicbabe::Publicim_online::Publicpara_validator::Publicpara_assignment::Publicauthority_discovery::Publicvotes1votes2votes3votes4votes5votes6votes7votes8votes9votes10votes11votes12votes13votes14votes15votes16votes17votes18votes19votes20votes21votes22votes23votes24frame_system::Eventpallet_indices::Eventpallet_balances::Eventpallet_staking::Eventpallet_offences::Eventpallet_session::Eventpallet_grandpa::Eventpallet_im_online::Eventpallet_democracy::Eventpallet_collective::Eventpallet_collective::Eventpallet_elections_phragmen::Eventpallet_membership::Eventpallet_treasury::Eventclaims::Eventpallet_utility::Eventpallet_identity::Eventpallet_society::Eventpallet_recovery::Eventpallet_vesting::Eventpallet_scheduler::Eventpallet_proxy::Eventpallet_multisig::Eventpallet_preimage::Eventpallet_bounties::Eventpallet_child_bounties::Eventpallet_tips::Eventpallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Eventpallet_gilt::Eventpallet_bags_list::Eventparachains_inclusion::Eventparachains_paras::Eventparachains_ump::Eventparachains_hrmp::Eventparachains_disputes::Eventparas_registrar::Eventslots::Eventauctions::Eventcrowdloan::Eventpallet_xcm::Eventframe_system::Originpallet_collective::Originpallet_collective::Originparachains_origin::Originpallet_xcm::Originself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::Voidself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForEvery active module has an index in the runtime; qed/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm/src/lib.rss-encoded error is resized to be equal to the maximum encoded error size; qedbcbd/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/auctions.rsOffchainElection[#] 🗳 unsigned transaction validation failed due to ss6runtime::election-providerpallet_election_provider_multi_phase::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/ popped, so there must be space. qedPuWd*PuWl%PuWk!PuWverified queue was not full above. qed.PuW.PuW/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/tips/src/lib.rshvWcancel_auctionbidnew_auctiongovernance_fallbacksubmitset_emergency_election_resultset_minimum_untrusted_scoresubmit_unsigned✅ no migration for awruntime::frame-supportpolkadot_runtime_common::auctions::palletLogic error: Unexpected underflow in reducing consumerw6runtime::systemframe_system/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/system/src/lib.rsLogic error: Account already dead when reducing providertx8Logic error: Unexpected underflow in reducing providerx6xY/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/proxy/src/lib.rsyXJJust pushed; pending.len() > 0; rejig_deposit returns Some; qedyX[] 💸 injected a total of new voters, prev count: next count: , updating to version 9yyyy yruntime::stakingpallet_staking::migrations::v9/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/staking/src/] 💸 InjectValidatorsIntoVoterList being executed on the wrong storage version, expected Releases::V8_0_0yzk] 💸 failed to insert into VoterList: yL{d{MaybeHashedframe_support::traits::scheduleTHashValueThe transactional layer limit has been reached, and new transactional layers are being spawned with `with_transaction_unchecked`. This could be caused by someone trying to attack your chain, and you should investigate usage of `with_transaction_unchecked` and potentially migrate to `with_transaction`, which enforces a transactional limit.{]frame_support::storage::transactional/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/support/src/storage/ state at $~runtime::storageframe_support::storage::unhashed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/grandpa/src/lib.rsp~Z /home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/indices/src/ ay/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/utility/src/lib.rsZ/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/vesting/src/lib.rsZEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qeds2vtpvtps2/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/balances/src/[/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/bounties/src/lib.rsL[/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/identity/src/[/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/multisig/src/$[/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/preimage/src/[t/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/recovery/src/["/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/treasury/src/lib.rsh[s2vtps2vtpvtpvtpvtp/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/bags-list/src/lib.rsD\/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/democracy/src/\`0\c\/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/im-online/src/<\/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/scheduler/src/\vtpvtpvtp/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/authorship/src/lib.rsD]/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/collective/src/]9/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/membership/src/$]/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/phragmen.rsk'k4k)kk0k] 🗳 current phase , next election , metadata: s`v ] 🗳 failed to open signed phase due to s+] 🗳 failed to open unsigned phase due to s-parity/multi-phase-unsigned-election/lock] 🗳 offchain worker lock not released, deadline is sY7can_check_in origin: , what: xcm::currency_adapterxcm_builder::currency_adapter/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/currency_adapter.rsdeposit_asset what: , who: =Qwithdraw_asset what: hQinternal_transfer_asset asset: , from: , to: check_in origin: ؋check_out dest: AssetTrapsVestingPayoutsChildBountyDescriptionsLocksSuspendedCandidatesWinningListBagsPvfActiveVoteMapPreimageForErasValidatorRewardPreimagesBlacklistNextKeysFutureCodeUpgradesVotingDepositOfHrmpEgressChannelsIndexProposalOfParaLifecyclesListNodesOverweightSlashingSpansHrmpChannelDigestsQueriesStatusForReportsPendingSwapSpamSlotsHrmpChannelsCodeByHashRefsDownwardMessageQueuesReferendumInfoOfSigningReportsByKindIndexEventTopicsBountyDescriptionsSuspendedMembersSessionsSubsOfErasRewardPointsAccountQueuesParentChildBountiesSuperOfProxyHrmpChannelContentsPreclaimsPastCodeMetaCodeByHashAnnouncementsExtrinsicDataFutureCodeHashCurrentCodeHashIdentityOfReasonsDownwardMessageQueueHeadsProposalsHrmpOpenChannelRequestsReservedAmountsLookupPayeeRelayDispatchQueuesAgendaCallsErasStartSessionIndexParasStrikesHeadsPendingAvailabilityCommitmentsBountiesActionsQueueUpgradeRestrictionSignalErasTotalStakeTipsSignedSubmissionsMapVouchingChildrenCuratorFeesHrmpIngressChannelsIndexProxiesHrmpOpenChannelRequestCountHrmpWatermarksFundsHrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCountRecoverablePendingAvailabilityUnappliedSlashesBlockHashCancellationsPastCodeHashSetIdSessionLedgerUpgradeGoAheadSignalKeyOwnerBondedReservesDefenderVotesValidatorsClaimsVotingOfSpanSlashAvailabilityBitfieldsRelayDispatchQueueSizeLeasesNominatorsHrmpCloseChannelRequestsUnderConstructionUpcomingParasGenesisActiveAccountsHistoricalSessionsError