syntax = "proto3"; package; option go_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = ""; option java_outer_classname = "ObjectModels"; import "sciobjsdb/api/storage/models/v1/common_models.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message ObjectGroup { string id = 1; int64 revision_counter = 2; ObjectGroupRevision current_revision = 3; string dataset_id = 4; string project_id = 5; } message ObjectGroupRevision { string id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; string dataset_id = 4; string project_id = 5; repeated Label labels = 6; repeated Annotation annotations = 7; Status status = 8; repeated Object objects = 9; repeated Object metadata_objects = 10; google.protobuf.Timestamp generated = 11; google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 12; ObjectGroupStats stats = 13; Subpath subpath = 15; // Expected external path; Can be used when downloading data; Should be a relative path string object_group_id = 16; int64 revision_number = 17; //Number in the history, will be assigned after the ObjectGroupRevision has been finalized and added to the objectgroups history } message ObjectGroupStats { int64 object_count = 1; int64 acc_size = 2; double avg_object_size = 3; int64 meta_object_count = 4; } message Object { string id = 1; //ID of the entity string filename = 2; // Filename: Name of the original file e.g.: mydata.json string filetype = 3; // Filetype: The specific type of the file, which can be the combination of a format like json and a specific schema (e.g. mzML using XML format and a specific schema) repeated Label labels = 4; repeated Annotation annotations = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 6; // When the data object was created repeated Location locations = 7; // Location: Location of the data Location default_location = 18; Origin origin = 8; // Origin: Source of the dataset int64 content_len = 9; // ContentLen: Lenght of the stored dataset google.protobuf.Timestamp generated = 11; string object_group_id = 12; string dataset_id = 13; string project_id = 14; Status status = 15; ObjectStats stats = 16; string fileformat = 17; // Fileformat: Format of the stored file, e.g.: json, csv,... } message ObjectStats { } message Subpath { string path = 1; }