use fs_err as fs; #[cfg(any(feature = "dist-client", feature = "dist-server"))] use sccache::config::HTTPUrl; use sccache::dist::{self, SchedulerStatusResult, ServerId}; use sccache::server::ServerInfo; use std::env; use std::io::Write; use std::net::{self, IpAddr, SocketAddr}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, Output, Stdio}; use std::str::{self, FromStr}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use assert_cmd::prelude::*; #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] use nix::{ sys::{ signal::Signal, wait::{WaitPidFlag, WaitStatus}, }, unistd::{ForkResult, Pid}, }; use predicates::prelude::*; use serde::Serialize; use uuid::Uuid; const CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX: &str = "sccache_dist_test"; const DIST_IMAGE: &str = "sccache_dist_test_image"; const DIST_DOCKERFILE: &str = include_str!("Dockerfile.sccache-dist"); const DIST_IMAGE_BWRAP_PATH: &str = "/usr/bin/bwrap"; const MAX_STARTUP_WAIT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); const DIST_SERVER_TOKEN: &str = "THIS IS THE TEST TOKEN"; const CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH: &str = "/sccache-bits"; const BUILD_DIR_CONTAINER_PATH: &str = "/sccache-bits/build-dir"; const SCHEDULER_PORT: u16 = 10500; const SERVER_PORT: u16 = 12345; // arbitrary const TC_CACHE_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 gig pub fn start_local_daemon(cfg_path: &Path, cached_cfg_path: &Path) { // Don't run this with run() because on Windows `wait_with_output` // will hang because the internal server process is not detached. if !sccache_command() .arg("--start-server") // Uncomment following lines to debug locally. // .env("SCCACHE_LOG", "debug") // .env( // "SCCACHE_ERROR_LOG", // env::temp_dir().join("sccache_local_daemon.txt"), // ) .env("SCCACHE_CONF", cfg_path) .env("SCCACHE_CACHED_CONF", cached_cfg_path) .status() .unwrap() .success() { panic!("Failed to start local daemon"); } } pub fn stop_local_daemon() -> bool { trace!("sccache --stop-server"); sccache_command() .arg("--stop-server") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .map_or(false, |status| status.success()) } pub fn get_stats(f: F) { sccache_command() .args(["--show-stats", "--stats-format=json"]) .assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::function(move |output: &[u8]| { let s = str::from_utf8(output).expect("Output not UTF-8"); let stats = serde_json::from_str(s).expect("Failed to parse JSON stats"); eprintln!("get server stats: {stats:?}"); f(stats); true })); } #[allow(unused)] pub fn zero_stats() { trace!("sccache --zero-stats"); drop( sccache_command() .arg("--zero-stats") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status(), ); } pub fn write_json_cfg(path: &Path, filename: &str, contents: &T) { let p = path.join(filename); let mut f = fs::File::create(p).unwrap(); f.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(contents).unwrap()).unwrap(); } pub fn write_source(path: &Path, filename: &str, contents: &str) { let p = path.join(filename); let mut f = fs::File::create(p).unwrap(); f.write_all(contents.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } // Prune any environment variables that could adversely affect test execution. pub fn sccache_command() -> Command { use sccache::util::OsStrExt; let mut cmd = Command::new(assert_cmd::cargo::cargo_bin("sccache")); for (var, _) in env::vars_os() { if var.starts_with("SCCACHE_") { cmd.env_remove(var); } } cmd } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] pub fn sccache_dist_path() -> PathBuf { assert_cmd::cargo::cargo_bin("sccache-dist") } pub fn sccache_client_cfg( tmpdir: &Path, preprocessor_cache_mode: bool, ) -> sccache::config::FileConfig { let cache_relpath = "client-cache"; let dist_cache_relpath = "client-dist-cache"; fs::create_dir(tmpdir.join(cache_relpath)).unwrap(); fs::create_dir(tmpdir.join(dist_cache_relpath)).unwrap(); let disk_cache = sccache::config::DiskCacheConfig { dir: tmpdir.join(cache_relpath), preprocessor_cache_mode: sccache::config::PreprocessorCacheModeConfig { use_preprocessor_cache_mode: preprocessor_cache_mode, ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() }; sccache::config::FileConfig { cache: sccache::config::CacheConfigs { azure: None, disk: Some(disk_cache), gcs: None, gha: None, memcached: None, redis: None, s3: None, webdav: None, oss: None, }, dist: sccache::config::DistConfig { auth: Default::default(), // dangerously_insecure scheduler_url: None, cache_dir: tmpdir.join(dist_cache_relpath), toolchains: vec![], toolchain_cache_size: TC_CACHE_SIZE, rewrite_includes_only: false, // TODO }, server_startup_timeout_ms: None, } } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] fn sccache_scheduler_cfg() -> sccache::config::scheduler::Config { sccache::config::scheduler::Config { public_addr: SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], SCHEDULER_PORT)), client_auth: sccache::config::scheduler::ClientAuth::Insecure, server_auth: sccache::config::scheduler::ServerAuth::Token { token: DIST_SERVER_TOKEN.to_owned(), }, } } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] fn sccache_server_cfg( tmpdir: &Path, scheduler_url: HTTPUrl, server_ip: IpAddr, ) -> sccache::config::server::Config { let relpath = "server-cache"; fs::create_dir(tmpdir.join(relpath)).unwrap(); sccache::config::server::Config { builder: sccache::config::server::BuilderType::Overlay { build_dir: BUILD_DIR_CONTAINER_PATH.into(), bwrap_path: DIST_IMAGE_BWRAP_PATH.into(), }, cache_dir: Path::new(CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH).join(relpath), public_addr: SocketAddr::new(server_ip, SERVER_PORT), scheduler_url, scheduler_auth: sccache::config::server::SchedulerAuth::Token { token: DIST_SERVER_TOKEN.to_owned(), }, toolchain_cache_size: TC_CACHE_SIZE, } } // TODO: this is copied from the sccache-dist binary - it's not clear where would be a better place to put the // code so that it can be included here #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] fn create_server_token(server_id: ServerId, auth_token: &str) -> String { format!("{} {}", server_id.addr(), auth_token) } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] pub enum ServerHandle { Container { cid: String, url: HTTPUrl }, Process { pid: Pid, url: HTTPUrl }, } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] pub struct DistSystem { sccache_dist: PathBuf, tmpdir: PathBuf, scheduler_name: Option, server_names: Vec, server_pids: Vec, } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] impl DistSystem { pub fn new(sccache_dist: &Path, tmpdir: &Path) -> Self { // Make sure the docker image is available, building it if necessary let mut child = Command::new("docker") .args(["build", "-q", "-t", DIST_IMAGE, "-"]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); child .stdin .as_mut() .unwrap() .write_all(DIST_DOCKERFILE.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); let output = child.wait_with_output().unwrap(); check_output(&output); let tmpdir = tmpdir.join("distsystem"); fs::create_dir(&tmpdir).unwrap(); Self { sccache_dist: sccache_dist.to_owned(), tmpdir, scheduler_name: None, server_names: vec![], server_pids: vec![], } } pub fn add_scheduler(&mut self) { let scheduler_cfg_relpath = "scheduler-cfg.json"; let scheduler_cfg_path = self.tmpdir.join(scheduler_cfg_relpath); let scheduler_cfg_container_path = Path::new(CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH).join(scheduler_cfg_relpath); let scheduler_cfg = sccache_scheduler_cfg(); fs::File::create(scheduler_cfg_path) .unwrap() .write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&scheduler_cfg).unwrap()) .unwrap(); // Create the scheduler let scheduler_name = make_container_name("scheduler"); let output = Command::new("docker") .args([ "run", "--name", &scheduler_name, "-e", "SCCACHE_NO_DAEMON=1", "-e", "SCCACHE_LOG=debug", "-e", "RUST_BACKTRACE=1", "--network", "host", "-v", &format!("{}:/sccache-dist", self.sccache_dist.to_str().unwrap()), "-v", &format!( "{}:{}", self.tmpdir.to_str().unwrap(), CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH ), "-d", DIST_IMAGE, "bash", "-c", &format!( r#" set -o errexit && exec /sccache-dist scheduler --config {cfg} "#, cfg = scheduler_cfg_container_path.to_str().unwrap() ), ]) .output() .unwrap(); self.scheduler_name = Some(scheduler_name); check_output(&output); let scheduler_url = self.scheduler_url(); wait_for_http(scheduler_url, Duration::from_millis(100), MAX_STARTUP_WAIT); wait_for( || { let status = self.scheduler_status(); if matches!