submitting equivocation report: &runtime::babepallet_babe::equivocation/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/babe/src/equivocation.rsSubmitted BABE equivocation report.F#Counter for the related counted storage map/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/child-bounties/src/lib.rsaInvalid range for this auctionbad range/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/paras_registrar.rs79/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/slots/mod.rs3/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/claims.rsē0s2AlreadyLeasedOutAuctionEndedNotAuctionNotCurrentAuctionParaNotRegisteredLeasePeriodInPastAuctionInProgresss2P Number of auctions started so far. Information relating to the current auction, if there is one. The first item in the tuple is the lease period index that the first of the four contiguous lease periods on auction is for. The second is the block number when the auction will "begin to end", i.e. the first block of the Ending Period of the auction. Amounts currently reserved in the accounts of the bidders currently winning (sub-)ranges. The winning bids for each of the 10 ranges at each sample in the final Ending Period of the current auction. The map's key is the 0-based index into the Sample Size. The first sample of the ending period is 0; the last is `Sample Size - 1`. The number of blocks over which an auction may be retroactively ended.EndingPeriod The length of each sample to take during the ending period. `EndingPeriod` / `SampleLength` = Total # of SamplesSampleLengthSlotRangeCountLeasePeriodsPerSlotCallContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.-IError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. kEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fAuctionStartedAuctionClosedReservedUnreservedReserveConfiscatedBidAcceptedWinningOffset`i < LPPS`; qeds2d@`i < LPPS`; `j < i`; `j + 1 < LPPS`; qeds2js2m"para_auction/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/crowdloan/<7/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/elections-phragmen/src/lib.rse?/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/;/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras_inherent/mod.rsH@xMultiDisputesData failed to update: $runtime::inclusion-inherentpolkadot_runtime_parachains::paras_inherent/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ 1/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/hrmp.rsL2/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/mod.rs7Missing code for removed hash ؜runtime::paraspolkadot_runtime_parachains::paras/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes.rs06/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/inclusion/mod.rsx;] 🗳 Entering emergency mode: sĝ!pallet_election_provider_multi_phasevtp<FallbackFailedCallNotAllowedInvalidSubmissionIndexMissingSnapshotMetadataOcwCallWrongEraSignedTooMuchWeightSignedInvalidWitnessSignedCannotPayDepositSignedQueueFullPreDispatchWeakSubmissionPreDispatchWrongWinnerCountPreDispatchEarlySubmissionInvalid unsigned submission must produce invalid block and deprive validator from their authoring reward.vtpt?vtpx+vtp{ vtp| vtp] 🗳 queued unsigned solution with score s؟,vtp1 Internal counter for the number of rounds. This is useful for de-duplication of transactions submitted to the pool, and general diagnostics of the pallet. This is merely incremented once per every time that an upstream `elect` is called. Current phase. Current best solution, signed or unsigned, queued to be returned upon `elect`. Snapshot data of the round. This is created at the beginning of the signed phase and cleared upon calling `elect`. Desired number of targets to elect for this round. Only exists when [`Snapshot`] is present. The metadata of the [`RoundSnapshot`] The next index to be assigned to an incoming signed submission. Every accepted submission is assigned a unique index; that index is bound to that particular submission for the duration of the election. On election finalization, the next index is reset to 0. We can't just use `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()`, because that's a bounded set; past its capacity, it will simply saturate. We can't just iterate over `SignedSubmissionsMap`, because iteration is slow. Instead, we store the value here. A sorted, bounded set of `(score, index)`, where each `index` points to a value in `SignedSubmissions`. We never need to process more than a single signed submission at a time. Signed submissions can be quite large, so we're willing to pay the cost of multiple database accesses to access them one at a time instead of reading and decoding all of them at once. Unchecked, signed solutions. Together with `SubmissionIndices`, this stores a bounded set of `SignedSubmissions` while allowing us to keep only a single one in memory at a time. Twox note: the key of the map is an auto-incrementing index which users cannot inspect or affect; we shouldn't need a cryptographically secure hasher. The minimum score that each 'untrusted' solution must attain in order to be considered feasible. Can be set via `set_minimum_untrusted_score`.] 