## authR A fast, lightweight, type-safe and self-dependent middleware for user session authorization #### Features 1. Auth0, TOTP, OTP, Cookies, JWTs with QR codes 2. Session management 3. token-based authentication, such as OpenID, OAuth, or OpenID Connect -Login with github, twitter 4. Protection from CSRF 5. Password reset, Email and phone-number verification 6. Micro-session with expiry to allow a timed access to an account, file or role 7. Role based user management via URL authorization 8. Request for role-based user management to prevent transveral or URLs 9. Support non-browser based applications like mobile and IoT apps via bearer tokens 10. HSTS, HPKP, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies, Referrer-Policy, Expect-CT, Feature-Policy, Content-Security-Policy 11. explore sessionStorage & localStorage