name: sccache base: core22 adopt-info: sccache summary: sccache is ccache with cloud storage description: | sccache is a ccache-like compiler caching tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible, storing cached results either on local disk or in one of several cloud storage backends. sccache includes support for caching the compilation of C/C++ code, Rust, as well as NVIDIA's CUDA using nvcc. sccache also provides icecream-style distributed compilation (automatic packaging of local toolchains) for all supported compilers (including Rust). The distributed compilation system includes several security features that icecream lacks such as authentication, transport layer encryption, and sandboxed compiler execution on build servers. See the distributed quickstart guide for more information. sccache is also available as a GitHub Actions to facilitate the deployment using GitHub Actions cache. website: contact: license: "Apache-2.0" grade: stable confinement: classic apps: sccache: command: bin/sccache sccache-dist: command: bin/sccache-dist parts: sccache: plugin: rust rust-channel: 1.75.0 rust-use-global-lto: true source: . override-pull: | craftctl default craftctl set version="$( git -C "${CRAFT_PART_SRC}" describe --tags )" build-packages: - libssl-dev - make - pkg-config rust-features: - all - dist-server build-attributes: - enable-patchelf