🗳 GovernanceFallback failed: s#0tJt,vtp Duration of the unsigned phase.UnsignedPhase Duration of the signed phase.SignedPhase The minimum amount of improvement to the solution score that defines a solution as "better" (in any phase).SolutionImprovementThreshold The repeat threshold of the offchain worker. For example, if it is 5, that means that at least 5 blocks will elapse between attempts to submit the worker's solution.OffchainRepeat The priority of the unsigned transaction submitted in the unsigned-phaseMinerTxPriority Maximum weight that the miner should consume. The miner will ensure that the total weight of the unsigned solution will not exceed this value, based on [`WeightInfo::submit_unsigned`].MinerMaxWeight Maximum number of signed submissions that can be queued. It is best to avoid adjusting this during an election, as it impacts downstream data structures. In particular, `SignedSubmissionIndices` is bounded on this value. If you update this value during an election, you _must_ ensure that `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()` is less than or equal to the new value. Otherwise, attempts to submit new solutions may cause a runtime panic.SignedMaxSubmissions Maximum weight of a signed solution. This should probably be similar to [`Config::MinerMaxWeight`].SignedMaxWeight Base reward for a signed solutionSignedRewardBase Base deposit for a signed solution.SignedDepositBase Per-byte deposit for a signed solution.SignedDepositByte Per-weight deposit for a signed solution.SignedDepositWeight The maximum number of electing voters to put in the snapshot. At the moment, snapshots are only over a single block, but once multi-block elections are introduced they will take place over multiple blocks.MaxElectingVoters The maximum number of electable targets to put in the snapshot.MaxElectableTargets Maximum length (bytes) that the mined solution should consume. The miner will ensure that the total length of the unsigned solution will not exceed this value.MinerMaxLengthError of the pallet that can be returned in response to dispatches.CSolutionStoredElectionFinalizedRewardedSlashedSignedPhaseStartedUnsignedPhaseStarted] 🗳 closed signed phase, found solution? , discarded s4-a pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::signed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/signed.rsSnapshot too big for submission.] 🗳 desired_targets: > targets.len(): , capping desired_targetssG`r0t$vtpR] 🗳 creating a snapshot with metadata sȱ*] 🗳 snapshot pre-calculated size s%] 🗳 Starting signed phase round .s<$`] 🗳 Starting unsigned phase round enabled s|& `] 🗳 lock for offchain worker acquired. Phase = s̲3] 🗳 initial offchain thread output: s(] 🗳 resubmit offchain thread output: sH)] 🗳 Failed to finalize election round. reason s2] 🗳 Finalized election round with compute sȳ.`] 🗳 miner submitting a solution as an unsigned transactions>pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::unsigned/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/] 🗳 feasibility check failed for solution: s%( ] 🗳 pre-dispatch checks failed for sL'( mined] 🗳 mined a solution with score and size s$ ] 🗳 miner attempting to compute an unsigned solution.sص9u!u] 🗳 from assignments, truncating to for length, removing sD Qm0t`.u for weight, removing sD Q0t`.uparity/multi-phase-unsigned-electionfailed to write to offchain db (concurrent modification).] 🗳 miner attempting to restore or compute an unsigned solution.sqD0t`.u] 🗳 restoring solution failed due to s)0t`.u] 🗳 mining a new solution.s<0t`.u] 🗳 wiping infeasible solution.s#0t`.urestoredVersionedXcmxcmV0V1V2()already borrowedalready mutably borrowedeeXf e9e eexcannot bits from a -bit region  /home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ @8 @8capacity overflow/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/^5/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/phragmen.rskX/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/scheduler.rs70already mutably borrowed/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsJ/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/mod.rsdL$/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/spec_extend.rsT7 ✅ no migration for 9runtime::frame-supportpallet_gilt::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/gilt/src/lib.rsquit_subremove_subrename_subadd_subkill_identityprovide_judgementset_fieldsset_account_idset_feecancel_requestrequest_judgementclear_identityset_subsset_identityadd_registrar/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/identity/src/lib.rspallet_tips::pallet/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/tips/src/ origin: , message: , max_weight: , weight_credit: Le p~xcm::barriersxcm_builder::barriers/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/barriers.rspallet_staking::pallet::palletNotFoundNotExpiredNotOwnerUnknownBidTooLowAmountTooSmallDurationTooBigDurationTooSmallEvery active pallet has a name in the runtime; qedWM The totals of items and balances within each queue. Saves a lot of storage reads in the case of sparsely packed queues. The vector is indexed by duration in `Period`s, offset by one, so information on the queue whose duration is one `Period` would be storage `0`. The queues of bids ready to become gilts. Indexed by duration (in `Period`s). Information relating to the gilts currently active. The currently active gilts, indexed according to the order of creation. Number of duration queues in total. This sets the maximum duration supported, which is this value multiplied by `Period`.QueueCount Maximum number of items that may be in each duration queue.MaxQueueLen Portion of the queue which is free from ordering and just a FIFO. Must be no greater than `MaxQueueLen`.FifoQueueLen The base period for the duration queues. This is the common multiple across all supported freezing durations that can be bid upon.Period The minimum amount of funds that may be offered to freeze for a gilt. Note that this does not actually limit the amount which may be frozen in a gilt since gilts may be split up in order to satisfy the desired amount of funds under gilts. It should be at least big enough to ensure that there is no possible storage spam attack or queue-filling attack.MinFreeze The number of blocks between consecutive attempts to issue more gilts in an effort to get to the target amount to be frozen. A larger value results in fewer storage hits each block, but a slower period to get to the target.IntakePeriod The maximum amount of bids that can be turned into issued gilts each block. A larger value here means less of the block available for transactions should there be a glut of bids to make into gilts to reach the target.MaxIntakeBidsActiveGiltsTotalBalanceGiltBidAccountIdActiveGiltBlockNumberCallTContains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. Iplace_bidretract_bidset_targetthawError Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. kEvent The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fBidPlacedBidRetractedGiltIssuedGiltThawedWPrematureStillOpenNotFinderUnknownTipAlreadyKnownReasonTooBigWo TipsMap that are not yet completed. Keyed by the hash of `(reason, who)` from the value. This has the insecure enumerable hash function since the key itself is already guaranteed to be a secure