# schedule-mouse-click [![Crate](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/schedule-mouse-click.svg?color=orange)](https://crates.io/crates/schedule-mouse-click) [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/JasonWei512/schedule-mouse-click)](https://github.com/JasonWei512/schedule-mouse-click/releases) A command line tool to schedule a mouse click at a specific time. # Install - Download prebuilt binary from [GitHub release page](https://github.com/JasonWei512/schedule-mouse-click/releases). - 🦀 Install with [Cargo](https://rustup.rs/): ``` cargo install schedule-mouse-click ``` ## ⚠ About Linux 🐧 This program uses [enigo](https://github.com/enigo-rs/enigo) to simulate mouse clicks. Linux users may have to install `libxdo-dev` if they are using `X11`. For example, on Debian-based distros: ```Bash apt-get install libxdo-dev ``` On Arch: ```Bash pacman -S xdotool ``` On Fedora: ```Bash dnf install libX11-devel libxdo-devel ``` # Usage ## Click at a specific time Click at 18:00:00 : ```Bash schedule-mouse-click at 18:00:00 schedule-mouse-click at 18:00 schedule-mouse-click at 6:00pm ``` This program uses [waltzofpearls/dateparser](https://github.com/waltzofpearls/dateparser) to parse time. ## Click after a specific amount of time Click in 2 minutes and 30 seconds: ```Bash schedule-mouse-click in 2m30s schedule-mouse-click in 150s schedule-mouse-click in 150 ``` This program uses [tailhook/humantime](https://github.com/tailhook/humantime) to parse duration. ## Click now ```Bash schedule-mouse-click now ``` ## Double-click Add `--double` or `-d` flag to double-click: ```Bash schedule-mouse-click --double at 18:00:00 schedule-mouse-click --double in 2m30s schedule-mouse-click -d now ```