# Scatternotes Cli A CLI application to create an manage unordered notes. Best used together with the neovim extension. ## Usage Create notes in a directory (default `~/notes`): ```md This is a #test #note. You can #create #tags if you just put a #number-sign infront of the word: #this-is-a-tag Tags are used for searching notes. ``` All notes are stored in the same directory. The names of the files are random. All commands shown below also have shorthands.\ To view them run: scatternotes --help scatternotes --help You can generate new names with: scatternotes generate scatternotes generate 20 You can list all notes with: scatternotes list scatternotes list --with-tags You can search for notes with: scatternotes search <...> scatternotes search <...> --with-tags You can commit the notes with: # message: "update notes" scatternotes commit You can clean the notes with: # delete all notes containing #just-a-test tag # rename all non confirming notes scatternotes clean ## Installation You can use cargo to install the cli application. cargo install --locked scatternotes