hash. Simple preimage lookup from the reason's hash to the original data. Again, has an insecure enumerable hash since the key is guaranteed to be the result of a secure hash. Maximum acceptable reason length. Benchmarks depend on this value, be sure to update weights file when changing this valueMaximumReasonLength The amount held on deposit per byte within the tip report reason or bounty description.DataDepositPerByte The period for which a tip remains open after is has achieved threshold tippers.TipCountdown The percent of the final tip which goes to the original reporter of the tip.TipFindersFee The amount held on deposit for placing a tip report.TipReportDepositBasereport_awesomeretract_tiptip_newtipclose_tipslash_tipNewTipTipClosingTipClosedTipRetractedTipSlashed/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/common/src/paras_registrar.rsAllowSubscriptionsFrom origin: e p~Wreserveforce_remove_lockswapderegisterforce_registerregisterAllowUnpaidExecutionFrom origin: !e p~AccountInfoframe_systemIndexAccountDataEventRecordEWWpolkadot_runtime_parachains::scheduler::pallet/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/scheduler.rsWpolkadot_runtime_common::paras_registrar::pallet[AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom origin: 'e p~WW[[[KaKaKaAllowKnownQueryResponses origin: !e p~KaKa,KaKaKa$KaKaKa>KaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaTarget snapshot too big[] 💸 ending session  runtime::stakingpallet_staking::pallet::impls/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/staking/src/pallet/] 💸 planning new session ] 💸 starting session Error: start_session_index must be set for current_era] 💸 Starting the first era. NWarning: A session appears to have been skipped.] 💸 DEFENSIVE: invalid item in `VoterList`: , this nominator probably has too many nominations now /6] 💸 generated npos voters, from validators and nominators ,=K` ] 💸 new validator set of size has been processed for era !] 💸 chain does not have enough staking candidates to operate for era ( elected, minimum is ) H46K] 💸 election provider failed due to x'CommissionTooLowTooManyValidatorsTooManyNominatorsCannotChillOtherBadTargetTooManyTargetsBadStateIncorrectSlashingSpansIncorrectHistoryDepthAlreadyClaimedNotSortedAndUniqueInvalidNumberOfNominationsInvalidEraToRewardFundedTargetNoUnlockChunkNoMoreChunksInsufficientBondInvalidSlashIndexDuplicateIndexEmptyTargetsAlreadyPairedAlreadyBondedNotStashNotControllerKa3 Number of eras to keep in history. Information is kept for eras in `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`. Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session otherwise. I.e. active era must always be in history. I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be guaranteed. The ideal number of staking participants. Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed. Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets. Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a nominator. The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a validator. The minimum amount of commission that validators can set. If set to `0`, no limit exists. Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking. Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator. The maximum validator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. When this value is not set, no limits are enforced. The map from nominator stash key to their nomination preferences, namely the validators that they wish to support. Note that the keys of this storage map might become non-decodable in case the [`Config::MaxNominations`] configuration is decreased. In this rare case, these nominators are still existent in storage, their key is correct and retrievable (i.e. `contains_key` indicates that they exist), but their value cannot be decoded. Therefore, the non-decodable nominators will effectively not-exist, until they re-submit their preferences such that it is within the bounds of the newly set `Config::MaxNominations`. This implies that `::iter_keys().count()` and `::iter().count()` might return different values for this map. Moreover, the main `::count()` is aligned with the former, namely the number of keys that exist. Lastly, if any of the nominators become non-decodable, they can be chilled immediately via [`Call::chill_other`] dispatchable by anyone. The maximum nominator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. The current era index. This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator set, it might be active or not. The active era information, it holds index and start. The active era is the era being currently rewarded. Validator set of this era must be equal to [`SessionInterface::validators`]. The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. Note: This tracks the starting session (i.e. session index when era start being active) for the eras in `[CurrentEra - HISTORY_DEPTH, CurrentEra]`. Exposure of validator at era. This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned. Clipped Exposure of validator at era. This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers. (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged). This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout. This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators. The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward. Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned. The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned. Mode of era forcing. The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters. The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`. The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance). All unapplied slashes that are queued for later. A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era. Must contains information for eras for the range: `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]` All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion and slash value of the era. All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era. Slashing spans for stash accounts. Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, as well as how much reward has been paid out. The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash. The last planned session scheduled by the session pallet. This is basically in sync with the call to [`pallet_session::SessionManager::new_session`]. Indices of validators that have offended in the active era and whether they are currently disabled. This value should be a superset of disabled validators since not all offences lead to the validator being disabled (if there was no slash). This is needed to track the percentage of validators that have offended in the current era, ensuring a new era is forced if `OffendingValidatorsThreshold` is reached. The vec is always kept sorted so that we can find whether a given validator has previously offended using binary search. It gets cleared when the era ends. True if network has been upgraded to this version. Storage version of the pallet. This is set to v7.0.0 for new networks. The threshold for when users can start calling `chill_other` for other validators / nominators. The threshold is compared to the actual number of validators / nominators (`CountFor*`) in the system compared to the configured max (`Max*Count`).Ka: Maximum number of nominations per nominator.MaxNominations Number of sessions per era.SessionsPerEra Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for.BondingDuration Number of eras that slashes are deferred by, after computation. This should be less than the bonding duration. Set to 0 if slashes should be applied immediately, without opportunity for intervention.SlashDeferDuration The maximum number of nominators rewarded for each validator. For each validator only the `$MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers can claim their reward. This used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator The maximum number of `unlocking` chunks a [`StakingLedger`] can have. Effectively determines how many unique eras a staker may be unbonding in.MaxUnlockingChunksConfigOpNoopSetRemoveEraPaidRewardedSlashedOldSlashingReportDiscardedStakersElectedBondedUnbondedWithdrawnKickedStakingElectionFailedChilledPayoutStartedKa|KaKaKaKaUKagKaKaKavKaKaKaKaKaKa4Kadid not pass barrier: origin: ,e p~xcm::should_executexcm_executor::traits::should_execute/local/cpp/polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor/src/traits/should_execute.rsKa9NotOwnedNotSubTooManyRegistrarsTooManyFieldsInvalidTargetInvalidIndexInvalidJudgementJudgementGivenStickyJudgementNoIdentityFeeChangedEmptyIndexNotNamedTooManySubAccounts[b Information that is pertinent to identify the entity behind an account. TWOX-NOTE: OK ― `AccountId` is a secure hash. The super-identity of an alternative "sub" identity together with its name, within that context. If the account is not some other account's sub-identity, then just `None`. Alternative "sub" identities of this account. The first item is the deposit, the second is a vector of the accounts. The set of registrars. Not expected to get very big as can only be added through a special origin (likely a council motion). The index into this can be cast to `RegistrarIndex` to get a valid value. The amount held on deposit for a registered identityBasicDeposit The amount held on deposit per additional field for a registered identity.FieldDeposit The amount held on deposit for a registered subaccount. This should account for the fact that one storage item's value will increase by the size of an account ID, and there will be another trie item whose value is the size of an account ID plus 32 bytes.SubAccountDeposit The maximum number of sub-accounts allowed per identified account.MaxSubAccounts Maximum number of additional fields that may be stored in an ID. Needed to bound the I/O required to access an identity, but can be pretty high.MaxAdditionalFields Maxmimum number of registrars allowed in the system. Needed to bound the complexity of, e.g., updating judgements.MaxRegistrarssubs length is less than T::MaxSubAccounts; qed["Identity pallet declaration.|IdentitySetIdentityClearedIdentityKilledJudgementRequestedJudgementUnrequestedRegistrarAddedSubIdentityAddedSubIdentityRemovedSubIdentityRevokedRequestStatuspallet_preimageUnrequestedRequested^79^7^79^7^7^7/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/npos-elections/src/lib.rsf%)f%:f*/Supportsp_npos_electionsf{,f4f)assertion failed: bits as usize <= result.len()/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ Error submitting equivocation report: `&runtime::afgpallet_grandpa::equivocation/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/grandpa/src/equivocation.rsSubmitted GRANDPA equivocation report.&CannotSwapEmptyCodeNotReservedParaLockedCannotUpgradeCannotDowngradeCannotDeregisterNotParathreadNotParachainHeadDataTooLargeCodeTooLargeAlreadyRegisteredNotRegistered9T Pending swap operations. Amount held on deposit for each para and the original depositor. The given account ID is responsible for registering the code and initial head data, but may only do so if it isn't yet registered. (After that, it's up to governance to do so.) The next free `ParaId`. The deposit to be paid to run a parathread. This should include the cost for storing the genesis head and validation code.ParaDeposit The deposit to be paid per byte stored on chain.RegisteredDeregisteredReserved^7 All the validator groups. One for each core. Indices are into `ActiveValidators` - not the broader set of Polkadot validators, but instead just the subset used for parachains during this session. Bound: The number of cores is the sum of the numbers of parachains and parathread multiplexers. Reasonably, 100-1000. The dominant factor is the number of validators: safe upper bound at 10k. A queue of upcoming claims and which core they should be mapped onto. The number of queued claims is bounded at the `scheduling_lookahead` multiplied by the number of parathread multiplexer cores. Reasonably, 10 * 50 = 500. One entry for each availability core. Entries are `None` if the core is not currently occupied. Can be temporarily `Some` if scheduled but not occupied. The i'th parachain belongs to the i'th core, with the remaining cores all being parathread-multiplexers. Bounded by the maximum of either of these two values: * The number of parachains and parathread multiplexers * The number of validators divided by `configuration.max_validators_per_core`. An index used to ensure that only one claim on a parathread exists in the queue or is currently being handled by an occupied core. Bounded by the number of parathread cores and scheduling lookahead. Reasonably, 10 * 50 = 500. The block number where the session start occurred. Used to track how many group rotations have occurred. Note that in the context of parachains modules the session change is signaled during the block and