# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies. # # If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable). # See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents. [package] edition = "2021" name = "sc-executor-wasmtime" version = "0.35.0" authors = ["Parity Technologies "] description = "Defines a `WasmRuntime` that uses the Wasmtime JIT to execute. (polkadot v1.13.0)" homepage = "https://substrate.io" readme = "README.md" license = "GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk.git" [package.metadata.docs.rs] targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] [dependencies.anyhow] version = "1.0.81" [dependencies.cfg-if] version = "1.0" [dependencies.libc] version = "0.2.152" [dependencies.log] version = "0.4.21" default-features = true [dependencies.parking_lot] version = "0.12.1" [dependencies.rustix] version = "0.36.7" features = [ "fs", "mm", "param", "std", "use-libc", ] default-features = false [dependencies.sc-allocator] version = "29.0.0" [dependencies.sc-executor-common] version = "0.35.0" [dependencies.sp-runtime-interface] version = "28.0.0" [dependencies.sp-wasm-interface] version = "21.0.0" features = ["wasmtime"] [dependencies.wasmtime] version = "8.0.1" features = [ "cache", "cranelift", "jitdump", "parallel-compilation", "pooling-allocator", ] default-features = false [dev-dependencies.cargo_metadata] version = "0.15.4" [dev-dependencies.codec] version = "3.6.12" package = "parity-scale-codec" [dev-dependencies.paste] version = "1.0" [dev-dependencies.tempfile] version = "3.3.0" [dev-dependencies.wat] version = "1.0" [lints.clippy.all] level = "allow" priority = 0 [lints.clippy.bind_instead_of_map] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.borrowed-box] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.complexity] level = "warn" priority = 1 [lints.clippy.correctness] level = "warn" priority = 1 [lints.clippy.default_constructed_unit_structs] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.derivable_impls] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.eq_op] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.erasing_op] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.extra-unused-type-parameters] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.identity-op] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.if-same-then-else] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.needless-lifetimes] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.needless_option_as_deref] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.nonminimal-bool] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.option-map-unit-fn] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.stable_sort_primitive] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.too-many-arguments] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.type_complexity] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.unit_arg] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.unnecessary_cast] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.useless_conversion] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.while_immutable_condition] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.clippy.zero-prefixed-literal] level = "allow" priority = 2 [lints.rust.suspicious_double_ref_op] level = "allow" priority = 2