( status, SchedulerStatusResult { num_servers: 0, num_cpus: _, in_progress: 0 } ) { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("{:?}", status)) } }, Duration::from_millis(100), MAX_STARTUP_WAIT, ); } pub fn add_server(&mut self) -> ServerHandle { let server_cfg_relpath = format!("server-cfg-{}.json", self.server_names.len()); let server_cfg_path = self.tmpdir.join(&server_cfg_relpath); let server_cfg_container_path = Path::new(CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH).join(server_cfg_relpath); let server_name = make_container_name("server"); let output = Command::new("docker") .args([ "run", // Important for the bubblewrap builder "--privileged", "--name", &server_name, "-e", "SCCACHE_LOG=debug", "-e", "RUST_BACKTRACE=1", "--network", "host", "-v", &format!("{}:/sccache-dist", self.sccache_dist.to_str().unwrap()), "-v", &format!( "{}:{}", self.tmpdir.to_str().unwrap(), CONFIGS_CONTAINER_PATH ), "-d", DIST_IMAGE, "bash", "-c", &format!( r#" set -o errexit && while [ ! -f {cfg}.ready ]; do sleep 0.1; done && exec /sccache-dist server --config {cfg} "#, cfg = server_cfg_container_path.to_str().unwrap() ), ]) .output() .unwrap(); self.server_names.push(server_name.clone()); check_output(&output); let server_ip = IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); let server_cfg = sccache_server_cfg(&self.tmpdir, self.scheduler_url(), server_ip); fs::File::create(&server_cfg_path) .unwrap() .write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&server_cfg).unwrap()) .unwrap(); fs::File::create(format!("{}.ready", server_cfg_path.to_str().unwrap())).unwrap(); let url = HTTPUrl::from_url( reqwest::Url::parse(&format!("https://{}:{}", server_ip, SERVER_PORT)).unwrap(), ); let handle = ServerHandle::Container { cid: server_name, url, }; self.wait_server_ready(&handle); handle } pub fn add_custom_server( &mut self, handler: S, ) -> ServerHandle { let server_addr = { let ip = IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); let listener = net::TcpListener::bind(SocketAddr::from((ip, 0))).unwrap(); listener.local_addr().unwrap() }; let token = create_server_token(ServerId::new(server_addr), DIST_SERVER_TOKEN); let server = dist::http::Server::new(server_addr, self.scheduler_url().to_url(), token, handler) .unwrap(); let pid = match unsafe { nix::unistd::fork() }.unwrap() { ForkResult::Parent { child } => { self.server_pids.push(child); child } ForkResult::Child => { env::set_var("SCCACHE_LOG", "sccache=trace"); env_logger::try_init().unwrap(); server.start().unwrap(); unreachable!(); } }; let url = HTTPUrl::from_url(reqwest::Url::parse(&format!("https://{}", server_addr)).unwrap()); let handle = ServerHandle::Process { pid, url }; self.wait_server_ready(&handle); handle } pub fn restart_server(&mut self, handle: &ServerHandle) { match handle { ServerHandle::Container { cid, url: _ } => { let output = Command::new("docker") .args(["restart", cid]) .output() .unwrap(); check_output(&output); } ServerHandle::Process { pid: _, url: _ } => { // TODO: pretty easy, just no need yet panic!("restart not yet implemented for pids") } } self.wait_server_ready(handle) } pub fn wait_server_ready(&mut self, handle: &ServerHandle) { let url = match handle { ServerHandle::Container { cid: _, url } | ServerHandle::Process { pid: _, url } => { url.clone() } }; wait_for_http(url, Duration::from_millis(100), MAX_STARTUP_WAIT); wait_for( || { let status = self.scheduler_status(); if matches!( status, SchedulerStatusResult { num_servers: 1, num_cpus: _, in_progress: 0 } ) { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("{:?}", status)) } }, Duration::from_millis(100), MAX_STARTUP_WAIT, ); } pub fn scheduler_url(&self) -> HTTPUrl { let url = format!("{}", SCHEDULER_PORT); HTTPUrl::from_url(reqwest::Url::parse(&url).unwrap()) } fn scheduler_status(&self) -> SchedulerStatusResult { let res = reqwest::blocking::get(dist::http::urls::scheduler_status( &self.scheduler_url().to_url(), )) .unwrap(); assert!