enacted at the end of the block (at the finalization stage, to be exact). Thus for all intents and purposes the effect of the session change is observed at the block following the session change, block number of which we save in this storage value. Currently scheduled cores - free but up to be occupied. Bounded by the number of cores: one for each parachain and parathread multiplexer. The value contained here will not be valid after the end of a block. Runtime APIs should be used to determine scheduled cores/ for the upcoming block.attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroattempt to divide by zerocore is not out of bounds and we are guaranteed to be after the most recent session start; qed^7L^7L^7C/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/'Orderxcm::v0::orderNullDepositAssetDepositReserveAssetExchangeAssetInitiateReserveWithdrawInitiateTeleportQueryHoldingBuyExecution()/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/ops/arith.rsMMHalready borrowedalready mutably borrowedcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value 90/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/<, >addrheadbitsbit-vector capacity exceeded: > (F/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/`Q? vector was too long to be converted into a `BitVec``Q/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ bit-vector capacity exceededUVeccapacity capacity overflow`S06assertion failed: new_cap >= len`S{ ,67b6h"!V@@Ysattempt to divide by zeroq / ceil(q/$max) < $max. Macro prevents any type being created that does not satisfy this; qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/per_things.rsiJFailed to convertH/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ support is experimental and must be enabled using the `kv_unstable` featurepO/ Merlin v1.0/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/`STROBEv1.0.2DT^ DT_ DTh DT|You tried to continue op but changed flags to   DT You used the T flag, which this implementation doesn't support}>DT NodeNotFoundDuplicateReasonspallet_balancesFeeMiscAllReleasesV1_0_0V2_0_0VoteThresholdpallet_democracy::vote_thresholdSuperMajorityApproveSuperMajorityAgainstSimpleMajorityVotepallet_democracy::votePath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ to decode compact u32 at:Releasespallet_democracyV1Convictionpallet_democracy::convictionNoneLocked1xLocked2xLocked3xLocked4xLocked5xLocked6xparity/multi-phase-unsigned-electionEmergencyFallbackUnsignedSignedOnChainElectionComputepallet_election_provider_multi_phaseSolutionOrSnapshotSizevoterstargetsUntrustedScoreTooLowInvalidRoundInvalidScoreInvalidVoterInvalidVoteNposElectionSnapshotUnavailableWrongWinnerCountPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ authority set has been applied."#Current authority set has been paused.P&Current authority set has been resumed.'Eventpallet_grandpa::pallet The [event]( emitted by this pallet. fNewAuthoritiesPausedResumedPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/]Z)NoneRaw0Raw1Raw2Raw3Raw4Raw5Raw6Raw7Raw8Raw9Raw10Raw11Raw12Raw13Raw14Raw15Raw16Raw17Raw18Raw19Raw20Raw21Raw22Raw23Raw24Raw25Raw26Raw27Raw28Raw29Raw30Raw31Raw32BlakeTwo256Sha256Keccak256ShaThree256Datapallet_identity::typesBitFlagsTIdentityFieldDisplayLegalWebRiotEmailPgpFingerprintImageTwittercapacity overflow/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/^5/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/ T7 Path not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ Wsr25519::Publicsr25519::SignaturePublicpallet_im_online::sr25519::app_sr25519SignaturekindKindtimeslotOpaqueTimeSlotThere is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and(kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes.\[kind, timeslot\].!T!M#"Eventpallet_offences::palletEvents type.t" Offencesession_indexSessionIndexNew session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not theblock number as the type might suggest."N"'Eventpallet_session::pallet The [event]( emitted by this pallet. [#fNewSessionVotepallet_societySkepticRejectApproveJudgementRebidVouchingStatusVouchingBannedPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/$WindexSpanIndexstartEraIndexspan_indexlast_startlast_nonzero_slashpriorVecOptioncommissionPerbillblockedboolpallet_staking::slashingSlashingSpansActiveEraInfopallet_stakingValidatorPrefsForcingNotForcingForceNewForceNoneForceAlwaysReleasesV1_0_0AncientV2_0_0V3_0_0V4_0_0V5_0_0V6_0_0V7_0_0V8_0_0V9_0_0OptionTNoneSomeComputation error: Invalid division"&#pallet_staking_reward_fn/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/frame/staking/reward-fn/src/lib.rsReleasespallet_transaction_paymentV1AncientV2indexu32errorDispatchErrorBatch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, aswell as the error.#'Ux'Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error.'2A single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with no error.'GresultDispatchResultA call was dispatched.<(Eventpallet_utility::pallet The [event]( emitted by this pallet. (fBatchInterruptedBatchCompletedItemCompletedDispatchedAsResultTEOkErrReleasespallet_vestingV0V1VersionMigrationStagepallet_xcm::palletMigrateSupportedVersionMigrateVersionNotifiersNotifyCurrentTargetsMigrateAndNotifyOldTargetsOriginXcmResponseOptionTNoneSomePrevious match arm matches anyting less than 2^30; qed<*6/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/|*aWshifted sufficient bits right to lead only leading zeros; qed*=|*a^|*a|*aOption>MultiLocationCodec errorErrorPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/,HeadDatapolkadot_parachain::primitivesValidationCodeValidationCodeHashIdHrmpChannelIdPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/,WVecHashu32IdsenderrecipientValidatorIndexpolkadot_primitives::v2AvailabilityBitfieldCoreIndexGroupIndexParathreadClaimParathreadEntryCoreOccupiedParathreadParachainUpgradeRestrictionPresentUpgradeGoAheadAbortGoAheadDisputeStatementValidInvalidValidDisputeStatementKindExplicitBackingSecondedBackingValidApprovalCheckingInvalidDisputeStatementKindDisputeStatementSetValidityAttestationImplicitSessionInfoPvfCheckStatementPublicpolkadot_primitives::v2::assignment_appPublicpolkadot_primitives::v2::collator_appSignaturecannot bits from a -bit region/// / /home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/<(DisputeStatement, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature)>ValidatorSignatureactive_validator_indicesVecrandom_seed[u8; 