## SchemeGuardian Changes by Version ### Version 1.2.0 - Add `AuthState` to show the current status of an authentication mechanism 1. `RandomDefault` shows that an accounts authentication is currently in a default state with a randomly generated authentication mechanism 2. `ResetTriggered` shows that a user triggered an authentication for reset 3. `Transparent` shows that an account auth state is in normal state and visible to the user 4. `ResetInProgress` shows the authentication code for authentication reset has been triggered. for accounts that have to be pre-registered then the user has to set the authentication mechanism there after 5. `TempLock` shows an account is temporary locked using a `TempLock` - Add `TempLock` to give a user account a minimal reset time after multiple authentication attempts 1. Duration(TAI64N) - set after a specified timeframe 2. RandomToMail - set only after a user/node confirms a random key from email address 3. RandomToNode - set only after a user/node confirms a random key from a logged in device 4. RandomToUser - set after another `associated` user authenticates the random key from an authorized device 5. RandomToMultiUser - set after multiple `associated` users authenticate the random key from their devices 6. RandomToSuperUser - set only after an `SuperUser` authenticates the random key 7. RandomToAdmin - set only after an `Admin` authenticates the random key 8. RandomToSubAdmin - set only after a `SubAdmin` authenticates the random key 5. RandomToMultiNode - set after multiple `associated` nodes authenticate the random key