(res.status().is_success()); bincode::deserialize_from(res).unwrap() } } // If you want containers to hang around (e.g. for debugging), comment out the "rm -f" lines #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] impl Drop for DistSystem { fn drop(&mut self) { let mut did_err = false; // Panicking halfway through drop would either abort (if it's a double panic) or leave us with // resources that aren't yet cleaned up. Instead, do as much as possible then decide what to do // at the end - panic (if not already doing so) or let the panic continue macro_rules! droperr { ($e:expr) => { match $e { Ok(()) => (), Err(e) => { did_err = true; eprintln!("Error with {}: {}", stringify!($e), e) } } }; } let mut logs = vec![]; let mut outputs = vec![]; let mut exits = vec![]; if let Some(scheduler_name) = self.scheduler_name.as_ref() { droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["logs", scheduler_name]) .output() .map(|o| logs.push((scheduler_name, o)))); droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["kill", scheduler_name]) .output() .map(|o| outputs.push((scheduler_name, o)))); droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["rm", "-f", scheduler_name]) .output() .map(|o| outputs.push((scheduler_name, o)))); } for server_name in self.server_names.iter() { droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["logs", server_name]) .output() .map(|o| logs.push((server_name, o)))); droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["kill", server_name]) .output() .map(|o| outputs.push((server_name, o)))); droperr!(Command::new("docker") .args(["rm", "-f", server_name]) .output() .map(|o| outputs.push((server_name, o)))); } for &pid in self.server_pids.iter() { droperr!(nix::sys::signal::kill(pid, Signal::SIGINT)); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let mut killagain = true; // Default to trying to kill again, e.g. if there was an error waiting on the pid droperr!( nix::sys::wait::waitpid(pid, Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG)).map(|ws| { if ws != WaitStatus::StillAlive { killagain = false; exits.push(ws) } }) ); if killagain { eprintln!("SIGINT didn't kill process, trying SIGKILL"); droperr!(nix::sys::signal::kill(pid, Signal::SIGKILL)); droperr!(nix::sys::wait::waitpid(pid, Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG)) .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) .and_then(|ws| if ws == WaitStatus::StillAlive { Err("process alive after sigkill".to_owned()) } else { exits.push(ws); Ok(()) })); } } for ( container, Output { status, stdout, stderr, }, ) in logs { println!( "LOGS == ({}) ==\n> {} <:\n## STDOUT\n{}\n\n## STDERR\n{}\n====", status, container, String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&stderr) ); } for ( container, Output { status, stdout, stderr, }, ) in outputs { println!( "OUTPUTS == ({}) ==\n> {} <:\n## STDOUT\n{}\n\n## STDERR\n{}\n====", status, container, String::from_utf8_lossy(&stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&stderr) ); } for exit in exits { println!("EXIT: {:?}", exit) } if did_err && !thread::panicking() { panic!("Encountered failures during dist system teardown") } } } fn make_container_name(tag: &str) -> String { format!( "{}_{}_{}", CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX, tag, Uuid::new_v4().hyphenated() ) } fn check_output(output: &Output) { if !output.status.success() { println!("{}\n\n[BEGIN STDOUT]\n===========\n{}\n===========\n[FIN STDOUT]\n\n[BEGIN STDERR]\n===========\n{}\n===========\n[FIN STDERR]\n\n", output.status, String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); panic!() } } #[cfg(feature = "dist-server")] fn wait_for_http(url: HTTPUrl, interval: Duration, max_wait: Duration) { // TODO: after upgrading to reqwest >= 0.9, use 'danger_accept_invalid_certs' and stick with that rather than tcp wait_for( || { let url = url.to_url(); let url = url.socket_addrs(|| None).unwrap(); match net::TcpStream::connect(url.as_slice()) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), } }, interval, max_wait, ) } fn wait_for Result<(), String>>(f: F, interval: Duration, max_wait: Duration) { let start = Instant::now(); let mut lasterr; loop { match f() { Ok(()) => return, Err(e) => lasterr = e, } if start.elapsed() > max_wait { break; } thread::sleep(interval) } panic!("wait timed out, last error result: {}", lasterr) }