32]dispute_periodvalidatorsVecdiscovery_keysVecassignment_keysVecvalidator_groupsVec>n_coreszeroth_delay_tranche_widthrelay_vrf_modulo_samplesn_delay_tranchesno_show_slotsneeded_approvalsacceptboolsubjectValidationCodeHashsession_indexvalidator_indexValidatorIndex/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ error: entered unreachable code: 3*bit-slices with equal type parameters, lengths, and heads will always have equal domains3Xf3SiloadstorePublicpolkadot_primitives::v2::validator_appSignaturePath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/[u8; 20][u8; 65]attempt to divide by zero85/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/\5j I hereby agree to the terms of the statement whose SHA-256 multihash is QmXEkMahfhHJPzT3RjkXiZVFi77ZeVeuxtAjhojGRNYckz. (This may be found at the URL: hereby agree to the terms of the statement whose SHA-256 multihash is Qmc1XYqT6S39WNp2UeiRUrZichUWUPpGEThDE6dAb3f6Ny. (This may be found at the URL: not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ code has been updated for a Para. `para_id`D:3Current head has been updated for a Para. `para_id`:3A code upgrade has been scheduled for a Para. `para_id`:7A new head has been noted for a Para. `para_id`;/A para has been queued to execute pending actions. `para_id`8;<ValidationCodeHashThe given para either initiated or subscribed to a PVF check for the given validationcode. `code_hash` `para_id`;U;The given validation code was accepted by the PVF pre-checking vote.`code_hash` `para_id`<DX<The given validation code was rejected by the PVF pre-checking vote.<DX<claimParathreadEntrycore_offsetqueueVecnext_core_offsetCollatorIdcoreCoreIndexpara_idkindAssignmentKindgroup_idxGroupIndexMessageIdUpward message is invalid XCM.\[ id \]i==Upward message is unsupported version of XCM.=-=OutcomeUpward message executed with the given outcome.\[ id, outcome \]=/>WeightThe weight limit for handling upward messages was reached.\[ id, remaining, required \]>>:x>Some upward messages have been received and will be processed.\[ para, count, size \]>>>OverweightIndexThe weight budget was exceeded for an individual upward message.This message can be later dispatched manually using `service_overweight` dispatchableusing the assigned `overweight_index`.\[ para, id, overweight_index, required \]?@@9_?U?&@9?*Upward message from the overweight queue was executed with the given actual weightused.\[ overweight_index, used \]4@R@@9@ParaLifecyclepolkadot_runtime_parachains::parasOnboardingParathreadParachainUpgradingParathreadDowngradingParachainOffboardingParathreadOffboardingParachainParaGenesisArgsthe ump queue would have grown past the max size permitted by config ( > ){AFAAthe ump queue would have more items than permitted by config (A>AAupward message idx larger than permitted by config (8BKB"AAmore upward messages than permitted by config (B/AA/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ump.rsB1%BufferedSessionChangepolkadot_runtime_parachains::initializerOriginpolkadot_runtime_parachains::origin::palletParachainDisputeLocationpolkadot_runtime_parachains::disputesLocalRemoteDisputeResultValidInvalidprocessed_downward_messages = , but dmq_length is only CDDMQ is not empty, but processed_downward_messages is 0DD6OptionTNoneSome/local/cpp/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/scheduler.rsD7M!attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroQueuedParathreadpolkadot_runtime_parachains::schedulerParathreadClaimQueueAssignmentKindParachainParathreadCoreAssignmentEventpolkadot_runtime_parachains::ump::pallet The [event]( emitted by this pallet. EfInvalidFormatUnsupportedVersionExecutedUpwardWeightExhaustedUpwardMessagesReceivedOverweightEnqueuedOverweightServicedsending the HRMP message at index would exceed the neogitiated channel capacity ( > )F"F1GG would exceed the neogitiated channel total size (F"8G3GGthe HRMP message at index exceeds the negotiated channel maximum message size (GG6GG is sent to a non existent channel ->GG#Hthe HRMP messages are not sorted (first unsorted is at index Eventpolkadot_runtime_parachains::paras::pallet The [event]( emitted by this pallet. "JfCurrentCodeUpdatedCurrentHeadUpdatedCodeUpgradeScheduledNewHeadNotedActionQueuedPvfCheckStartedPvfCheckAcceptedPvfCheckRejected0x K Kprimitive_types  …KH256Path not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/[u8; 32]called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueassertion failed: edge.height == self.height - 1/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rswL[ assertion failed: idx < CAPACITYwL[ assertion failed: src.len() == dst.len()wL[wL[MwL[assertion failed: edge.height == self.node.height - 1wL[ /rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsM_?VM_/()::All path segments should be valid Rust identifiers/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ is not a valid Rust identifierTNNNYy!InvalidIdentifiersegment(*MissingSegmentscalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsO_'O_$/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/core/src/str/ PO! PO PO!/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsPJ POcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/map/entry.rsWQ`F.Lsb0bitvec::orderPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ tRJw+,/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/helpers_128bit.rsreminder of div by c is always less than c; qed@Smn(result cannot fit in u128Path not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ to divide by zero/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/per_things.rsPercentsp_arithmetic::per_thingsPerU16PermillPerbillTiTPerquintillsum of input cannot fit in `T`/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/lib.rsUb0Proof provided in the module doc; qed.UbUb,Ublength of input is greater than zero; it must have a first; qedUbUbUb!capacity overflow/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/spec_from_iter_nested.rsV^5/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/vec/spec_extend.rsXWT7 already borrowedalready mutably borrowed-9-/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/biguint.rsXfK attempt to divide by zeroXfv Xf Xf XfXf{Xfi(Xfj(XfrXfsXfcannot fit a number into u128/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/arithmetic/src/fixed_point.rsattempt to divide with overflowYsp_arithmetic::fixed_pointdYjFixedU128Publicsp_authority_discovery::appPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/ numbercurrent epochchain randomnessAllowedSlotssp_consensus_babePrimarySlotsPrimaryAndSecondaryPlainSlotsPrimaryAndSecondaryVRFSlotsBabeEpochConfigurationPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/[Wc(u64, u64)allowed_slotsAllowedSlotssr25519::PublicPublicsp_consensus_babe::appSlotsp_consensus_slotsPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/\Wu64OpaqueNetworkStatesp_core::offchainOpaqueMultiaddrOpaquePeerIdsp_coreVoidPath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/]W[u8; 32][u8; 4][u8; 33][u8; 65][u8; 64]peer_idOpaquePeerIdexternal_addressesVecVecAccountId32sp_core::cryptoKeyTypeIdPublicsp_core::sr25519SignaturePublicsp_core::ed25519SignaturePublicsp_core::ecdsaSignature/rustc/ff0e14829e1806ca0d4226595f7fdf3e8658758f/library/alloc/src/slice.rsU_JPublicsp_finality_grandpa::appSignaturePath not assigned/home/kou/.cargo/registry/src/;<;=InherentDataExists>?/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/runtime-interface/src/impls.rsHost to wasm values are encoded correctly; qed`k*ZHost to wasm provides a valid enum discriminant; qed/home/kou/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/2b4818a/primitives/runtime-interface/src/pass_by.rsam Host to wasm values are encoded correctly; qedam&()[[\bruntimeRuntime memory exhausted. 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TransactionPaymentApi_query_info'TransactionPaymentApi_query_fee_details_ZN101_$LT$core..result..Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..misc..Defensive$LT$T$GT$$GT$27defensive_unwrap_or_default17h8e1c77afa35be06eE_ZN102_$LT$$LT$I$C$F$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17h96ce61776f6544e2E.llvm.15509467250370705400_ZN104_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnRuntimeUpgrade$GT$18on_runtime_upgrade17h5157ae7316c437f5E_ZN104_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnRuntimeUpgrade$GT$18on_runtime_upgrade17ha06b7b2767fe78ecE_ZN104_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnRuntimeUpgrade$GT$18on_runtime_upgrade17hd318b16735ce2064E_ZN13frame_support7weights1_112_$LT$impl$u20$scale_info..TypeInfo$u20$for$u20$frame_support..weights..WeightToFeeCoefficient$LT$Balance$GT$$GT$9type_info17h14088aae29b21465E_ZN10scale_info5impls84_$LT$impl$u20$scale_info..TypeInfo$u20$for$u20$core..result..Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$$GT$9type_info17h6a47c8b81e0fa7d2E_ZN12frame_system10extensions15check_mortality1_117_$LT$impl$u20$scale_info..TypeInfo$u20$for$u20$frame_system..extensions..check_mortality..CheckMortality$LT$T$GT$$GT$9type_info17he8e1ac87655d0eb7E_ZN10sp_runtime7generic5block1_123_$LT$impl$u20$parity_scale_codec..codec..Decode$u20$for$u20$sp_runtime..generic..block..Block$LT$Header$C$Extrinsic$GT$$GT$6decode17h23f27415bc3a5b0aE.llvm.15509467250370705400_ZN111_$LT$frame_system..pallet..Call$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..dispatch..UnfilteredDispatchable$GT$22dispatch_bypass_filter17h10841d927448244aE_ZN12frame_system55_$LT$impl$u20$frame_system..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$21deposit_event_indexed17hcc480ab2af5ed1d1E.llvm.15509467250370705400_ZN113_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17h285694364677cdb2E_ZN164_$LT$frame_system..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17hf78fbaa0b8cd2c3dE_ZN113_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17h65eacf8f219ded40E_ZN113_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17h85aa8290792f3092E_ZN113_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17he09ef32232ff9a09E_ZN113_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnIdle$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$7on_idle17hfc35de666cca84e7E_ZN113_$LT$pallet_vesting..pallet..Call$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..dispatch..UnfilteredDispatchable$GT$22dispatch_bypass_filter17hfdcdd9efb3fb28fbEj_ZN14pallet_vesting57_$LT$impl$u20$pallet_vesting..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$7do_vest17hdd5349e32cd68dadEv_ZN14pallet_vesting57_$LT$impl$u20$pallet_vesting..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$18do_vested_transfer17h2a7dc8d7ef3c8afbEo_ZN14pallet_vesting57_$LT$impl$u20$pallet_vesting..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$11exec_action17h9958d460824573d0Eq_ZN14pallet_vesting57_$LT$impl$u20$pallet_vesting..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$13write_vesting17hc35e47bab31da8e6E_ZN119_$LT$$LP$TupleElement0$C$TupleElement1$RP$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..hooks..OnInitialize$LT$BlockNumber$GT$$GT$13on_initialize17heb7715ae48df3d81E_ZN119_$LT$pallet_bags_list..pallet..Call$LT$T$C$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$frame_support..traits..dispatch..UnfilteredDispatchable$GT$22dispatch_bypass_filter17h1bb3423cde5ae52fE_ZN122_$LT$frame_system..extensions..check_mortality..CheckMortality$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$sp_runtime..traits..SignedExtension$GT$17additional_signed17hf45a1e07482f1a44E_ZN122_$LT$frame_system..extensions..check_mortality..CheckMortality$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$sp_runtime..traits..SignedExtension$GT$8validate17h597126c8b7ec97f2E_ZN12frame_system107_$LT$impl$u20$sp_runtime..traits..BlockNumberProvider$u20$for$u20$frame_system..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$20current_block_number17h710a2290aa967b96E_ZN12frame_system245_$LT$impl$u20$frame_support..traits..stored_map..StoredMap$LT$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..AccountId$C$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..AccountData$GT$$u20$for$u20$frame_system..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$17try_mutate_exists17h0312089a56aff8faE_ZN12frame_system245_$LT$impl$u20$frame_support..traits..stored_map..StoredMap$LT$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..AccountId$C$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..AccountData$GT$$u20$for$u20$frame_system..pallet..Pallet$LT$T$GT$$GT$17try_mutate_exists17h0a4437e8edb7cafeE_ZN12frame_system245_$LT$impl$u20$frame_support..traits..stored_map..StoredMap$LT$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT$..AccountId$C$$LT$T$u20$as$u20$frame_system..pallet..Config$GT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__umodti37 __udivti37 __ashlti37memcpy7memmove7memset7memcmp7 __lshrti37__multi3__stack_pointer producerslanguageRust processed-byrustc%1.58.0-nightly (ff0e14829 2021-10-31)